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Red Sonja in Hells Ch. 02

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Desert Hell.
8.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/23/2006
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Red Sonja and the Ten Levels of Hell
Part Two - Desert Hell

Red Sonja landed ass first as she tumbled out of the gate. Head still spinning and half blind from the flashing lights, she was glad she had at least landed on something soft, though after a few seconds it began to feel quite warm on her backside. In fact, as her head cleared, the realized that it felt like she had landed in an oven. Well, what did you expect? she mocked herself, this was supposed to be some kind of Hell according to that bastard Taurus. When Sonja's vision did clear she noticed four things. All of them were sharp, curved swords that were about an inch from her head on each side of her. As she followed the swords back to the arms that held them and to the bodies that the arms belonged to, she saw four men dressed in the traditional garments of desert dwellers everywhere. Long flowing robes, cloths to cover the head from the hellish heat and oh yeah the curved swords. As Sonja's gaze traveled past the men, she saw that she indeed was sitting on hot desert sands, hence her warm backside, and that the sands seemed to travel off in the traditional manner towards the horizon with no end in sight.

"Do not move or we will cut off your head!" shouted one of the four men in an agitated voice.

Four to one odds were nothing new or disturbing for the red haired warrior, but the disorientation of the gate had left Sonja at a distinct disadvantage for a fight. She coolly cocked a eyebrow at the speaker. "Would you mind pointing those things somewhere else?"

"Shut up demon," cried a second man. "You will stand up slowly and come with us. El Harrah will decide what to do with you." At that, the four men stood back slightly to allow Sonja to stand up, but she remained seated in the sand.

"I told you to stand up!" ordered number two.

"And he," gestured Sonja towards number one, "told me not to move or he would cut off my head. I am not moving until you get your act together and decide what you want me to do without making me lose my head."

The men began a hasty squabble about what to do and Sonja sighed. She was tempted to try and take the idiots out, but it would be iffy, even for her to go from a sitting position and fight four men who had their swords drawn while hers was still in her scabbard. As she listened to the four men, she realized that they were not speaking a language that she could understand, but somehow the meaning of their words was being sent straight to her mind. Sonja looked down at the silver chain that Taurus had given her. Hmmm, perhaps that was one of its functions.

"You will stand up and come with us to see El Harrah," said number one. "We have agreed on that."

Red Sonja decided she might as well go along with the men, at least for the time being and even allowed them to take her sword and the knife on her belt. The idiots didn't bother to search her any further so she stils had the daggers she kept in each boot, the garroting wire she kept hidden in hair and the lock pick clipped to the inside of her armor. In this rough and tumble world, a woman had to be ready to protect herself. It was a long hot walk over the desert back to the camp of these nomads which consisted of a dozen or so large tents baking under the desert sun. The four guards led Sonja to the largest tent in the center of the camp and rather rudely shoved her inside.

"Oh great El Harrah, we have brought you a prisoner, possibly one of the demons who have been plaguing us!" said idiot number one, coming smartly to attention.

Sonja looked around the tent. The man idio number one was addressing was sitting on a pile of pillows in the center of the tent. He was a swarthy looking man with a huge black moustache. Beside him were two identical women, dark haired and beautiful with large shining blue eyes.

"A demon Raziz?" scoffed El Harrah. "You and I have seen demons and I don't recall any demon having a pair of tits that huge!"

"But, but, she could be a female demon sir, and look at that fiery red hair of hers. I have never seen such hair before."

"Bah, if you were a male demon and your wife looked like that, would you bother going out to raid our camp? Of course not! You would stay at home and fuck her brains out and not care what mortals do. I rather doubt she is a demon."

Red Sonja decided it was time to speak up and took a step forward. "Great El Harrah, my name is Red Sonja. I am a traveler from far lands and I am no demon."

El Harrah looked surprised and Sonja realized that he too did not understand her spoken words, but that the silver chain had sent the words directly to his mind as well. "Hmmm perhaps I was hasty in my judgment of you," he replied. "There does appear to be something magical about you after all."

"Magical yes, but not demonic," insisted Sonja. "I am on a quest for a wizard who has kidnapped a friend of mine and a spell of his allows me to both understand and be understood by others who do not speak the same tongue as me."

"Perhaps that is true," admitted El Harrah, "but I must ask the advice of my two Shamans on this matter. May I introduce Jasmine and Jane," and he gestured to the two lovely women on either side of him.

Red Sonja blinked at the two mismatched names. "Umm, isn't that an unusual name for a desert princess?" asked Sonja looking at the two women, not sure which was which.

"Daddy was on a J kick that year," said the woman on El Harrah's right. "I was his eleventh child that year and frankly daddy dear was a bit drunk at the time of the naming so I ended up as Jane while my bitch of a sister got the good name."

"Why thank you sister," replied Jasmine. "Of course Jane in our language translates as 'desert whore' but I am sure that is just an unfortunate resemblance to your true nature."

Things might have gotten out of hand, but apparently El Harrah was quite used to the fighting between the two and put a hand on each woman and pulled them back from their springing positions onto the cushions. "I just need to know if there is some way of testing this woman to see if she is a demon or not."

"Of course there is," sniffed Jane. "The test of Suckiess is quite conclusive."

"The test of Suckiess?" scoffed Jasmine. "A much better test is the Trial of Climaxia."

Once more the two women were poised to go at each other when El Harrah again put a stop to it. "Enough!" he shouted. "We shall administer both tests on the red haired outsider. If she passes both tests, she surely cannot be a demon. Agreed?"

"Agreed," replied the two women in unison.

"We shall try Jasmine's test first," announced El Harrah. "You called it the Trial of Climaxia. Explain it please."

Jasmine smirked at her sister and then at Sonja. "It is quite simple. It is well known that demons can find sexual gratification only through rape, which is why they are always lusting after human females to slate their bestial hungers. If this woman can bring herself to a climax by her own hands then she can not be a demon."

Sonja blinked her eyes in shock. Surely she had not heard Jasmine correctly. "You mean, you want me to masturbate myself to an orgasm to prove I am not a demon? I refuse!"

"It is either that or die," smirked El Harrah. "Your choice." He snapped his fingers and suddenly there were her four friends with their sharp curved swords preparing to strike.

"Alright, alright, I will do it," agreed Sonja angrily. She looked around the tent and while there were a number of jewels in hilts of swords and on various ornaments, none of them stood out. Taurus had implied that she would know the correct gem when she saw it, so as disgusting as it seemed she was going to have to play along (literally) with these tests.

Sonja reached behind her back and with everyone in the tent watching, undid the clasp on the top and let it fall to the floor. There were a number of whistles and all eyes in the tent were glued on her large full breasts. Sonja then removed her bottoms and showed everyone that she was indeed a true redhead as the hair of her neatly trimmed bush gleamed the same fiery red as her mane. Sonja stood there in front of the tent full of people clad only in her boots feeling like some sort of freak show then reluctantly she spread her legs wider as she stood there and her hands reached between them. Trying to keep her hands from shaking and stifling a scream of total frustration over her humiliation, Sonja's right thumb found the nub of her clit and began to rub it. With her left hand, she spread her pussy lips and slipped two fingers inside of herself. She heard the gasps and titters from the audience and tried to shut them out, pretending this was just another lonely night at a campfire with no one watching.

"Look at the slut playing with herself," smirked Jasmine. "She can not be a demon, only a cheap whore."

"Let's wait and see if she can climax," sniffed Jane, but her eyes too were glued in lust on the sight of the red haired woman playing with herself in front of her.

Sonja heard the comments and felt renewed shame at her actions, but also the pleasure in her body was mounting. A shudder ran through Sonja's body as she touched herself. It made her big soft melons jiggle and an appreciative murmur ran through the watchers. Red Sonja could feel herself getting wet and knew that everyone in the tent could see the wetness on her inner thighs and on her fingers. A small moan of pleasure escaped Sonja's lips despite her best efforts to hold it back and not give her voyeurs the satisfaction of knowing she was starting to enjoy the sensations running through her body. Sweat was pouring off her body now as she slid her fingers in and out of her cunt faster now while massaging her hard clit. Legs feeling rubbery, Sonja collapsed on the tend floor, legs spread wide as she continued to pleasure herself, almost forgetting her audience in her desire to climax. Heads craned and people jostled for better views of the masturbating red head as she lay there writhing and moaning on the t nt floor. It was the third finger that she crammed into her pussy that finally drove Sonja over the edge. Her back arched and with a loud moan of pleasure, Red Sonja climaxed and felt the juices squirting from her, leaving a sticky trail down her inner thighs.

Sonja lay on the tend floor basking in the lingering glow of her orgasm and it took her several long seconds to realize that everyone was clapping at her performance. Everyone except Jane.

"The red haired trollop has passed the first test," she allowed, "but we shall see if she can pass a true test of demonhood."

"Of course my dear," soothed El Harrah. "Now tell us what your test entails. I believe you called it the Test of Suckias?"

"Yes," purred Jane and that sound sent chills up Sonja's spine. "A true demon is a vicious beast who can not disobey its true nature. If the manhood of a human is placed in the mouth of a demon, the demon will be unable to resist the temptation to bite it clean off with its teeth and leave the human to bleed to death on the sands. On the other hand, if the testee can bring the person to a climax then she must be human."

"Ah, a very interesting test," commented El Harrah. "Also, a very dangerous test for the person who administers it."

"Wait just a damn second," said Sonja sitting up. "Her test is to make me suck a man's.....a man's cock until it cums to prove I am not a demon? That is ridiculous. I may have degraded myself in front of you and masturbated but if you think I am going to blow some cock to prove I am not a demon then you have another thought coming!"

El Harrah shrugged. "Again it is your choice. You can attempt the test or die." He started to snap his fingers, but Sonja stopped him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know the routine already."

El Harrah smiled. He liked a fast learner. "The question then is whose cock shall we use? As delightful as it might be to have such a sweet looking bitch suck on their cock, who is willing to risk their manhood for such a test?"

Jane pointed to a large beefy guard standing by the tent flap. He was not one of Sonja original four acquaintances and was dressed in a bright crimson robe. "I nominate Mustafah," said Jane.

Jasmine frowned. "Why Mustafah?"

"Two reason replied Jane. First he has the biggest shlong in the camp and second he is wearing a red robe. Everyone knows that means he is expendable."

Jasmine nodded in rare agreement with her twin sister then paused and gave her sibling a calculated look. "Oh, and how would you know Mustafah has the biggest dick in the tribe sister?"

"Through my Shamanic powers," countered Jane hotly and glared around the room daring anyone to contradict her. Wisely, nobody did. Jane's choice of Mustafah was a good one for a third unspoken reason. The man was as dumb as a tent post. When asked if he wanted the naked red headed woman to blow him, he readily agreed without any worry about the risk involved if she were to fail the test.

As Mustafah lumbered into the center of the tent, Sonja raised herself onto her knees for the ordeal. She would actually rather prefer to rip the fool's organ off with her teeth rather than further humiliate herself, but that would not help her quest or save Killia. So heart pounding, Red Sonja waited on her hands and knees while the brute reached in his robe and brought out his huge cock. Goddess, the thing was twelve inches long and not fully hard yet! Sonja gulped and licked her lips in dread. She had never in her life willingly accepted a man's organ into her mouth. She had only vague half buried memories of having her mouth raped in the incident that had made her Red Sonja and she had very little idea of how to go about sucking on a cock, let alone a monster like this one.

Sonja need not have worried. Mustafah might be several mouthfuls short of having a full canteen, but he knew what he liked and wanted. He smiled down at the red haired whore in front of him and wiped his cock on her lips, leaving a smear of precum on them. Then with a lusty smirk, he grabbed Sonja's ears and pulled her face towards him. Despite herself Sonja opened her mouth in protest which was exactly what Mustafah wanted and he shoved his cock into Sonja's mouth. He rammed it in until it hit the back of Sonja's mouth and then he forced it past her gag reflext into her throat, as deep as he could get it. Finally his balls banged on Sonja's chin and Sonja's big blue eyes bulged out as she tried to breath with the thick meat shoved into her throat. Sonja gagged and tried to move back, but the big man had hold of the back of her head now and kept her mouth pinned on his thick cock. Still smiling down at her, Mustafah began to pull Sonja's head up and down on his dick. Red Sonja realized she wasn't going to have to do too much as Mustafah was quite content to just fuck her face hard. She wished they had picked someone else with more of a sense of personal hygiene though. Frankly, Mustafah smelled and he could do with a bath. If she had to suck a cock, she wished it could have been a cleaner one. The best Sonja could come up with, however, was to coat his cock with as much saliva as she could produce so the thick shaft would slide down her throat easier without damaging her throat permanently. Instinctively she used her tongue to spread the saliva on the cock and unwittingly gave Mustafah a lot more pleasure in the process.

It seemed like hours to Sonja kneeling there naked on the floor with all those people watching her get her face fucked, but in reality it was only five minutes before Mustafah grunted and then gripping Sonja's head tight in his huge paws, shot his load into her mouth. Sonja could sense his cock tensing up in her mouth and knew it was coming, but was powerless to do anything about it. What was it going to taste like? Did she have to swallow it? Suddenly a warm jet of liquid struck the back of her throat and she had her answers. It actually tasted not bad, and she either would swallow it or drown in the volume of liquid Mustafah was producing. A trickle of white fluid escaped the corners of Sonja's mouth as Mustafah continue to drive his cock into her mouth as he came. The sticky stuff rolled down her chin and dripped onto her big tits forming a puddle there. Finally Mustafah stopped cumming and with a big silly grin on his face pulled his cock out of Sonja's mouth with a pop. He put his cock away and walked back to the entrance to the tend leaving the naked woman sitting there and wiping cum off her lips.

"Satisfied?" she finally managed after a few cum gurgling attempts at speech.

El Harrah looked at his two twin Shamans and they nodded. "Yes. And now in honor of your visit, I invite you to dine with me and my Shamans tonight."

Red Sonja was boiling mad inside at her humiliation, but she hid her feelings from the tribal ruler and smiled at him sweetly (a very bad sign for those that knew her) and proclaimed that she would be happy to share a meal with El Harrah and his two wise Shamans.

Sonja got dressed in her armor again and the tent bustled wit activity as food was brought in for the meal. While they ate, Sonja plied El Harrah with questions about their demon problems that had led to her "tests." The meal was served on low tables that were just the right height for someone sitting on the floor and Sonja actually found herself starting to like El Harrah. He was certainly a dynamic figure as he spent any time not eating copping feels of his two lovely Shamans who sat on either side of him. He was careful to treat each one equally so neither got too upset and all the while he leered at Sonja's cleavage as she sat across from him at the table. It seems that the tribe had been plagued by attacks from the "sand demons" as they called them for the past month. The demons did seem to have a preference for abducting the young women of the tribe who would be found the next day in the desert....naked and dead but with a smile on their faces. El Harrah had led many forays into the desert in pursuit of the demons but gad caught nothing but fleeting glimpses of his foes. "It is a big desert," he commented and grimaced.

"Demons are tough to catch and kill," agreed Sonja thinking of her various experiences with the denizens of the netherworlds.

"Ahh, you have experience in dealing with demons then," smiled El Harrah. "A demon hunter? Perhaps we could enlist your services?"

"I would like to help," replied Sonja, "but I am already on a quest"

"And what exactly are you seeking?" inquired El Harrah.

Red Sonja thought it best not to mention the gem. If it was somewhere in this camp, she didn't want to put El Harrah on guard against her. Instead she shrugged, "oh don't worry about it. You have enough problems as it is."

After dinner, over a glass of wine, El Harrah gestured around the tent with his arms and told Sonja that she would be the guest of him and his Shamans that night.

"I don't want to impose on your hospitality," began Sonja but El Harrah interrupted her.

"Nonsense, I insist that you sleep with us tonight. I would be most insulted if you did not."

"Umm well," began Sonja and she broke off nervously as Jasmine and Jane stood up and came around the table and sat on either side of her. Before the astounded Sonja could protest, Jasmine undid Sonja's top and released her boobs to view once more.

"When El Harrah says he wants you to sleep with us, he means he wants you to share our bed." whispered Jasmine as she began to run her hands over Sonjas' breasts. On the other side, Jane bent her head down and began to lick at one of Sonja's tits.

"Ummmmm," was all Sonja could think of. She had drank too much wine and the warm glow it left in her body dulled her normal reaction to this sudden turn of events. Across from her, El Harrah stood up and began to remove his robes. Perhaps Mustafah did have the biggest cock in the tribe, but El Harrah would at least be a close second. Sonja watched hypnotized as he walked towards her, his cock bouncing up and down. Sonja found herself reaching out to wrap her hand about the huge shaft and as she rubbed her finger over the head, a drop of precum oozed out and made the cock slick under her fingers. El Harrah smiled down at her and pulled Sonja to her feet. The warrior woman was conscious of Jasmine and Jane removing their clothes beside her and felt the rest of her armor being removed. El Harrah pulled Sonja to him and kissed her hard on the lips, his throbbing cock rubbing against her bare thigh. Sonja could feel the hands of the two now naked Shamans running up and down her body. Red Sonja surprised herself by kissing El Harrah back and pressing her body against him. The goddess had released her from her oath for this quest for a reason and Sonja thought it best to trust the goddess and go along with little orgy. After all, she told herself, she might need the leader's help in her quest and it certainly had nothing to do with the lust she felt growing in her body as his cock rubbed against her.

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