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Red Sonja in Hells Ch. 02


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El Harrah led Sonja over to a corner of the tend piled high with pillows and eased her down onto the pile. "I am very sorry my dear Sonja for the ordeal we put you through, but the sight of your beautiful body as you played with yourself made me desire to posses you for myself." With that El Harrah lowered himself onto the waiting Sonja and she felt the first man she had ever taken willingly lying on top of her. He did not immediately enter her but kissed her long and passionately on the lips and then working his way down to her breasts where he licked them and suckled on the nipples until they were erect. Sonja found herself moaning with pleasure at his gentle touch and more than anything wanted to feel him inside her.

"Oh goddess....fuck me" Sonja whispered. El Harrah smiled at her and gently parted her legs, rubbing his cock over the entrance to her pussy. He teased her for a minute, rubbing his cock head against her lips and clit and finally when Red Sonja could take it no more, he slid it inside her. Sonja clutched El Harrah to her, wrapping her legs around his body to draw him in deeper into her pussy. On either side of her she became aware of Jasmine and Jane and the twins each took one of Sonja's nipples in their mouths, gently licking and biting on them which added to the equisate pleasure Sonja was feeling as El Harrah fucked her. Oh goddess, this felt much better than masturbating. To have a man inside her, thrusting and driving was something she had subconsciously wanted for oh so many years. "Fuck me...fuck me harder" moaned Sonja. "I want you to cum inside me!" El Harrah gave her what she wanted, pushing his cock deeper and harder and faster into Sonja's cunt until finally he gave an inarticulate cry and Sonja felt her pussy fill up with his warm cum. A few seconds later, Sonja reached her own climax and came for the second time that night.

After El Harrah had his fun, it was time for his Shaman's to have theirs. After her first lesbian experience with Killia, Sonja was actually looking forward to making love to these two dusky skinned beauties. Red Sonja was, however, a little taken aback when she saw what the women had planned. The two Shamans had produced two contrivances which they belted on and suddenly the twin Shamans sported a set of twin cocks.

"I too have desired you since I first saw your red hair," smiled Jasmine as she stroked her cock. She gestured towards her sister and Sonja gulped as she saw the other Shaman lying on the ground with her own pseudo cock pointing straight up in the air.

"Come over here Sonja," ordered Jane. "We are both going to take you at the same time."

It was far to late for Sonja to back out now and with both a sense of fear and excitement she crossed to Jane and slowly began to lower herself onto the waiting cock.

"Oh no, not there dear," whispered Jane. "My cock goes up your ass. Jasmine gets your pussy." With that, Jane took a firm grip on the tottering Sonja's hips and sat her down on her cock so it slid up Sonja's ass. Sonja gasped as she felt the cock penetrate her...she had never thought of being fucked like this. It was a bit uncomfortable at first, but she tried to relax and it started to feel better. The Shaman's cock seemed to be made out of some very smooth wood that leaked a natural lubricant. Soon Jane had her entire length buried in Sonja's ass and as the warrior maiden looked on, she saw Jasmine hover over top of her and then crawl on top.

"There is nothing quite like the sensation of having a cock in your ass and pussy at the same time," whispered Jasmine and before Sonja could reflect on the words, she had a chance to experience them as Jasmine slipped her cock into the warrior's pussy. The two identical twins then began to fuck Sonja in complete synch. Jane would thrust her cock deeper into Sonja which pushed her up onto Jasmine's cock who would thrust down to further impale Sonja on her sister's cock. In and out the two women plunged drving Sonja to a frenzy of pleasure. Breasts heaving, Sonja moaned, her mouth gaping open and suddenly she felt El Harrah's hardening cock slide into her mouth. Never in her wildest' dreams had she thought of taking three cocks at the same time and by the goddess it felt so good. El Harrah might not be quite as big as Mustafah, but he was a very clean person and Sonja found that she liked the taste of his cock. A thought that even a day ago would never have even occured to her. Eager to try out new sensations, Sonja ran her tongue over the cock in her mouth and like Mustafah, El Harrah moaned as the big breasted woman clamped her mouth on his dick. Inside her Sonja felt another tidal wave of pleasure bulding up and she came to her third climax of the night just as she felt El Harrah empty his balls down her throat. Eagerly she licked up every drop and then it might have been her imagination, but it sure felt like the two fake cocks of the Shamans errupted in her as well as suddenly her pussy and ass overflowed with gushing fluids.

If the morning sun was a peeping tom, it would have found Red Sonja, the mightiest warrior women ever to live, curled up naked between the beautiful twin Shamans with a very big smile on her sleeping cum covered face. Red Sonja awoke with a guilty start and saw El Harrah buckling on his sword.

"Good morning Red Sonja," he saluted her. "You were truly magnificent in bed and I wish we could spend the whole day making love, but I must go out in search of the demons who raid my people."

"I was thinking about your problem," began Sonja.

A smile quirked the lips of El Harrah. "Really, I didn't think Jasmine and Jane gave you much time for thinking last night."

Sonja smiled back and lightly ran one hand over the breasts of each of the women still sleeping on either side of her. "They didn't, but still a thought occurred to me. You say the demons prefer to attack and ravage beautiful women. Why not give them a prize they can't resist but one who can fight back."

"You?" asked El Harrah. "You hardly know us, why should you risk your life to help us poor desert nomads?"

"Well you could take it as thanks for the hospitality that you and the ladies have shown me," replied Sonja, "but also the defilement of women by these demons is something that the goddess I swore an oath to would not approve of. Even beyond that, however, I had a dream last night that somehow the demons are part of my quest, so it will be to my benefit as well as yours."

El Harrah looked doubtful. "What exactly did you have in mind? I would not be much of a host if I allowed such a beautiful guest to be placed in grave danger."

"Do you think the demons could resist a beautiful red haired woman staked out in the desert and at their mercy?"

"I doubt any man or demon could resist your charms, but the risk would be too great!" protested El Harrah.

"Oh, I would only appear helpless. You leave the chains that apparently bind me unlocked and my sword buried in the sand. When the demons show up to claim their prize, I promise you that I will deal with them!" It took some more persuading, but in the end El Harrah agreed to Red Sonja's plan. He did not like placing the fire headed beauty in such danger, but he was having no success in fighting the demons.

So it was a few hours later that Red Sonja found herself spread eagled on the sand in her metal bikini. The locks on the four chains that held her limbs were closed but not clicked into place. When the demons appeared, she could free herself in seconds and pull out her sword hidden next to her under the sands. As agreed, Sonja had made a great show of protesting and fighting as she was hauled into place by El Harrah's men. Finally when she had been secured in place, only El Harrah and the two Shamans remained with Sonja.

"I can not express my gratitude enough for what you are doing for my people," said El Harrah. "I am afraid the demons are very cunning so my men and I can not hide near here to come to your aid. Are you sure that you can handle these demons alone?"

"As long as I can get my hands on my sword, I can handle them," boasted Red Sonja and she hoped for once her ego which was even bigger than her bust was not going to get in her in trouble again. El Harrah nodded, turned his horse and began to ride away. The two Shamans remained beside Sonja.

"We will be with you in a moment El Harrah," called Jasmine. "We must take a moment to place spells of protection upon Red Sonja. The tribal leader nodded again and rode off over the dune and out of sight. As soon as he had disappeared, Jasmine and Jane turned back to Sonja and before she knew what was happening, the two Shamans clicked the locks into place on her hands and feet, truly making her a prisoner. Jasmine jammed a strip of her skirt into Sonja's mouth to keep her from calling out to El Harrah.

"We are sorry Red Sonja," said Jasmine as the warrior woman glared up at them in mute anger. "But last night a dream was sent to us by the demons. They foretold of your plan and threatened horrible retaliation on the entire tribe unless we truly made an offering of you to them. We did not tell El Harrah of this for he would not have gone along with it and it grieves us sorely to do this to you. You were truly wonderful in bed last night. Your heroic sacrifice will free us of the demons because they promised never to attack our tribe again if we gave you to them." Sonja tugged futilely at the chains holding in her place and watched as the two Shamans mounted their horses, and gave her one last sad look before riding away over the dune after El Harrah.

I don't fucking believe this ranted Red Sonja to herself as she struggled with the chains. She could understand the desperation that drove Jasmine and Jane to do this, but didn't the idiots realize it wouldn't do any good? The one thing you could count on with demons was that they lied. They would no more leave the tribe alone than they would stop breathing. It was all just a ruse to get her without a fight. Damn, damn damn. As Sonja pulled on the chains, she saw something coming towards her across the desert sands. Make that several somethings. At least a dozen sand devils spun like demon tops over the scorching yellow powder. Like demon tops? Sonja's mind froze for a second. Those were the demons she saw! Horrified and fascinated she watched the spinning dust devils zero in on her location like moths to a candle flame and when they stopped spinning, each one turned into a sand demon. The creatures were about three to four feet tall. They had thin, almost emaciated looking arms and legs but fat thick muscular chests. They had no neck to speak off, but large gaping mouths filled with very sharp looking fangs. Their long arms hung down so they brushed the ground with their hands, giving them a slightly monkey like appearance. They were covered in fur, darker brown on the arms and legs and around the shoulders, while their chests and stomachs were a lighter tan color. When Sonja looked between their legs, however, she gasped. These creatures might be small in height, but they all had at least an eight or nine inch cock and every one of the dozen cocks was erect and ready for action.

The creatures approached cautiously, making sure Red Sonja was safely shackled. When they were sure it was safe, the leader gave a short bark of what sounded suspiciously like laughter and gestured at two of the other demons. The designated demons grunted and sprang forward. One grabbed Red Sonja's top and yanked it from her body with a massive heave that broke the clasp and exposed her big tits to the desert air. The second dived between her legs and tugged down her bottoms to expose her red haired pussy to view as well. When the two would have lingered to enjoy her body, the leader snarled at them again and they reluctantly backed off. Grinning widely the leader approached Red Sonja and crawled up on top of the naked warrior. Red Sonja could feel the thing drag its dribbling cock along her leg, over her thigh and stomach until the thing squatted on top of her chest with its large cock resting between her breasts. The leader leered down at her trying to make her scream, but Red Sonja refused to give it that satisfaction. Slightly disappointed the creature began to rub its slimy cock over her melons and cackling evilly. Any other demon who approached too close was warned back with a snarl and Sonja was surprised to find words buried in the warning sound.

"Ssssssss mineeeeee firssssst. You can haaaaave herrrr when I ammmmm done!"

With that the demon leader turned back to Red Sonja and began to tit fuck her with relish. Its' cock was leaking large amounts of precum that combined with the sweat on Sonja's boobs to provide plenty of lubrication. Red Sonja watched with disgust as the thing grabbed her tits and wrapped them around its member and began to slide it in and out between them. The long shaft came up to rub on her lips and dribble precum on them then slide back down. The creature was starting to moan loudly as it was obviously enjoying fucking her tits. One time when he stroked up, it held its' cock against her lips and hissed at her. "Ssssuck it ssslut!"

Red Sonja grimaced but opened her mouth to let the bulbous cock head in. She needed to stall for time until she could find a way out of this mess and that meant keeping the things happy. Sonja shuddered at the vile taste of its cock and at the thought of what she would have to do to keep a dozen horny demons happy. She ran her tongue over the cock head and apparently the demon enjoyed the sensation as it leered down at her and hissed "Sssssss good cock ssssucking sssslut." The thing kept at her for what seemed like eternity, sliding its cock up between her ample breasts and into her mouth and then out while the rest of the pack howled in frustration at the delay in getting their rocks off. Finally the leader stiffened just as its cock slid up to an inch from Sonja's gaping mouth and as she watched in shock a geyser of cum erupted from its cock, spraying her face and hair and tits with the gooey liquid. Some of the cum splattered into Sonja's open mouth and the demon threw back its hand and howled as it continued to let loose wad after wad of cum on the naked Sonja. When it finally finished cumming, the leader wiped its cock off on Sonja's taunt stomach muscles and climbed down. It gave a gesture to the rest of the demons and as one they sprang forward fighting for position on her body.

If the noonday sun was a peeping tom like its dawn brother, it would have looked down and seen a strange sight indeed. Chained to the desert sands was a big titted red haired woman. The woman was stark naked and a dozen howling demons were crawling all over her rubbing their hard cocks on her body. When the sand had settled there was one demon buried inside her pussy, one in her ass, one in her mouth, another one between her tits and she had one hard cock in each hand. The others contented themselves with rubbing their dripping organs on any square inch of her bare flesh they could see poking out. The demon fucking her face had its huge cock shoved in as deep as it could get it and Red Sonja was having trouble breathing past the thick meat. Her mind reeled as she felt the cock ram in and out of her mouth while her pussy and ass were similarly pounded. On either side of her demons held their cocks in her hands and slid them in and out forcing her to give them hand jobs. Demons, especially the lower level ones like these, have very little control and they howled like a pack of monkeys as they fucked the red haired woman with gusto. One after another they began to shoot their loads as Sonja felt a stream of cum pour down her throat into her stomach while her pussy and ass overflowed with demon cum. A warm jet on her chest told her that the demon fucking her boobs had cum and then she had two sticky handfuls of cum as well.

The demons gave her no respite, however, as they simply changed positions on her body and refilled all her holes again to begin a new round of fucking. Demons could stay hard a long time and cum several times without any problem and they especially enjoyed this naked big jugged woman with the fiery red hair as she squirmed and wriggled under their assault. Load after load of demon cum was sprayed onto her face and hair. Load after load of demon cum filled her ass and pussy. After several hours of fucking, Red Sonja was covered from head to toe in demon spunk and she lay there on the sands barely conscious as they raped her again and again.

Finally the demons had had enough or were regrouping for another attack, but for a few seconds Sonja was free of them. Her outstretched hand grazed against something hard and she looked over to see her bikini top. Her top... and inside the top was her lock pick. Holding her breath and moving as quietly as she could, Sonja palmed the lock pick and glanced at the demons. One of them saw her looking at them and walked over and wiped its half flacid cock over her face just to torment her and then turned away. Sonja saw that she was unwatched for the moment and began to work on the lock holding her right wrist. She had plenty of practice in tight situations and even tired as she was, she quickly picked the lock. Freed, her right hand reached down beside her and felt under the sand for her sword. Just as she drew it out there was a scream from one of the demons and they turned towards her. One pounced and Sonja ran it through with her sword in mid air. Before the others could do anything she swung her sword and cleaved the chain holding her left arm. Sitting up she made two more strokes and freed her legs. Red Sonja rose to her feet, sword in hand, cum dripping from her hair and a snarl on her face.

"Rape me will you huh? Now it is payback time you little bastards." Red Sonja might have been tired and sore from being raped for hours, but once her hands seized on the sword given to her by the goddess, she felt no tiredness, only anger and rage at these creatures who had defiled her. With a battle cry that froze the creatures from hell in place, Red Sonja leaped forward and with two strokes removed two heads from demon bodies. The others rallied from their fright and swarmed to the attack. One clawed its way up Sonja's back digging its claws into her skin and tried to choke her while its brothers went for her breasts and eyes with their sharp claws. Sonja grimaced as she reached behind her and ripped the creature from its place on her back. It took a hunk her skin and a length of her hair with it, but she used it like a club to smash at the others attacking her. Her booted feet caught one demon in the face and sent it reeling away. Down came her sword to cut another demon in half.

If the evening sun was a peeping tom, it would have seen a frightening sight that would have sent it scurrying behind the moon for cover. There on the sands, a naked woman with a bloody sword was carving a pack of demons into little pieces. Blood flowed red on the sands, some from Sonja but mainly from the demons. At the end, only the leader was left and it turned to try spinning away across the sands. This woman had turned out to be a greater demon that it could have imagined. Surely she was some demon from the first level in disguise! Its' flight was cut short by the lightning swift hand of the bitch as she seized its organ. Now normally the demon would have enjoyed having the hand of a naked woman holding his cock, but this was no love grip. She squeezed on his cock with all her might and the demon screamed in agony. The woman leaned down and leered at him, her large breasts dangling in the demon's face. "Ssssssee the ssssslut rip your cock out by the roots!" The demon's eyes widened in horror as the warrior redoubled her grip and wrenched at its cock. There was a blinding wave of pain and when the demon looked up, he saw the woman holding its cock in her hand and smiling as the demon's blood poured into the sand. The last thing the demon felt was the woman shoving its own cock into its mouth before it died.

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