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Redwood Nine Ch. 03

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Tragic news changes hearts, roots begin taking hold.
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Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 02/24/2013
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Chapter 3

Home Sweet Home

Lenny was sitting in the small cell, his head in his hands, when Wayne Unser came into the cell room.

"The guy you pushed, is willing to forgo any charges, if you're willing to replace the pants you wrecked, when you pushed him down."

Lenny raised his head and looked at Wayne, his expression one of disdain.

"The fucker wants me to pay for his pants, after he gives me a week to find a new place? Is he out of his fucking head?"

Wayne looked away, not wanting to give away his own feelings on the matter. He was more, or less on Lenny's side, knowing the notice had been given in an underhanded manner. He had seen the notice come in and saw who was issuing it. Jacob Hale had finally put together a group of buyers for the old property and he had no thoughts of what it did to anyone, by its issuance. He was supposed to post a public notice first, which he didn't and he was supposed to give prior notice, by way of letter, before posting the notice, which again, Hale didn't do.

"I'm just passing along the message he gave me. I think it's BS, just like you, Lenny, but I have to do my job. It's either that, or see the judge and see what he wants to do with you."

Lenny looked at Unser, realizing he was venting his anger to the wrong person and apologized to him. Unser could see Lenny was at his wits end and took pity on him. He couldn't in his heart of hearts, act so harshly on a fellow serviceman, especially one who was being mistreated in such a shoddy manner.

"I'm going to do something I'll either regret later, or it'll come back to benefit me, that'll be up to you. I'll pay for the guy's pants. I know you ain't got the money to buy them and I'm not going to keep you in here, because you can't, that's not right in my book. Maybe one day, you can find a way to pay me back."

Lenny looked at Wayne with new eyes, ones that weren't so biased towards him, because of the uniform. Wayne unlocked the cell and opened it for Lenny to leave. Lenny walked out of the cell, but before he walked down the hall, he turned in the privacy of the cell room and looked at Wayne.

"I really appreciate this, Wayne. I won't forget it, promise."

"I just hope you can find a place by the end of the week. No way I can help you out with that, sorry"

"Yeah, me too, but hey, you've done enough and I appreciate that. You're alright, Wayne."

Lenny held his hand out to Wayne and after a brief moment looking at it, took it and shook his hand. Wayne walked Lenny back to the front desk, where JT and Wally were waiting for him. Cheers went up, when they saw him, happy this part of the ordeal was over. Lenny had no belongings to claim, so he came through to his friends and was greeted warmly with hugs. Wayne looked on, disguising his envy at the camaraderie, as he turned and went back to his desk, to call Mr. Neeson about his pants. He liked feeling he was part of the gang back then, even though he was more on the fringe, than an actual part of it. Seeing his old friends, brought back memories of happier times, when life was a lot simpler to live.

The trio headed out to the car and Wally pulled out of the station, noisy muffler and all, to the disgruntled looks of some officers coming into the station. They cheered the good fortune Lenny had received from Unser and asked about him and what brought him to do that. Lenny gave them a new perspective he had for him and felt Wayne could be a good ally to have, if they could convince him he was more or less a part of the gang again. JT laughed at the mention of it, but understood how it could benefit them later.

They pulled into Lenny's driveway and Lorraine was out back waiting for the car to stop. Lenny got out and Lorraine hugged him, tears still coming from her eyes. Lenny hated mushiness, but understood why Lorraine was like that and hugged her close and comforted her.

"Okay, let's get inside and roll a joint. I need a big, fucking, huge one after that shit."

They went in and sat around, discussing the situation and what solutions they could come up with. JT and Piney were willing to find another place with two bedrooms and share it with them and that became the most plausible solution. Wally said he could talk to the owner of the motel and ask if Lorraine could work the desk, giving them some possibilities of making money and a place to live.

With no other ideas to go on, the subject was put aside in favour of lazing about and what they were going to do about dinner. Once again, Chico came to the rescue and offered to buy dinner for everyone, handing over twenty dollars to Lorraine. Wally was called upon for driving duty, while three of the girls volunteered to do some shopping. Ann-Marie, Cindy and Lorraine piled in with Wally and they took off for the downtown area, to some merchants who sold locally grown produce.

Wally waited outside and leaned against the fender, having a cigarette, while the girls went inside to shop. His mind was always on making a buck at something and something just made itself known to him. He noticed the real estate office a few doors down and walked to the window and looked at the residential and commercial properties available for rent. He went in and took a list off the pile on the counter and walked back out, before anyone had a chance to ask him anything.

He ran down the list of places available and crossed off the residential ones that weren't possibles. He was left with four places he could show Lenny when he got back and hoped one was what they were looking for. The girls came out with several bags of food and piled in the car again with Wally, heading back to get started on the cooking.

Wally pulled in the driveway and noticed all the guys were hanging around the bikes talking. The girls got out and kissed their partners, then joined the other girls inside, while Wally joined the guys. He found out the talk was about finding a place for a clubhouse and Wally quickly took out the list he picked up. They went through each place and marked off possibles and crossed off ones the guys knew to be unsuitable for their purpose. One that stood out from the others, was one that garnered the most attention. The big Quonset building on Jake's property was up for grabs and tomorrow, they would be heading there to work and to see if Jake was in possession of their new home/clubhouse.

There wasn't a rental price listed, but going by the ones that were posted, it would be far more than they could afford.

As day turned to night, talk of the Impala came back into question. They knew they had to take it back to Lodi and park it in the same spot, or close to it. After a round of joints, goodbyes were said and everyone that was going to the motel to sleep, piled in Wally's car.. They pulled into the motel lot, to find several police cars still at the office. Not wanting to draw too much attention, Wally killed the engine and coasted to his parking spot in front of his unit. No one came out to them, as they got out and went into Wally's unit. JT, Piney and Wally all went to the office to get the key for next door, going with the ruse that the clerk made an error in registering them.

They walked in and they were immediately set upon by the officers.

"Stop right there, come no further. This is a crime scene and you're not allowed in it. State your business."

JT told the officer he needed his key for room eleven. The officer looked at the sign in book and couldn't find his name listed. Wally gave him his name and it was present.

"We came in at the same time, officer. We've been here all week and maybe next week, as well. I know the clerk had been drinking when we signed for the room, so maybe he goofed and didn't write him in, but he's been in the room beside mine all this time. What happened anyway? Where's Harold, he'd know."

"I'm sorry, but he's down at the station for questioning, along with his cousin."

"Is old man Henderson around? He knows too."

The officer looked at them, turned to his fellow officers, then dropped his voice to a whisper.

"It's Mr. Henderson who was murdered. Seems he lost it on Harold and Lorne bashed his head in with a bat. We're trying to piece it all together, but it's looking like manslaughter, but he could get off, because of the circumstances."

That had the guys look at him in wonder, Wally remembering what he said earlier in that regard. JT motioned the officer closer to keep whispering.

"So how do I get in my room now? There's four of us in that room."

JT looked worried, doing his best to convince the officer of his situation. The officer looked at JT and the others and then back to the other officers, making sure they didn't see what he was going to do. He reached into the docket and took the key for room eleven, handing it to JT.

"Just stay to your rooms and avoid the office. The owner said someone will be here in a day or two to work the desk."

JT took the key and thanked the officer, walking out and looking at the key in his hand, smiling. They got back to the room and showed them the key, receiving cheers for their accomplishment. JT and Wally took off in the cars, heading back to Lodi to drop off the Impala, hopefully without being seen. He pulled onto the street the lot was on and spotted the flashing lights of a police car in the lot, the officer talking to a man in a suit. He drove past and pulled over on the side of the road, out of sight of the lot. He quickly wiped down the car with his sleeve and left the keys in the ignition. Wally pulled up beside it and JT jumped in, leaving the scene unnoticed. JT kept looking back and no one approached the car, while he could see it. Once they turned the corner, they both breathed a deep sigh and smiled.

"Did it, Wally. We're free and clear now. Time to head back and get some sleep, big day tomorrow, man. Best bring your car around after lunch, give us some time to work on what's there first."

"That's cool, JT. I have to see a guy in Stockton about some cigarettes and another guy in Lodi about some radios, so I'll be there some time after lunch."

They pulled into the motel lot and went into Wally's room, where everyone was still waiting. They relayed the news that everything went well and after a quick smoke, they were heading to their room and sleep.

The sun came streaming through the thin curtains, making its way along the wall, to shine into JT's eyes and made him wake up squinting. He peered through slits at the cheap clock on the nightstand, noticing the time. At first, it didn't mean anything to him, that it was seven thirty nine, until his head caught up and he realized what today was. As fast as he could get out of bed, he was waking Suzy, Piney and Gloria, letting them know the time. Piney realized quickly what the time meant and he wasted no time in getting dressed, In less than five minutes, they had relieved themselves and kissed the girls goodbye, telling them they'd see them later on. The girls happily went back to sleep, nothing else was on their minds.

It was three miles down the road to Jake's and they walked quickly, half running the distance to make it on time. They were a few hundred yards down the road, when Jake's bike came up the road towards them. Jake got off his bike to open the gate and heard JT and Piney calling to him. He turned and saw them, waving and motioning with his hand and arm to hurry up. They did a short jog to the driveway and walked the rest of the way, once they reached the gate. Jake parked his bike at the side of the office and opened it up. He flipped the switches and all the florescent lights flickered and buzzed, as they came to life. The bay doors opened and JT and Piney looked at their future, for the next week at least.

"Okay you guys, the work orders are in the rack, so take the top one and work your way down. I have to finish this overhaul and get it the hell out. If you have any problems, give me a shout."

"No problem, Jake. What about parts? Are they here, or do we order them?"

"Most of the parts are here, but if you need a part, the number for East Bay Automotive is beside the phone."

Jake looked at them to see if they had any more questions and then went to the rack and put on his dirty overalls. JT and Piney put their overalls on, Piney's being a bit short in the legs and getting some laughs. They took an order each and went to the cars they were for. Jake watched them go about their business and felt comfortable they would get the job done.

JT had his first car done in half an hour and parked it on the opposite side of the other cars, alongside the Quonset building. He took a moment to wipe a window and peered inside to see what it looked like, but it was dark and piles of boxes blocked his view. Piney finished twenty minutes later and parked his car beside JT's. By lunch time, Jake looked at the line of cars to be worked on and almost half of them were finished. He smiled to himself, glad he made a good choice in letting them work for him.

A lunch wagon pulled in the lot and blew the horn, letting them know he was there. The driver pulled up to the bays and stopped, getting out and lifting the side of the box up. JT and Piney had no money left and just sat on the ground in the shade, backs up against the fence. Jake looked over at them and called them over.

"We're okay, Jake, Thanks."

Jake somehow knew they were broke and called them over again. They went over to him and the driver, who were talking about something, when they arrived. The Italian born man was very expressive with his hands as he talked, somethings looking like a choke hold and cutting a throat, that had the guys worried. The short, balding man had a big smile though and that came out easily, mellowing out their trepidations.

"Guys, this Franco. He comes every day at lunch and he's agreed, on my say so, to let you run a tab with him and I'll pay him at the end of the week for you both. If you keep working as good as you are, it'll be worth it."

"Oh, hey, almost forgot. Lenny's coming in later to have his bike tuned again, it's running shitty and another guy is coming in later for exhaust work. Muffler is shot for sure, not sure about the pipes. Might have some more work later."

Jake looked at them both and smiled with some pride in them.

"Give them what they want, Franco. On me."

JT and Piney looked at Jake with admiration, his continued kindness, an unexpected event in their lives. They introduced themselves to Franco and he stood with pencil and paper, adding up what they purchased. They took their food and went over to the picnic table under the overhang at the back of the storage building. Franco closed up and tooted his horn at them, as he left. Jake unwrapped a sandwich and took a bite. He drank from his cup, but the guys could tell it wasn't hot coffee. JT got Jake's attention and nodded towards the cup.

"What's that you're drinking?"

"A little homemade wine. Franco makes a great tasting red, goes great with pastrami."

The guys watched Jake enjoy another drink and a bite of his sandwich smiling, then JT nodded at the building beside them.

"So Jake, we noticed you have this place for rent. How much are you looking to get for it?"

"I'm asking five hundred a month. That's just for the rent, the utilities are extra. Why do you ask?"

"Honestly, we need a place to live, Jake. Someplace close, that is. Got a shit hole in Lodi, Piney and I live in, but it sucks. We have no way to get here every day and a friend just got an eviction notice yesterday and has to move by the end of the week. I said we could get a two bedroom for the four of us, but we have to find one we can afford. You know him. Lenny Janowitz. Rides a Harley, built like a small tank."

"Shit, I know Lenny. Got evicted huh? That's the shits. Out by the end of the week, you said?"

"Yeah. Him and Lorraine, his girlfriend."

"Yeah, I know Lorraine too, good girl."

That made Piney and JT laugh out loud, hearing Jake say that about her, after what went down over the weekend.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing Jake, it's cool."

Jake wasn't going to let it go and asked again, pressing him harder. JT knew he wasn't getting off the hook, without an explanation. JT stumbled for the right words, unsure of how to say to Jake, that they played with Lorraine's tits all weekend. He looked at Piney, who shrugged his shoulders, finding no help with him. Beaten, he couldn't look Jake in the eyes, as he stared at his sandwich and told him.

"Okay, if you really have to know, Jake. Lorraine let us feel her tits and when we did, Lenny said she was a good girl, so when you said it, it reminded us of that."

His explanation was simple and to the point. Jake looked at him and then to Piney, then laughed.

"Yeah, she has got great tits, doesn't she?"

JT and Piney were aghast by Jake's mention of her breasts, something unexpected and completely out of character. Talking about about a war time memory was one thing, but to talk about someone they all knew was different all together.

"Don't look so surprised guys. Last time they were here, getting the carb set, I believe, Lorraine decided on sunbathing on this very table and took her top off and laid here getting a tan."

That had the guys agog with amazement.

"Are you shitting us? She laid right here, on this table we're sitting at and went topless in front of you?"

Jake smiled happily at the memory, nodding vigorously, as he chewed his food.

"Yeah, I stood there for at least ten minutes, just staring at them. Yup, she's a good girl."

JT and Piney laughed hard, almost bringing up their food. They calmed down and JT tried to get serious, but just had to look at the expression on Jake's face and he would break out laughing again.

"So where was I? Oh yeah. You want five hundred for this place, right?"

Jake looked at him with a more serious expression, helping him not laugh anymore.

"Hoping to get it, anyway. Might take as low as three fifty. The place is full of crap inside and there's only that part of the yard to use. They come in the same gate, but they have no parking along the side here. This railing divides my side from the rental side."

"You said you'd take three fifty?"

"If I had to go that low. I'm hoping to get more, naturally."

JT looked at Piney, who looked back at him, something passing between them unheard, but they understood, nodded at each other and then JT turned back to Jake.

"I can give you four hundred, maybe four fifty. Between Piney and me, Lenny and Lorraine and maybe one or two more guys, we could afford it. We could clean the place out, make it our clubhouse and make some rooms for sleeping."

"You did say you wanted to start a club, I remember that. Clubhouse, that's interesting. If I'm not mistaken, and I could be, have to check to make sure, but the county by-laws state that a clubhouse may have up to a certain number of rooms for temporary stays. Has to have a kitchen, bedrooms and a shitter for every ten members, I believe. At least I remember it was like that when I rode with a club."

That had JT and Piney sit up and take notice.

"You were in a club, Jake?"

"Yeah, years ago now. Rode with the East Bay Riders. All of us got leather jackets and had our crest on the back. Twelve of us, all cruising together up and down the coast. Some of the best years of my life, some of my worst."

"Why were they your worst?"

JT and Piney looked at Jake with concern, wondering what could be so dire to make Jake look so despondent at the mere mention and thought of it. Jake looked at them, his eyes already telling them how much it hurt him. He stared at the table and took a breath to calm his feelings, roiling up inside him.

"It was back in '53. We were coming back from Big Sur, taking the 101. We were outside some shit hole place called Gilroy, about eighty miles south of here. It was a great day, I remember. Sunny, warm and then we head into Gilroy and we hit this patch of fog. We barely drove a mile in it, when a truck coming the other way, crossed the line and took out four of us instantly. Two more died in hospital a few days later. I was lucky and went for the ditch, just missed Geezer's bike sliding at me. I had no broken bones, but I scraped all the skin off my right leg, when I slid. I lay there for days in the hospital, thinking about it and my dead buddies. When I was able to leave the hospital, I wasn't sure if I could ride again. My leg was killing me, but I started it and rode home, then hung my jacket up. I never rode with anyone again, as a club member."

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