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Redwood Nine: Season 03 Ch. 12


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Free and Sky came out and slowly walked over to the guys and were ushered inside to sit and talk. Joints were lit in hopes the effects would ease the pain in their hearts and souls. No one spoke until Free did, letting him have a chance to collect himself.

"How did all this happen? Who killed them and why?"

JT bowed his head in shame, knowing they were to blame for the loss and explained it all to him, right from after they left with the bus that day. Free tried to understand the reasoning of it all, knowing it started with an act of civic duty to save his town from a deadly drug, but the repercussions were unbelievable in scope. Free gave the club a welcomed pass on blaming them, knowing it wasn't their fault for it happening and that they had suffered greatly in the loss as well. It was decided to take Free and Sky to the cemetery and let them pay their respects and say goodbye.

The club sat on their bikes, as Free and Sky walked from grave to grave. Even from thirty feet away, they could hear the crying and muffled words of parting they spoke. When they finished going to each site, they sat together, facing each other and held hands, praying for their spirits. The club looked on, giving them all the time they needed to take to say their last goodbyes. Saddened eyes finally looked at each other, all of them expressing the same grief in loss. Words were hard to find, no one able to seek out the right ones to say, so they headed back to the shop and went inside the clubhouse and sat around.

JT knew everyone was getting uneasy with the unspoken feelings and knew a change in focus was in order.

"Hey, want to go to the hospital and see Moon and Spirit? They should be getting released soon and they'd be real happy seeing you guys. They're not thrilled by us showing up, Moon blames us for everything and honestly, I can't blame him. I know he's hurting real bad and maybe seeing you will help cheer him up a bit."

Free was all for the idea, he too feeling awkward in the silence. JT gave them directions to the hospital and their room numbers, as well as Star's room, hoping he had made it out of critical condition. He invited them to come back afterwards and they'd take care of the bus details. Free thanked him and the club for all they had done for them and the commune, knowing the hurt was compounded by blame. Free knew the blame wasn't accountable to the club, once again, Fate deciding the outcome of events.

The guys watched the pair drive away and went back inside. JT looked at the state of mind the guys were in an hated what he saw. They had sunk to a Nadir in their life as a club and he knew that was the last thing he wanted his club to be like. He knew a decision needed to be made, but a vote had to be taken unanimously, to be put into effect. He yelled out loud to get everyone's attention and pull them out of the morbid remorse of loss.

"Hey, listen up. I'm looking at you all and thinking, 'This isn't what we signed up for. We never became a club to have shit like this happen to us' and I know why it did."

That had attention given to him instantly, an answer being the thing they needed. It was obvious to them all that the Sons of Anarchy weren't to be messed with, but their size didn't warrant respect out of fear. Love and peace and all that the commune stood for was good, for them, but it had no place in a motorcycle club, especially one that was involved in criminal enterprises and needed protection to stay in business and stay alive.

"If we're going to continue being a club, we need more numbers, just like the Disciples had, just like all of them do. I think it's time we started recruiting new members and going on some road trips and starting some new chapters."

The guys knew what JT was saying was the answer and the way to stay whole. Piney asked about Clay and his standing and JT assured him he was still going to be considered an original member. The mood in the clubhouse took a swift turn and headed into a different mindset. JT walked over to the bar and took the map out, then brought it over to the large, round table. He opened it up and spread it out, the guys gathering around it.

"Brothers, we need to set up shop in some of these places. Don't forget, some of these places are already taken, so they might not like us moving in with them. I'm thinking we start finding places close to us here, so if we need to use strength against strength, we got our guys here quick and hopefully outnumber them first. Sound good?"

The guys all agreed and started marking off known areas spoken for already and who they were. California looked like a tough place to take up space, but several places looked ideal to them. The adjoining states to California looked interesting and more areas were picked out. As the hours passed, the past was being left behind for a new beginning. The Sons of Anarchy were no longer a bunch of friends hanging out and riding, they were now becoming an enterprise of criminal entrepreneurs, ones who lived with a gun and a knife and the commitment to kill for the patch on their backs.

Tom discussed the new possibilities of the retail operation expanding to the new areas picked and said he'd train a few new members to acquire the skills to bypass alarms and pick locks. Wally said he could put together a transportation and distribution plan to handle the increase in merchandise, but that left a need for buyers and JT slapped his hand on the map and looked at the guys.

"Sons, it's time we took a ride to Palm Springs and say hello Jimmy Cacuzza. I do believe he was saying he wanted to expand his business up here and I'm pretty sure anywhere else he'd like to. Gianni would certainly be happy with an increase in his area as well and set up further points of call to stop in."

Chico got JT's attention, before anything else was said.

"Prez, what about our trade down south? If we have more clubs down near the border, we can have more spots for my cousin to ship the grass over. We don't have to do the long runs and avoid getting caught. Not to mention but, my fucking ass kills me doing that fucking trail after all these years. Let some loco jinete on dirt bikes do it."

"A what?"

"Crazy dude on a bike. Harleys ain't built for that shit man, they're built for long, smooth roads. Member Jake giving me chit that time for pulling up to the shop, he checked my bike and the chain was almost off? Member that, JT? That's from doing that trail so much, fucks it up, you know, me too."

"Yeah, I got your point loud and clear, Chico. Okay guys, who's in favour of handing off the border patrol to a new chapter, of course getting a cut from each chapter that hauls?"

Every hand went up fast, including JT's knowing that was an affirmative and a priority to do.

"Settles that issue and I'm in agreement. I really don't like doing that to Jake's bike. My bike, Still feels like he's riding it sometimes. I want to put it away and keep it nice. I want to get Willy to build me a bike and see if he wants a Riviera named Rosa Lee. I know he'd dig that car. His wife loves the convertible, so now he'll have his own wheels. It's time to put the past where it belongs and move on my brothers. We have memorials in play, so they're never forgotten and if I have my way, I'd buy that land off that cold hearted bitch and do something out there for us. Fucking Walter's place is going to be sold off and he has tons of shit we could use. Wouldn't mind having Tinkerbell with us, I miss that cow."

That had all the guys thinking of her and how she would meet them in the barn when they parked their bikes. The loud rumble of the pipes never seemed to bother her, like she knew that meant her friends were back. She would make sure every guy was nudged, as her way of making her connection with them. JT saw how it took them back again and shook his head.

"What the fuck are we going to do with a cow? Come on, what's done is done, it's over. My mistake, I shouldn't have gone there. Let's just start getting this club whole and expanded. We got money to travel, so I say we travel and make some new friends. Right now, lets see who we have in town that we might want to prospect. Add three or four more guys and we have a good crew to ride with and have some strength on the road. Vets are coming back and looking for work and money, so there's no shortage of like-minded individuals like ourselves out there. We just need to know who can ride, or wants to."

Heads were nodding before JT even called for a vote on new members. Possibles to approach were talked about and where others could be found. Joints were rolled and beers opened, as ideas were put forth and voted on. Lenny went over and turned on the radio, the announcer just introducing Jimi Hendrix doing, If 6 was 9 after the short commercial break and turned it up. He reached into a cabinet and grabbed the hookah and the lock box with the hash in it. He opened it and took out the hash and put the box back in the cabinet, then brought it to the table and poured JT's fresh beer in to filter it.

"Let's just get wasted and listen to music and let all this shit just sink in. We got lots of time to sort it all out. It's on paper, so let's chill and mellow out. We need to do that. Prez, do the honours please and score us a nice slice or two off that chunk, it's time to give our heads some space, cuz I know mine is getting pretty full of shit. I gotta sort it all first, before I can put more in and make it all work right. I can't believe any of you guys don't feel the same way too."

The guys quietly acknowledged Lenny's thoughts. JT finished slicing off two thick slices off the reddish square and chopped them into tiny pieces. He loaded them in the bowl and matches were struck. Everyone took a good hit and passed their hose to the left. They took their hit and passed it back to the right. Hendrix was singing words that expressed the same feelings they were having and tuned in, as the hash glowed brightly in the bowl. A loud knock came and then the door was tried to open. Piney went over and unlocked it and Free and Sky were back. They came in and saw the hookah and smiled.

"Dude, I completely forgot when I got here. I brought you guys some more hash. It's been sitting in the glove box all day."

Piney looked at Free and put an arm around his shoulders and led him in. He took Sky's hand and brought her beside him.

"Lenny, turn that down a bit."

"Just wait, it's almost over."

"Fuck you. Free has something to say asshole."

"Alright VP, don't get your panties in a twist. I like the fucking song, okay, so does everyone else."

"Quiet you two. Turn it down Lenny, we have guests, show some respect, it's only a song."

Lenny clicked the off button and gestured at them in protest. Everyone laughed at him and threw beer caps at him, making him duck behind the bar.

"Alright guys. So, welcome back Free, Sky, how was everything with them there?"

"Moon and Spirit are getting out soon. They still have to take it easy and rest, but they'll be okay. I can keep this car a couple days, so it would be great to have the bus by then."

"Oh yeah, no problem. Could drive it home tomorrow if you wanted to. Like I said, just a few more things and it's ready. You can see why it's taken a bit longer than we expected."

"Oh man, hey, it's cool, brother, I can dig how fucked up shit got around here. Moon was telling me what went down out there and man, that would have freaked my ass out bad. That's worse than a bad acid trip dude, that shit is real, but like, fucked up acid real."

"Yeah, I get you, man. We saw what happened, but only Mary knew what happened when she talked to Spirit. Piney was made, well, unwelcome by Moon. We'll call it that."

"Yeah, he hates you guys. He blames everything on you. I told him he was wrong, that you guys did nothing wrong, but were trying to help instead. I even tried to reason with him. I asked him if he thought it was better if you guys did nothing and let people get hooked on that shit. What was the right thing to do? Spirit was sitting right beside him and I said, 'What if Spirit got hooked on it and you knew the club did nothing about it, but could have, what then?', and he couldn't answer me. He just looked at Spirit and looked at me and then stared at the floor again. I don't know if he'll ever change the way he feels, but I don't hold it against you, any of you. Star isn't talking yet, but he held my hand. Still pretty weak, but he's going to get better, so that was really good news. I told him he can come live with us. No fucking idea where everyone is going to sleep and shit, but I have to take care of my friends. Speaking of which, as I was saying to Piney when I came in, I totally fucking forgot what I brought you. Baby, want to reach in that magic bag of yours and whip out a surprise."

Sky grabbed her large satchel bag and pulled the drawstring open, then took out a large rectangle covered in tinfoil and handed it to Free. He put it on the table and unfolded it carefully. Everyone looked at the three different types of hash and the requests to pass it around were called for. Each one was checked out carefully, noting the aroma of the oils particular to that type. The last of the bowl was burnt off and emptied out. Everyone started calling out for the one they wanted and JT hushed them. He took out his combat knife and backed everyone from the table and moved the three blocks apart in the middle. He held it by the tip and flipped it in the air and it landed in the Moroccan Blonde bar. He took his knife and sliced off a healthy chunk and passed it to Otto.

"Do it up nice, slicer dicer."

Otto smiled and took out his buck knife and stabbed the chunk out of JT's hand and put it on the table. The blade went through the dense thickness easily, Otto barely using any effort. He gave JT a smirk, then smiled at his boldness.

"You're just lucky I trust you."

"Any reason not to, you let me know."

"Alright, now get that thing busy and cut us up some hash. Free, my friend, you most wonderful of people, thank you so much. Our chunk looks puny to all this and I was thinking we still had quite a few more sessions before we were out. We'll be smoking on that for months. I guess your buddy sent you a package from wherever."

"Oh yeah. Gets the stuff one place and sends it from another. Just says it's spices and stuff on the outside."

"Yeah, it smells like that. Nice job, Otto, load that in and lets see what this is like."

Otto used the blade to scoop it up and poured the tiny chunks into the bowl, then JT welcomed Free and Sky to draw first with him and Piney. They took their hoses and lit matches, drawing on the hoses and getting the top chunks to glow like coals. They all took enough to fill their lungs and passed the hoses. Every guy tasted the savoury smoke and felt the effects wash through them. Everyone went twice and JT was already cutting a piece off the next one and passed it to Otto again, who made short work in sizing it down for the hit.

By the time all three were sampled and a couple more beers, no one wanted to do anything more than sit back and mellow out. The music was all encompassing to them and lulled them into a sense of euphoria. Nights in White Satin echoed about the room, making minds drift away with the song.

They talked later of new things to come, what the world was like now and what changes could be. Minds moved forward, leaving the past where it was, as life went on with the living. Sleep became a necessity and Free was eager to try out the bus and see how it slept. They grabbed a couple of pillows and a blanket and went out, JT showing them the interior light switches and fold down bed. Sky tossed the blanket down and threw the pillows on the bed, then casually began stripping off her clothes until she was naked.

JT just looked her over and admired what he saw, making Sky giggle.

"I love fucking when I'm this high. Now we can christen the bus too. Come on Free, fuck me Baby."

Free smirked at JT and got one back.

"Have fun you guys, see you in the morning."

Free walked JT out of the bus and said goodnight and began stripping his clothes off, as he made his way back to Sky, now lying back and spreading her legs wide for him. JT looked back at the bus before he closed the door and saw it bouncing up and down, making him think of his own situation and that of his brothers. They were in need of women again. Once the loss was over, sexual urges would take over and be the driving force to move forward emotionally. The squeaking springs put it in his mind, that for now, sex would be the only real need for him. Loving a woman was big commitment he wasn't prepared to invest his heart in again, not just yet.

The guys were already starting to crash out and sleep where they were, so JT started shutting things down and headed to bed. He lay there thinking of the changes coming, to him and his club. He wondered how it would all play out and if they would become a national club. Nine guys seemed hard before, keeping them safe and whole, now he was thinking a hundred and how he would handle being in charge of all of them. As the founding father of the club, it was his conception of what he had envisioned and wanted, now morphing into something totally different and foreign to him.

Moon and Spirit sat in the lounge together, talking about what Free had said and the right to blame. Spirit helped guide his thoughts to ones of reason, ones where her man could focus the truth of his beliefs. Moon knew the hate in his heart was eating away at him and the club was easiest to blame. He knew nothing of who the other bikers were, but the reasoning of who caused what to happen began falling on them, getting his mind away from the club and back to the real world that existed outside the gates of the farm.

Moving back to San Francisco was a bittersweet thought for them both. The regression back to where they started seemed like a failure to him. Spirit comforted him, seeing that emotion engulf him. Loss was much more consuming to him, more than just losing some friends. He had lost a dream, one that had taken root and grown. He had put so much of himself into it and nurtured it to grow, only to have it all wiped out in a moment. A moment not of his own doing, or causation. The dead bikers seemed to balance that blame in his mind and death once again seemed to be a solution to a problem. Changes to the tenets in the commune philosophy were now in play. To protect what one has created, one may protect it at any cost, even with taking another's life.

Mary sat with Piney's parents, no where else for her to be, or live. Lorelei was happily teaching her how to knit, but Mary found her large breasts got in the way. Stan happily sat and watched the beginning of Dragnet, until he found out the episode was about a criminal bike gang, then looked in the TV guide and checked for another show. Mary became frustrated with manipulating the needles and continually poking herself with them. Stan put the guide down, annoyed there was nothing else on and turned off the TV. Lorelei saw the mood deteriorating and put her own knitting down.

"Let's play cards. I love playing Rummy and games like that. You know how to play, don't you Mary?"

"Yes, we played it all the time and I actually won a bunch of times. We loved playing card games, so I know a few."

"Wonderful. I'll go make some tea and put some cookies on a plate. Stan, could you get the cards and a pen and paper? Come, let's have a nice night as a family and have some fun. We need a bit more of that."

Mary went with Lorelei into the kitchen and got a plate and cups out, while Lorelei put the kettle on and readied the pot and got tea bags out. Stan started whistling a happy tune and Mary looked about at where she was. The change was drastic from where she was, but one thing was consistent, love. She felt at home here and loved the Winston's, sleeping in Piney's room and being with him physically in a way. She felt a sense of blessing, a feeling of being watched over, knowing she could very easily have fresh earth lying above now. If it wasn't for the Winston's insisting she stay with them, events could be different, but it was a higher power in play that she felt. She put her arm around Lorelei and stood with her waiting for the kettle to finish boiling.

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