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Reformation Ch. 20


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Work for Veronica and Rebecca was a strained affair with Rebecca still acting very submissive to Veronica even though nothing sexual was going on. Even though there was nothing sexual going on their work performance did not improve much because of their sad moods. Rebecca still fetched Veronica's coffee and fixed it with breast milk, the way that we knew that Veronica liked it. This would get a smile from Veronica, but the lift in mood was only short lived.

By Wednesday Taryn had realized that the tension was doing nobody any good and that Veronica had tried to reach out to her that night they talked. It was for those reasons that Taryn called up Rebecca and invited her over that night for dinner. Rebecca did come over that night and it was a tentative time of reconciliation. After the shock of what had happened the family could start to see the good thing that having Rebecca back in their lives was. Veronica still wore her chains at night and the pain and hurt was still there, but at least the healing process could start.

Rebecca slept at her apartment but spent all her spare time at the Spa, even helping upstairs on Saturday. It didn't take long for Rebecca to start to assimilate into the family once again. This time she was not scared, nor was she running away, yet she refused to have any sexual relations with anyone. Rebecca wanted to do it right this time and instead focussed on settling into the family.

Since Samantha had visited the Spa the previous week, she had been busy and negotiations had been going back and forth, until finally a deal was reached. Samantha agreed to let the family stay for a few weeks and in that time, Taryn and Karen would train her as well as introduce her to the regular customers. When the money finally was handed over at the conclusion of the deal Veronica put it away in one of the family's investment accounts that she had setup, when she had taken over the family finances.

The next day Veronica and Rosina put their two week notices in to their respective works. Rebecca wasn't sure what to, as nothing was official, and Owen had not said for certain that he was going to Collar her or that she was going with them on the move. Taryn sensed this and quietly told her that she had better put her notice in as well. Rebecca hugged Taryn in a teary release of emotion as it was the first real sign that she was indeed becoming part of the family.

Nights were spent with the family sorting through their possessions, deciding what to: take, sell, recycle, give away, and what to throw away. During the day, Owen would run around and get rid of what they were not taking with them. Rebecca started to sort through her own items on the rare few times she spent at her place. Rebecca did not get rid of anything, simply sorted them out and placed it in neatly organized piles.

On Monday of the next week, the last of the official documents the family needed arrived, the name change documents and other documents associated with the transfer of the law firm and house. Finally they were indeed the "Stronge" family, and the last of what they needed to take care of was in place.

Tuesday was a very special day for the family, Tuesday was in fact Owen's birthday; finally Reformation Day had arrived. The family went through the day as per usual and it wasn't until the day was over that the celebrations began. Instead of going to their usual restaurant down the street, they went to a fancy restaurant. Samantha agreed to babysit Chris, so that Rebecca could go along. After the lovely dinner at a restaurant with everyone dressed up in their fanciest clothes, they returned home.

After thanking Samantha for babysitting and bidding her goodbye, they all went downstairs. Veronica started to disrobe in the apartment entranceway, as she had taken to doing anytime she came or went into the apartment.

"You won't need those anymore, go change in your room," Owen said warmly as he kissed Veronica.

"Thank you, Master," Veronica replied in teary gratitude.

The family went to their respective rooms to change out of their clothes. Rebecca went with Taryn and Karen to change in their room. Instead of changing into their around the house dresses, the family simply put their clothes away and walked into the living room, nude; even Owen. Owen placed the familiar wooden box on the table beside him as he sat down. Owen sat in his usual chair and the rest of the family knelt down in front of Owen, a few feet away from him, in this order from right to left: Taryn, Rosina, Karen, and Veronica. Rebecca was to strip down and wait in Taryn and Karen's room until she was called for.

"What am I?" Owen asked in a commanding tone of voice.

"You are our Master," the four ladies kneeling before Owen said in unison.

"What are you?" Owen asked in a commanding tone of voice.

"We are your Slaves," the four ladies kneeling before Owen said in unison.

"What is this day?" Owen asked in a commanding tone of voice.

"This is Reformation Day, when we pause to remember and give thanks that you have taken your rightful place as our Master and the head of the family," the four ladies kneeling before Owen said in unison.

"What family is that?" Owen asked with just the hint of a smirk on his face betraying his commanding presence.

"The Stronge family," the four ladies kneeling before Owen said in unison.

"Red, approach," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice.

Taryn walked on her knees with her eyes looking down until she was kneeling right at Owen's feet. Owen reached forward grasped her hair and made Taryn look up into his face.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Taryn Stronge and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Taryn.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied with a look and tone of pure love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

"From this moment henceforth, you are my 'Mistress,' you will serve me as any Slave does, but you will have authority over all my Slaves. You are to see that my wishes are carried out, and that my Slaves are conducting themselves accordingly. As long as you are operating within my guidelines, you have free reign over any and all of my Slaves. Do you understand and accept this honour?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied with a look and tone of pure love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

"Give me your, Collar," Owen said as he reached up and opened up the wooden box.

Taryn didn't like taking off her collar but complied and handed it over to Owen, feeling like she was handing over an old friend. Owen accepted Taryn's collar and placed it down behind the wooden box as he retrieved her new Slave-Collar from the wooden box and handed to her. Taryn's new Slave-Collar was black and snapped up in the back with three snaps. In the centre of the collar was a large silver plate and on it were engraved two large words one on top of the other, "Mistress, Red." On either side of this plate, was a small plate with, "Property of Owen Stronge" engraved in much smaller lettering. Underneath the large, central plate was a single D-Ring. Taryn smiled and was speechless as she put her new Collar on.

"You may worship your Master," Owen said calmly.

Taryn eagerly sucked Owen's cock, hoping to taste Owen's cum before she was dismissed.

"Red, go back, Cat, approach," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice.

Taryn walked on her knees to where she had been and resumed kneeling. Rosina walked on her knees with her eyes facing down until she was kneeling right at Owen's feet. Owen reached forward grasped her hair and made Rosina look up into his face.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Rosina Stronge and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Rosina.

"Yes, Master," Rosina replied with a look and tone of adoration love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

"Give me your, Collar," Owen said with a stern tone of voice.

Rosina took her Slave-Collar off and handed it over to Owen, like Taryn she felt like she was handing over an old friend. Owen accepted Rosina's collar and placed it down behind the wooden box as he retrieved her new Slave-Collar from the wooden box and handed to her. Rosina's new Slave-Collar was black and snapped up in the back with three snaps. In the centre of the collar was a large silver plate and on it were engraved two large words one on top of the other, "Slave, Cat." On either side of this plate, was a small plate with, "Property of Owen Stronge" engraved in much smaller lettering. Underneath the large, central plate was a single D-Ring. Rosina smiled and was speechless as she put her new Collar on.

"You may worship your Master," Owen said calmly.

Rosina eagerly sucked Owen's cock, hoping to taste Owen's cum before she was dismissed, but she too was dismissed.

"Cat, go back, Bella, approach," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice.

Rosina walked on her knees to where she had been and resumed kneeling. Karen walked on her knees with her eyes facing down until she was kneeling right at Owen's feet. Owen reached forward grasped her hair and made Karen look up into his face.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Karen Stronge and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Karen.

"Yes, Master," Karen replied with a look and tone of adoration love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

"Give me your, Collar," Owen said with a stern tone of voice.

Karen took her Slave-Collar off and handed it over to Owen, like the others she felt like she was handing over an old friend. Owen accepted Karen's collar and placed it down behind the wooden box as he retrieved her new Slave-Collar from the wooden box and handed to her. Karen's new Slave-Collar was black and snapped up in the back with three snaps. In the centre of the collar was a large silver plate and on it were engraved two large words one on top of the other, "Slave, Bella." On either side of this plate, was a small plate with, "Property of Owen Stronge" engraved in much smaller lettering. Underneath the large, central plate was a single D-Ring. Karen smiled and was speechless as she put her new Collar on.

"You may worship your Master," Owen said calmly.

Karen energetically sucked Owen's cock, and almost was rewarded with a mouthful of Owen's cum but she too was dismissed, too soon.

"Bella, go back, Dee-Dee, approach," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice.

Karen walked on her knees to where she had been and resumed kneeling. Veronica walked on her knees with her eyes facing down until she was kneeling right at Owen's feet. Owen reached forward grasped her hair and made Veronica look up into his face.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Veronica Stronge and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Veronica.

"Yes, Master," Veronica replied with a look and tone of adoration love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

"Give me your, Collar," Owen said with a stern tone of voice.

Veronica took her Slave-Collar off and handed it over to Owen, like the rest she felt like she was handing over an old friend. Owen accepted Veronica's collar and placed it down behind the wooden box as he retrieved her new Slave-Collar from the wooden box and handed to her. Veronica's new Slave-Collar was black and snapped up in the back with three snaps. In the centre of the collar was a large silver plate and on it were engraved two large words one on top of the other, "Slave, Dee-Dee." On either side of this plate, was a small plate with, "Property of Owen Stronge" engraved in much smaller lettering. Underneath the large, central plate was a single D-Ring. Veronica smiled and was speechless as she put her new Collar on.

"All is forgiven, you may worship your Master," Owen said calmly.

Veronica was the most excited cocksucker yet and didn't let up in her intensity until she drank the juice of life that she had craved for so long. Owen groaned as he unexpectedly exploded down Veronica's throat. Owen had been hoping to save that honour for Rebecca, but he didn't account for Veronica's hunger and raw desire to please.

"Dee-Dee, go back" Owen said in a commanding tone, and Veronica immediately complied.

"Red, is our family complete?" Owen asked in a commanding tone of voice.

"No, Master," Taryn, respectfully replied.

"Is there another, who wishes to join our family?" Owen asked in a stern tone of voice.

"Yes, Master, there is," Taryn replied respectfully.

"Then have her brought before me," Owen commanded with a firm tone of voice.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied respectfully to Owen before she turned to Veronica to say, "Bring out, Rebecca,"

"Yes, Mistress Red," Veronica replied, her face and manner was awash with gratitude as she got up. It wasn't long before a nude Rebecca walked into the room with her eyes facing down and continued walking until she could finally kneel down right at Owen's feet. Owen reached forward grasped her hair and made Rebecca look up into her face.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Rosina Moore . . ." Owen started out but was cut off in the most inappropriate of times.

"Stronge!" Rebecca said in a loud yet submissive tone.

"Excuse me?" Owen asked in confusion.

"My name is Rebecca Stronge, Sir, I already changed it," Rebecca said in a quiet and submissive tone of voice and in reply Owen just smiled.

"I Owen Stronge, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Rebecca Stronge and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a firm and commanding tone of voice as he smiled at Rebecca.

"Yes, Master," Rebecca replied with a look and tone of adoration love as she looked up into Owen's eyes.

Owen retrieved Rebecca's Slave-Collar from the wooden box and handed to her. Rebecca's Slave-Collar was black and snapped up in the back with three snaps. In the centre of the collar was a large silver plate and on it were engraved two large words one on top of the other, "Slave, Mouse." On either side of this plate, was a small plate with, "Property of Owen Stronge" engraved in much smaller lettering. Underneath the large, central plate was a single D-Ring. Rebecca cried tears of joy and while she had a hard time seeing, she was able to put her new Slave-Collar on.

"You are my Slave so now you have earned the right to call me 'Master.' I hereby christen you with the Slave-Name of 'Mouse,' because to me you will always be that timid little mouse of a woman I met at Heather's," Owen said confidently, with a smile.

"Thank you, Master, I love it," Rebecca replied with a blissful and satisfied smile.

"You're welcome, Mouse. You may worship your Master," Owen said with a broad grin.

Rebecca eagerly sucked Owen's cock, making love to her new Master through his cock. Time stood still as Rebecca slowly and lovingly teased and made love to her Master's fleshy appendage.

"Mouse, take your place," Owen said while Rebecca still nursed on his cock.

"Yes, Master," Rebecca said and a shiver ran down her spine to finally be able to call her Sir, her Master.

Rebecca walked on her knees to kneel down beside Veronica.

"Red, is our family complete?" Owen asked in a commanding tone of voice.

"Yes Master," Taryn, respectfully replied.

"Then I declare The Reformation Day Ceremony complete," Owen said with a warm smile.

Once that was said there were hugs all around as everyone expressed their love for the old and new members of the family alike. Rebecca truly felt like she belonged and he soul was at peace to be one with Master and his family . . . her family.

"You know, it's customary, for a new Slave to express her devotion to Mistress Red by worshiping her," Veronica said with a conspiratorial giggle as she poked Rebecca in the ribs.

Rebecca's eyes went wide and she looked over at Veronica and then over at Taryn.

"You don't have to, I know it's not your thing," Taryn said to Rebecca in a comforting and reassuring manner.

"May I?" Rebecca asked with eagerness and delight in her eyes.

"If you want to," Taryn replied with a giddy giggle, "I won't stop you!" she added with a wink to Rebecca.

Taryn sat down in the middle of the couch and positioned her pussy at the edge of the couch, lying back to get ready to have her pussy licked. Rosina placed a few pillows behind Taryn so as to make her more comfortable. Rebecca crawled on her hands and knees with her eyes fixated on Taryn's now lewdly displayed pussy. As she walked to eat her new Mistress's pussy her own breasts were hanging down obscenely below her, swinging back and forth captivating Karen and Rosina's attention. Rebecca did not pause or delay her rug-munching at all; she simply started eating Taryn's pussy as soon as her tongue was able to.

"Dam, will you look at those tits!" Rosina said in amazement as she openly ogled Rebecca's large breasts.

Veronica put her head between Karen and Rosina and put an arm around each of their heads and said, "Those babies work you know."

Karen and Rosina looked at Veronica and then each other with a wide-eyed expression. In a flash Karen and Rosina were on their backs on either side of Rebecca and positioning their eager mouths to Rebecca's dripping nipples. Just as Rebecca looked down to see what was going on she saw Karen and Rosina latch on to one of her nipples each and begin nursing. Rebecca almost creamed herself right then and their not only at the sight but at the sensations that racked her body. Rebecca eagerly threw herself into the slit-licking that she needed to give at that moment. Veronica didn't want to be left out so she crawled up onto the couch.

"Care for a treat?" Veronica asked Taryn as she stroked her pussy next to Taryn's face.

"I was hoping you'd ask!" Taryn replied in a husky tone of voice, before she said, "Save me some milk you too!" as Veronica positioned her pussy over Taryn's face.

"No guarantees, Mistress Red!" Rosina said, breaking her contact with Rebecca's nipple just long enough to speak.

"Here, Here!" Karen added, slurring her words as she never completely broke contact with Rebecca's nipple.

"It looks like the baby is going to go on formula!" Veronica giggled as the pleasure of Taryn's pussy eating was starting to wash through her.

"Honestly, I think weaning you lot will be the hardest and take the longest!" Rebecca replied in a delightful giggle, happy beyond belief for the situation she was in.

"Mind if I join?" Owen asked just as he sunk his cock in to Rebecca's unsuspecting pussy.

"I thought you forgot about me, Master," Rebecca said as she let out a long low moan.

Rebecca had to pause for a moment to revel in the sensations of having her Master's cock stuffed into her pussy before she continued her pussy-lapping of her Mistress. Owen energetically fucked his newest Slave and it was no surprise that she came first, with Taryn a close second and Veronica a distant third. Owen lasted longer than usual and that was just fine with Rebecca. Taryn and Veronica replaced Karen and Rosina suckling on the lactating woman's breasts. Karen spread her legs before Rebecca for her first pussy licking from her new Fellow-Slave. Karen was more than happy to have Rosina sit on her face so she could taste the young woman's pussy once again. Rebecca came again and this time it was enough to push Owen over the edge and as she felt her Master's cum flooding the depths of her pussy she wondered if she could get pregnant this soon after giving birth. Karen was amazed at the skill and talent that Rebecca had in pleasing a woman and came on her face with a vengeance. Rosina was the last to cum and almost thrashed herself off of Karen's face.

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