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Remembrance of Things Past Ch. 02


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Rhys could read the frustration in his friend's voice and cleared his throat. "I'm afraid I'm not much help. I can't seem to find any notations of this occurring in any North American pack. The only suggestion I have is that we might consult my friend Edward. The Blue Stars know a great many things, and I expect that they would help us if we asked."

Leonardo growled, making his opinion of that idea crystal clear.

Alistair was surprised to find himself in agreement with Leonardo, for once. "We should exhaust every private avenue before turning to outsiders," he declared firmly, "especially non-Weres." There were nods around the room.

Rhys nodded as well. "I agree, my friend; I was simply noting the option. I wish I could be of more assistance. Guillame?" He turned to the Belgian Alpha, who sadly shook his head sadly.

"No, I've never heard of anything of this sort among the European Packs. But, I would like to add, I doubt any would want it known by outsiders if it did occur. In my time as the Archivist, I found that packs were more likely to share information that put a positive light on them than anything of a negative sort. Something like this... well, I don't think they would volunteer the information."

Guillame laid a hand on Zsigmond's shoulder and squeezed. He wished he had better news for his second, his brother, his friend. Zsigmond had brought Guillame's mate to the States those many years ago, had kept her safe, helped her raise Mariska, Guillame's eldest daughter. He would do anything to help Zsigmond's grandson, anything!

"Really? Nothing? That's odd." Jeff held an old book in his hand. "This is my father's journal. He kept it from the moment he learned to write until his death. And there IS an entry regarding this very thing!"

"What? Here? Or was it in Scotland?" Rhys wanted to see that book.

"Here. It happened before they knew there was a North American Council, so I'm sure that's why it was never reported. Remember, the pack was alone here in the west until the Nineteenth Century."

Alistair had never heard this before, either. He leaned in close, trying to see the page that Jeff had opened to. "Well, what happened?"

"Hang on, let me get to the right page. I don't remember my father ever talking about it before. And I don't doubt he never told anyone. It's not like it would have been something the old Alpha wanted anyone to know." Jeff carefully opened the old yellowed pages to the bookmark he'd left. "Here it is." He looked up for a moment. "What I'm going to tell you can't leave this room. Carr knows, and he's agreed to let me tell you, because it's for Jason."

"Of course we'll keep it confidential." Kelly looked at her stoic grandfather, still leaning against a wall, arms crossed. "Won't we, Grandpa?"

"Yes, Kelly, of course." Leo gritted his teeth in consternation. Who would he tell? Like the panthers cared about the skeletons in the wolves' closets.

Jeff ignored the panther alpha and sat on the corner of the table, his father's journal held carefully in his hands. He almost felt he could hear his father's brogue as he read the words. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"So it happened not long after they came to Nevada. The Alpha had been worried about the fact that none of the females had gone into heat the first few years they were here. My father told him that the wolves would breed when they were ready, and there was no need to be concerned." Jeff paused for a moment before turning the page to the part that got interesting.


Nevada Territory – Spring, 1632

"Ach, she's a bonnie lass." Kenneth Kilean carefully cleaned the wrinkled pink skin of the Alpha's firstborn and laid her gently in her mother's arms.

"She's beautiful..." Claire's voice was soft as she cradled her new cub. "Ewan, do ye not think she's perfect?" She gazed up at her mate, her face glowing with pride. "And here ye'd been so worried."

The Alpha stroked his love's face as he looked at their tiny little bairn. "Aye, she's a beauty, just like her mother." He took a finger and traced the tiny hand as it grasped at him. He didn't look up from the baby as he talked. "Kenneth, when does the bond form?"

"Ye should be feelin' it soon. It starts just after birth, or at least so me father told me."

"What will we name her, Ewan?" Claire couldn't stop touching her cub. She was so tiny and fragile and beautiful. After waiting these last several years she had thought the time would never come that she would hold her own child in her arms. Now she knew what her mother felt for her cubs, and how much it must have hurt her when Claire left to follow her mate. A salty tear dropped, caught in mid-air by her worried mate.

"Claire, ye should be happy. Why the tears, me love?" The Alpha's green eyes were filled with concern for the love of his life.

"Oh no, Ewan, I'm so very happy. But it's just... I miss me mother. I wish she could see our lovely lass here."

"Maybe someday she'll meet our little Colleen. And that's what we'll name her, Colleen." He'd never felt this kind of love for anyone before. He couldn't keep his eyes off his little blonde-haired, blue-eyed Colleen. But how much longer before the bond formed?


Nevada Territory, Winter, 1636

The man gently pulled the shawl over the little girl's shoulders, her blonde hair peeking out from under the soft wool. She giggled when he tucked the ends together to keep it tight around her neck. The more the man tried to make her sit still, the more she fidgeted.

"Quit yer strugglin', Colleen. Now hold still while I get ye dressed." The huge man dwarfed the tiny tot as he did his best to get her into her winter clothing. He stood there in his shirtsleeves, the chill of the winter air not bothering him at all. Finally, she was covered head to toe and shielded from the frigid cold. He took her by the hand and walked slowly outside, his strides shortened to allow the little one to keep up. She tugged at his hand, trying to get him to hurry.

She'd been cramped up in the house for weeks, and the snow had finally let up enough for her parents to let her out to play. As soon as they were out the door she broke free and ran with abandon, screaming into the wind, enjoying the fresh air on her face. She giggled and clapped her hands when she spotted a jackrabbit across the yard and ran after it as it hopped back to its den. Her father kept a watchful eye but let her venture a little farther away from him than her mother normally did.

"Be careful, Colleen. Yer mother cannae watch ye today; it's yer father that will watch out for ye. So don't go far, lass."

"Papa, Papa, come see what I found!" The little girl practically bounced with excitement as she pointed to the prairie dog poking his head out of his hole in the ground.

Ewan moved as quickly as he could but the damned little animal had bitten Colleen before he could get to her. Her screams carried back to the camp where his mate lay, awaiting the birth of their second cub.Second cub, more like our first. How much I love my little Colleen, but she's no cub.

Ewan, I can hear her screaming. What's happened?

Don't worry yerself, Claire. She just has a little scratch. She'll be fine.

Oh, Ewan, ye know she doesn't heal well. The last wound she had festered terribly. And she had a fever. And I've no way to care for her in my condition. The new bairn will be here any time.

The Alpha brushed his chocolate brown hair out of his eyes and bent down to scoop up the wailing child. He held her close, doing his best to calm her cries as he made his way to the healer's home.Kenneth, be ready, she's hurt herself again.

I can hear her, Alpha. I'm ready for ye both.

In minutes, Ewan had his daughter back in their camp, the pack's females surrounding them, each begging to take the small child from the Alpha. He shook his head at them all, wanting to take her himself to the healer. He had some words for Kenneth Kilean!

When he was this age, he'd healed from every scrape, bite, or cut within minutes. Why did his child seem more human than wolf? What was wrong with her? It wasn't that he didn't love her. He loved her with every fiber of his being, but this wasn't what he had expected. Would all the cubs born in this new land be human? Was there a poison in them that killed the wolf inside their bairns? There were no other cubs yet. Colleen had been the first of the pack, and the last until this next child to be born any day. The other females were fearful that all their future cubs would be this way.

The frantic cries had become sniffles by the time Ewan set Colleen on the table in the healer's room. The Alpha looked up at the healer who was busy readying his supplies.She'll ne'er be able to be alone, Kenneth. We wouldnae know if she was in danger. She'll always need to have someone looking after her.

Ewan, we dinnae know that, not yet. Ye have another that will be here any minute. There are other females pregnant now. They're just as worried as ye are. But a wolf still has to have young. It's the way of the world, Alpha, wolf or human, it's what must be!

Ewan took in the words of his healer, his friend. He leaned down to kiss the soft crown of his daughter's head. He wanted to feel the bond with her so much, it almost hurt. With a bond, he could help take her pain away when she fell, know when she was scared before she cried, know what she needed before she asked. Was that too much to ask?


Kenneth saw the Alpha's head jerk. "Is she in labor?" He quickly picked up Colleen and handed her to his own mate, Jeanne, who would be giving birth shortly herself. She bundled the child off to keep her occupied while her new sibling was being born.

Claire lay in bed waiting for Ewan as she thought about her firstborn, who she loved more than she'd thought possible. She wouldn't admit to anyone, even her beloved Ewan, how much she prayed to the Ancestors that her second child was born a Werewolf and not human. She felt her mate's hand on her shoulder and closed her eyes, calming herself with his scent.

Breathe, Claire. The babe will be ours to love, and that's all that matters, is it not?Did Ewan believe what he was telling his mate? Yes, he did. He would love this child as much as he loved Colleen. But had he doomed their kind by bringing them to this country?


Jeanne watched as Colleen played with some stones on the dirt floor, her hand resting on her prominent belly, feeling movement under her fingers.Ancestors, please let this cub be born a Werewolf. I would love a human child, as I love Colleen, but I so wish for one of my own kind.Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud crying of the Alpha's new child.

Another girl, Jeanne.

She smiled and knelt down next to the little girl. "Colleen, ye have a new baby sister."

Colleen squealed with delight and clapped her hands. "My very own doll!" She giggled and then cried when she hit her bandaged finger by accident.

"Shhh, it's alright, Colleen. The pain will go away soon. I'll take ye to see yer mama and papa soon. But let's give them a little more time with the wee one."


"Oh, Ewan. She looks just as Colleen did when she was born." The little squirming bundle screamed with all her might as her mother tried to calm her. Suddenly, Claire's face lit up with Joy.Ewan, can ye feel it?

The Alpha's face softened and tears formed at the corners of his eyes.Aye, I feel it, love. She's a wolf for sure.His hand stroked the soft downy hair on the head of his cub, his first cub. "What do ye wish to name her?"

"Annella, after me mother."

"Annella, a fine name, love."


Nevada Territory – Spring, 1660

Annella, where is yer sister?

She's with me, Mama. Do ye want us to come back? We've almost a full basket of berries.

Yes, we have washing to do. Be back before dark. Ye know yer sister can't see when there's no full moon.

Yes, Mama. We'll be home soon.

Annella watched her sister out of the corner of her eye. She felt sorry for her. No bond with their parents, no wolf to keep her company. She couldn't run across the land, the wind in her fur. She wondered what her sister thought when the pack went on a hunt and came back, muzzles dripping in blood. She wished things were different. Annella loved her sister so much, but she felt closer to the cubs she'd grown up with than her own sister.

Suddenly, she had the strangest feeling they were being watched. She cocked her head as she listened and thought she heard a faint sound of a twig breaking. She quickly scanned the area, but seeing nothing, decided she must be overly cautious because they were so far from the camp. Whenever she and her sister went berry-picking they had to venture a ways from their home. It always made her nervous. Annella could shift and run home if there was danger, but Colleen was so much slower. She lifted her head and scented the air. Nothing.

"Colleen, Mama wants us home." Annella was surprised when her sister didn't answer. She spun around and was shocked to see... nothing. "Colleen? Where are you?" Her heart pounded in her chest as she scented the air. She quickly shrugged off her clothes and shifted, putting her nose to the ground. Colleen had walked into the trees and just... vanished. Her scent was nowhere to be found. The blonde wolf started circling, the discarded basket of berries forgotten in the dirt. No scent, anywhere!

Papa, I can't find Colleen. I can't find her scent. Papa, I'm sorry!


When she felt the hand covering her mouth, Colleen was too scared to think, and the arms that closed around her were like bands of steel, not allowing her any movement. Annella was so close, but she had no way to make a sound to alert her. In that one quick moment, Colleen swore she would let them kill her before she told them anything about her family. She would never tell them what they were or where they were. She would die to protect her family and pack!

Within minutes the male who had spirited her away from her sister had joined a group of five others. She was startled to see they had fair skin like her pack, not dark like the natives of this land.

"Oh ho, what have ya got there? Now where would ya find a tender morsel like that way out here in the wilderness?" The man made a movement towards Colleen and her kidnapper, who stepped back, the slight woman still in his arms.

"She's mine, and ya best keep yer distance, John!" The male still held her in his arms but had lightened up his grip, no longer so tight she could barely breathe. But his hand was still held over her mouth.

The man he called John put up his hands in mock surrender and grinned as he backed away. "Have it yer way then, Tom, she's all yours. I won't touch a hair on her pretty little head." He turned around and laughed, addressing their friends. "Guess she's spoken for. Then maybe we'll have to find where this little girl came from to find a playmate of our own."

Colleen couldn't bear the thought of any of these men touching her little sisters, or any other females from the pack. She'd have to find a way to protect her family. They didn't seem to be carrying any weapons. All the stories she had heard of humans had said they always carried some kind of weapons. Maybe she could lie to them and tell them their camp was far to the south; that she had wandered too far from home. And she would tell them they had dozens of males, yes, that was what she'd do.

The male she now knew to be Tom whirled around to look at John. "You'll not look for any females, so get the thought out of yer heads!" Knowing his orders would be obeyed, he brought his attention back to the beautiful prize he held in his arms. He set her carefully on a large rock, but held her close. His lips were near her ear as he whispered, "If I take my hand away, do ya promise not to scream?"

Colleen thought for a moment before nodding her head. She felt his hand move away from her mouth and settle in her hair. She watched him suspiciously out of the corner of her eye as his hand moved slowly through her blonde curls. "Do ye not have females where yer from?"

Tom laughed quietly. "We have many females, but none like you. What is yer name?" His eyes traveled over her body in a possessive way, like she belonged to him already.

Should she tell him? "Ye've not earned the right to know my name. Ye've stolen me away and ye expect me to be civil with ye?"

"Yer right. I shouldn't have done that, but I was taken by yer beauty, and I couldn't take a chance that I would lose ya. My name is Thomas, but my friends call me Tom. I'd like to be yer friend." His brown eyes sparkled as he spoke, like there was something he knew but wasn't sharing with her. "Yer like a scared little rabbit, aren't ya?"

Her voice was so quiet, she wasn't even sure if he'd hear her. "My father will kill ye if he catches up with us." She looked him square in the face and was surprised to see amusement reflected in his dark brown eyes.

"He can try, but I doubt he'd be successful. I'm a good fighter."

He had an air about him that told her he really believed he'd win a fight with her father. And she was just as sure that he'd die, his entrails spread in the desert sand. A small part of her felt sorry for that.

"I hear Scotland in yer speech. Is that where yer people are from?"

Colleen was silent. She wasn't ready to give him any information about her or her family.

"My family came to this country from Éire. So we're from the same part of the world, and here we've met in this new land. Lucky for me we went exploring, eh?"

Colleen looked away, unable to look at the handsome man. Her father would kill him, of that she was sure. She didn't want to remember his face.

His hand gently turned her face. "Don't look away from me. Yer mine now. I won't give ya up, even to yer father." He gave her a long steady look before he stood up and walked towards his companions.

She made her plans as he walked away. She'd spent her life running with her pack-mates, doing her best to keep up. She knew she was fast as far as humans went. And she knew the land better than he did. She waited until he was across their makeshift camp before quietly sliding off the rock and slipping into the brush.

"Yer rabbit just ran away, Tom. Ya best hunt for her before someone else catches her. They might have her for dinner." John threw his head back and laughed heartily as his friend leapt to his feet and ran after the slippery little blonde. The other four men joined John in his merriment at Tom's expense.

Colleen could hear the sound of her heart pounding. She ducked low as she ran, staying as close to the ground as she could, her slim body slipping easily between the dense brush. She heard her kidnapper behind her, gaining ground, but cursing every time he was stopped by the bushes, too thick for his larger body to pass through. She didn't have the time to laugh. This wasn't one of the games she played with her little sisters or the other cubs in the pack. She was running for her life, and she couldn't imagine it without Mama and Papa, without Annella, Blaire and Elsbeth. She would rather die.

"You'll tire before I do, little rabbit. I'll catch ya and then keep ya tied when I'm not watching ya. Save yerself the trouble and give in to me." Tom wasn't about to let her go, not after finding her by chance. He'd do his best not to kill her father if he caught up to them. But he'd do what he had to.

Colleen ran until her lungs burned. She couldn't hear anything but her own rasping breath. She didn't feel the branches that cut through the sleeves of her dress and then her skin. She just knew she had to run towards home. It was her only hope. Papa would be looking for her with the Betas. She had to just run towards home.

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