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Rent Wives Ch. 06

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Wives in an apartment building get a rent discount!
7.1k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/12/2021
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This story is purely fictional and contains themes of extramarital sex, cheating, and impregnation. If readers do not want to read a story containing those themes, please perhaps think about reading another story. All characters are above the legal age of consent. If you're a new reader I'd also highly recommend you first read the earlier chapters, they will help explain who's who! I hope you enjoy this offering...

A warm summer day found Steve, landlord of a fairly large apartment building, in one of the units occupied by the De Alonso family. As far as Francisco De Alonso, the husband and father, and 20-year old Veronica, the daughter, knew, Steve had been called up to examine cracked crown moulding in the apartment, with an eye to repair it.

Repairing moulding, however, was not Steve's main job in the apartment this day. His main job, the family's wife and mother Sofia, was what was in front of him now.

"UUuuuuuuffff..." Steve groaned as he eased his rigid shaft into Sofia's taught midsection, his track pants pushed down around his ankles. Sofia, the 40-something wife and mother of the family, was laid out on her marital bed, her legs splayed wide as her landlord pushed himself into her.

"Aaaaaaaaa...uuummmmm..." the matronly looker moaned, her long, dark hair fanned out across the bed she shared with her husband. Francisco had actually permitted his wife to have sex with Steve, although not necessarily on their matrimonial bed! It turned out that not only did Francisco have a "thing" for the idea, but Steve in turn gave the family a much-appreciated discount on their monthly rent. Francisco's only condition, however, was that his wife and Steve use condoms, since the couple had been trying to have another child before age caught up to them. That ship had sailed, however, and Sofia's baby-belly heaved as she was repeatedly pushed by Steve's thrusting, her tummy rising and falling in time with his movements.

"Uuuuummmmm," Sofia cooed as Steve pumped in and out, massaging all the right places in her dripping tunnel. Each time Steve pushed in deep, the married mother clenched her bedsheets. The pair hadn't actually planned to have sex this day, but, as Steve had looked around at the crown moulding, he couldn't help be distracted by Sofia's graceful curves and shapely legs, extending down from a maternity-summer dress she still had on. Steve had guided the woman to her bed by her shoulders, and the look in his eye had told her what he wanted. Obligingly, Sofia had let herself be pushed back onto her mattress, had let her landlord peel her panties off, flip her dress up, and she had wrapped her legs around his waist as he eased into her for the second time that week. "We...we should be quick," She had said at the start. "Francisco or Veronica could be back in maybe 20 minutes..." That was what she had said then.

What she said now was, "Huuuffff..." as Steve lanced into her, prodding her so hard she inched up her mattress as Steve took her while he stood at the bedside.

"Your husband, huff, huff, huff," Steve panted, "still doesn't know that I'm the one who, you know...gave you that baby?"

"Ayyyy,," Sofia gasped. "He would kill us. As far as anyone knows, it is his baby. And now, misbehaved daughter Veronica is pregnant too!! Huff...huff...huff...If I ever catch the son of a bitch who impregnated her at this party, Francisco will kill him too!" Sofia angrily huffed.

[Cripes, I hope not!!] Steve thought as he kept reaching into the pretty woman with his throbbing shaft. [I'm the guy that did that, too!]

As the two groaned their passions to each other, Steve could feel his impending explosion on the horizon. He would blow a heavy load deep into the pregnant milf, and that would finish her sessions with him for the week. As he focussed on the feeling of Sofia's hot, moist ripples of flesh, suctioning his rigid shaft, the pair suddenly heard the apartment's front door open!!

"Ayy, Dios!" Sofia whispered. "we have to...huff...huff...huff...stop!" Steve kept pumping, so lost in the thrall of inseminating the lovely Latina under him that he almost didn't care if they got caught. The last few, strong pumps that rocked Sofia's body felt like they took forever. Panicked, she looked up at Steve, imploring him with her expression to finish off and get off her.

"I'm...I'm right there..." Steve hissed, panting away and hammering himself into the prostrate woman. The thought of Sofia's husband Francisco or their daughter Veronica walking in and finding Steve busting a load inside their wife and mother was too much for him. The cloying heat rose in his loins and boiled up, through his connection to the panting woman underneath him...

"Hrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!" Steve quietly bit off his climax, as his seed erupted deep in Sofia's gripping tunnel, his ass cheeks clenching as he pumped Sofia full, then took a deep breath as he began to relax. "Whoooffff..."

Hurriedly, Steve rose up off Francisco's impregnated wife and pulled out of her, a long line of semen stretching between them, before snapping off and sticking to the bed underneath the pair. Steve hastily yanked up his pants, backing away from the panting woman, while Sofia struggled to a standing position, helped up by a reaching hand from Steve, and quickly lowered her dress and straightened her strapless summer top, popping the fabric back over her breasts. As the two finished straightening themselves out, 20 year old Veronica swayed into the bedroom, her own pregnant belly leading the way. Steve feigned a conversation-in-progress to help hide the powerful fucking Veronica's dizzy-and-winded-looking mother had just been subjected to.

"...So yeah, Mrs. De Alonso, it looks like these mouldings will be easy to replace. I think I have the supplies in the basement's storage," he droned.

"Ahh! Mami! And...Steve?" Veronica asked, confused by the presence of the man who she too was secretly fucking.

"Ahola, honey," Sofia smiled at her daughter. "Si, Steve here is fixing the cracked moulding in this ceiling. I'm sick of crushing the spiders that seem to crawl out of there...I thought you were going out with Serena?"

"Ahh, ok," Veronica nodded, buying into the ruse. "No, Serena had to go..."

Steve scooped up his toolbox and headed to the front door, smiling and waving to Sofia, and leaving her with his hot load swimming up into her midsection. Veronica followed him that far, whispering, "I'm coming over for a session tomorrow, right?"

Steve nodded and winked at her before seeing himself out. In the hallway, he stretched his back and sighed. Amazing was the feeling after emptying oneself inside a beautiful woman, he thought to himself. But that was too close, almost getting caught! He shuddered, partly from the feeling of having his balls drained, and partly at the thought of what would have happened if Veronica had busted him fucking her mother on the marital bed! [Ahh well,] he thought. [I'll give Veronica a good seeing-to tomorrow...]

Ana Vasileva slammed the door to her apartment, startling her husband Viktor, who was on the couch as usual, a glass of whiskey in his hand, watching TV.

"Ah, Ana, how did it go at the doctor's office?" he asked in the couple's native Russian. [Not good, I think] he thought to himself.

"What do you think!?" Ana asked her husband, irritated. "Nothing again. That home pregnancy test was a false positive. Doctor showed I'm not pregnant."

"Der'mo." Viktor cursed. "Why can't you get pregnant?" he asked his wife, and immediately after realized it was exactly the wrong thing to say.

"Who says it is ME!!" Ana raged. "Maybe you can't do the job! Maybe you need to stop drinking too much of that garbage and get healthier!"

"Whiskey is not the problem..." Viktor insisted. "We promised our families a baby by the New Year. I don't know why, but your father insists on us having a baby or else we don't get much of his money from his will. Most of the money will go to your sister Katerina..."

"I know, I know..." Ana growled. "Katerina and her 5 kids...My father says "no kids, no need for money..." gaaahhh! Next week is my week to be most fertile." Ana went on. "You'd better get healthy enough to put a baby in me..." Ana flounced down beside her husband on the couch and watched TV for a while. "And one more thing...that kitchen sink is still leaking under the pipes like crazy...get the landlord up here to fix it..." she ordered Viktor. She had been running around all over town doing errands, and was soon napping, her long blond hair cascading down the sofa's cushions, dreaming of a little bundle of joy that she hoped would give her life more meaning.

Suddenly, Ana detected motion in front of her, and she snapped awake. Her eyes slowly began to focus on an object held dangling in front of her face. Viktor was standing over her, holding a small box over her head. Ana reached up to grab it, but Viktor quickly moved it higher, foiling her frustrated attempt to grab it.

"Jeezus, Victor, what the fuck are you doing!!??" Ana snapped, "how long have you been standing over me? Shit, that's creepy! What the fuck are you holding??!!"

"Ah-ah-ahhh," Victor taunted his wife. "Beg like a khoroshiy pes, a good doggie! You get this when I say! It's another home pregnancy test, but this one is supposed to be more accurate," he went on. "It cost a bit more, which is a problem, since our money is getting low, and your father won't let us in on his will..."

"You hold a pregnancy test over my face!! And want me to what, beg like a dog?" Ana cried. "You asshole! What the fuck!! I told you, next week, when I'm very fertile, you get healthy and do the job!! Go for a jog or something!!"

Neighbours could hear the couple argue on and off throughout the evening.

The next day, Steve was on a step-ladder, changing the fluorescent light bulbs in the entrance corridor on the main floor, and Ana, still irritated by her latest argument with Viktor, slammed the door on her way in.

"Whoa there, Mrs. Vasileva! You might want to leave some of the door intact to help keep out the non-residents!" he joked.

"Vaht?" Ana drawled in her Russian accent, giving Steve a puzzled look.

"Oh nothing, I'm just joking around," Steve smiled at her. "You seem mad, is everything ok?"

"Is..." Ana started, " nothink. Umm...zat sink still leaking. You can come and fix it? ok if vee be a little late vith rent zis month?"

"Ummm...well, maybe...why? Times are tough?" He asked her, letting his eyes roam over her slim, hourglass figure. Her pert breasts stood out a bit, her silky smooth thighs flowed up her long legs.

"Vell, yes a little," the blond furrowed her brow prettily. "Viktor is, you know, driving trucks? He vill get big job veek after next...Vee...vee are savink up" her voice dropped low, "Nothink...I should not say..."

"Ahhh," Steve kept joking, "Saving up for a mansion, huh?"

"Man...vaht?" Ana shrugged, unfamiliar with the jest. "Ahhh...vee...vee are trying for baby. Please, you not say anything..."

"Oh, well, that's great!" Steve smiled down at her. "Good luck. Oh, and by the way, if money is tight, you know, there might be something I can do to help with that..." Steve had been very reluctant to try to add more participants to the little "club" he had going in his building. He had offered several of the prettier wives in the apartment complex a portion of their family's rent money back, in exchange for some private adult playtime with him. Some had flat refused, offended at the proposition. Others, like Sofia, had accepted, and started to enjoy a "session" or two per week with their landlord. Steve was seeing enough women that sometimes he found that the sex was becoming a workout! However, Ana's gorgeous long hair, bright blue eyes and killer figure were teasing him now, especially with her talk of having children.

"Vaht help?" she asked with a smile.

Steve descended the ladder and motioned Ana over to a side hallway, out of view and earshot of anyone who might suddenly burst into the entranceway.

"Well, and I don't want to make you mad or anything, so if this sounds like something you don't want, please, don't worry about it, you can of course say no..." he began carefully.

His slightly bashful demeanour piqued Ana's curiosity. [This man is a little shy, considerate of the feelings of the person he talks to] Ana thought. [Not like Viktor at all!...]

"Please, Steve..." Ana said, "You just tell me. Vaht do you mean?"

"Well..." the landlord continued, "it might be possible, if you would like a good chunk of your rent money back each month..." he noticed Ana's eyes light up at the thought. She apparently liked that idea a lot, "...that you might, know, come and see me a time or two a week...and just the two of us, you know, without your husband...we could, um...well, enjoy some playtime with each other, ahh...and give each other some pleasure?"

"Vaht!!" Ana gasped. "You vant to make love!!?? I am married vooman!"

"Of course, of course!" Steve raised his hands as if warding off a bad idea. "No pressure, it's just an offer. It would be, you know, just private, for us two, no one would know..."

"Ahh...ahh..." Ana stammered, unsure of how to take it. "I no sink so...husband vood kill me, and you...vaht if I found Viktor fuckingk ozzer vooman!!?? Would be no sink so..." Ana looked aghast at Steve's suggestion.

"No problem, it's ok, forget I said anything. Please, don't worry about it..." Steve assured her, moving back to the ladder to finish his job. "I'll come up and take it to that sink soon...have a good one!!"

"Haf...a good vun?" Ana repeated, and started to walk towards the elevator. Her head was swimming. What would happen if she took Steve's offer? Could she even do that with another man? She and Viktor had their problems, of course, but...maybe the problem was that Viktor's sperm were weak?? What if Steve could...NO! She couldn't actually consider going down this path, could she? Of course not, she was no slut! How much money would Steve discount her on her rent, anyway?...NO! Stop this, she told herself, tapping the elevator button for her floor. How would she organize it so that she wouldn't get caught seeing Steve?...? NO!...

Friday afternoon came with the same summer heat that had settled around the city for the last couple of weeks.

"Glllooorrrrfff...gluuurrkk...gluurrrrk...glurrrrk...," came the sounds from Susie Xiao's throat.

"Oooohhh, gawd, honey, your throat feels like a set of magic hands massaging me to heaven!" Steve cooed at the pretty Asian mom and wife.

Susie was laid out on Steve's bed, flat on her stomach, her head cranked back far enough to be able to accept Steve's pulsing shaft being pumped hard, deep into her throat. She had dropped by this weekend to visit her daughter and her daughter's friend, newly moved in to a unit on the sixth floor, and to pay the month's rent. Part of that rent was now back in Susie's purse, and Susie was enjoying the fawning attention she derived from her secret visits with Steve.

For his part, Steve was standing at the side of his bed, his pants strewn all over the floor, and he was busy pumping hard, throat-fucking the beautiful, long-dark-haired, lusty woman. Susie was a sucker for the body-worship Steve was lavishing on her as he held her down by the shoulders and drove himself deep into her suctioning throat.

"Uuuuuhhhh, gawd, baby, your mouth feels like it's sending 1,000 volts of power through my cock!! You're sucking the life-force outta're sucking my soul out through my cock...uuuhhhh...I can't control myself when you've got me in you..." On it went, as Steve gyrated in front of the woman, as she gasped and smiled around his jack-hammering.

Finally, feeling his impending explosion, Steve pulled his hands back to hold the prostrate woman's head in place as he gave her throat a few final, powerful drives, keeping up the inane compliments for the woman on her belly. As his hot life force boiled up through his shaft, he bucked hard, and shot like a cannon deep into Susie's esophagus.

"GGGGGLLLLLLRRRRRRPPPPP..." As Susie struggled to swallow the heavy, slick load that Steve was pumping into her throat, she writhed on the bed as thin streams of semen leaked out of the corners of her mouth.

"UUurrrrrggggg..." Steve gasped as his load petered out, as he jetted the last few blasts into Susie's pretty face. The sounds of struggled gulping and heavy breathing filled the room, and Steve pulled out. He sat down solidly beside the still-laid out Susie, as she rose on all fours, gulping and gasping as Steve's load slid into her belly.

"Ooohhh...that...that was hard, but you did good...I might need a throat lozenge after that..." Susie smiled up at Steve, her chin shining with his seed.

"Me? Lordy, honey..." Steve smiled at her. "You could drain Lake Erie and make North America shudder..." Steve knew his compliments were silly, but they seemed to have the effect that Susie was looking for.

"Oh...?" She asked playfully, wiping her face with a tissue. "And what about my face? What about my face when I'm blowing you?"

"Ohh, jeez hon, you're like an angel of God breathing life into me..."

Susie looked elated with Steve's response to her performance. The two dressed, and Susie moved to Steve's front door. "I've gotta get back up there..." she said. "My husband is picking the girls and me up in 20 minutes and we're going to dinner. Next time I'll have more time to get fully naked and have you fuck me proper. Maybe I'll ride you like a roller coaster, or maybe I'll have you bend me over that sofa of yours. I'll see how I feel..."

Five minutes later back up in the girl's apartment, Susie opened the door for her husband.

"Hi, honey," Susie greeted her husband.

"Hey there, beautiful," her husband responded, taking Susie up in a hug and planting a deep kiss on her.

"Ahhhh, mom! Dad!" Jia Li cried, ewww! Take it somewhere else!"

"Gaaah!" Mr. Xiao gasped, pulling away from his wife. "What have you been drinking, bleach?"

"Oh, no," Susie responded, "That landlord just gave me a shot of this horrible European liquor he was drinking when I dropped off the know, I told him the girls just started their Honours programs so he gave it to me as congratulations I suppose, he was having a glass anyway...I guess you're driving!" She winked at him.

The following night was Saturday, and instead of enjoying a thriving social life, Steve was tinkering under the kitchen sink in the Vasileva's unit. Viktor and Ana were watching TV on their couch, while Steve installed the new drainpipe.

"Hey..." Viktor called out to Steve, "You fix good. Vee pay enough rent here...vee need good place, not shithole you sell us..."

[What a dick...] Steve thought. However, playing nice, he responded, "No worries, this pipe is one of the new types, this'll last longer than the rest of the building..."

Viktor walked into the kitchen, intending to pour himself yet another glass of whiskey while Steve was on his back under the sink.

"Hey," Steve asked, "Can you pass me that wrench I've got on the counter?"

Viktor picked up the wrench and held it just out of Steve's reach.

"Here..." Viktor teased, dangling the wrench as he had the pregnancy test over his wife's face. "You beg like doggie, you get this when I say..."

[Asshole has been pounding that whiskey back hard...] it occurred to Steve. Viktor suddenly dumped the dregs of his glass down the kitchen sink before Steve had had the chance to tighten the new pipe, and the mixture drizzled all over his chest. [Fuck you!] he thought. He heard Ana's voice cut in from the living room in Russian. Ana knew Steve couldn't understand her...

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