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Newly retired man discovers new female fashion trend.
5.2k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/30/2020
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Everyone said retirement is great and I'd have time to do all of things I always wanted to do. They didn't lie, I have time, but the great part, I'm not too sure about that. Pete said to himself.

Today is the first day of his retirement and he's already bored. Following his normal routine of getting up at the regular time, having a shower and then coffee before getting dressed, he stood ready. Next he'd normally be leaving for work, but today had no idea what to do.

He poured another cup of coffee and sat down at his kitchen table. He normally got his second cup of coffee at the deli near work along with a breakfast pastry. Maybe he'd have to settle for his weekend breakfast today and make sure he added breakfast items to his weekly grocery list.

People said he could travel and see the world, but after checking his bank account and accounting for his reduced income, that seemed like a pipe dream. He was entitled to a pension and his first check should arrive on the first, but it was only 80% of what his paycheck had been, not really enough to see the world.

He prepared toast with jam and a fried egg for breakfast, cleaned up the dishes and looked around the alien surroundings that was his home. He could not remember seeing it this time of morning during the workweek ever before.

After an hour he remembered a goal he'd made every New Year and never kept. He wanted to start walking and maybe lose some weight. He had walking shoes and casual clothes, but did he really want to get all hot and sweaty?

After another half hour of total boredom, he changed his clothes, grabbed his house keys and headed out the front door. As he looked up and down the street trying to decide on which direction to head, he was struck by a few of his neighbors walking by. He'd lived in this neighborhood for the last 15 years and recognized the women walking by; he'd even spoken to both of them on occasion, but could not remember their names. Today he noticed them and more importantly what they were wearing.

He'd heard of yoga pants before, but had no idea how form fitting they actually were.

"Hi Pete," one of the women called out. "We normally don't see you out during the week. Did you finally retire?"

"Hi. Yes, today is the first day of my retirement and I thought it was about time I did a bit of exercise." Pete responded.

"Great idea, but don't overdo it on your first day. Judy and I walk every day a couple of miles. It's great for your energy levels. See you later." The woman replied as she and the other woman walked off at a fairly brisk pace.

Pete watched the sway of their hips as they moved away from him. He now knew one of the women's name, Judy. She lived around the corner and had the rose garden in her front yard. He'd seen her many times before. If he recalled correctly she was divorced.

If all the women walking around here wore nothing, but skin-tight pants, he'd be out walking every day. He might have trouble concentrating on where to place his feet, but he'd get a very good view.

Pete could only walk around the block, before he was winded. He saw another female walker and she also wore something that appeared to be painted on. The warm temperature made jackets or sweats unnecessary and if it weren't for the color of what these women wore, he would have sworn they were naked. This was definitely the hobby for him.

Pete returned to his empty house. He lived alone these last 5 years since his wife of forty years died of a quickly advancing cancer. The one bright side of it was that she hadn't suffered long. It was only three months from diagnosis until he had to bury her. He still misses her and now without work to distract him, he might fall into depression. He needed things to fill the space vacated by his lack of the daily activity that occupied most of his waking hours for the past 20 years.

Pete cleaned his house and made up a grocery list with added food now that he would be eating both breakfast and lunch at home. He already had food for dinners. He then decided to do his shopping today instead of Saturday, as was his norm.

The near empty store surprised Pete; he normally fought the crowds on Saturdays. Not only were the customers today almost entirely women, but also several of them wore the same skin tight, butt-hugging pants he'd seen earlier this morning. The pace was more leisurely than what he experienced on his normal shopping day. He figured he had little else to do, so he went up and down each aisle checking out what was available, both in terms of groceries and in customers.

Most of those shoppers appeared to be over 60. There were a few men shopping and a couple of younger people, but for the most part the dozen or so people in the store looked be, like him, retired.

Pete recognized over half of the women there, but names escaped him. In the past he'd always been in too much of a hurry to chat with any of the neighbors; it was different now, he had nothing but time. He wondered if it was too late to get to know some of these women.

Pete grabbed the closest item to him and walked up to a woman he recognized. As luck would have it, her pants looked painted on. "Do you know how to cook this?" he asked.

"Now that's a pick up line I've never heard before," the woman laughed, "Do you realize you are holding a package of spaghetti?" She smiled at him, before adding, "You don't remember me, do you?"

Pete was caught and his embarrassment showed. "No, I don't. Do we know each other?" He thought of adding that he suffered from a blow to the head last year and had lost all of his memories, but decided he was already in too deep and that statement would only make it worse.

"Pete, I'm Suzy; I picked up your wife for Bunco every Friday night for two years until she received her cancer diagnosis. I'm so sorry she's gone; she was such fun."

"Yes, she was a lot of fun to be around. I remember you and some of her other Bunco friends came over a few times to bring me dinner and check up on me after Ruth died. I appreciated that."

"You were always so busy and didn't seem to want company. You just seemed to throw yourself into your work and no one saw you except on rare occasions when you went to the store every Saturday morning, like clockwork." Suzy commented.

"I guess I needed something to fill the void and work was there. I'm retired now and trying to make up for avoiding everyone who tried to be there for me. I missed a lot and want to try to reconnect. I don't know why I picked up this pasta. This is far too much when you're cooking for one. I normally just get the frozen dinners."

"I know what you mean. Do you like the frozen dinners?"

"Not really, but what choice do I have?"

Suzy's face took hold of a wide grin, "Do you cook?"

I can make a few recipes, but I haven't in a while, why?"

"Do you know what a co-op is?" Suzy asked.

"Yes, that's for buying things in bulk to share with a group."

"You can also do the same with cooking. I'm in a group of a few other women where we all take turns cooking to share with each other. Would you like to join our co-op?"

"That sounds great. I'll have to dust off my old recipes, but I think I remember how to make a few things, like spaghetti," Pete said holding up the package of pasta.

"Why don't you come over to my place tonight and enjoy a home cooked meal? Do you remember where I live?" Suzy asked.

"Not really," Pete admitted.

Suzy gave him her address and phone number then hurried off to start cooking.

Pete completed his shopping happy with his progress in re-establishing an old acquaintance. He wasn't sure if anything would come of this new friendship, but he sure hoped he'd be able to see more of her. He made sure to check out her butt as she walked away.

Pete returned home and after putting away the groceries pulled out the recipe box he and Ruth had used. He selected a few recipes he'd made before and then grabbed Ruth's Cheesy ham and potato casserole that she took to every pot luck she attended.

Pete took a shower, put on clean clothes and headed over to Suzy's house. He rang the doorbell and when the door opened his jaw dropped. Suzy stood there, no longer wearing the yoga pants he has drooled over earlier in the day. Now she wore a flimsy apron covering a thin tank top and shorts that mirrored the yoga pants she wore before only much shorter.

"Come on in, Pete," she offered very pleased at his reaction to her attire. "I'm sure you remember Ann," she added indicating a woman seated on the couch and wearing a small sundress and little else.

Ann stood and reached her arms out for a hug, which Pete readily accepted. He recognized this woman, but was grateful Suzy introduced her. It had been a long time since he found himself in the arms of a woman and he enjoyed the contact.

"Carol will be here soon, she's running a bit late." Suzy said while Pete was still being hugged.

It was a longer than a normal hug and it felt a bit more intimate than what friends normally give each other, but he didn't want it to stop.

"I'm so glad you decided to join are little dinner get-togethers," Ann said finally releasing Pete.

"I'm glad to be here. It's very hard cooking for one. I pulled out a couple of my recipes and we'll see if I can remember how to cook." Pete responded with a nervous giggle. He tried to stay light, but in his mind he felt certain he could have allowed his hands to roam lower on Ann caressing her curves. He fantasized about his hands all over her butt and was only interrupted by Suzy announcing Carol.

"There she is. Pete, you remember Carol don't you?"

"Hi Carol," Pete said and figuring it was acceptable to hug reached out his arms.

Carol sank into his arms much as Ann had. Pete felt as if he were the last piece of candy in a candy store and these two wanted that candy badly. It was a pleasant feeling while Carol's breasts were smashed against his chest and her groin massaged his own.

After a while and a similar hug from Suzy they all sat down to a dinner of meatloaf, new potatoes and corn. The women informed Pete of all the goings on around the neighborhood to combat the boredom since he was newly retired. They also hinted that they were happy to have him around and that all of them found him attractive.

Pete took a chance since it seemed he could do no wrong with these women (he hoped that was not just wishful thinking on his part) to ask about the sexy pants they wore.

"I noticed all day today that a lot of women wear these very snug fitting pants and outfits. I never noticed that when I was working and only out and about on the weekends. Is it a new fashion or trend?"

Carol answered for the group; she still wore the painted on pants. "They are called yoga pants and they are very comfortable plus it never hurts to advertise." She giggled a bit after her comment. "Don't you like them," she asked still smiling.

"Oh, I like them a lot, but I am trying hard not to stare." Pete admitted.

It was Ann's turn to respond, "I think I can speak for all of us, that it's been quite a while since any of us cared if men stared at us and as a matter of fact, if it's the right man we all enjoy the attention."

Pete perked up after that comment and the smile that followed it, "And am I the right man?"

"We'll see," Suzy chimed in. None of us are that old that we don't like the attention and finding men that are both interested and interesting is not that easy anymore. We tend to not hang out with the party crowd and the people around here are mostly younger families with kids and busy schedules. You'll learn to do all of your outdoor activities and socializing during the week when most are at work then stay home in the evening and on the weekends."

"So you still date?" Pete asked.

"Of course," Suzy replied, "there are several on-line dating sites for seniors. When we have someone in our lives we tend to be unavailable for the neighborhood social activities, like group dinners."

Pete again was all ears, "Does that mean that none of you are dating anyone at the moment?"

"What did you have in mind, Pete?" Carol asked.

"Oh, I was just curious and wanted to know how you filled your time now that you are not working and don't have families to take care of." Pete replied, trying hard to hide the lust driven beast inside of him.

Pete found out that there were a lot of activities for seniors in the neighborhood and surrounding area, including discounted movie tickets, walking groups, museum passes, and a senior center that offered a variety of activities for seniors ranging from very gentle yoga, to exercise classes for active seniors.

When Pete finally left to head back home he wore a smile that hadn't graced his face in over five years. He had an invitation to Ann's house the following evening for dinner along with her address and phone number. He was also asked if he wanted to join in on the dinner making rotation. He indicated he was very interested, but might need a bit of time to get his house in order to receive guests.

The next morning, he again prepared for his walk and waited in front of his house in the hopes of seeing Judy and her friend walk by again. He did not have to wait long as within a couple of minutes he saw them rounding the corner and head towards him. They wore those same yoga pants he admired so much yesterday.

"Hi Pete," Judy greeted, "Did you decide to walk with me and Helen?

At least now he knew the other woman's name. "I'd love to, but I'm afraid I would not be able to keep up. I tried to walk yesterday and only barely made it around the block."

"That's fine. We all have to start somewhere. We'll be happy to walk with you around the block before we go on to our normal walk." Judy offered.

"That would be great," Pete said as he joined the two, "I found out that some of the seniors around here have a dinner co-op so as not to try cooking for one."

"A lot of us do that. Did you have dinner with someone last night?" Helen asked.

"I saw Suzy at the store yesterday and she invited me to dinner with her, Ann, and Carol. Pete replied as he fell in step with the two women.

They chatted as they walked and Helen offered to go with Pete to the senior center for a weight training class later in the afternoon. The women dropped Pete off back at his house after the trip around the block; Pete's breath was a bit labored but he did stay outside to watch the two women walk away. He wondered if he'd get used to seeing these women in clothing that made them look half naked—he certainly hoped not.

He went into his house and started the huge task of getting his bachelor pad presentable to others. He figured if he did a bit every day, it shouldn't take more than a week. He also had to throw out a lot of what he no longer used.

Helen rang his doorbell shortly after noon and asked if he still wanted to go to the weight training class. After he indicated that he did, she made sure that he hadn't eating in the past hour.

He locked the front door and followed her out to her car. She wore leggings that were lighter in color than what she wore in the morning and appeared to be thinner; she also wore a thin tank top that outlined the shape of her breasts and nipples. Pete knew he'd have trouble focusing on the exercise program.

Helen smiled and Pete became aware he was staring, he quickly shifted his gaze.

"Am I distracting you?" She asked.

"To tell you truth, yes. I've been distracted by all the women I've seen these last two days. Do you always wear such provocative clothes?"

"Not all the time, but when I noticed you were home midweek, Judy and I concluded that you must be retired and we both thought that we'd let you know that we both are still attractive and available."

Pete remembered that both Helen and Judy had indicated an interest in him after his wife died. They gave him time to mourn the loss of his wife before approaching him, but by then he was never around. He shared that he gave up on everything and just used work to separate himself from the rest of the world and now he was sorry he had. He also found out that the yoga pants were a part of everyday attire for a lot of women and most were very aware of the effect wearing them had on the men around them.

Helen and Pete checked in to the senior class and completed it with little effort. Pete made sure that Helen was in front of him and watched intently every time she bent over.

"What did you think of the weight class?" Helen asked as they walked back to her car.

"I liked it a lot. I also enjoyed the view." Pete responded with a new confidence after hearing Helen acknowledge her attraction to him.

"I'm glad," Helen replied, "I'd like for you to come over for lunch, but first I want to tell you that I'm not interested in anything leading to a traditional monogamous relationship. We have both been around for a while and already did that family and white picket fence thing. I'm interested in having fun on occasion and would like to play with you too."

"I hadn't thought that far ahead, but I don't think I want to do the marriage thing again. I'd like to come over for lunch and whatever else you're thinking about. This is new to me, but I am interested in having a bit of fun with you."

Helen pulled into her garage and welcomed Pete into her house. As soon as they entered the kitchen she threw her arms around him and pressed her lips onto his. Her body molded onto his and his erection became obvious.

Pete dropped his hands to caress the fleshy globes of her barely covered butt.

Helen released Pete's lips and started to caress his chest; she noticed his nipples pressing against the T-shirt he wore and thought his nipples were as hard as her own. She toyed with his and he took the hint; soon his hands were on her breasts as well.

Without any conscious move on either of their parts a pile of discarded clothes lay on the floor at their feet and they moved towards her bedroom.

Once inside the bedroom, Helen dropped to her knees and took Pete's cock into her mouth. She moved back and forth along his shaft several times before she changed her attack on his manhood. She held his cock up against his stomach and licked the underside from balls to tip time and again. She then took his balls into her mouth and sucked each one before releasing him. She stood, looked him in the eyes and said.

"I love oral."

Pete although breathing hard responded, "Me too," before he pushed her back onto the bed and buried his face between her legs.

She lifted her legs and spread them as far as she could. Pete noticed that she was extremely limber as he thrust his tongue deeper into the space provided.

He took a small break after her first orgasm before adjusting her onto the center of the bed. Positioning himself above her, he slowly slid his cock into her willing mouth before continuing the exploration of her core with his tongue. He licked and probed until she started to squirm. He then found her hardened bud and flicked his tongue back and forth until she started to shake. She wrapped her arms around his butt and sucked him fast and deep until he too was overtaken with orgasm.

He rolled off of her and they both rested.

A half hour later they got up and Helen made them each a small salad.

"That was fun," she said as she set the food on the table. "Judy is going to be jealous that she didn't get to you first."

Pete looked at Helen as if he'd misheard her, "So, you'd be okay if Judy and I got together?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? As I mentioned before, we are past the forever after phase and now it's all about just having fun."

They chatted more about this alien philosophy until Pete started to accept what Helen told him. He'd have to check with Judy to make sure she felt the same before he moved further. Actually, he had fantasized about Judy more than he had about Helen, but after what just happened that might change.


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