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Return to "Weekend School" Ch. 03

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Laura enjoys the privileges of supreme Mistress.
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Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/02/2013
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[Those offended by bodily functions should read no further. Readers will enjoy this story more after reading earlier instalments. All characters are over 18.]


Laura Franklin, who was 25 years old, but looked younger, was having her usual enjoyable time serving as a Prefect at the weekend school. The school met from Friday midday until Monday midday and had been organized to give middle-aged men and women a brief re-immersion into their own school days, and especially, to the discipline traditionally imposed in schools back then.

Having already achieved a small fortune from her own involvement in sophisticated computer services, Laura had quietly indulged her own interests in school discipline by setting up the bi-monthly weekend events. She had recruited several teachers who were old enough to recall when teachers had no hesitation both in enforcing discipline and satisfying their own desires through frequent imposition of the cane, strap, tawse, and hand on needy bare bottoms, as well as other punishments and humiliations.

Laura had become friendly with Melody Haynes, a middle-aged teacher in her 50s who no longer could dominate her pupils as she had in the earlier times before Laura had been at school. Since Laura was both attractive, with flowing blond hair and a curvy frame, and quite well-off, she was able to sign semi-retired teachers like Melody easily. Melody recalled Laura as one of her more recent students and found the memory pleasurable, as she and Laura had become more than close friends.

Anne Smithers, who also was a teacher at the weekend school, had been a classmate of Laura's. Anne still taught school and given the restrictions on wage increases prevailing in schools, appreciated the extra income from serving as a Mistress at the weekend school. Anne also possessed a nice sadistic streak that cherished putting middle-aged women and men through their paces; she relished the situation where these older folks, normally in control of most of their lives, were made to submit to the whims of a dominant 25-year-old.

Laura reviewed the discipline she had already witnessed being imposed by both Melody and Anne, and particularly the punishments visited upon Marcia White and Linda Grant. She herself played the role of a Prefect because it put her in the perfect position to observe the humiliation of the 40- and 50-year-olds while occasionally taking part herself.

The "pupils", however, did not realize that the cool, attractive Prefect was actually the equivalent of a Headmistress, but in disguise. The Mistresses, of course, knew all about Laura's unusual and commanding role, and themselves found it pleasurable to retire to her commodious quarters after hours to engage in some play of their own. At these times, the seemingly-detached Miss Franklin became the leading domme of the hour.

That night, the middle night of the programme, Laura had invited Melody and Anne to her rooms for some "après" activities, and this time, she extended the invitation—which, of course, was a command performance, to the striking 19-year-old Prefect, Diana Prentice. Diana was a recent graduate of the same elite public school that all of the other three women had attended, and was slowly recognizing that her co-Prefect, Laura, was truly the woman in charge of this school.

"You all know that this is the time for me to indulge some of my little fantasies and for you to doff your Mistressy facades and enjoy being put through your paces by a determined younger woman," Laura smilingly observed to Melody and Anne, who had mixed feelings about this party. Both were dominant but deep down craved the humiliation of being embarrassed by this hard-edged younger woman who ruled effortlessly in a disarmingly kindly manner. They had felt her strong arm lacing into their bottoms before, though, and that knowledge never left their consciousness.

"Diana," she ordered the younger Prefect, "I'd like you to assist me in applying a touch of the whip to our two Mistresses." Melody and Anne felt a frisson of fear and much shame as they realized that the 19-year-old who had been serving as their aide in class now would be set on them as an assistant to the true dominant.

"Anne," Laura went on, "I did enjoy seeing how you taught the boys and those two women the facts of life today." She was referring to Anne's class of middle-aged men dressed in junior boys' short pants uniforms who were instructed in sex by having one of their number engage in intercourse on the table at the front of the class with the middle-aged Marcia White.

"Please lift your skirt and lower your panties so I may have Diana conduct an inspection," the young domme off-handedly directed her contemporary. Anne complied with the embarrassing order and all of the women watched as she bent across the end of the couch with her skirt above her waist and her cute purple-patterned panties pulled down below her knees. Some of Anne's trimmed but abundant pubic hair peeked through her legs and her bulging quim and its slit were clearly visible through her cheeks.

"Diana," Laura went on, "please use the small white cloth to check on the cleanliness of Anne's anus for us."

The 19-year-old Prefect proceeded to hold Anne's cheeks apart and slide the little cloth deep into the teacher's bottom-hole. Upon seeing Laura signal her, Diana slowly withdrew the cloth, held it to her nose, and grimaced. Then she showed the soiled cloth to Laura.

"It looks like she's somewhat poopy in there," Diana remarked with a grin.

Laura put on a stern expression and Anne heard her respond, "Well, we can't have a messy teacher here, can we, Diana? We'll have to help clean Miss Smithers but first I think she needs to spend a little time in my version of the saddle."

Anne winced at this rather off-handed remark, as she knew Laura was not referring to any sexual contact but instead would now have her wear the much-feared saddle strap for an unspecified amount of time. Laura pointed out to Diana where the saddle strap was kept and the young Prefect brought the leather contraption to the true Mistress of the scene.

Laura opened the strap and had Anne totally remove her purple panties before she could reluctantly step into it. Laura pulled the waistband up around Anne's tight waist and then pulled the thin strap between Anne's legs up tightly in the rear, slipping the buckle into one of the tighter notches at the belt, and seeing that the thin leather cut painfully into Anne's most sensitive places, pressing into her vulva and pressing down hard on her aroused clit.

Anne groaned as Laura commented that wearing the "little strap" as she somewhat lightly referred to the insidiously painful gear would get Anne ready to be cleaned, which suggested that an enema was likely to follow after Anne had suffered this somewhat grim warm-up.

Melody observed this opening humiliation of her younger colleague and responded quickly when Laura motioned to her to get into a similar position: skirt up, panties down. Melody was wearing a sweet pink pair of Cacique panties that belied her age but when she pulled them down to her knees, it was clear that she was in good shape for a woman in her 50s. Her bottom-cheeks were firm and unwrinkled, and her auburn pubic hair showed no touches of gray. Knowing how contact with her privates would shame the older teacher, Laura walked over behind Melody and ran her fingers between Melody's spread legs and brought her now-wet finger to her nose and lips.

"Hmm," Laura grinned, "this naughty girl is already quite wet with anticipation, Diana." The younger Prefect smiled in response as she enjoyed seeing the senior Mistress for whom she had served as aide all day was now being taken down a peg or two.

But Laura decided to focus on Melody's almost-hidden anal rosette. She reached into a drawer of her lovely desk with its inlaid surface and extracted from a plastic container a shaved ginger stick that would do a fine job used as a fig in Melody's cute little anus. She walked behind the bent-over Melody and calmly spread her cheeks and slowly inserted the stubby fig into the anal opening until the end almost disappeared inside but was still easily retractable. Laura recalled that some of the stick needed to be pointing out to maximize the humiliation of this grown lady having such a naughty device protruding from her most personal opening.

Melody tried to prepare herself for what she knew would be the slowly increasing internal stinging that the ginger fig would cause on her delicate inner anal tissues. She also turned somewhat red in the face as she imagined the reaction of Laura and the rest when the fig was removed and close inspection of it would show more than traces of the bowel movement that Melody could feel moving down inside her, stimulated by the insertion of the provocative fig.

Anne was trying to remain still as she felt the insistent pressing of the awful strap on her vulva, vagina, and clit. Laura knew she was holding her response in and surprised her with the sadistic order to Anne to start walking in circles around the room. Laura knew of course that this would heighten the pressing of the strap on Anne's pudenda and reminded herself to use a buttplug next time with the strap to increase the anal stimulation.

Laura grinned at her co-conspirator Diana who clearly was gaining quite a dose of sadistic pleasure at observing the way the hitherto dominant mistresses were being humiliated, and then realizing that they probably were enjoying it, were it not for the pain of the strap and the ginger.

But Melody Haines turned out to be the first to cry out, and this was because she sensed the humiliating feeling that her bowels sought to betray her. She felt the unyielding pressure of a large bowel movement pressing on the nasty little fig which had actually stimulated her colon.

"Miss Laura," she said in a small, uncharacteristically submissive voice, "I fear I'm about to have a very embarrassing accident if I'm not relieve myself NOW."

Melody's face now turned deep red at her humiliation before the young dominatrix who was in charge.

"Well, Haynes," Laura responded, treating her as an annoying pupil rather than the senior authority figure she normally was, "I suppose we will have to deal with this little situation of yours. You should be aware that I expect you to attend to those needs prior to class, of course."

Melody recognized that she was in for a supreme dose of humiliation, and deep inside her, she was actually proud that she would endure more embarrassment than she had caused the two women she had disciplined in class that day.

"Yes, Miss Laura," Melody went on, "I know I'm behaving badly and I expect to be punished."

"You are indeed a bad girl," Laura responded coolly, "and now you may get up on the chair here on your knees and Anne will hold the little bowl under you so you may relieve yourself right into it in front of us." She handed the bowl to Anne Smithers and motioned to her to get behind Melody's protruding bottom and place the bowl beneath Melody's now-bulging rear orifice. Her less-thick pubic hair was also visible between her spread legs.

Laura reached over to Melody's bottom and carefully and slowly extracted the ginger fig. It took only seconds for a long, thick dark brown sausage to slide right out of Melody's small anal rosette and into the bowl Anne was holding. The younger teacher had been careful to place the bowl directly beneath Melody's crotch so that now her pee stream followed the excretion of her bowel movement, the pee trickled right into the bowl, accentuating the characteristic smell of excrement.

"I'm sure your class would have been amused had I invited them to witness this little performance," Laura commented dryly.

"Oh, Miss Franklin," Melody responded, "I'm so appreciative that you are willing to discipline me here with the others in our little group."

"Well," Laura continued, "you definitely need to be disciplined. That is certainly clear."

She handed a small soft whip to Anne Smithers, still in some discomfort from wearing the tight saddle strip that was pressing painfully on her vaginal and anal orifices.

"Anne," Laura ordered, "please give this naughty girl three nice pussies."

"Oh, please, Miss, not those, please," Melody pleaded as she began to anticipate the horrid little whip stinging her in her most sensitive place.

""Don't argue with me, Haynes," Laura remonstrated, "or there will be more. Girls like you need to feel the whip right on their naughty pussies."

Anne stood behind Melody, now crouched fearfully on the chair as Laura instructed the older teacher to spread her legs for the discipline.

Now Anne took the small whip with a practiced hand and snapped it thrice right down Melody's open crack, definitely striking right into the open vagina between Melody's thin labia and nicking the risen tip of Melody's engorged clit, causing her to scream three times.

The scream was music to the sadistic Laura's ears. But she began to feel a bit of compassion for Melody and after Anne had punished the older woman so severely, Laura helped Melody to her feet and gave her a warm kiss on her mouth.

Laura also started to feel sorry for Anne and unbuckled and removed the nasty saddle strap from the younger teacher who breathed a few times as the pain slowly diminished for her tortured pussy and asshole.

Now she turned to the waiting Diana and made the secret sign they both knew well which meant that Diana was now to bring and help Laura into the harness she used. Now the dominant young woman wore the harness around her hips, with a large dildo sticking out.

Diana grinned and lifted her skirt, bent over the chair as she pulled her panties down and off, and spread her legs, offering Laura a lovely target in her pink pussy.

Laura enjoyed the lovely sight of Diana bent over on the chair, her delightful bare posterior facing Laura, with Diana's pink-lipped pussy peering out from between her shapely legs. Laura moved toward her, rubbed some lube into Diana's pussy and slowly pushed her strap-on into the young woman's commodious cunt.

It did not take Diana long to become wildly exuberant, bucking and writhing as Laura plunged the strap-on in and out of her charming hole. Laura enjoyed the small nub and prong that pushed from the harness into her own vagina and stimulated her protruding clit. Finally, both young women found themselves on the edge of spectacular cums—one after the other, they exploded in pure pleasure.

Anne and Melody decided it would be nice for them to caress the two younger women who were feeling so good. Each played with the exposed anal rosettes of Laura and Diana, which produced more smiles and moans from the pair.

Finally Laura withdrew the strap-on from Diana's sopping opening and both struggled to lift themselves into a standing posture as they returned to consciousness from their exciting conjuncture.

Diana smiled but realized that she too now was feeling a different kind of pressing need. She felt a large movement proceeding through her canal and soon would be pressing in her rectum for release. In a small voice, she told Laura that she was needing to use the toilet and the dominatrix grinned and told her she would have to wait until it was convenient, whatever she meant by that.

Diana grimaced and said in the small small tone, "Laura, I...don't know if I can wait..."

Laura smiled some more and told Diana to put her panties back on, as well as her skirt. Diana looked depressed as she complied with the fateful order.

"Melody, sweetie, it appears that Diana is imminently in need of making a doody," Laura intoned sweetly, masking her obvious delight at Diana's impending embarrassment. As she spoke, Diana was unable to keep from emitting a loud fart, following by a cry of "Oh, no!!" as she felt the poop slide out of her anus into her white silky panties.

"I think our little girl has made a jobbie in her panties, Melody," Laura continued, without missing a beat. "I think you need to take her over your lap and spank her over the bulging mass and then we can take down her panties and help her clean up."

The older woman smiled back and summoned the young Prefect Diana to her with her index finger. Diana followed the hand and lay herself across Melody's lap. The experienced teacher flipped up Diana's little skirt and saw a brownish tinge permeating the white panties. She spanked Diana quite firmly right on the humiliating bulge and the mass spread around the pantied bottom.

Diana began to cry and Melody motioned to her to lift her hips and waist so Melody could carefully lower the girl's panties, which when they came down, contained the matted feces she had excreted. Diana's pretty bottom, so recently the site of Laura's strap-on pleasuring her pussy, was now caked with brown poo.

Melody carefully used a large sponge and washcloth to clean Diana's filthy bottom. Soon all the poo was gathered into the bowl where Melody's movement had gone. Laura now decided to give Diana a taste of old-time scholastic discipline.

"Haynes," she ordered, "please have Prentice rise and position herself on the couch on all fours so you may administer a good caning to her naughty bottom."

Diana cringed, knowing how the older Mistress could wield the nasty-looking crooked cane.

Meldoy's face brightened as Diana assumed the required position. She enjoyed seeing the girl display lewdly her private parts as she spread her lovely legs. Picking up the thin cane, she lay it across Diana's perfect bottom, drew it back and flicked it across the bare expanse to inflict a stinging stripe. Diana was not prepared for the incredible sting and cried out.

Laura motioned to Melody to adjust the pace. Melody knew what the sadistic Laura wanted and started caning Diana in quick spurts of three strokes aiming at the top, middle, and base of her bottom. Laura knew this would likely produce a quick orgasm from Diana, who was torn between the stinging caning and the fire in her sopping quimmy.

Diana collapsed in a combination of exhilarated agony and pleasure. Then Laura lay back on the commodious couch and removed her lovely beige satin panties. The others saw her spread her legs, exposing both her carefully-trimmed pubes and pretty labial petals. She smiled and the others knew it was time to please her.

Melody and Anne took turns licking at the delicious split as Laura began to buck in response and experience several orgasms. Then Diana came to the place between Laura's legs and began stimulating Laura's sweet little clit with a feather, which made the ultimate dominatrix shudder as even more orgasms began to sweep through her.

She hugged and embraced all three of her friends and laughed as she reached for the small bottle of Courvoisier Napoleon to pour each a snifter to celebrate the success of yet another school re-enactment weekend.

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josephstevensjosephstevensover 11 years ago

Felt every stroke...unless you have experienced this sort of scenario, you cannot believe how erotic this all is...thank you! Great stories you write, lady! x

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