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Revenge at the Class Reunion

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A story of revenge and fantasy.
972 words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/03/2021
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This story starts with an invitation to a 10-year high school class reunion. My invitation came from the same group of bitchy, air-headed cheerleaders that ran the school back in the day, headed by the hottest of the hot prom-queen herself. Never part of the in-crowd back then, I was surprised when I was called upon to help organize, once they found out I managed a local restaurant.

In high school, Ms Hotness had seemed nicer than her more stuck-up friends, but who could tell, being surrounded with such a group of bitches? In Middle School, she was fit, petite, and very cute. In high school, her cuteness became extreme beauty, and she became my biggest teenage fantasy. It was then that I started calling her (to myself) "Ms Hotness".

Being the leader of the clique, Ms Hotness decided she should host the small event, in order to show off her rich husband's huge house and their lavish lifestyle. So, I arranged for the food and drinks, at a small discount, and thought that was it.

I showed up a bit early, to make sure everything was set up properly (my employer's business has a reputation to maintain, after all). Ms Hotness retained her title. She was still the hottest thing I'd ever seen - even better in her nearly 30's, than she'd been in high school (apparently that's possible) - still fit, still petite, still gorgeous! It took all my will, not to stare. I hadn't had that much problem keeping myself from boner-embarrassment since I hit puberty!

Ms Hotness and her husband kept arguing over stupid shit. Actually, HE was berating HER for everything, even stuff I was responsible for, and she was only trying to defend herself. I tried to ignore them, as I finished the set up and checked that everything had arrived that was ordered - refrigerated food int he refrigerator, heated food in covered canned fuel heating trays, and alcohol ready behind the bar. (Yes. They not only had a full-service bar adjacent to their living room, they also had an elevator, intercom system, and wine cellar.)

Seeing she needed him distracted, and not wanting to be a bad guest, I tried to make small talk with Ms Hotness's husband - Mr Tall-Dark-and-Chiseled. Turns out he was a successful property lawyer... and the biggest D-bag I'd ever encountered. All he could talk about was how smart he was, how great he was, how successful he was, and how much power he wielded. He didn't get any of my jokes, couldn't relate to anything not concerning him, and made several snide remarks about how quaint and cute is wife and her friends were, for wanting to organize this little get-together - "I mean, who goes to a 10 year reunion?"

I had to admit it was going to be a small gathering, as most of our graduating class were in different parts of the world, buried by the same responsibilities almost anyone would have in their late 20's. But this guy really got under my skin. One final jibe aimed at how he'd trained Ms Hotness to be the perfect wifey, and I began hatching my plan for revenge.

I started by finishing the setup, making sure to mention a few encouraging words at Ms Hotness under my breath whenever we came close. Once we were done, I told her I'd been promised a tour of the house but could she do it instead. We winked at each other mischievously, as this left her hubby to answer the door, tearing him away from his baseball game on TV each time the doorbell rang.

She took me on a tour, and we talked. I kept the conversation on her: everyone's high opinion of her back in the day, her potential for greatness, and her lavish lifestyle. Although I seemed to say everything in a positive manner, I was slowly steering the conversation to point out that she wasn't having much fun or fulfillment.

This encounter led to texts and phone calls (nothing sexy), as well the occasional informal meeting for coffee. We sat together, touching, we held hands and took walks. She frequently hugged and leaned on me and welcomed my arms around her. Whenever it seemed like we might kiss or go further, I'd play my strong "man" card, cutting off her ability to stop us first.

Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore, and SHE started trying to convince ME, that cheating would be okay. SUCCESS!

We met at a high-end local hotel for drinks, and used a room I rented, for our first tryst. We went at it so hot and heavy, the windows in our hotel room steamed up, like teens in a VW! Afterward, we lay there panting and sweaty, amid soaked bedding, completely exhausted. Our room looked like a hurricane hit it! (I made a mental note to tip the maid extra for all the mess, but it was worth it.)

We talked as we cuddled, whispering to each other. And I assured her that I was NOT interested in breaking up her marriage, and that I was okay taking second to her husband. (Actually, I couldn't care less about her marriage. I really only wanted to bone Ms Hotness on a regular basis! Screwing over her douche-bag husband was only icing on an already fabulous cake.) This made her smile warmly and snuggle further into my arms. She even let out a contented sigh.

After her shower, she looked so good wrapped in that crisp, white, fluffy hotel towel, I threw her on the bed and ate her out for almost an hour. She left late but giggling like a schoolgirl!

Up-Date: We've been able to keep this up so long, she's starting to talk about organizing our 15 year class reunion.

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moultonknobmoultonknobover 2 years ago

If this is the best you can do I suggest you give up and stick to wanking

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Reminds me of a joke. Man saw a brass rat, bought it, walked towards river, started collecting army of rats fowling, threw brass rat in river, rats jumped in after, back to store, do you have one of a lawyer? LOVE. slap hapy papy #9

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Where's the humor or satire???

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Just not much kick to it. Who's being avenged here. It got confusing. Mr. A.H.Husband wasn't in the plan. Little Ms Hot actually ends up better off. Oh well, fun story anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The self absorbed asshole husband find out about the cheating slut he calls his wife. His legal community guts her and her boyfriend. He leaves her homeless and broke. Her boyfriend was only interested in cuckold fantasies. He moves on with some resentment for having lost everything for some pussy.

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