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Revenge Can Be Very Sweet

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One woman decides to get even with her hated rival.
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Janet and Charlotte never got along together. They worked at the same company and even lived across the street from each other. They avoided each other because they'd already had a couple of public confrontations and neither one wanted a repeat. All of that made it a very unusual thing for Janet to receive a phone call from her hated rival.

"Why are you calling me?" Janet asked. Charlotte was speaking in a nice-nasty tone of voice that was giving her the creeps.

"I audited some of your accounts and it made for some fascinating reading," Charlotte answered. "I know your secret."

Suddenly Janet felt weak in the knees. She tried to brazen it out. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure that's how you want to play this?" Charlotte asked sweetly. "Maybe you like the idea of going to jail."

Janet took a deep breath. "What do you want?"

"I want to walk across the street and talk to my new best friend," Charlotte answered and then hung up.

Soon, too soon to suit Janet, she knocked on the door. Charlotte was wearing the biggest ear-to-ear smile that Janet had ever seen and it scared her to death. "May I come in?" she asked.

Charlotte walked into the house and headed for the living room.

"Look, Charlotte, I know we've had some problems in the past. Maybe I can make it up to you somehow. I want to do whatever it takes to fix things."

"I have some ideas along those lines," Charlotte replied. "It involves you doing what I say when I say it. No hesitation."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Janet asked and not really sure she wanted to know the answer.

Charlotte looked her up and down. Janet was wearing a sweater, jeans, and sandals; her blonde hair was wavy and full.

"I think you know exactly what I mean. I am master, you are slave. It's that or jail, your choice. Are we clear on that?" Charlotte asked, still in that super-sweet tone of voice.

Janet swallowed hard. "I understand."

"Wonderful! Now, first things first. Strip," Charlotte commanded.

"Are you for real?" Janet said in a panicky voice.

"Oh, I couldn't be any more 'for real' than I am right now. Drop your duds, sweetie."

With great reluctance, Janet kicked off her sandals. She took off her jeans and tossed them onto an easy chair. She pulled the sweater over her head and tossed it there, too. Standing there in her bra and panties, she tried to reason with this crazy woman.

"Charlotte, this..." but that is all she was able to say as Charlotte pulled out her cell phone. The threat was clear. Janet took off her bra. Once her large breasts were free from their confinement, Charlotte's eyes bugged out.

"Are those fuckers real?" Charlotte asked.

"Yes," Janet answered.

"Damn, those are some big jugs! No wonder the men in the neighborhood go stupid when you walk by. Okay, Sugar Tits, drop your drawers."

Janet hesitated, then she pulled them off quickly revealing a neatly trimmed bush of black hair.

Charlotte started laughing. "Well, I guess that answers that question! Now, Sugar Tits, I feel the need for some fresh air. Let's go in the back yard."

"No, Charlotte, please!" Janet looked through the glass doors and saw that Mr. Wilkins, her 50-something neighbor, was in his back yard watering the lawn. "I don't want that man to see me naked!"

Charlotte held her cell phone in her hand. "I think we should go outside. From what I can tell, you need some sun to get rid of those ugly tan lines. Oh, and one more thing, play along with whatever I say out there or you are dead meat. Comprende, Sugar Tits?"

Almost ready to cry, Janet nodded her head.

"One more thing," Charlotte said, "make sure he gets a real good beaver shot from time to time."

Charlotte led the way into the back yard. She was talking a little loud to make sure that Mr. Wilkins knew they were out there. "It sure is nice out here this afternoon."

When he turned around, he had the shock of his life. His gorgeous neighbor was strolling around her back yard in the nude. He was speechless.

"Hello, Mr. Wilkins," Charlotte said. "Care to join us?"

"Uh, sure," he said and almost stumbled as he walked from his back yard to Janet's.

Charlotte set up chairs for herself and Mr. Wilkins and a chaise longue for Janet. She also made sure that Janet's chaise was set up directly opposite Mr. Wilkins so that he could get a great view. He tried not to look, but his eyes could not turn away.

From time to time, Charlotte would mouth the words to Janet, "Beaver shot" and Janet would spread her legs enough to give the man the full view. After a while, Charlotte asked Janet to get them some beers. Without a word, she got up and went to fetch them. While she was gone, Charlotte decided to give the knife a little twist.

"You know, she just recently decided to start this 'nudist lifestyle' stuff. What do you think about it?"

"Well, uh, I guess it's okay, it don't hurt anybody," he stammered.

"I'm worried about her. She's so desperate for a man right now that I'm afraid that some guy is gonna take advantage of her. It would be very easy right now," she said and she hoped he'd take the bait. About that time, Janet returned with three beers and when she leaned over and gave him his beer, her big breasts swayed right in front of his face and it was like he'd been hypnotized.

"Uh, I don't think I'm gonna drink that beer after all. I gotta go," he said and then he was gone.

"Damn! Maybe those tits of yours intimidated him," Charlotte said. She drank her beer in silence. "I have an idea!" She set her beer down and took off her denim skirt and panties. "Since he didn't want your services, I'll give them a try. Come over here and go down on me."

"Are you gay?" Janet asked.

"Nope, but suddenly the idea of you eating me out sounds like a great way to point out who's in charge. Besides, I've never had a woman do that before and I've heard great things about it. Have you ever tried it?"

Janet shook her head. She was totally repulsed by the idea. Looking down, she could see that Charlotte had the thickest, hairiest bush she'd ever seen before.

"Don't you ever trim that? I mean, damn! You got more hair between your legs than you do on your head!"

"Quit complaining, start licking," Charlotte said.

Thinking to herself, "this or jail, this or jail, this or jail," Janet got down on her knees and put her face between Charlotte's legs. She started slowly, repulsed by the smell and the overabundance of hair. Still, she gave it her best, anything to avoid jail.

She licked and licked until she thought her tongue was going to lock up. Every time she'd start to pull away, Charlotte would grab her by the hair and pull her right back in. Charlotte climaxed several times, so at least it made her happy for a while.

Eventually, Charlotte relaxed and let her stop. A quick look at her cell phone and then she said, "Not bad. Twenty-five minutes of licking! Wish my boyfriend would do that. You sure you never ate pussy before?" she asked.

"I'm sure," Janet said and spit out a hair.

"Tell you what: that was good enough that I will give you some free time to do 'whatever.' But first, I need to check out your wardrobe."

They went into the house and Janet showed Charlotte all the nice, expensive clothes she had. Charlotte selected a sheer, white top that was part of a sleep set (definitely not intended as outer wear), an extremely short mini-skirt, and a pair of high-heeled black pumps.

"It's about 1:30 now. Be at my house, wearing these three items, and nothing else, at six p.m. sharp. Now don't be late." Charlotte started to walk out of the room and then she stopped and turned and said, "Oh, and one more thing: brush your teeth before you come!" Charlotte laughed as she went home.

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alisonffalisonffalmost 8 years ago
What a great start......please come back and write more x

Loved this and need more please xxxx

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wrong Category

This story belongs in Gay section.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Loved it

I love the plot, but you should go into more detail. how did Charlotte taste. was janet replused. This story could have easily gone over a page with more detail flushed out. I loved it keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

please continue this story soon i can not wait love to be janet

KamattlockKamattlockabout 15 years ago
Interesting Start

That was an interesting start the neighbor should have at least grabbed a tit or two before taking off.

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