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Right There the Whole Time

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We didn't have to look very far.
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Fuck it's hot.

Of course it's hot. It's July and you don't have air conditioning.

I was able to carry on both sides of a conversation in my head, and both sides agreed.

They both said Fuck, it's hot.

Summer in the Los Angeles suburbs could be particularly miserable. In those days in the late 1960s, LA was basically 70 miles across and one story tall, so everything was paved, traffic was heavy, the smog was thick enough to cut with a knife, and the houses were barely fifteen feet apart. It made for a dense, hot environment that only got worse every year.

I had graduated high school the month before and wasn't leaving for boot camp for another three weeks, so my summer was my own as there was no point in getting a new job for a few weeks. My sisters were older and married and of course out of the house.

As a family with only one car, I was without a vehicle during the day and it was too hot to ride my beater bike. I decided to walk to the Orange Julius a couple of blocks away. Oooo yeah, I can taste that sweet Julius now. Maybe I'll go for that new pineapple one.

The sweltering sidewalk was at least a few degrees cooler than our unreasonably humid, toasty house because the canopy of trees in our neighborhood made it markedly cooler. Wearing a pair of old shorts, a ratty t-shirt, and flipflops, I grabbed some money from my desk and started sauntering.

Our neighborhood had mostly been built in the twenties and thirties, before the Southern California population exploded beyond reason right after WWII, so many of the houses around us sat on larger lots and reflected a couple of styles, mostly Craftsman-ish bungalows and a few reflecting Spanish influences. It was actually a pleasant street, with a mix of families. Some had school age kids, others were retirees, the rest between the two extremes. All were working class people. A nice place, even for a teenager.

As I reached mid-block I passed a yellow house just as someone came out to get their mail.

"Hey." The voice of a teenage girl called out to me. I turned and saw Doreen looking my way from her front porch.

"Hey to you."

I actually had known Doreen for several years. She and her family had lived right next to us before moving a block away earlier that year for more room, more yard, and the all-important backyard inground pool. Even though we had attended different high schools, we used to see each other regularly and had spent a decent amount of our free time together. We were friends and had shared many of our thoughts and dreams with each other. Our fondness for each other was deep but we had never even hinted at becoming romantic. Like I said, friends.

"Where are you headed? It's hotter than hell today."

"I had a taste for an Orange Julius." The OJ store was barely 300 feet from her house.

"Oooo, that sounds nice. Mind if I join you?"

"Sure. I'll buy." She opened her door to throw the mail onto a table, then walked to where I was standing. We resumed the journey.

We made small talk as we walked, talking about mutual friends and how happy we were to finally be done with high school. After getting our drinks we walked back to her house.

"Let's sit on the patio out back. It's much cooler there." Cool sounded very appealing and we went to her back yard, relaxing around a small table, sipping our deliciously cold, sweet drinks as we talked.

"You still seeing that guy, what's his name? Dude with the VW?" I asked her.

Her face soured. "You mean Darryl? No, I dumped that jerk when I found out he was seeing that little slut Hillary when he wasn't with me."

"Wow, that sucks." Brilliant repartee wasn't one of my strong points.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm single again. When do you leave for the Army?"

"Three weeks. I'm just killing time until then."

We sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying our drinks, until she said, "I'm too hot, let's get in the pool. It's why my parents bought this place." She stood up and walked toward the inviting water.

"Aren't you going to change first?" I said, expecting her to go in to get into a swimsuit. In addition to my lack of conversational brilliance, I was also alarmingly slow on the uptake.

"No," she replied. "I'm going to do something I've wanted to do for a long time. She turned to face me. "You going to join me?"

On that note, she grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled it over her head, then hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts and pushed them to the ground, stepping out of them.

There she stood in her bra and bikini panties, her hands on her hips and an intense look on her face, as if she was daring me.

Now, even though Doreen and I were friends first, I had to admit she was a beauty. So tall - only a few inches shy of my own six feet - she was a long, delightful drink of water.

He coloring was darker than most, probably from her mother's Mexican heritage. Her short hair was almost coal black, and her open, pretty face held dark eyes that shone with intelligence and wit. She was on the thin side, which accentuated her height. Her body was toned and strong, her narrow hips flaring just enough to accentuate her trim waist.

Fuck, she was hot. I knew she was pretty, but standing there in her underwear she was a fucking vision.

"Ahem!" She made her gaze even more intense. I finally got the hint.

Like I said, slow on the uptake.

Never having undressed in front of a girl before, I just kind of followed her lead and stood up, then pulled off my shirt. After a slight hesitation I also dropped my shorts and stood facing her wearing only boxers. I returned her intense glare.

Without another word, Doreen reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, shrugging her shoulders to let it fall into her hands. She threw it on the chair she had been using.

Ohfuckohfuckohfuck. Those are titties. Those are real girl titties. Those are real girl titties and they're right in front of me.

I knew what boobs were supposed to look like. My dad kept his Playboy magazines in the bathroom and I had spent hundreds of hours appreciating the perfect airbrushed beauties they contained.

But those magazines might as well have been the National Geographic, with pictures of beautiful places I would never get to see in person. This was different. This was very, very different.

If I though Doreen was pretty before, she was a goddess now. Her tits were perfect for her size and build, a pair of half grapefruits perched on her chest, with dark areolas and nipples against her naturally olive skin.

This was unexplored territory for me.

"Are you going to stare at my boobs, or are we going to get in?"

"Uh, huh, wuh?" I stuttered. "Oh yeah, the pool." She turned away from me, but before she started walking she yanked her panties down and took them off, adding them to the clothing on her chair. "I don't think chlorine is good for those," she opined.

Ohfuckmesonofabitch. She's naked. Ohshitohshitohshit.

I was again frozen. Her bare ass was a work of art, narrow with perfect apple cheeks and the most beautiful ass crack I could imagine. As she bent to remove her panties I caught a glimpse of her darker vulva. This was all just too much for my inexperienced mind and I froze again.

Doreen looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. "I did that on purpose. You are just too cute." She straightened and walked toward the pool, then took a smooth, athletic dive into the cool water.

I was transfixed.

She surfaced in the middle of the pool, able to stand on the bottom. "Lose those boxers and get your butt in here," she commanded. "It's just the two of us, no one can see us, and my parents won't be home for hours. Just do it." She was right; the yard was surrounded by a tall and thick copse of trees and tropical bushes. We were alone and as isolated as we could be in that place.

I finally snapped out of my paralysis and realized that this day, THIS DAY, this 16th day of July, 1968, was going to be a very, very different day, like no other day in my life. My heart was racing, my brain was mush, I couldn't focus. My cock was making a tent in my boxers.

Fuck it. You heard her, just do it.

With surprising firmness, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my last remaining article of clothing and yanked them down and off, then stood up straight. My rod was rigid and stood out from my groin like a neon sign.

I heard a short intake of breath from Doreen. "Oh," she sighed.

That did a lot to boost my confidence in these untested waters. I wasn't exactly blessed with an enormous tube steak, but it was long enough and big enough to warrant a woman's second look. Stiff and veined, it looked even bigger against my lean, 175 pound frame.

"Yeah," I sighed, and took two steps before diving into the water with her. Once under the surface, I guided towards her and came up about two feet in front of her. We stood there in the pool, face to face, eyes locked, not saying a word. Even with her wet hair pushed straight back she was stunning, perhaps even more so.

After about 30 seconds of silence, we both dropped into the water to about neck depth and began circling each other slowly in every widening circles, essentially weightless in the water as we bounced gently off the bottom. Our eyes remained locked on each other.

She spoke first, in a hoarse whisper. "Have you ever done this before?"

I decided to play along. "Done what? Swim?"

She giggled. "You going to make me say it?"

I just smiled at her.

Her voice was barely audible. "Have you ever been naked with a girl?"

Although I was expecting the question, it did present me with a quandary.

You see, until about three minutes earlier, I had never been naked with a girl. I was most unfortunately a virgin. The quandary, the puzzle facing me, was what I said next.

I could lie and take on an air of false bravado, strutting and boasting like my equally virginal but lying former classmates.

Bad choice.

For one thing, we were friends. Neither of us were comfortable lying at all, much less to each other.

For another, it was a lie that would be easily exposed. I had not the slightest idea of what to do with a naked girl, and my ignorant fumbling would soon expose that.

But what if she laughed at me if I admitted I was a virgin? I was sure that I was about the only eighteen year old virgin in California. Chancy, but necessary.

The truth shall set you free. Let's go with that.


"Until today, no. You are my very first naked girl."

Her face betrayed no emotion. She didn't laugh or look shocked. Her eyes remained locked on mine.

"I'm honored," she said softly. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

"You're my first naked boy."

My eyes widened; I was surprised to hear that. "Really?"


"I just thought..."

"You just thought what?"

"Well, you went with that VW dude for over two years. I just figured..."

"You figured wrong. We did a lot of stuff, but I never gave that up to him. I'm still cherry."

I didn't know what to say. "Wow."

Doreen chuckled. "It wasn't for his lack of effort. He pressured me a lot to let him fuck me."

"So what did you do if you didn't do that?"

"You really want to know?"

I did and I didn't. I felt like knowing was important to figuring out what was going on between us.


Doreen sighed. "The usual stuff that people do after they've been dating a whole. We made out, he felt me up. I never let him take more off of me than my shirt and bra."

I felt a quick pang of jealousy until I remembered that she was completely nude with me. Fuck you, VW dude.

"So you never..."

"Oh, he tried. Hard. One time he pulled his dick out and made me touch it."


"And nothing. I stroked it a few times, then stopped. Are you shocked?"

"Not really, no. Maybe a tad jealous." I smiled as I said that last to ease any harshness. I was genuinely curious. We had been drawing ever so slightly closer as we circled.

Doreen let out a quick laugh. "Don't be. I didn't exactly give him a hand job, and I never let him touch me below the waist, not even over my clothes. That's probably why he started fucking that slut Hillary.

"As it turns out, I'm glad I didn't give him my cherry. It kinda creeped me out."

"Creeped you out?"

"Yeah. It was obvious that it was all about him. He didn't care enough about me to 'make love'. He wanted to fuck me for his own selfish reasons." We continues to move in smaller and smaller circles. "What about you? How is it that you're also a virgin?"

I wasn't surprised by the question. "Well, for one thing it was impossible to meet girls at a catholic all-boys high school."

She laughed out loud at that one. "Yeah, I guess it would be."

"And quite honestly, I'm not exactly a model of male confidence and have no idea of what to do with a girl. Like right now. I'm in a pool with a beautiful girl, we're both naked, and I have no idea what to do next."

"Well thank you for saying I'm beautiful." She moved closer and closer to me, stopping barely a foot away, her eyes locked on mine. "We can figure the rest out together," she said softly, then leaned forward and planted the gentlest kiss on my lips.

It was so right, so welcome, just the perfect thing to do at that time. In that moment I was filled with such a sense of contentment and joy, and realized that in my innocence I had almost overlooked a very special person who was already in my life.

"Come with me," she said after she broke the kiss, moving toward the ladder near us. As she pulled herself up and out of the pool I once again admired her perfect body, the water draining from her in rivulets, down her back and over those perfect butt cheeks, then coursing down her smooth thighs.

How did I never see her like this? She's fucking perfect.

I followed her out of the pool and she lightly took my hand, guiding us toward a large pad about the size of a double bed on the decking next to the pool. We lay down next to and facing each other, less than a foot between us, touching only at the knees.

It seemed the natural thing to do. It was all so natural that my cock had lost much of its stiffness. This was right, so right.

She really was so very pretty. I reached over with my upper hand, my left, and gently touched her cheek. She just as gently used her right hand to stroke my arm.

Yeah, this was right.

As if on cue we both leaned toward the other and kissed with a long, lingering kiss of lovers. Our tongues probed and danced and I tasted the last vestiges of the Orange Julius she had drunk. Considering that I had never gotten anything more than a fencepost peck on the cheek from any of the very few girls I had dated in high school, this was very new to me, but I took to it like someone born to it. Our lips molded together and our breathing quickened.

My hand seemed to have a mind of its own, reaching across and resting on her waist. I could feel the curve of her hip just beginning, her smooth, naked skin adding to the intensity of the moment. My being was overcome with sensations, taking in the feel and taste of her lips and tongue and feeling her warm, smooth body under my hand, the sun beating down on our nudity. All of it, all at once.

Doreen broke our kiss and pulled back a few inches. "Lie on your back. I want to look at you," she commanded. I followed her direction and she sat partway up so she was looking down at me. I was mesmerized by the sight of this beautiful girl next to me, her olive skin aglow, her incredibly perfect tits perched just so. I could see a patch of dark hair at the union of her legs, and her toned thighs. I was thoroughly smitten.

Doreen began exploring me with her eyes and hands, touching first my shoulders then lightly running her fingers over my chest and abdomen. While I wasn't exactly Mister Universe, I was reasonably fit and had decent muscle definition. I had lost the pudginess of my early teens and wasn't ashamed to take off my shirt in public. I momentarily felt like a science specimen and smiled.

"I like your body," she told me softly as her hands continued to lightly brush over me.

"I'm pretty fond of yours, too," I answered.

She looked toward my face and smiled. "Thank you, but you don't have much to compare it to."

"I don't need to compare it. You are fucking gorgeous."

I swore I saw her eyes get misty before she bent toward my face and gave me another gentle kiss. "You are just the sweetest man."

Doreen pushed herself farther up and moved to her knees next to me. Her hands continued their movement over me, down over my abs and onto my legs, noticeably avoiding my rapidly swelling cock. Down my thighs and shins to my feet, then back up again.

"I hope you don't mind me doing this. You are my first completely naked boy and I'm really enjoying this."

"I'm finding it pretty pleasant too," I replied. "Exciting even."

As her hands approached my groin she turned her attention to its centerpiece, my now iron hard rod, standing straight and tall as it pointed toward the sky. I heard a slight whimper as she gingerly reached out and touched it.

"I've never seen one up close like this," she told me as her fingers traced its length. "This is very different than what I did before."

I was barely breathing by this point. An hour ago I had never been kissed or felt a real live boob, and here I was lying naked next to an equally naked beauty who was touching my raging erection. I didn't want to spoil this incredible moment. I rested my hand on her smooth thigh.

Her hand closed around my girth and began to slowly move up and down. I groaned in pleasure as this was the most incredible thing I had ever encountered, then looked up at her face. She was intently staring at my cock as if expecting it to come to begin dancing or something. A drop of precum appeared at the tip as her fingers ran slowly from the base to the glans.

"Does that feel good?" she asked.

" yeah, that feels incredible," I told her. My brain was again turning to mush.

While stroking me with one hand she reached out with the middle finger of her other hand and ran it through the precum, then rubbed it between her finger and her thumb.

"That feels funny, kind of slick," she said. My eyes almost burst from my head when she touched her fingertip to her tongue and tasted it. "Tastes kinda weird, too. Salty?"

Holy mama, this is all too much. I am fucking dying out here.

She stared so intently at my dick as she stroked it, her mouth slightly open and her tongue occasionally licking her lips. I noticed that she had bent forward a bit, bringing her face ever closer to my junk.

Ohmygawd, she's not, is she? Omygawdohmygawdphmygawd!

Yes, she is.

Slowly stroking my shaft, she bent right down to the head and extended her tongue, then tentatively touched it to the tip. A few seconds later she opened her mouth slightly and put her mouth right in the glans, her lips surrounding the very end.

Ohfuckohfuckohfuckhermouthisonmydick! This is really happening!

Now, even though I had not yet tasted the sweet fruit of real sex, I had like most boys my age spent too much time slamming the ham, choking the chicken, tickling the trouser trout, whatever you want to call it. I knew what an orgasm felt like and knew the early signs, that boiling sensation in the nuts that signified an imminent eruption.

This was one of those times.

The entire environment had brought me quickly to this point. An uber-hot naked girl, her hand stroking my rod, her lips covering the head, the sun, the place, everything had added up to bring an inexperienced virgin to this.

I had not yet learned the courtesy of warning a partner who was administering a blowjob that I was going to shoot my load - never having received one, I was completely unaware of social dictates in that respect - so when I felt myself erupting, all I could do was grunt, squeeze my eyes shut, and tense my entire body.

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