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Ritual Breaking of Suburban Wives 05

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Ch 5: Taking stock of piss-soaked post-orgasm feelings.
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/14/2021
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Ritual Breaking of The Suburban Wives

Chapter 5: Taking stock of some very confused piss-soaked feelings, post-orgasm

Author's Note: This chapter is a bit shorter than expected. It seemed to reach a logical conclusion, setting up Chapter 6. Don't worry, that chapter is already underway. Now, where were we...?

Ohhhhhh Godddddd!

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

Yep, that's where I left off at the last chapter. I was on my knees in a shower stall, covered in piss, with a sore ass from being whipped and fucked back there for the very first time. My new master Gerald squatted in front of me, and was bringing me off again with his hand. That's right, again. After subjecting me to my first golden shower ever, he then brought me off to an absolutely stunning orgasm with a pretty magic hand. Then he did it again. And again. And again. I lost count of how many times he made me cum. It was wonderful, but it was also starting to fatigue me. He was wearing me out, I was getting sore down there, and I was probably starting to dehydrate. I was also seriously worried about what I was discovering about myself during these mind-bending orgasms.

Apparently, I wasn't the mature suburban wife and mother I'd thought I was before tonight. All evidence pointed to the inescapable fact that I was a submissive, groveling fuck-slave who got off on domination, punishment, degradation and humiliation like nobody's business. I'd never cum like this before in my life. And each time when I thought we were finally done, Gerald would start in again, my mind would go to the taste of his foot as I disgustingly licked it or that initial shock of actually being pee'd on and...you get the idea.

After screaming and moaning through my ballgag and practically trying to pull my hog-tied wrist & ankle cuffs apart, I finally came one last time. It was epic, and I was done. I just prayed that Gerald was too. He asked me if I'd had enough for one night, and I whimpered pathetically through my gag. God, what a sight I must be. Covered head-to-toe in drying piss with fresh sweat over old sweat and grime. My ass was red from the whipping and it wouldn't shock me if Gerald's cum had dripped out of my ass during this ordeal. Unfortunately, I smelled like I looked, like an especially rank reject from a sex-slave factory. Despite that, Gerald leaned in so close our foreheads touched, and spoke very quietly.

"You've never cum like that before, have you?"

I sure couldn't talk after that ordeal. I just shook my head a little.

"Do you know why?"

I did, but I didn't want to admit it. I don't know what kind of strained sound came out of the ball-gag.

"This is who you are. You didn't know it, but you've been waiting for this your entire life. You're a submissive whore, who needs to be taken and used by a master. You need to be punished with a hard leather strap across your ass. You need to crawl like an animal on a leash and lick your master's feet. You need to debase yourself for your master's pleasure to feel whole. The Matriarch looked into your eyes, and saw this. She knew you better than you knew yourself before tonight. You've found yourself now, here in this sticky shower. You are going to think of how it felt to be marked with my piss every time you cum for the rest of your life now."

He was right, dammit, especially about that last part. I should have been mortified, kneeling in my own piss, covered in someone else's. This was the most degrading experience possible, far more degrading than anything I could ever have imagined. And of course...I was starting to get wet down there all over again just thinking about it.

Gerald stood up. "I think we've taken up this shower long enough. Someone else might like a turn."

And with that, Gerald slowly twisted my head to the side, so I could see...

...Six naked men standing in front of the shower, holding the leashes of six naked women on their knees. They were all staring right at me, and looked like they'd been there long enough to see the whole show I'd just put on for them. They all smiled broadly and broke out into applause.

Yes, it was mortifying. I was now an unpaid porn star. My Husband Dave was among them of course. But I was surprised to see my best friend Margie on the end of his leash. Had he always had a thing for her, or had he chosen her because of familiarity? Did he in fact choose her, or was he assigned to her? However it worked out, it was a given that he must have gotten to know her exceptionally well tonight.

Man, all these women looked better than me right now. They looked like they'd been whipped and fucked, but they didn't look like they'd been put through the wringer. Maybe after they'd spent some time in this shower. But I doubted it. They'd all been through this before, and had come back for more. Dave and I were the only beginners here tonight. Would we be back again? My pussy was saying yes.

Gerald reached back to unstrap my ballgag and pulled it out of my mouth. Someone handed him a bottle of water. He poured it over my head. Than he held a second one and poured it gently down my throat as I drank it. Even with my hands cuffed to my ankles in back, this was a step up from the dog dish. After I'd had enough, Gerald uncuffed my wrists and ankles from the hogtie keeping them in place in the back. He then slowly helped me up onto my feet. My legs were like jelly, probably for more than one reason. He held me very steady, looked into my eyes, and then kissed me deeply.

"It has been my sincere pleasure to train you. I'm now going to leave you to be cleaned off while I shower off in the next stall. Once you're all clean and dry, I'll turn you back over to the Matriarch."

Gerald removed my collar, hugged me tight and kissed me again. Yep, he'd totally need a shower after rubbing against this filthy body. He left, and then two of the slaves got to their feet, Ashley and Victoria. Ashley came into the shower to turn the water on, and handed Victoria a sponge. Ashley and Victoria then gave me a slow, tender, very loving shower as they carefully scrubbed and washed me all over. They even shampooed my hair. It was sort of like a BDSM post-scene spa treatment. I was definitely seeing a new side to Victoria tonight. I'd always thought of her as such a stuck-up bitch at school functions and backyard bar-be-ques. But she was being so tender and sensitive as she cleaned me. I felt guilty now for how much I'd enjoyed listening to her scream under the Matriarch's whip.

Ashley and Victoria dried me off and presented me to Gerald, also freshly showered. Masters were leading their slaves into the two showers now that they were free. I didn't know exactly which kind of showers they had in store. Did all the masters favor the golden kind, or was it a specific kink of certain ones? I bowed my head to Gerald. He put the collar back around my neck and leashed it. I went down on my hands and knees without having to be told, and licked my master's feet. I then felt a gentle tug, and was led back down the corridor towards the door on my hands and knees, like his animal. This felt right to me.

The Matriarch sat upstairs in her living room, in the kind of leather upholstered highback chair you'd expect from someone dressed in shiny black leather. She nursed a glass of red with her leg draped over an armrest. I guessed it was her relaxation time after practically whipping the shit out of seven mature women earlier. One may get off on that sort of thing, but it is still physically taxing when you do seven in a row, especially considering how much she whipped us all. The Matriarch was talking with Trevor and Anass as we arrived. Anass was still naked, leashed and cuffed, up on her knees on a pad. They had been the first ones done tonight, and were also both freshly showered. Gerald led me right up to the Matriarch.

To recap: She was a heavier woman of about 60, with jet-black dyed hair done up in a 60's style dominatrix bun. The tallest woman by far, with a severe-looking grey streak up the center of her hair. Stomach and ass rounded, but firm. Her arms and legs were more muscle than flab. She worked out, including weights. She was dressed all in shiny black leather.

"Eyes on the floor, slave", Gerald commanded. I did as I was told and kept my head down. All I could see on my hands and knees was the deep mahogany of the hardwood floor and the toe of the Matriarch's boot.

"How did she do, Gerald?", the Matriarch asked.

"Superb, Matriarch, absolutely superb. She really set the bar high for a first timer. Such a good fuck tonight" Apparently, Masters always addressed her as Matriarch when speaking to her. She was at the top of the pecking order, and insisted on this, as I found out later.

"Reallll-lllly". The Matriarch really drew that out. "And you subjected her to your usual pleasures?"

"I wouldn't say we got to all of them. But I believe tonight was her first ass-fucking...Matriarch."

"Oooooohhh, how exciting. I think we all remember our first ass-fucks, don't we Slave Anass?"

"Yes, Matriarch."

"Do you remember your first from my special strap-on, my nice big bitch?"

"Yes, Matriarch, I will never forget that as long as I live."

"And do you still remember the taste of it when you cleaned it up afterwards?"

"A taste that's lingered in my mouth ever since, Matriarch."

Apparently, that was the right answer. Anass was Gerald's wife. She was one of the plumper wives here. Definitely round around the hips, with nice big tits and a very luscious ass. Not unattractive, thanks to her very bronzed Arabic skin. She was also a swinger with Gerald, which I never would have guessed. She always came across as a bit of a square before.

"You didn't mark her in the shower, of course," the Matriarch asked, but it came out more like a statement.

"I thought she'd be up for it, actually, Matriarch," replied Gerald.

"Really. And was she?" The Matriarch sounded surprised.

"I'm not sure I'd say she liked it...at first. Which I of course prefer. But I think it's safe that she learned she really gets off on degradation and humiliation tonight, if the thundering orgasms she had were any indication, Matriarch."

"Oh my!" exclaimed the Matriarch. "You've outdone yourself tonight, Gerald. Went for broke, and came out with gold instead of a safeword. You really can read these suburban whores well."

"I try, Matriarch."

The Matriarch pushed her leather boot down in front of my face.

"Gerald?" commanded the Matriarch. My leash was pulled taut so that I couldn't lower my head.

"Lick on my command. Concentrate on one spot instead of trying to cover your Matriarch's boot. Nice and gentle, until you hear the command to stop."

The leash went slack.


I lowered my head and started licking the Matriarch's boot. I did as commanded, and lightly licked just one spot.

"You're hard again, Gerald. I think we could all enjoy watching her suck you off."

"We could do that, Matriarch. But I thought I might leave her here for you, and find another slave left down below for that sort of thing."

"Me? Do you really think she has the energy for that?"

"Why not find out, Matriarch?"

There were long moments of silence as I licked. The Matriarch must have been weighing things in her head. My world consisted of this tiny spot on her black leather boot as she did that. But the long moment didn't last forever.

"Hand me the leash, Gerald."

Stay tuned for Chapter Six: Re-Enter the Matriarch...with Brooke's tongue

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WhitedaemonWhitedaemonover 1 year ago

So hot story, can't stop read the chapter after chapter! Well done!

ronitjosephronitjosephover 3 years ago

This stories is too good.

Good ideas and appropriate words.

Keep writing.

Please update next part of this story.

docmagnusdocmagnusover 3 years agoAuthor

To the readers who put this story over the top into the Hot Zone...Thank You!

The latest chapter was submitted a few days ago. It should be up any night now.

And the last chapter....It's halfway written.

Again, to everyone who took the time to read through any of these chapters...Thank you so much!

docmagnusdocmagnusover 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you, chasboi!

chasboichasboiover 3 years ago

The success of these stories is that it describes feelings so well: the horror/lust extremes of male/female fantasy. I am sure the majority of us would love to cross over into the world of uninhibited freedom as long as we knew it was safe to do so and we could come back for a break of relaxation! Well done docmagnus. You create a scenario that is fun, credible and arousingly revealing. Keep it honest!

docmagnusdocmagnusover 3 years agoAuthor

To all the readers who have supported this series: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Every comment, every add to favorites, every rating, every uptick in readership means something to me. I am honored that anyone takes the time to check out one of my stories, and doubly honored by those who have followed the series so far.

Now a personal plea: If you make it to the end of this chapter (or any other), please consider rating it for me. My goal is to edge at least one of them up to 4.50. Most of them are getting close. That would put it in the Hot category, and potentially introduce it to more readers. However, please follow your heart and be honest as well. If you don't like the story and only feel like giving it a rating of 1, I can't argue with you. But hey, if you love it enough to give it a 5, I'm sure not going to argue with that!

Chapter 6 is on the way. It's either halfway done or I've broken into chapter 7. I haven't decided yet.

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