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Rockette's Rocky Adventures Pt. 01

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Tess attempts to investigate a known criminal store front.
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The Rocky Adventures of Rockette

Issue #1: Rocky Start

Ch. 1: The Introduction

"Shit shit shit fuck! Fuck!" A man dressed in all black mutters to himself as he runs down an alley, panting, out of breath. "Fuck! No! Nonono!" He exclaims, having run down the alley only to meet a dead end. He turns around to face his pursuer.

"Looks like you trapped yourself, idiot!" A young woman taunts as she comes around the corner of the alley in mid-air, then gently descends to the ground. She was dressed in a tight, white, bright mini-dress with a symbol resembling a rocket emblazoned on the chest of the dress, matching knee-high heeled boots, flesh-colored/off-white pantyhose, white opera gloves, and a white domino mask to complete her look as New Exxon's newest super-heroine, Rockette. The heroine is quite the sight to look at, her athletic-thin build with shapely long legs made her stand-out like a goddess. Rockette was a sigh of relief to be seen as a law-abiding citizen, but she's begun to strike a chord of fear in the common criminal.

"Rockette! You bitch! Why are you picking on a small fry like me when you got guys like Don Diablo on the streets still!" the man yells in frustration, shaking an empty fist at her with the purse he stole in his other hand. The heroine scoffs having gently landed on the ground now walking slowly towards the criminal.

"Scum is scum." the heroine says. "Don Diablo will get his due, but someone also needs to catch the 'small fry'. I can't let you get away with that woman's purse and leaving her on the ground with a black-eye." Rockette's soft expression turns into a scowl as her face comes through the shadows.

"Please! I didn't mean to hurt her! I just needed the money! I'm starving! Jesus! I didn't mean to knock her over!" the man begs, backing away slowly from the encroaching heroine until his back hits the wall behind him.

"But you did hurt her!" Rockette reminds him, curling her hands into a fist, remembering the state of the woman who he had stolen from.

Desperate, the man launches from the wall in an all-out attack against the heroine. A fist flies first but the heroine dodges it with ease with a simple step back. The man tries a round house kick next but Rockette simply blocks, grabs, and holds it.

"Ah! No! No!!" the man screams as he knows what the heroine was going to counter with. A smile creeps across Rockette's face as she drives a fist straight into his open crotch, landing a strong blow against the man's jewels. "AAAaahhhh!' the man groans in pain, stumbling back against the wall and keeling over in pain.

"Ouch, that felt like it must have hurt" Rockette says, walking over the man. "Pathetic." She comments, looming over the man who was now crying and shaking in pain. Rockette looks at the man in disgust as she pulls her HeroPod out of her utility belt and alert the authorities to the location of the thief.

"You bitch...Aaghhh..." The man continues to groan in pain, tears streaming down his face.

"Best save your breath, cops will be on their way now. " Rockette threatens, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt to make him look at her. "You're pathetic. Have fun rotting in jail." She says then spits on his face right before smacking him back down to the ground.


On an empty balcony of a small apartment in the city of New Exxon, during the Friday morning hours right before the sun comes up, the heroine Rockette flies down. The apartment itself is empty, the building having been vacated some time ago, the heroine uses it as a spot to change between her identities as Tess the college freshman and Rockette, New Exxon's new premiere super-heroine.

'Pretty uneventful night...but geeze I'm tired...' the heroine thinks to herself as she begins to change. She waves a special device through her hair, turning her hair from a strawberry blonde to its natural light brunette. She waves it over her mask next, allowing the special adhesive to the mask to release. Rockette then takes her utility belt off that doubled as her power belt. The belt itself didn't give her powers, but it did help her unlock the potential she had with her powers as she continued to develop them. As of now, it took Tess a lot of concentration to access her powers without the belt. With the belt, it took about a quarter of that concentration to use her abilities.

Rockette's powers weren't anything too exciting or special, but they were more than enough to let her fight crime. Her powers did have their limitations not to mention the toll it took on her. If she flew too long, exerted too much strength or shot too many energy bolts at once, she was left exhausted. Even with the belt.

Rockette knew she was durable enough to withstand a fair amount of blunt trauma and some piercing, but she was always hesitant to test to what degree. Her durability seemed to be passive too, she didn't need to focus on it like her other powers of enhanced strength, flight and energy projection. With the belt and enough concentration, Rockette was once able to flip a car. The belt allowed her to easily fly, and without it she could fly or hover somewhat well. Energy projection wasn't possible at all without the belt; in her practice and training sessions she could generate the heat of the blasts, but she hasn't been able to fire anything without the belt, and with the belt all her blasts were concussive.

The dress falls off next, followed by her gloves, her boots then pantyhose, leaving the shapely, petite, brunette in nothing but her panties. The brunette looks at the mirror left in the room, appreciating how she looked, no costume, her long brunette hair cascading down to passed her shoulder to just purely herself, Tess Brown.

'Augh...nights like these do get me going a little though... Hard work does get my blood going...'

Tess slides down against the wall, looking at herself in the mirror opposite of her, biting her lip gently in anticipation. Bracing herself up against the wall with her left hand, she spreads her legs and moves her right hand to her panty-clad crotch. 

Oh geeze... I'm already so wet...' Tess thinks, her fingers lightly grazing across her slit through the fabric of her panties, feeling them stick to her pussy. She feels a shiver of pleasure run down her spine. She begins to rub her fingers against her pussy harder and harder overtop her panty, feeling it get soaked in her own juices. 

"Ah..." Tess lets out a moan, feeling herself get hotter and hotter, her mind going back to how she humiliated that punk in the alleyway. The look of anger he had across his face. She brings her fingers that are lightly covered in her own juices up to her mouth and sucks on them, tasting herself and getting her fingers nice and wet.

'God... I can't believe I'm getting so hot from this...' Tess reflects as she begins imagining the anger on the man's face, her mind drifting to perverted, masochistic ideas of that same man overpowering her... tying her up, choking her, doing whatever he wanted to her. She slides her hand under her panties and inserts two fingers inside her slick, wet pussy, keeping her thumb delicately rubbing her clit.

"Ahh...ohmygawd...aahhh..." Tess's moans get louder and louder as she pumps her fingers inside of her pussy while massaging her clit. She presses down on her clit and up against her g-spot with her fingers inside of her, "AhhhhhhhH!" She lets out a loud moan, repeating the motion of pumping and pressing. A wave of intense pleasure runs through her body as she cums hard, feeling her body shake and twitch a little from the orgasm.

Tess's eyes closed, she rests against the wall for a bit to catch her breathing, licking her lips.

"Ahh...nothing like masturbating after a good night of crime fighting..." She mutters to herself before picking herself up, slightly embarrassed by what she just said aloud. She grabs a bag full of a change of clothes. She changes into what she had left her apartment in, a blue hoodie, grey yoga pants, and a pair of sneakers, her casual studying clothes. She had left the apartment under the guise of going to study, and now she really did have to study before her first class in the morning...


Throughout the day of classes, Tess couldn't focus. She was stuck on something the purse-snatcher from last night had said.

'Don Diablo...Don Diablo... He really is a piece of shit...' Tess thinks to herself while sitting in her Intro to Communications lecture, head on her hand, looking bored and lost like usual. Her laptop is open on her desk and instead of notes, she is scouring various articles on the man known as Don Diablo.

Don Diablo was a well-known figure within the community. Some credited the mysterious man for helping develop New Exxon into the city it was today while other's blamed him for the rampant crime that happened on the city's streets. He was said to be benevolent as he was dangerous. The criminal organization he ran, Los Perdidos, was said to be said to be the framework on which New Exxon stood. Tess thought that was ridiculous. Regardless of any opinions, Don Diablo was a criminal and the list of crimes he had committed was endless, along with a list of lives he's ruined. He had to go down.

So instead of taking notes for the communication class, Tess is writing out everything she knew about Don Diablo and his Los Perdidos. Where she could start for her investigation and eventual takedown of the crime lord. The cops in the city were too corrupt to do anything, and the other heroes spineless. It was up to her.

'Augh...This guy really is a mystery! This is nothing!' Tess reflects on what she wrote out on the notebook in front of her. It read:

Don Diablo:

-Boss of Los Perdidos.

-Said to own most of the properties of New Exxon through shell companies

-> Which shell companies?

-Best Circuit?

--Known shell. Journalist, Barry Moore, disappeared two years ago.

-Very rarely seen

Los Perdidos

Known Members

-Crackle -- Had a run in with him a year ago...Escaped jail

-Ripple -- Officer, seen operating from Baker's harbor

-Ringer -- Enforcer -- Seen around important gang events.

-Emilio? -- Son of Don Diablo, attending Exxon University

Frustrated from how little she was able to write out, Tess spends the rest of the day brainstorming on what her first move should be. Moving from class to class until her last one in the early evening, "Intro to Journalism". Despite not paying much attention to what was being taught, the class gave her an idea. She was going to go undercover.


Tess couldn't wait to put her plan into action, racing home after her class ended. The girl rummages through her closet, looking for a mix between professional but also a little sexy to catch a little attention.

Got it! Tess thinks as she begins to put together her outfit. Throwing the clothes on the bed to look at them laid out, a black textile jacket, a tight form-fitting white blouse, a black pencil skirt, black pantyhose, and black heels to finish the look off. Now that's good... the girl muses, looking over the outfit on the bed. Tess changes into the outfit, takes a good look of herself in the mirror, takes a mirror picture for herself, and heads off.


The first stop on Tess's list of suspicious store fronts was BestCircuit, an electronic retail store that was rumored to be one of many money laundering fronts for Los Perdidos. Tess had decided that it would best to start at Best Circuit because she believed that the employees would be, for the most part, harmless and mostly ignorant of the true operations of the company. She believed their supposed naiveté would give away something of value such as shipping and receiving details or supplier and manufacturer details. Things that came up as a dead-end when doing research on the web.

Tess is dropped off in front of the store, dressed in her "journalist" outfit with her hair done up in a messy bun, make up done modestly with little eyeliner and mascara. She had her roommate, Sophie, drop her off in case anything went wrong, and she needed to escape, they wouldn't be able to use her vehicle to track her down to where she lived. Sophie was under the assumption that her roommate was just doing some boring assignment for class. Tess had everything she would need for collecting information for her little story - notebook, recorder, phone, fake IDs, all in her little black purse.

The student journalist walks into the store, immediately catching the attention of the employees at the storefront who watched this gorgeous girl walk into their store. With every step she takes further into the store, Tess can feel more and more eyes gaze upon her, most of them lustful, some of them judging. She nonchalantly makes her way over to the camera section, feigning interest, just waiting for the first employee to take the bait.

"Hello Ma'am! Is there anything I can help you with today?" One of the employees finally works the courage to talk to the girl while the other male employees and customers continue to peak and glance from afar.

"Hello Jim Baker! I could use some help! I'm so awful about stuff like this!" Tess replies, looking up from the cameras, giving a flirty smile, and making sure she got a good look at the employee's nametag.

"Good thing I'm here, heh...Camera's these days can be so needlessly complicated" Jim Baker says trying his best to remain confident in the presence of this gorgeous girl.

"I'm so glad!" Tess exclaims, using a voice slightly higher than usual, trying to sound flirty and get Jim's guard down.

"So, what did you need the Camera for?" Jim asks,

"Hmmm...I think I'd be using it mostly for portrait shots...maybe some landscape shots" Tess answers, giving his arm a little squeeze.

"Ah... I see... Portraits and Landscapes...uh...I believe you'd want to go with a nice DSLR" Jim suggests, picking up one of the smaller DSLR cameras off the display row for the girl to look at. Tess takes the camera from Jim and examines it.

"This seems perfect...One last question though" Tess begins, about to blindside the man with her true intentions, "Do you know who you source these through?"

"Excuse me?" Jim asks, baffled a little by the question, thinking why she even cares.

"I just heard a rumor that BestCircuit was caught sourcing some of their items from counterfeit Chinese companies." Tess states, baffling the employee even more. Jim looks at her dumbfounded.

"Oh uh...I'm not sure...I'm sorry...I, uh, don't really handle anything about sourcing...or shipping... That's more of a management thing..." Jim explains, stuttering throughout his explanation.

"That's okay Jim. Do you know if you have a manager I can talk to?" Tess asks Jim, trying to work her way up the store's chain. For good measure she squeezes his arm again gently and bats her eyes.

"Uhh...Yeah, of course. Uh, if you would please follow me please miss" Jim answers.

Tess and Jim walk to the back of the store where Jim has the girl wait while he grabs the manager. From the looks of the rest of the employees of the store, lanky to chubby men of all different ethnicities, Tess had expected the manager to be similar. She is quite surprised when the 6', well-built man of Latino descent came back out with Jim. Tess observes a distinctive tattoo on the man's right forearm, a skeleton in a forest, the unofficial tattoo of members of Los Perdidos.

'I don't know what I expected...of course Don Diablo would put his own Los Perdidos guys in charge of the store' Tess confirms her own theory of the store being a front as she studies the man walking towards her.

"Hello Miss, my name is Miguel Garcia, and I am the manager on shift at the moment." Miguel introduces himself to the young lady, throwing her off even more, she hadn't expected such a formal well-spoken introduction from a suspected gangster. "Jim here tells me that you have concerns about our supplier for our DSLR cameras?"

"Oh! Yes! Well you see I'm actually a journalist...A student journalist...And I'm doing a piece on the claims that I just wanted to write a short piece seeing if there was any truth to the claim..." Tess seemingly admits the truth,

"Ah I see, so you tricked young Jim into being able to talk to the manager huh?" Miguel inquires while maintaining eye contact with the young girl, using intense willpower not to let his eyes wander all over her amazing, sexily dressed body.

"That wasn't the intention...I just didn't know who to really talk to" Tess answers, biting her lip a little to disarm Miguel who was a little intimidating.

"Don't worry about it, but now I hope you know you can come to me directly if you have any questions." Miguel says, his own way of speaking being disarming to Tess. "If you would like, we could talk about these unfounded claims in my office?" Miguel suggests.

"Hmm... That sounds good to me! I'm sure these are just baseless rumors, but I gotta do some investigating for the class you know?" Tess agrees to the suggestion and follows the manager and suspected Los Perdidos member into the backroom. Jim stays behind in the store front, taking one good look at Tess's tight round ass in her pencil skirt as she walks away.

"Ah, apologies Miss...But company policy requires us to leave all bags and electronics behind in the breakroom here," Miguel informs Tess, pointing at the other bags and purses tucked into a shelf on the wall. Tess begins to get a little more uneasy, she had a feeling that Miguel was trying to isolate her and now he was trying remove her communication.

"Yes, of course. If you don't mind I'll be taking my notepad out of my bag," Tess agrees to the request, resolving herself to have a little journalistic gumption. She slides the notebook out of her bag before tucking it into the shelf like the others.

'Very official looking of course...' Tess speculates as they pass multiple officer doors as Miguel has Tess follow him down the hallway to his office. Each of door containing a plaque with the name and function of whomever was inside. Eventually they reach a door that has the plaque that reads "Manager -- Miguel Garcia"

"I've been asking to get a new office," Miguel comments and opens the door to his office. The office was quite large and quite boring. There was a plant in the far-left corner, some motivational posters hanging up, and a window with its blinds closed behind the desk in the room. "After you miss." Tess hesitates for a little before walking into the office. Miguel let's his eyes drop and stares Tess's ass.

"Thank you, Mr. Garcia," Tess says, taking a seat in the chair opposite to the desk in the office. She couldn't help but feel uneasy despite the manners she was being shown by Miguel.

"It's nothing Miss, excuse me, I don't think I was given a name?" Miguel asks the girl in front of him while he takes his seat behind his desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you can call me Lauren" Tess lies, having memorized the information on her fake-id she used to get into bars.

"Well, Miss Lauren, thank you for taking the time to come in to talk to me so that I may dismiss these baseless rumors and claims." Miguel remarks, giving a smile to the girl, doing his best to not allow his eyes to wander. Tess blushes a little and gets a little flustered, thinking the Latino man across from her was quite handsome.

"Of course! I'm sorry to bother you with something so trivial. I understand you must be busy with such a successful store, so I'll get right into it." Tess replies, flipping through her notepad.

"Okay. Sounds good." Miguel says, smile still on his face.

For the next few minutes, Tess goes through the list of pre-planned questions she had written out. Basic questions for Miguel himself such as his name and how long he worked as the manager for Best Circuits. The questions for her investigation came next.


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