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Rocks Below

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A little sister takes her brother on a couple's cruise.
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Author's Note: This is a romantic Valentine's Day tale, featuring and revolving around an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister.

Thanks to ScottishTexan for pointing out some errors.


Lily sat on Corey's kitchen counter as he put together a couple sandwiches for an impromptu lunch. She wasn't unexpected - he had been expecting to take his sister and her boyfriend of... Who knows how long... Down to the harbour in the afternoon.

His little sister had turned up with a squeal and a hug about half an hour ago, but she was yet to actually say a single thing. She was brooding about something, responses coming in grunts and nods. Corey knew from long experience that trying to pry would unleash her full wrath on him, instead of the person who was to blame.

So he played the waiting game. Acting the good host and waiting for his sister to work out exactly how she wanted to start the conversation. Sometimes she'd change her mind, and keep it to herself, but most of the time she would break down into a rant. Corey would give her a sympathetic ear, and that would be enough.

Lily wasn't the kind of girl who appreciated getting advice. When she was in high school she'd always been the shortest, the smallest, the weakest. It had led to her being sure to tell everyone that she could take care of herself. Whilst her height had come back after she hit a kind of second puberty in her first couple years of university, the attitude had remained.

He passed her the sandwich on a plate, which she took with a distracted smile, he leaned back across the kitchen from her with his own. The two of them eating in a comfortable silence.

Even though they lived in the same city, about an hour apart, they didn't get to see each other all that often. Lily always surprised him when he saw her. It was hard to keep it to himself sometimes, but he had to admit that on some level he was jealous of her boyfriend.

Lily tended to think of herself as a mousey girl, but Corey couldn't see it. Sure, her hair was a soft brown, which could be described that way, but she didn't have a mousey personality. To him, she was a firecracker. She tended to be bouncy and excited about everything. Life was about enjoying things, and only dealing with consequences if you absolutely had to.

She also wasn't the short girl who used to bowl him over, anymore. She had flourished into a full woman. When she bounced around the place, she also jiggled. Drawing his eye, whether or not Corey wanted to find himself staring at her. Lily came up to his chin, the perfect height for a movie-esque kiss.

In short, she often gave him very unbrotherly thoughts.

"Am I ugly?"

Corey choked on his sandwich, coughing and hitting his chest as he struggled to swallow. He rasped weakly, "What?"

She shrugged, her fiery deep brown eyes locking onto him seriously, "Am I ugly, Cor?"

"Eh... No? Where the hell is this coming from?" He replied, getting himself a glass of water from the sink.

Lily screwed up her face, "You're just saying that. You have to say that, you're my brother. There's no other explanation. I'm ugly."

"No, no you're not." Corey shook his head, "At the risk of making things awkward, and giving Caleb even more reason to hate me than he usually does... As a guy... You're gorgeous, Lil. Not just as your brother. Objectively."

She raised an eyebrow dubiously, "Objectively?"

"Well, subjectively. But I suppose objectively, too. I kinda vaguely remember something about perfect symmetry being sexy? Your face is pretty symmetrical." He shrugged.

Lily rolled her eyes, "Yay. I was pumped out of a clone factory. Totally hot."

"Where is this coming from? Did you and Caleb have a fight?" Corey asked, knowing he might just cause her to blow up at him.

For a moment, he thought he had done it.

Lily's glare fixed on him, her jaw tightened and her nostrils flared. Then suddenly her chin started quivering, her eyes welled up and her hands tightened on the bench. She squeezed her eyes shut and silent tears didn't just roll down her cheeks, but flooded down.

Corey instantly crossed to her side and wrapped his arms around her, "Woah! Hey, hey. It's okay."

"It's not!" Lily wailed, "I'm just a stupid, ugly bitch!"

He patted her back and stroked her hair, pulling her chin into his shoulder, "Hey now. You're not, Lil. You're not."

She curled her fingers up into his back, raking him, "I am! You don't know, Cor! You have no idea! You're my brother. You can't see me like I really am. I'm just stupid and fat and fucking ugly!"

He lightly picked her off the bench, holding her easily and causing her to squeal in surprise. "Do I need to check you for a fever? In what goddamn world are you fat, Lil?"

"Put me down! Put me down!" She laughed through her tears.

He stepped back from the bench, "Not until you take it back."

"Fine, fine! I take it back." She laughed.

He lowered her, and brushed a tear away with the back of his hand, "So... What caused all this? Some broken scales?"

"Sorta." She sniffled, "I mean, the scales were part of it. But not really. I... Started snacking. I was upset and... I put on five kilos in a week."

"I poop a kilo in the morning. You should really try a before and after. It probably isn't nearly as bad as you think it is." Corey teased.

Lily screwed up her nose, "Ew. So gross. You're such a boy."

"Yup. Pretty sure I am. You don't need to worry about your brother suddenly deciding to take up skirts. Though... They are cute. Hmm." He grinned at her.

She rolled her eyes, "Aaaanyways... I was snacking because... Because... Oh my god, this is awkward. Thinking it is easy, but telling you... Um... I need to tell you this. Because I want actual advice. Because even though you're my brother, you actually are a guy."

Corey nodded, "I promise to behave. Especially because hell needs a heater, if you're asking for advice."

"It's a... Sex thing." Lily went bright red and looked away.

His throat constricted, and he took a deep breath. "Oh. Uhm... I thought the cruise was... For you and Caleb... Were you trying to... Compensate for lost time?"

"Huh? Oh. No, we were still having it. A lot." Lily said nervously, "It was just... He doesn't... God... He can't look at me, during. Okay? There. I said it. Cal can't look at me."

Corey frowned, "Okay... I can't really tread carefully, here."

"Yep." She said, not daring to look at him.

He scratched his chin, "Uhm... Are you... Sure? I mean, everyone has their favourite... Position. Maybe his just doesn't... Face you?"

Lily shook her head, "It isn't just doggy, Cor. I mean, I friggin' love that one. It's... If he does face me, he has to close his eyes. Always. And he couldn't kiss me during, at all. If I turn away from him... Sex god. Amazing. But he almost stops if I look at him... And that was way too much information. Sorry."

"Not what I wanted to picture... But it kinda helps." Corey said carefully, "Have you... Talked to Caleb about this? I mean, not accuse him or anything, but tried to... Ask for more of something? Like kissing you."

She winced, "Yup. That was our fight. We fought. That... That's why I'm here early. I kinda... Stormed out. Then sat in the car and cried where he couldn't see how much he hurt me."

He hugged her again, "Hey, you two have been through a lot. Maybe you do need this trip. Bring back some spice... Romantic dinners under the stars. Dancing. Stuff like that."

"He... We..." Lily took a deep breath, "He said to call him if I still wanted to make things work. Don't, and he'll know it's over."

Corey squeezed her, "Hey. It's not over, yet. Sounds like something stupid I would say in the heat of the moment, thinking that I was helping. Being nice."

"He also called me a fat bitch who just wanted to be a fucking baby factory." Lily snarled aggressively.

Corey stepped back, "Did you hit him with a frypan?"

She gave a weak smile and shook her head, "How is it that you always know what to say, to cheer me up? I can never stay mad around you, Cor. I... I'm still hurting. But you take all the heat out of things."

"Well, that would suck for my future girlfriend. Life needs a bit of heat."

She flicked his nose, "Oi. I was getting serious and sentimental, there. No joking around."

"Sorry, ma'am." Corey couldn't help himself, saluting. She giggled and wiped the tears from her cheeks, before looking forlornly at the luggage ready by the door. She put on her brooding and thoughtful face, again.

Corey went to step back from her, and Lily caught his wrist, "I made up my mind."

He nodded, "Okay. That was quick."

"I love him. He's bad for me." She said quickly, as if she was scared she'd chicken out of her own confession. "I... There's a lot of small things. They add up. He's bad for me. I... I'm not calling him."

Corey smiled sadly, "Suppose I'll get to see a bit more of you, then. Every silver lining, and all of that."

"I'm still going on the cruise. It's paid for." She nodded.

He shrugged, "Makes sense. And you might be able to find a distraction. Those places can be a bit... Rabid."

"I paid for two. It's a couples cruise." She bit her lip, "You... You wouldn't be able to come with, could you? Cuddle your sister when she bursts into tears randomly?"

Corey scratched his chin, thinking, "It's just three nights isn't it? I... I guess I could. Help make things less lonely until you crack your shell. I'll try and stay out of your way..."

"That was easy." Lily said in surprise.

He shrugged, "Never actually been on a cruise before. Sounds like fun. Also sounds a lot more fun than being here alone when Caleb turns up and accuses me of intentionally putting a wedge between you two."

She smiled weakly, "Yeaah... You should pack. So we can go before that happens."

Corey brushed her cheek again, "I'll do my best to make it amazing, Lils. Your escape, not mine."

"Bring bathers!" Lily called after him, as he went to go pack.


The ramp up the side to the first level of the ship felt like it was swaying as they made their way up with everyone else. Felt like it was swaying, even though it was more that the enormous hulk beside them that was moving in the tide and wind.

Corey briefly wondered if either he or Lily were going to get seasick. He had never got seasick before, but the biggest thing he had ever been on before was either a rowboat or a jetski. Not exactly a comparable experience. Lily had been with him on the jetski trip, but he didn't know if she'd done anything else before.

She probably wouldn't have put together a weekend away on a ship with her boyfriend if she didn't think that she could handle it.

"Awungana mamanta!" The staff member at the top of the ramp greeted them, handing them a pamphlet of activities, "Welcome aboard. May I see your tickets?"

Lily fumbled and passed them over, and the man smiled broadly, "Here's your keys. Your berth is just across there, and up the stairs. Let us know about anything you need. There'll be an information seminar and greeting by the captain down the front, on this deck, in about an hour. Do you need anything?"

His sister shook her head, "Not right now, thanks."


The two headed off in the direction of their room. Corey was surprised by how much he could feel the ship rolling beneath his feet. He had probably been naive, but he hadn't expected to feel any pitch at all on something of this scale. It had him feeling slightly clumsy as they dragged their cases up.

Lily, for her part, seemed completely unaffected. She sprinted up the stairs, and to the railing. Looking out as she leaned on it and lifted her feet of the ground excitedly, "The sea! It's so pretty here."

"We haven't even left yet." Corey chuckled.

She glared over her shoulder at him, "So?"

He shrugged, and glanced at the key, "Two-Oh-Three. I think we're... That way. Want to unpack and then head to the meet 'n greet? Might spot a few hotties to target."

"Nope." Lily replied and dropped back onto the deck, "Let's get ready, first. But I think I've come up with my own plan. Sorry. I... I want something else out of this."

"Sure." Corey shrugged.

The cabin was small-ish, but not small. Bigger than Corey had been expecting for a cruise ship. He had to assume that Lily had spent an absolute mint on the tickets. There was a single bed against the wall, a queen, with velvet red sheets. Opposite it was a decent sized TV, which he doubted that they would be using.

They had their own kitchenette, and on the table was a bit of a hamper, surrounded by scattered rose petals. Lily dropped her bag and bounced up to it, pulling things out excitedly. She held out the card to him.

"We hope to bring you joy and happiness, as you join us for a romantic adventure." Corey read out loud, "Don't hesitate to ask the staff for anything, it is our joy to serve. There are no hidden costs, as a premium ticketholder, you have full access to all facilities. Simply bring your key with you. Your captain, Irish Walker."

Lily grinned, lifting out the first item, "Champagne. I kinda want some... And kinda want to save it. Feels like a real adventure, already. Some cookies, and... Oh."

He looked at her as Lily went crimson, holding up a handful of condom packets covered in love hearts. She put them aside, as Corey laughed, "Well, safety first."

"About that..." Lily continued poking at the hamper, "I... I'm not going to try and hook up with anyone. First, I'm scared about STDs. But mainly... It'd be more relaxing if I just hung out with you. Sorry. I know that's not what you expected, or fair, because you could have had a fling or something but -"

"Sure." Corey started unpacking his clothes onto a bench at the end of the bed. "We can hang out. And if you change your mind, we can do that, too. This weekend is all about you, Lils. So... What do you want to do, first?"

"Zipline!" She said excitedly, "I wanna do the zipline! It goes from the top deck all the way down to the front of the ship!"

He smiled at her bubbling enthusiasm, "Sounds fun. But probably doesn't open until we get out to sea. Anything else?"

"Mmm... Suppose we can check out the bar, first." She shrugged, "I also want to do the -"

Corey opened the pamphlet, "I have to be a buzzkill, sorry. They don't open anything until after the captain's speech, today. Which you didn't seem to care for. So... TV?"

"Eugh." She deflated, "Fine. But I'm getting changed into a bikini. Because I don't care what anyone thinks."

Corey waved at the bathroom, "Guess I'll join you, then. Want the cabin to get changed in?"


He grabbed his board shorts and headed into the bathroom, which featured not just a shower but a hot tub as well. He called back through the door, "Anything else interesting in the hamper?"

"Mostly pamphlets." Lily replied, "Go karts. Surfing. They've got one of those skydiving jets, too. Oh. And eh... Some adult services."

Corey laughed at her tone change, "Adult services?"

"Well, you can get a Mistress Scarlet to tie you up if you're lonely." Lily said in amusement, "Though not sure I could cope if I walked in on you getting spanked. I might just die of embarrassment."

He flushed at the thought, "Yup. Never happening."

"Aw, not into handcuffs?" Lily laughed, clearly riding a giddy high.

Corey rolled his eyes, sitting down in the bath to wait for her to finish getting changed. "Anything else?"

"Catgirl maid service." Lily said in an awed disbelief.

He put his head in his hands, "Good god. Anything non-sex related, Lils?"

"I dunno. That one sounds kinda fun. Watching you squirm and pretend not to be into it... You said it was my holiday."

Corey shook his head in exasperation. "Lily."

"Fine, fine. Um... We've got a few movie channels and stuff. But most of it is sex related, sorry. It's a Valentine's cruise, Cor. Couples stuff." She opened the door, flooring him. Lily shrugged, "Don't suppose you want to slow dance with your boring little sister, do you?"


She saw him staring and blushed, pulling at the little blue outfit nervously. "It... It's not too much, is it? You can see my tummy in it. See, I'm fat."

She pulled at her tiny tummy pouch, and Corey shook his head, "You're gorgeous, Lils. Really. Makes me wish I could hold you."

"So...?" She blinked at him innocently.

Corey frowned, "Huh?"

"We've got a little time to kill. And I... I could go for a cuddle." She smiled nervously at him, "Chill on the bed? Please?"

He stood up and hugged her briefly, tucking her head under his chin and feeling electrified as his arms caressed her bare skin, "Sure. I can snuggle. Just call me Mr. Ted."

"No." Lily replied crossly, and turned, jumping onto the queen. She picked up the remote and flicked on the TV, "But, come on then, big pillow."

Corey lay down beside her in his t-shirt and board shorts, trying to relax. Lily grabbed one of his arms, looped it around her waist, and then put her head on his chest. She seemed to instantly quieten, and gave a small yawn.

She pressed the remote into his hand, "You find something. Romance or action. I don't care which."

Corey channel surfed for a minute, and was almost certain that Lily had fallen straight to sleep. Glancing at her, he could see her face looking almost angelic and peaceful, in contrast to this morning's tears. Her mouth hung open in a little oh-shape, and her eyes were closed. Her cheeks had just a tiny bit of redness to them, whilst her fringe had fallen down over her.

Distracted by her, Corey was pressing the buttons on automatic, when it crossed to a particular channel and their cabin was suddenly blasting moans in perfect surround sound.

Lily's eyes popped open, as he scrambled with the remote to turn it off as a girl on the screen was getting her ass railed. His sister laughed at him, "I fall asleep for two seconds and you decide to jerk off, Cal? What is wrong with you?"

The TV blinked off, and Corey protested, "I wasn't! I... Cal?"

Lily rolled over instantly, staying in his arm, "Don't mean nuffin'..."

"Glad you think waking up in my arms is as nice as that." He said diplomatically, "But I think I'll give the TV a miss. I guess the adult channels were part of the premium package?"


He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry. You're missing him, huh?"

"K... Kinda. Not really." Lily whispered, "He'd be pinching my stomach. And joking that I should have a salad for dinner."

Corey pulled her into him, deliberately placing a hand against her incredibly soft pouch. Holding her tightly, "Lils... You're perfect. Just the way you are. And you should pig out for dinner. Five star restaurants."

"Ta." She whispered and shuffled backwards into him. "I... You really think I'm... Cute?"


Lily was quiet for a long minute, "What... What about... Sexy?"

He felt a dangerous stir in his loins. An immediate physical reaction, which he immediately tried to fight. "Yeah. That too."

"Can... Is it too spoiled? Can you say it?" She whispered uncertainly.

Corey took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "Yes. You're sexy, Lily."

She rolled over, speaking with a hesitant tone, "You're not looking."

"Because I really don't think you want me poking you." Corey opened his eyes and saw her serious eyes, fixed on his and questioning his integrity. "It's... Been a while. For me."

Lily gave a small smile, "Well... That's going to happen, isn't it? Morning stuff. One bed. I... I won't mind. Probably laugh at you. But... It feels nice. Just nice. Knowing that you're not just saying stuff because I'm your sister."

"But you are my sister." He pointed out.


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