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Rod Adventures Ch. 19

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The OVA Game and Three Sexy New Characters.
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Part 18 of the 31 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/18/2020
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Sunday 4th January 1999. Invincible Pub, Room Zero

After the new year period was well and truly over the work on the refit of Room Zero in the pub commenced.

Firstly a series of timber panels were constructed and fitted to all four walls and the ceiling and around the wall for the door entrance. Then a series of reinforcing steel braces were added. Then the insulating padded fibre was added in the gaps created in the panels. Finally the finishing plaster board and artexing was added. The work took place over just three days as the room itself was relatively small being just 10 foot by eight foot. When the work was done which included adding a Honeywell key pad entry lock to the door was added. The foreman commented as the work as the workman were finishing up.

"She's all done. No one is going to hear a peep out of anyone in there. The room seems a bit small but she is in a good spot for the soundproofing. If you can check out everything is okay, there are hidden air vents that will not impair the soundproofing. We will just finish clearing up and if you are satisfied just sign the works order."

I check everything out and the work is perfect. The builder is a recommendation from Mike. In parting he is still curious in asking about the purpose of the room, if only he knew. This was just one of the projects in the plan for preparing for this game. The details of the rules and the game play have been explained to me. It seems to be well thought out but I will wait until Simone is about in the next few days to explain it to her in detail. At least the Room Zero refit is going according to plan so the new equipment for the room that is in order can be put in place.

Friday 8th January 1999.

The Room Zero is now fitted out and ready. Across one of the walls a wooden X Frame is fixed to one wall. There are various chains, cuffs and manacles to hand.There is a white bondage chair in the corner next to a steel storage unit with drawers and a small wire cage suitable for holding a captive kneeling girl. Along the other wall there is a large 8 feet PVC covered blue mattress. Wiping this down after activities in the room will keep it serviceable for a good while. There is a black bondage horse and Y bench. There is also a rack with various whips and crops. With the equipment in the room it is a little crowded but still sufficient room to move about but clearly it's a case of 'two's company, there's a crowd!'.

With another part of the preparations for the game out of the way I return my attention to the new recruits that have been 'selected' for the game. Michelle has worked with me on producing a personality profile that we are having all students who apply for the University courses. Cleverly hidden in the questions and the rankings allows us to ascertain those female candidates that are most submissive and therefore most suited to be selected and trained as 'The Invincible Girls" and the female players for Tarsis's sadistic game.

My job and the Job of Simone in particular is to be sure they are suitably trained and ready for the game. Above all as sexy female students they should in general enjoy the sex aside, from the Xtreme BDSM element that makes the game so lucrative for the organisers, but the perks including free accommodation for the training period and the payment of tuition fees for the term are additional attractive incentives. With the right female candidate and the influence of the ring and Simone's instruction in particular as an experienced BDSM Domme I am more than confident that we have all the ducks lined up so to speak.

When I think back only a few months ago and the 'blackmail' threat I am feeling a whole lot better about the situation and would go as far to say more than a little excited.

The excitement is already palpable as I consider the three candidates that I have selected after a discussion with both Michelle and Sophie. Sophie was a great help in finding the perfect bar manager in Veronica but also as a nice bonus in the present circumstances in stumbling across Simone who as it turned out has the perfect credentials to manage event nights and the added specialism of being an experienced BDSM Domme with her own sub Kelley. There was a time when expediency made it necessary to relay that Kelley would be one of the three 'Invincible girls' which was not necessarily what either I or Simone wanted but at the time I did not give Simone much choice. She was very interested in the Special Events coordinator role and had her own reasons to want to be located in Portsmouth rather than Southampton.

There were two other very interesting conversations that were to come and soon. For now I looked over the pictures and profiles of the three 'lucky' applicants.

The first was the blond Elizabeth, a very beautiful and curvy 24 year old. It was curious in that she was signing up for the identical course pretty much that Michelle was studying but Michelle would be going into her third year this September but was only 23 years old currently. It was maybe likely that Elizabeth had either taken a gap year, maybe travelling, or had to take resits to get the grades to get into the course. She would be starting and classed as a mature Student in her first year. As well as being beautiful and curvy she also had beautiful long golden hair that came half way to her back in the photo she had provided. She would be the oral sex specialist as the game required for the blond player. I also am automatically assuming she is a Diamond as far as the ring is concerned. I am considering if Sophie should be more directly involved somehow in the training given how excellent she is at giving head, with Mike also someone I need to consider where the practical side of the training in that department comes in.

The next 'lucky applicant was the 'redhead' Jennifer. Jennifer was also 23 years old. Likewise from the game point of view she was very pretty with flaming red hair to her shoulders. She will be the vaginal sex expert. It seemed an odd distinction but in the interests of the female players 'look' as far as the game is concerned having 'vanilla' sex with this hottie was something for any man to look forward too. Her degree course was in medicine so clearly also very bright. She had studied A and a masters hence her first year despite her age. For some reason I thought this player was in particular going to attract a lot of attention.

The third 'lucky' applicant was Sarah, a 22 year old also stunning brunette. The brunette specialisation was to be anal sex. It was difficult to tell from the frontal graduation photo of her in her application. Something in her smile though made me imagine she'd have a great ass. I assumed she would be Emerald gem like Michelle given her submissive scoring on the test. In that regard Sarah had ranked as the most submissive with Elizabeth second and the redhead Jennifer in third. Sarah from her graduation appeared to have the longest hair, it was practically to her ass. Maybe for some of the players that would get a particular 'rise' and her anal specialisation for most if not all of the Male players was bound to get her the attention too.

The stage and players, at least as far as 'The Invincible Girls' go seemed to be in hand. It was another item off the list.

Saturday 9th January 1999. Invincible Pub. Upstairs office. AM

Simone was having her first official day starting working, despite being hired primarily for the Special Event nights she was an experienced bar manager so it wis likely Veronica can always have her deputise any time she had to go on vacation.

I was keen to spend time to show Simone the paperwork for the three students. "Mmmmmmm ." She seemed to purr as she looked over the photographs in particular.

"These ladies are very hot Frank!"

"Let's just say we have a good system for identifying the right type of player."

"I am correct in thinking they will be living here soon and throughout the training."

"Yes the paperwork has already been sent, they should receive it on Monday."

"Good, can I ask would I have a room too?"

"Possibly, if you feel you need one, might be a bit difficult though to explain Kelley too, your sub."

"Oh don't worry about that, she has her own flat in Portsmouth. It's one of the reasons why I wanted to relocate remember?"

"Oh yes I forgot. Yes I think you can probably have a room, you can take mine, I have my own flat anyway in Portsmouth like your sub."

"Cool! That's very kind of you."

"Don't mention it."

"Hmmmm. I have a thought too."

"Please share."

"I'd like the girls to feel safe, comfortable here. It would be good if they were to get close with some of the existing staff. It will help."

"Interesting, I know you well enough to know you have an angle too." Simone laughs.

"Nothing gets past you does it Frank!"

"Very little. So explain."

"I have interests shall we say with this one." She shows me Jennifer's picture.

"The redhead?"

"Jennifer yes. I am looking to maybe have another sub."

"Oh, Kelley not working out?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. Kelley is perfect it's just we discussed having a bit of variety, and yes Jennifer is definitely our type."

"How much does she know about this game?"

"Oh nothing Frank, trust me on that. I know you wanted her picture, I will have to live that there are men that are already thinking about her like that."

"Yes I feel pretty lousy about that, it was a difficult period."

"No apologies needed Frank. Sometimes we do think we don't like, normally at the behest of others." Simone sighed.

"But at least both of us can do our best for the three of them right? After all there is nothing wrong with a bit of sex and some kinky stuff thrown in right? If they are getting accommodation...."

"And tuition fees paid."


"Just for the term, but that's about 9 grand so over the three months it's pretty good, at least as good as I could negotiate."

"Free lodgings and tuition fees! Frank you a real sugar daddy for them aren't you?"

"I have my moments. In all seriousness though. So Jennifer. What about the other two girls?"

"Elizabeth and Sarah?"


"Doesn't Sophie and Michelle stay here?"

"They have their own rooms here yes, but Sophie has her own flat. They flat share."

"Of course! 'Doll' and 'Legs'.

"You know about that?" Simone laughs again.

"You seemed to forget that I was the one that tied them up for your Christmas present. How did that go by the way?"

"It was awesome. I will say as much as having them tied and bound was erotic ...."

"Haha, yes. Okay if you like that sort of thing. But yes unfettered and free .... there are better games and fun to be had."

"Well fun and games are what we had, that and some very nice food. What a great recommendation. Thank you."

"It's a pleasure. So wouldn't pairing off Sophie and Michelle, 'Legs' and 'Doll' with Sarah and Elizabeth not work, as friends I mean, room mates. They don't have to be all lesbian or bi."

"I don't think so, the relationship they both have is very close, very special, they will be friendly enough but this bbf stuff, not really. Trust me it would just create issues."

"Okay well you know them best."

"Hmmmm it could work maybe if I gave Sarah to Mike. In some ways it's almost as if I have too. It's complicated but I could ensure that things could work between them. By the way Mike is sleeping with Sophie. She has been very important to him over the years. He lost his wife."

"I heard, in the trade as tough as it can get that must have been very hard for him."

"It was, Sophie pulled him through, but she wasn't sleeping with him back then, that happened much more recently, long story."

"Okay another time maybe. So me with Jennifer, Mike with Sarah, that just leaves Elizabeth."

"Leave that with me for now."

"Okay. So next thing. What can you tell me specifically about this game and how it operates?"

'Okay from what I understand the game is called OVA. Oral, Vaginal, Anal. Very subtle eh? Basically it is a very simple game, 3 colours, 3 shapes. The game is card game based and represents the scene for that round. For each round a draw is made to see which girl is to be involved in that scene. A circle represents oral sex, the triangle vaginal sex and black anal sex.

"The girl for each round is selected by a blind draw, similar to how the male players are assigned for their actual role for each round. The scene can involve 1, 2 or 3 Male players and only ever 1, girl. After each round a new card sets up the next scene and so on. During certain scenes a man is allowed to cum and if he does he earns 1 point. To win the game win 3 points. The girl you will be playing to win will be drawn at the start with blind lots. This is important. That colour will also limit the sex act you perform on that girl throughout that round in the game. So for each game you only get to have oral, vaginal or anal sex but with that girl selected at random for the round. It's based on chance alone which men and which girl gets involved for each round but the setup ensures that three way and four way sex scenes are enacted.

"In this way it adds more importance in winning overall so you get a full experience. The only other thing you need to know is that in certain scenes you can whip rather than fuck a girl. You can feel free to do so or pass up the opportunity and remove a point from another player. It will be curious to see what your strategy is like in wanting to pass the opportunity to stop a winner or just enjoy whipping one of irresistible 'Invincible girls'."

"Hopefully that is clear but like all good games its best to start and then check the rules when we need to. After the first few rounds it will be clearer. You will be expected to run and manage the game."

"Here are the 3 game balls, remember each one signifies the role in the game, white for oral, red for vaginal and finally black anal. The girls for each round are selected based on the colour that is drawn from the bag. Likewise the Male players role as to which orifice he has access to."

"The 3 balls are also used each round to select the girl for the game. The white ball for Sophie, the red ball for Veronica and the black ball for Michelle. You may note the balls match hair color, also I requested the girls to dress in sexy lingerie of her colour at the start of the game. For convenience though when a round starts and a girl is selected she will strip naked for the round and remain naked for the rest of the game,

Here is the game pouch, the draws are made blind for each round to select the girl. By way of example I make a draw now to select both girl that we would be playing for and then replace the three balls. Then each of the three Male players draw in turn one of the three balls to see which role he is assigned in the round."

I watch Simone's reaction.

"Maybe not quite so simple. Anywhere here is a deck of the cards." I pass them to Simone.

"Some of the cards as well as the symbol and colour have a gold W or C in addition. These are the Cum cards and Whip cards. They are the only cards that influence the score and hence the winner of the game."

"Remind me again of what the winner wins again? Money? Or something else?"

"Oh that part is easy enough. The winner of the three Male players gets his choice of any of the girls to enjoy for a full 24 hours with no limits as to what sexual aberrations or kinks might turn him on except of course for any permanent markings or scarring to the body. It's part of the whole attraction. Oh at least we have the venue now for that 24 hour prize. It's a room I showed you before but now it is fully soundproofed and equipped. It's what I referred to as Room Zero before from memory."

"Oh before I forget I realised I had been sent this via email. My membership to Tarsis's special circle must still be active. Read it and it will give you a better idea of this whole thing. As ever it's very much about power and money with of course a lot of one buying pretty much all of the other you could want. I will leave it for you to figure out which is which."

I turn the screen of the computer in my office so she can read.

From the Desk of Brian Tarsis


This is Brian Tarsis writing to the select members in the Special Circle group

An exciting new opportunity for no limit BDSM play opens up. Strictly Limited opportunities to participate

I am writing this summary to selected Platinum members of the Special Circle. Recently I sponsored an event in Portsmouth UK. This was a special kind of BDSM event and billed as a no limit opportunity.

I let her read the rest of the email.

"Okay Simone, I will leave you with a lot to ponder and think about. Anything you can think of see me later. I am due to meet with my own slave later. Bye for now."

"Thanks Frank".

Saturday 9th January 1999. Invincible pub. Michelle's room. Late PM.

"Hi slave!"

"Hi Master."

"How was your shift?"

"Very busy, you know how Saturday nights are."

"Yes of course. Simone started today."

"Oh WoW that's great."

"Yes we had a good chat. Things have been going well. We are all so bloody focused on this game now."

"Oh of course. Sorry Master sometimes I am not so attentive. I am so sorry."

"Don't be. But I do sense you have been a bit preoccupied. I can't put my finger on it but it did seem a few days after Christmas. Anything on your mind sweetie?"

"Yes a bit, well a lot really."

"Okay so tell me slave."

"I don't want you think bad of me. My emotions I guess have been roller coaster. I went from being this timid shy girl, to then opening up, losing my virginity, the slave contract, the ring, the research ...."

"I understand slave, maybe I might have expected this, the whole slave contract thing ......"

"No, no please Master. Don't misunderstand me. I love being your slave. You have opened my eyes. It's just getting to grip with all these emotions. And the thinking about the research, Queen Clarissa, Khem."

"It must be very confusing for you ..."

"Well yes, and no. My sexuality I am very open too now. Accepting it, exploring it. You put that in me. It was our weekend away."

"With Sophie you mean?"

"Yes. It was wonderful of course, but it also opened up other parts of me."

"Oh, you mean the lesbian experience. Wasn't it pleasurable for you?"

"Oh yes it was, but in us sharing Sophie, sharing you, it made me think about the research, the ring, Queen Clarissa, Khem. All of it."

"Hmmmm, I see. Is there something specific about how it made you feel?"

"Yes, very aroused, very erotic. But what I was imagining at times, in flashes as the three of us were having sex ..... was .... was ..."

"Go on ...."

"Sophie, and having her bound and me enjoying her sexually, like Khem would have done to Queen Clarissa. Do you understand?"

"I think I do. Do you mean to tell me you think you might be a sadist like me?"

"Yes I think so. I think I do like girls as well, but a specific type of girl."

"A girl like Sophie, blond, young?"

"Mmmm yes. But to tie up, play with, torture, fuck. But Sophie is my best friend so I shut that part of me down, or try to."

"Of course. It's okay slave. Never doubt how you feel about Sophie. It will always be 'Doll' and 'Legs' right?"

Michelle is crying now, tears streaming. I hold her gently.

"It's okay. Master will help you. I think I know the solution."

"I don't want you to think Master I don't love you, I don't want to be your slave, eventually if I am found worthy your sub ...."

"'It's okay slave. Master is here. Master has the solution so wipe those tears and listen to me."

Michelle pulls herself together.

"Master will give you Elizabeth, she is a beautiful blond like Sophie. She will be trained of course like the others to be able to endure pain. But you my beautiful slave can take a personal hand in her training. We now have the perfect room for it too. You will have your slave."


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