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Roommate Relations Ch. 02

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Things heat up between the girlfriend and the roommate.
7.7k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 12/22/2012
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Many thanks to all the people who offered feedback and comments on the first chapter. Hope the wait wasn't too bad.

This story deals with betrayal, cheating, and infidelity. If that's not what you like, then you'll probably want to read a different story.


Jess didn't see her boyfriend for five days.

The last time they had been together, Kyle had been recovering from a bad hangover. He had gotten caught up in an impromptu party thrown by his neighbor Ian and wound up in a bad way. Ian was an asshole—he was always staring at Jess and mistreating Kyle. Jess went to Ian to get him to lay off. That's where things started to go bad.

Ian was in many ways Kyle's superior. Where Kyle was pale and pudgy, Ian was tanned and muscular. Kyle, on his best day, was still a short unremarkable man. But Ian was tall and handsome, lean and athletic. Jess always knew, at some level, that she was selling herself short with Kyle. She drew hungry looks from most men, and more than a few ladies, with her long brunette hair, scintillating blue eyes, and well-sculpted face. Her smooth, toned legs went up to a small, firm ass that begged to be spanked, and her large tits looked even bigger on her small frame. Jess could have any man she wanted, but she was with Kyle.

Which is why she felt guilty for what she did with Ian. When she went to him, he had made an outrageous demand: he'd let Kyle be only if she stripped for him. Jess told herself that she wasn't attracted to Ian (even though she stared at him almost as much as he stared at her, looked deep into his emerald-green eyes, watched him as he ran and lifted weights), and that she was just doing it for Kyle's sake. But then she went beyond dancing when she knelt in front of Ian and rubbed his gargantuan dick. She took him into her small, soft hands and stroked until he erupted. And her arousal during the moment couldn't be denied, even when she was with Kyle later that same night.

She had tried desperately to get him to fuck her but failed; he couldn't get hard at first, and when he did he went off before she even touched him. Jess couldn't help but compare her boyfriend to Ian, and Kyle was found wanting on all counts. So she stayed away from both of them while she tried to get her head straight once again.

It was Saturday morning when Jess finally found the courage to see Kyle again. She went to his dorm, bringing with her some breakfast from the cafeteria—pancakes, fresh fruit, and a bottle of orange juice. She was careful to avoid Ian's room entirely, going so far as to walk around the dorm to a different entrance so that she could get to Kyle's room without passing Ian's door.

Kyle didn't answer immediately when she knocked. It took her three tries before she got any response—and that was just a muffled groan from inside the room. A few minutes later, Kyle opened the door, bleary-eyed and disheveled.

Jess was shocked by her boyfriend's appearance. There were dark circles under his heavy-lidded eyes, and his brown hair was limp, uncombed, and looked a bit greasy. It looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days, and a patchy growth of whiskers covered his cheeks and chin. He was wearing a white tank-top with a reddish stain, probably ketchup or pizza sauce, over the navel, and a pair of boxers.

What surprised her the most was that since she saw him last, only five days ago, he seemed to have visibly put on weight—though if she were honest with herself she'd have been forced to admit that he had been getting heavier since coming to college, but slowly, and it was only their recent separation that made her realize what had been going on for some time.

It took Kyle a moment to realize who was in front of him, but when he did he brightened up instantly. He smiled, and said "Hey babe! Long time no see!" As he did, the unpleasant smell of his breath and his room wafted over to Jess, making her wrinkle her nose. Kyle looked down sheepishly. "Sorry about all this," he said, waving his arms at himself and the room. "Ian's been having girls over almost every night, and I wasn't hanging out with you, so I kind of let things go."

Jess smiled sweetly at him, though the mention of Ian sent a surge of anger through her mind—and a similar surge of desire through her body. She blushed slightly, but by the time Kyle looked back up into her dazzling blue eyes it was gone. "That's okay, Kyle," she said. "I know that most men wouldn't bother to bathe if women weren't around." They laughed together, and Jess walked into his room with his breakfast.

Within an hour, Kyle had eaten, cleaned himself up, and aired out the room. He revealed to Jess that Ian had been especially bad lately—he wasn't just keeping Kyle up nights, he had also taken to barging into Kyle's room whenever he chose and making use of Kyle's things as if they were his own. Jess almost went next door immediately to confront the man making her boyfriend's life a living hell—but then she remembered what happened the last time she let her anger get the better of her, and she forced herself to calm down.

Kyle continued, not seeming to notice Jess's reactions whenever he brought up Ian. "It's like high school all over again. He thinks that because he's some big strong asshole he can get away with whatever he wants. The RA says that there's nothing she can do, but I think she's just lazy." Or she's one of the girls he sleeps with, Jess thought, flushing as she imagined Ian's muscular form and oversized cock.

Still Kyle kept going. "Whatever, I'm just going to deal with it. I bought some noise-canceling headphones. They should let me sleep and work just fine even if he's fucking some slut next door." As soon as he said it, Kyle and Jess both froze, the elephant in the room now fully present to both of them.

Kyle was the first to break the silence, speaking slowly. "I'm sorry, babe—I shouldn't have pressured you to sleep with me again, and then when you agreed to I practically came in my pants. It was so embarrassing. I promise it won't happen again. The next time we sleep together, it'll be your call, and I'll be ready."

Jess nodded. "I'm sorry, too, hon. I think it must have surprised you, and that couldn't be good for your performance. I'll give you more warning next time so it will be special." They embraced, and Jess couldn't help but compare Kyle's increasingly flabby body to that of the masculine paragon next door. She envisioned Ian taking her in his strong arms and practically crushing her to his broad chest, and she felt a flash of heat between her legs. Then her guilt returned, and she had to blink back tears.

Jess literally bumped into Ian leaving Kyle's building. She was looking down, holding onto a trash bag she'd taken from Kyle's room and the plate she had brought him, and didn't see Ian as she opened the door until it was too late. Walking into him was like walking into a wall. He didn't move an inch; she bounced off him and staggered back a step, struggling to keep her grip on the glass plate.

After their mutual moment of shock passed, Ian gave her a wide grin, baring his perfect white teeth. "Well, if it isn't the little lady. I thought maybe you'd left the boyfriend after getting a look at a real man."

Jess fumed, her face turning red and her eyes going wide. A long moment passed before she could speak. "How dare you!" she sputtered. "You disgusting ass!" Ian's grin never wavered. "We had a deal, and you broke it! You said you'd leave Kyle alone if I..." she stopped here, looking around guiltily, ensuring that no one was around to overhear. "... if I danced for you, and I did, and I even touched your penis!" She got even redder, if that was possible—her blush seemed to spread from her cheeks to her chest and ears.

Ian approached her, drawing close as her tirade continued. "You had someone over that night and ruined our evening, and Kyle says you've been absolutely unbearable since then! And... and... and..." she slowly lost steam as Ian got closer and closer, and her anger was replaced by confusion and lust. He towered over her, and he was standing so close that the tips of Jess's D-cups were only inches from him. If her hands had been free, she could easily reach out and lay a palm flat on his chest to feel his sculpted muscles through his tight t-shirt, or run a hand up his thigh and feel the thick slab of meat she could see swelling between his legs.

Ian spoke. "I never said I was going to leave poor little Kyle alone. You asked me to turn off my music for one night and I did. You want me to leave him alone, you'll need to do more than a quick handjob." That brought back Jess's anger. She dropped the plate, apparently not noticing as it shattered on the floor, and threw the bag of trash at him.

"You pig!" she shouted, and ran out. It wasn't until she got back to her dorm that she realized that her nipples were hard against her shirt and her panties were damp.


That evening, Jess and Kyle met for dinner at an Italian restaurant off campus. Jess was wearing a blue sundress that complimented her eyes. She made an effort to look good for her boyfriend, perhaps out of residual guilt. Kyle, unfortunately, didn't do the same. Or perhaps—Jess thought darkly—he had, and the old t-shirt and mismatched shorts was really the best he could do.

Still, they went inside, and as they talked and laughed Jess started to feel better. Kyle didn't know what she had done with Ian, and somehow she didn't think Ian would tell. She resolved to be the perfect girlfriend for Kyle and to put thoughts of Ian out of her head entirely.

That proved to be rather difficult when he showed up in the restaurant with some blonde bimbo on his arm.

He walked in just after Jess and Kyle had ordered drinks, and saw them almost immediately. "Hey, little lady! Roomie!" he called out, drawing a few looks from the other restaurant patrons. He said something to the hostess, and she looked over at Jess and Kyle. "Funny running in to you two here. Out on a date? Maybe we can make it a double."

Jess refused to meet his eye. She felt a flush creeping up on her. Before she could voice her objections, Kyle smiled back at Ian and invited him over. Before he arrived, Jess hissed at him: "why did you invite him over? I wanted tonight to be just us."

Kyle looked at her sheepishly and replied, "Sorry, babe. I didn't think."

Jess just glared at him, but didn't have time to say anything else before Ian and his arm candy arrived. They all made small talk as the staff slid the neighboring table up, and Ian and his girl sat down. Ian was sitting next to Kyle, and his date—Amy, an older student—sat next to Jess. The small talk continued for some time, with Ian dominating the conversation with his stories and raucous laughter. Jess and Amy pulled their weight as well, but Kyle had trouble getting a word in.

He wasn't helped by his obvious interest in Ian's date. Amy looked like the stereotypical blonde bimbo—long hair, a bit too much makeup, a demin skirt only slightly longer than a belt, and a sleeveless shirt that bared more cleavage than Jess would ever display. Jess caught Kyle staring at Amy's breasts several times, and even kicked him under the table over appetizers, making him flush with embarrassment.

Amy also proved to be surprisingly intelligent, and she seemed smitten with Ian. He, in turn, seemed to be into her as well. Jess found herself growing jealous of Amy as the meal went on. Just before dessert, she excused herself, planning on taking a moment in the ladies' room to compose herself. When she stood, Ian did as well. Kyle looked up at him, confused. Ian smacked him lightly on the back of the head. "Come on, roomie, where are your manners?" Kyle stood up, somewhat hesitantly, and gave Jess a small smile.

"That's not necessary, boys. If you'll excuse me..." she said, sliding away from the table and heading toward the restrooms.

A moment later, Ian said "Actually, I've got to do the same. I think I'll go join your girlfriend." He gave Kyle a wide grin. Kyle returned it, although his grin was forced and uncertain. Ian left the table as well, leaving Kyle and Amy to pass the time in awkward silence.

Ian caught up with Jess outside of the ladies' restroom. They were in a small hallway, with no one else around, and blocked off from view of the rest of the restaurant. She turned on him as he approached, wheeling suddenly to face him, her face hot, anger and jealousy and arousal all stewing together in a confusing morass. "Did you follow me here?" she asked, her voice tight but low.

Ian smirked at her. "It's a public place, little lady. I can use the restroom if I want."

"You know what I mean. Did you find out that I'd be here with Kyle and decide to ruin our evening?"

"Come to think of it, your pissant boyfriend might have mentioned it earlier today. Didn't even think of it until now."

Jess narrowed her eyes at him. "Why are you doing this?" she asked, a plaintive note creeping into her voice.

Ian's smirk widened. "Don't know what you mean, darling. But I bet you're glad to have a face to go with the sounds you've heard coming from my room. I know Kyle figured it out. Hell, he's probably staring at Amy's tits right now."

Jess was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play coy. You've heard me fucking girls before. Kyle's heard it a lot more often—every night for the last week, at least. It's been Amy more than once. It'll be her tonight, too, so I guess Kyle can say goodbye to a good night's sleep."

Jess's anger surged again. "You bastard. You're intentionally making his life hell."

"You got me dead to rights. And part of you loves it."

"That's absurd. I tried to get you to stop." Her voice got quieter, and she looked around nervously as if someone might be hiding in the tiny hallway. "I gave you a... handjob... and you promised to be quiet and you didn't."

Ian shook his head. "No, little lady. I promised to turn down my music. But after you got me all excited then ran out, I had to get some action. I think it was Amy, that night. Small world, I guess." He chuckled to himself.

"What do you mean? I made you cum"—her face reddened with embarrassment—"and you're telling me that didn't satisfy you?"

"Nope. It always takes me two or three times, at least." Jess was stunned for a moment. "Bet little Kyle's a two-pump chump, huh? What, five minutes of thrusting and groping, then he passes out on top of you, all flabby and gross? That's not how I do it. But you've heard me, and seen me at the gym, so you know what I can do. And now you know who I'll be doing it with, and when you go play with yourself you can really picture the scene."

Jess stared at him, open mouthed. "How dare you. I don't think of you when I... masturbate."

Ian arched one dark eyebrow. "Oh no? Maybe you should. You're into me—I can tell." He nodded down at her chest. Jess looked down as well, and noticed that her nipples had stiffened, making two small tents of fabric at the tips of her breasts. And her panties were practically dripping. "You know I think you're hot. Why keep lying to yourself? You could have me any time you want."

Jess made no reply. Ian took her unresisting hand and placed in on his groin. He was hard under his jeans, and she could feel his warmth through the denim. He continued. "See what you do to me, little lady?" He let go of her hand, but she kept it in place. "I'm going to have to let Amy take care of this for me, and that'll make her scream. Your poor boyfriend won't get his beauty sleep. You want to make sure Kyle gets a good night's sleep? Come to my room. Take Amy's place. If you can keep from screaming, he'll get a quiet night."

Neither Ian nor Jess knew how they stood there, close together, in that hallway, Jess's hand on Ian's cock, before Jess snapped out of her daze. "No—if I go to your room, you have to promise never to keep Kyle awake again." As she spoke, some part of her screamed that she was doing the wrong thing, betraying her boyfriend, acting like a slut. But standing there, with Ian towering over her and her small, soft hand on his giant, hard tool, she couldn't imagine doing anything else.

"I promise to let your boyfriend be. I won't do anything to keep him up in exchange for one night with him," Ian answered—but he made no move to step away, and neither did Jess. "You know, little lady, if we go back to the table all worked up like this Kyle and Amy are going to get the wrong idea." Jess gulped as she imagined the scene. Kyle wouldn't do anything at the table, but he'd be suspicious and passive-aggressive about it later. And she didn't think Ian would care about Amy's reaction, but from the blonde girl's stories she seemed to know everyone on campus, and Jess judged that she'd be the sort to spread rumors.

"What do you think we should do?" she asked. By way of an answer, Ian pushed open to door to the ladies' restroom. It was a regular bathroom, suitable for one person at a time, and it didn't have stalls or anything of the sort. He took her by the hand, breaking her hold on his erect shaft through his pants, and stepped into the bathroom with her. Staring at her, he undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and (with a bit of effort) hauled out his shaft.

It was just as impressive the second time she saw it. In the dim light of the bathroom, with him standing close to her, it seemed almost menacing, like a weapon aimed directly at her face. He leaned against the wall near the toilet, stroking himself casually with one hand. "How about you give this thing a quick suck, make it go down? Then I'll go back to the table while you get yourself composed."

The rational part of Jess's mind howled at her to leave now, but her feet felt like they'd been nailed to the floor. She reached out and took hold of his titanic dick, stroking it with him. Her hand was so small next to his; between them, they only seemed to cover half its length. "I'll do it but you can't hold back. It needs to be fast," she heard herself say. Ian nodded and grinned as she lowered the toilet seat and sat down, bringing her face level with his groin.

Jess started to stroke his length with both hands, feeling his cock slip through her grip. She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked its underside, from the base to the tip, before opening her mouth as wide as she could. Even so, she felt like she was barely able to get the mushroom head of Ian's cock into her mouth without grazing it with her teeth. She started to bob her head on his first few inches, some of her spittle escaping the tight seal of her lips and dripping down his cock in thin rivulets. Her hands slid back and forth over the rest of his shaft, their passage eased by her spit.

Ian gave a small, pleased groan as she sucked him, spurring her onward. She pulled back for a moment, making a small pop as the head escaped her sucking mouth, and gave him another long lick. He was already oozing a steady stream of precum; it was hot and slick on her tongue. She hummed quietly as she took him back into her mouth, making Ian bite his lower lip as he held back a moan. The corners of Jess's mouth quirked upwards at that; she felt a surge of pride at the knowledge that she was quickly overwhelming this incredible masculine specimen with her talents.

"Fuck, you're good at this," Ian said. "You ever suck one like mine?" She shook her head slightly, not wanting to release his powerful tool from her mouth. "Well, you know what you're doing," he continued. "I know Kyle's nowhere close—we all saw his package the night of the party." She nodded along, blushing as she realized that Kyle must have been being laughed at behind his back by all Ian's friends. Ian squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "You ready, little lady?" he asked, his face starting to twist into a grimace.


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