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Route 66 Ch. 03

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Skinny dipping with the farmboy.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/16/2016
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After they got about 15 or so miles out of town Rebecca returned to a normal rate of speed and then pulled the car over to switch with Cassandra. She was the better driver and they both knew it so if they wanted to avoid getting a ticket they both knew to let her drive. Now switched they drove on in silence for a while, each's minds reeling with the crazy events of the day.

After twenty minutes, Cassandra turned to Rebecca and asked "Hey, why don't you check on our friend back there. He has been mighty quiet for the past few minutes. After the ass whooping he took, I hope he is alright."

Turning around she saw that Billy Ray had tipped over onto the seat and passed out.

"He's sleeping now. You know that was a pretty rough workout he had back there. I wonder just how much good he is going to do us after all that?" Pausing as she reached out with her hand and stroked his bare chest she sighed. "But I have to admit, he sure looks cute all curled up in a ball like that."

"Now don't start getting maternal on me now." Cassandra replied rolling her eyes. Rebecca was definitely the sweet to her sour, and with pets or men, she was hopeless, always getting all gushy over hurt animals (or men).

"No, no I won't, but he sure is cute." Rebecca replied, the warm feelings of protectiveness flowing over her like a waterfall. "I just wish you could see how his hands are tucked up under his whittle chin. I could just eat em up. I could, I could just eat em whup," she continued in increasingly annoying baby talk voice.

Cassandra didn't even respond but continued to roll her eyes as she kept driving. After about ten more minutes of the incessant cutesy talk by Rebecca, Cassandra could stand no more before snapping and shouting.


Rebecca jumped back, startled by Cassandra's sudden ferocity. Immediately getting quiet, an icy silence fell over the car as now there was no more talking. Rebecca was pissed and angrily crossed her arms across her chest and stared blankly out her window, refusing to even look in Cassandra's direction.

Cassandra, even though she felt justified in yelling, felt guilty about hurting Rebecca's feelings. It was uncalled for and perhaps it was due to the adrenaline in her veins, or the lack of sleep, but she was legitimately remorseful for snapping at her friend. Trying to make amends she said . "Look, I'm sorry Becky but, I guess I lost my cool, it has been a crazy day and we are both on edge. I really do apologize."

"You don't sound sorry," Rebecca whimpered.

Sighing, Cassandra said "Please don't pout, you know I hate it when you pout. It's just I thought we were going to have sex with this hayseed stud and all we have done for the last hour is drive around with this naked guy in the back seat while you coo over him like some lost sick puppy you just found. I guess I kinda snapped." Cassandra then touched Rebecca's hand and added, "Let's not fight, OK?".

Rebecca reluctantly looked at her, nodded her head and barely whispered "ok."

Spying a dirt road leading off the main road she smiled. "Now" continued Cassandra "Let's pull off the road and take this puppy dog for a ride. Frankly that whole scene back at the tavern has gotten my lady parts all tingly and I need some action and I need it NOW!" Driving down the increasingly rough road, after a few minutes she smiled as she saw the perfect spot.

Shaded by willow trees and completely isolated, a small spring fed pond stood just off the side of the road, and with the sunlight dancing on the still water it looked extremely inviting. Fully bloomed Rhododendron bushes lined the bank and it was a picture of idyllic rural bliss.

"Ok Rebecca, this is it! Have you ever seen a more perfect spot?" Cassandra asked as her friend shook her head. "I tell you what, while sleeping beauty here recovers let's go for a swim. I think for what we are going to do to that boy, he might need a LONG rest."

Rebecca smiled and said "You go on ahead I will meet you in the water. I just want to make sure Billy Ray is alright."

Hearing this Cassandra just shrugged her shoulders and said "suit yourself" as she kicked off her sandals. Carefully looking around to make sure they were alone, she pulled her sundress over her head and hung it on a low lying branch of a nearby tree. Again, surveying the area for any unwanted audience she slithered her panties down her legs and kicked them up in the air as she scampered down to the pond. Sticking a toe in the water to make sure it was not too cold she smiled as it was surprisingly warm. Excited to be naked outside, and still charged up from earlier, she waded out into the pond.

A warm breeze blew over the water and caused her nipples to harden a bit as the wind kissed the tips. Now fully acclimated to the water she submerged completely, enjoying the feeling of the soft mud between her toes and the fresh water lapping against her breasts as she playfully swam in the pond. As Cassandra romped in the water, Rebecca was still back at the car.

"Billy Ray," Rebecca whispered while slowly shaking him. "Wake up Billy Ray, wake up!" Opening his eyes, the nude and bruised boy reluctantly sat up. The nap had certainly done him some good, and even though he still felt sore from the earlier fight the sight of this beautiful woman bending over him and flashing her glorious cleavage in his face seemed to restore him almost instantly.

"Morning ma'am" he replied.

Hearing this again, for some inexplicable reason, Rebecca was entirely charmed. His "aw shucks" corn fed manner got her dripping almost as his rippling abs and impressive cock did. Seeing him look up at her with his brown puppy dog eyes she said nothing but just leaned over into the car, firmly grabbed the back of his head and shoved her tongue down his throat.

This caught Jimmy Ray completely by surprise and he fell back in the seat as Rebecca tumbled on top of him. Like a wild animal she began to rip her clothes off revealing to him for the first time her amazingly toned naked body. Seeing her gorgeous breasts fully revealed to him for the first time he instantly got hard and reached for her, the feel of her full round hips in his hands making his balls ache with lust. Opening his mouth to speak, she lifted her hand to his lips and shut them.

"Don't spoil it by talking anymore."

Seductively inching her way up his leg she stopped when she knelt on all fours over his body still laying in the back seat. His reaction was surprising to her. It was a combination of intense lust and slight fear as he had never experienced a woman like her before, especially one so horny and in charge. Like a panther wound up tight on a tree branch, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting gazelle, she lunged forward and attacked his earlobe and upper neck as he began to moan. Feeling her incredible ass in his hands and her hard as nails nipples grinding into his chest he was in heaven.

Suddenly springing on top of his erect penis she roughly began to grind into him, taking him like a possession, a thing to be enjoyed, used up and then tossed away. Billy had never experienced sex like this before. The white trash girls he usually dated just "assumed the position" while he went about doing the nasty but this was different, and way better. Feeling her gushing cunt gripping his meat, he moaned as waves of pleasure shot through his body and he thought to himself "This girl really knows what she is doing."

Relentlessly rocking back and forth on his erection, easing up if she felt he was coming to close to an orgasm and then speeding up when she felt him shrink a bit she kept up a steady pace. As they began to rhythmically rock back and forth she would raise up and "clench" the tip of his penis with her pussy, giggling as he gasped and begged her to finish him. Rebecca was very talented to be sure and having his manhood in her vaginal grips like this she would control her muscles to contract back and forth to keep him dangling on the edge. This treatment sent waves of pleasure through Billy Ray's vacuous brain and what little thoughts he had were completely vaporized as he was reduced to nothing but a perpetual moaning human dildo.

"Uhmmmm, g-g-g" he grunted, as she clamped down hard on his dick and rubbed her clit over his chiseled lower stomach muscles.

"Unfffffff" she babbled as they both came in one big orgasmic explosion, his full thick impressive cock filling every inch of her warm wet cave. Billy emptied what felt like an ocean of spooge inside her as they both collapsed on the back seat. Exhausted, Rebecca sighed as she laid her head down on Billy's chest and lovingly kissed a dark bruise over his impressive pecs, earned in his gallant fight for her body.

Their post orgasmic bliss was shattered by the sound of Cassandra yelling from the pond.

"Come on out guys, the waters fine! Yoo hoo! Guys! "YOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!" They tried to ignore her but her yelling just go louder and more obnoxious so they got up. To her astonishment, Billy Ray was as hard as ever as they got out of the car. Grabbing his cock she whispered.

"Ok lover boy, I want you to do me a big favor when we get down to the pond."

Billy nodded in agreement.

"Just follow my lead and do whatever I say, OK?" Again, Billy nodded and they got out of the car. She grew wet again seeing his still hard cock waving in the air as they strolled down to the pond. What this boy lacked in brains he more than made up for in the more basic arts.

Seeing her friend with the obviously very aroused man beside her, Cassandra smirked. "Rebecca, Don't be selfish and hog this stud all to yourself! Let someone else have a crack at him!"

Laughing at her comment, Rebecca and Billy Ray ran down to the water and dove in.

Entering the warm pond, Billy Ray's mind was a whirl of emotions. Just a few hours ago he was playing pool at his favorite bar and now he was skinny dipping with the two most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. Having just dipped his rod into the gorgeous snatch of Rebecca, he ached to have Cassandra next. Splashing playfully in the water and seeing Cassandra's incredible rack peeking out of the water he throbbed.

Cassandra, now gushing her own spring into the pond could wait no longer and leapt onto Billy as she mounted him and locked her ankles around his ass. "Fuck me hard farm boy!" she said playfully as she thrust her enormous breasts into his face. Moaning, he shuddered as she slid down his shaft, his eyes locked onto her tits as he seemed hypnotized by the sight of them.

They were the most perfect set of breasts he had ever seen and they seemed even more erotic with the little rivulets of water running down the front and beading and breaking on her nipples. Bending his head down he hungrily began to suck the gloriously hard nipples on those luscious melons like a starving calf reunited with its mother.

With his rock hard cock still firmly implanted in her quivering pussy, Cassandra was breathless as he walked her out of the water and laid her down on the ground. As she stretched her arms above her head, preparing her body for a good old fashioned fucking, she was startled when she looked up and saw Rebecca smirking over her head.

"GOTCHA!" Rebecca squealed as she placed her knees on Cassandra's hands, completely pinning her to the ground. Turning to the horny farm boy, balls deep in her friend, she said, "Billy, why don't you please her orally for a bit?"

He stared blankly at Rebecca as he had no idea what she was saying, his head tilted to the left like a confused puppy. Exasperated, Rebecca began to stick out her tongue and lick the air as she explained. "Orally boy, orally. As in lick her pussy!"

"Oh, yes ma'am!!" he replied as he obediently slid out of the moaning Cassandra and buried his face in her crotch. Gripping her thighs, he spread her legs as far apart as they would go so he could have full and unfettered access to her sopping wet womanhood. With Rebecca kneeling on her hands, she was completely helpless to resist, although from the moans and squeals of delight erupting from her throat, it did not seem like she wanted to.

Billy Ray may not have known what "orally" meant, but to Cassandra's delight, he definitely had been to the pussy eating rodeo before. Taking his long hot tongue, with an agonizingly slow motion he slowly licked her slit from the bottom of her vagina to the top of her stomach, pausing on the long trip up her body with dozens of tiny butterfly kisses.

Cassandra was completely helpless but over the moon by his incredible tongue action and slowly began to pant and moan as her impending orgasm began to build.

"What suf UNF are ummm oooh you doiiiiiiinnemene" she now babbled as Billy sucked her clitoris between his teeth and began to flick the shiny small globe back and forth with his tongue, slowly at first and then very fast.

"Sorry, we can't understand you!" Rebecca cackled as she stared down into her hopelessly horny friend's eyes. Lifting the two roach clips from behind her back she maliciously twirled them over her face. "I guess I will have to tickle you now as punishment for being such a bitch to me earlier!" she continued with an evil grin firmly planted on her face.

"Nooooooo, ple-ple-pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!" Cassandra babbled as a fresh surge of ecstasy pulsated through her body from Billy's tongue. As Cassandra fell deeper and deeper into pre-orgasmic rapture, Rebecca lightly began to stroke her stomach and the very tips of her nipples with the feather and the effect was explosive. The sensations of the teasing tendrils of the feather merging with the strong velvety tongue laps of Billy Ray overloaded the circuits of her brain.

Inspired by the increased thrashing of Cassandra, Billy Ray pushed two fingers inside her and began massaging her G-spot as he licked rapid circles over her clit while Rebecca teasingly ran similar circles with the feathers over both of Cassandra's helpless nipples. Shrieking and shaking as she thrust her hips up harder and harder in the air, both wanting the pleasure never to stop but also desperate to escape as she lost her grip on reality, her mind began to blank out.

"UNF (pant) God (pant) Pl-pl-please (pant)" she babbled as she tried to speak through the earthquake of laughter and waves of pleasure surging through her jiggling body.

"More you say, OK if you insist!" After a few minutes of this sweet torture Cassandra, now drenched in sweat, completely stiffened up and screamed at the top of her lungs something so incomprehensible that there are just not letters that exist that could spell out the sound she made. Bucking and gyrating as her toes curled and one, two, and then three orgasms spasmed through her sweat covered body she passed out.

After a five or six-minute nap Cassandra awoke to find herself laying naked and spread-eagle on the ground with the back of Billy's head nestled between her legs. He was now moaning incoherently as Rebecca was kneeling between his legs giving him some deep throat action. Sighing in a post orgasmic glow, Cassandra wrapped her legs tightly around Billy's body and began to run her feet all over his chest, face and hair.

As her toes snaked over his mouth instinctively he leaned forward and kissed her feet. Continuing to run her toes through his chest hair as she relived the experience she had just been through she sighed. At the same time Billy cried out as Rebecca sucked hard on the tip of his cock while squeezing his balls while the flood he was holding back started to spill over his dam. As he began to shoot, feeling his cum surge through his shaft he gently grabbed her ears and tried to slip his dick out of her mouth.

Rebecca, appreciating his thoughtful gesture held on and drank his salty semen in deep like child devouring a milk shake through a straw. "Thank you ma'am," he gasped, overcome with erotic satisfaction and deep gratitude. Hearing his adorable twang, and looking at his pussy coated face, Rebecca and Cassandra just began to laugh hysterically.

After a brief nap, and another round of excellent pussy licking from Billy on the both of them, the girls got dressed and decided it was time to hit the road. Dropping the still deliciously naked Billy Ray home they both gave him their good-bye kisses as they prepared to leave. Sighing as they watched his tight rippled bare ass walk away from them as he headed to the door of his trailer, they each sighed loudly as he waved them goodbye.

Poking Rebecca in the arm Cassandra winked. "He may not be much of a talker but wow could that boy use his tongue where it counted."

"Amen to that SISTER!" Rebecca said as she smiled back. As Cassandra once again floored the Cadillac and they pealed out of the gravel parking lot in a cloud of dust Rebecca added "Plus, Holy Fuck was he a Hottie."


With the top down and the sun shining it was the perfect late spring day. For the next hour they stayed to the back roads, the blur of green whizzing by as they drove through the canopy of trees and the fresh scent of cut grass hanging thick in the air making them both glad for this moment. They were young, they were smart, they were beautiful and they were absolutely free. They were sure that the events of the past couple of days were nothing but the first salvo in the adventure of a lifetime, and both Cassandra and Rebecca knew it. Sitting in sated silence, the girls said nothing to one another as they both enjoyed the post orgasmic rumblings still storming in their happy pussies. Finally, Cassandra looked over at Rebecca lounging in the passenger seat and smirked as she broke the stillness.

"I should really be pissed at you for tickling me with those feathers while Billy Ray ate me out!" she said with a laugh. "JESUS that was both amazing and awful at the same time... but I have to admit that the combination of his talented tongue and those ticklish feathers gave me the strongest orgasm I have ever had." Pausing she added "Still, you should not have held me down like that. I thought my heart was going to explode when I could not get away from such overstimulation!"

"Well, I thought you needed to be knocked down a peg or two. You are my best friend, and I love you, but sometimes you get a little pushy and bitchy you know," Rebecca said.

"PUSHY AND BITCHY!" Cassandra cried. "Look, if it wasn't for me we wouldn't be having any fun at all on this trip! Whose idea was it to start the Pussy Riot anyway?... MINE!! The problem with you is that you don't know how to have fun like I do! You can be such a prude sometimes."

"PRUDE! Are you fucking kidding me!" Rebecca yelled back. "I am no prude and can out seduce and out fuck you ANY day, just name the time and place. I am just not as reckless as you!"

"HA!" Cassandra exclaimed. "You would be a Nun if it weren't for me, Billy Ray notwithstanding. Every fun thing we ever do is because of me since you are always the one trying to throw cold water on my plans."

"PUH-LEASE!!" Rebecca replied as she rolled her eyes. "I know you think you are the only one of the two of us to get all the guys, but I have no doubt I could get just as many men groveling at my feet as YOU do."

Laughing, Cassandra shook her head as she purposefully poked the bear. "You are talking some mighty big shit there, girl. I think it is cute you think you can get more dicks under your control than me, but we both know that is not true. Sure, your body is definitely hot enough, and you always get the boys weeping over that amazing ass of yours, but baby, none can resist these puppies." She said as she laughed and shook her mammoth chest back and forth.

"Oh, is that so! Look Cassandra, I bet I can seduce men just as well as you can, if not better." Rebecca shot back. "You need to be taught a lesson obviously, and I am just the girl to teach it."


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