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Ballerina exercising at home while being secretly watched.
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Sophie's literature lecture had been cancelled, so she was able to leave the university early today.

She quickly arrived home and noticed that Katherine, her roommate, was also home. The door to her room was closed, but sounds were coming from inside.

Sophie went to her room and decided to use the afternoon off for herself. Her passion was ballet, but especially the flexibility it required. She liked that pleasant ache she felt when she stretched deeper and deeper to work on her flexibility. It even excited her a little.

She had even raved about it to Kat once, but had only gotten incredulous head shaking. "How is that even «nice»?" she'd asked. "If I just try to touch my toes from a standing position, I almost get sick with pain."

But for Sophie, stretching at home - not in class under the eyes of her ballet teacher and the other girls - was special every time. Like a break from the daily grind. Today, she was going to enjoy another one of those stretching sessions.

* * *

"Wow, what a show!" thought Vince to himself as he looked spellbound at the laptop monitor. He really hadn't dreamed of this when he set out to visit his sister Katherine.

But first things first...

Since Katherine had started her studies, the two of them rarely saw each other. Today, of course, the joy of seeing each other again was all the greater.

But Kat had hardly any time for him, because she was totally busy with her new university project. She was studying mechanical engineering and had designed a small vehicle equipped with a camera that could reach even the most inaccessible places. This "rover" was controlled by a program on her notebook.

But no sooner had she finished telling Vince about it than her cell phone rang and she had to go back to university.

Vince was immediately fascinated by the rover. As soon as Kat left, he began exploring her room through the rover's camera. He drove under her bed, where the air mattress lay, on which he would crash the next 2 nights. Then into the hallway and, when he finally got used to the unfamiliar low perspective, into the kitchen of the small student apartment.

On his way back, he noticed that the door to the room of Sophie, Kat's roommate, was ajar.

She wasn't there. So he drove in and looked around. In his opinion, the room was too girly furnished for a college student in her early 20s. Besides, Sophie seemed to have a passion for ballet: Dance pictures hung everywhere, a ballet barre was mounted on one wall, and there was even a pair of pointe shoes hanging from it.

Suddenly, Vince heard a noise. Someone was unlocking the apartment door. It had to be Sophie. He kicked Kat's bedroom door shut with his foot in shock. What was he going to do now?

"Hey Kat, are you there?" he heard a young woman's voice.

Damn. He couldn't get out of Sophie's room with the rover anymore. So he looked for a hiding place and found it under her bed. He parked the Rover in the far corner and watched....

* * *

In her room, Sophie unrolled her yoga mat, lit some incense and picked out a matching outfit from her closet. She decided on a lilac halter ballet leotard with a low back neckline. Sophie liked her back. Her ex-boyfriend had also complimented her on it regularly.

Over the leotard, she pulled on a pair of pink ballet tights that she folded over her hips. Until she was warm enough, she would also wear a gray knit jumpsuit.

Then she sat down, legs bent, soles together, in front of the standing mirror that leaned against the wall in one corner of the room. Quickly, she pinned her straight blond hair up into a bun.

Everything felt light, and she noticed that her body was especially soft and relaxed today. This promised to be a great workout.

"Here we go," she thought, and walked over to her yoga mat, already loosening her shoulders. She grabbed her Airpods from her desk, selected some relaxing music on her phone, and shut out the world around her.

Sophie began the workout standing wide-legged in a way that allowed her to check her posture sideways in the mirror. Slowly, she bent forward with her back straight and stretched her arms above her head. She noticed how her back and buttock muscles immediately began to work. Soon her hands were touching the mat as she continued to lean forward.

For a few seconds she simply let her upper body hang, then took a step back and turned her thighs outward, "en dehors," as they say in ballet.

On the smooth laminate, her feet in the ballet tights slid apart easily and her bottom slowly approached the floor. The well-known, pleasantly warm feeling of an intensifying stretch set in her thighs. But soon she felt resistance in her legs and hips, reminding her that she was not yet fully warmed up.

* * *

Vince watched Sophie from the next room and was fascinated by her flexibility. He saw Sophie's bottom slowly inching toward the floor.

Obviously she didn't feel loose enough yet, because she stopped the stretching exercises and warmed up first instead.

After a few minutes, she peeled out of her jumpsuit. She probably felt warm enough now. The first beads of sweat formed on Sophie's back and glistened in the afternoon sun shining through her balcony window.

Then Sophie got a thick rubber stretch band from a basket and began wrapping it around her waist and feet. Vince watched as she rolled onto her back and tried to slowly stretch her legs against the pressure of the band. But the pull of the band was much stronger than expected, and Sophie cried out in surprise as the band abruptly tore her legs open into a wide straddle.

Sophie's breath seemed to catch. She looked silently at the ceiling for a few seconds, obviously listening to see if anyone had heard her scream.

Finally, though, she turned her head and looked down at her feet. Her toes were touching the floor! Vince could see the look of excitement and satisfaction on her face as she realized that her legs formed a perfectly horizontal line.

Satisfied, her eyes followed the seam of her ballet tights from her left heel, down her slender calf, up her thigh to the gusset that stretched across her sweet crotch, and on down her right leg. Vince noticed how the rays of light from the afternoon sun shimmered on the material of her tights. Through the thin and now sweaty fabric, he could see her stretching her toes.

Sophie remained lying there for a few more deep breaths. She seemed to be just seeking and even enjoying the stretching pain as the band opened her legs a bit more.

Vince was impressed by Sophie's devotion and her beauty. He had never seen anyone so stretchy. He knew he had to stop watching Sophie, but he just couldn't. Instead, he imagined what it would be like to touch her and feel her smooth skin.

* * *

Finally, Sophie forced herself back into a sitting position and then rolled forward onto her chest. She stretched her arms far out in front. She felt the weight of her body resting heavily on her breasts and the stretch band cutting through the thin fabric of her leotard into her buttocks and soles. She let gravity slowly pull her further down. Within seconds she was lying flat in a perfect side splits. Oh, how fantastic this felt! Her whole body shook with excitement and blissful pain.

Finally, this session was going to give her what she had wanted. And now she wanted more. She was happy and highly motivated.

Still in the splits, she sat back upright and pulled the basket with her training aids closer to her. The pull of the stretch band kept her legs open with no problem. She quickly found some yoga blocks and placed one of each under her feet.

When she rolled forward again, she was suspended in the air in the splits and her crotch was just an inch off the ground. Her legs were already shaking and the muscle fibers in the insides of her thighs felt like they were slowly tearing one by one. But she managed to breathe calmly, enduring the dull ache in her legs, and finally her body began to sink toward the ground.

But she didn't reach the ground, her pelvis simply refused to open any further. She needed something to help her body relax.

* * *

Vince, on the other hand, zoomed in closer. His sister had really done an excellent job with the rover's optics. He could now make out every detail of Sophie's outfit: The seam of her ballet tights that pressed into the slit between her taut buttocks, and even the fine weave of her nylons that stood out in the remaining daylight above the silky smooth skin of her thighs.

Accordingly, he was disappointed when Sophie broke off her splits between the yoga blocks and disappeared from the camera's field of view a short time later.

Suddenly he became afraid that Sophie might have discovered the rover under the bed. Because she turned around and walked towards him. Fortunately, however, she was only looking for something in her bedside cabinet.

* * *

Quickly Sophie found her little friend in the night cabinet, moistened it with some lube and got on her bed. She lay down on her back and opened her thighs - by now they were so well stretched that her knees effortlessly sank further down to the bedspread. Sophie pushed the ballet tights and leotard aside with one hand and slid the pink, latex-covered egg inside herself with the other. On the accompanying remote control, she selected the lowest level and immediately felt it begin to vibrate gently inside her.

Sophie closed her eyes and tenderly stroked the back of her hand along the inside of her thigh. She liked the silky feel of the ballet tights against her skin.

* * *

Vince counted the seconds until Sophie finally reappeared in the camera's field of vision. What had she been doing on her bed for so long?

But whatever it was, it had somehow made her more relaxed and definitely even more flexible.

Because when she put the band around her body again and attempted another oversplits on the blocks, she just sighed comfortably and hardly seemed to feel the stretching pain anymore. Instead, she breathed more deeply than before and Vince saw her pubic bone touch the floor after a few breaths.

But as Sophie stretched her sweet bottom out to him, he also saw a narrow, dark stripe that stood out between the silhouette of her labia on the light-colored leotard.

Did the workout and the pain it caused really excite her that much?

Vince, on the other hand, could control his own arousal less and less by the minute, anyway.

* * *

As Sophie's legs hung in the air again and slowly sank to the ground, the vibrating friend inside her slid forward a bit, gently pressing on her clit, allowing her to effortlessly accomplish these extreme oversplits.

What a great feeling! So far, she had only managed this once - also with the help of her little friend. She was overwhelmed by her achievement.

But today she wanted to go beyond her limits. She picked up two more blocks, put them under her feet and went back into the splits.

But nothing happened, no matter how much she relaxed, she just didn't sink all the way to the floor. She was simply too light and the rubber band wasn't helping enough either. If only she had something to push her down....

Resignedly, she turned off her little pleasure device. This was not how she wanted to climax. Rather, she had wanted to reward herself with an orgasm. In the meantime, the afternoon sun had almost set. She was tired and sweaty, her legs were heavy and needed a short break.

* * *

Vince saw Sophie seem to resign when she couldn't meet her new challenge. But only briefly. Then she seemed to make a plan.

As she lay on her stomach and slid feet-first under her bed, he thought at first that she had discovered the rover after all. But then he understood that she might be turning her bed into an exercise machine. Sophie's tight buttocks barely fit between the edge of the bed and the floor.

At some point she stood up again and lifted the bed up at the corners. She tightened her stretch band around the bed feet. Then she lifted the bed a little higher and jacked it up with two of her yoga blocks. Vince still couldn't quite picture what she was up to, but he was curious and excited at the same time.

Anyway, there was enough space between the bed and the floor now that Sophie would have fit under the bed frame even while suspended on two yoga blocks.

* * *

Sophie was determined to do the oversplits today with two yoga blocks under each of her feet. She even resolved to hold this position for at least a minute, even if it would take her a lot of effort. Sehe was convinced that her vibrating little friend would support her.

So she moved the mat closer to her bed, set the remote control of her Pleasure Egg to increasing intensity and positioned her feet on the blocks. To prevent attracting Kat's attention again by screaming, she stuffed one of her leg warmers into her mouth. She knew that the following action would probably hurt a lot.

Then she closed her eyes, rolled forward onto her forearms so that her bottom was again suspended in the air in the splits between the blocks.

Her thighs trembled, the vibrator in her vagina pulsed rhythmically, making her wetter and wetter. When she noticed how her strength was slowly waning and the arousal was about to overwhelm her, she slid her bottom under the edge of the bed and used it to push the rubber band away.

Immediately it slipped off the feet of the bed, dragging the yoga blocks with it. The weight of the bed forced her bottom to the floor with relentless pressure, quickly pressing her pubic bone firmly to the mat. At the same moment, one of the most intense orgasms she had ever felt exploded inside Sophie, sending shivers of arousal through her entire body.

The feeling was simply indescribable. Silently, she moaned into the gag in her mouth.

So now she lay there, breathing heavily, counting the seconds. The pain in her hip bones and inner thighs was hardly bearable and increased with every second. But Sophie forced herself to hold on. Another 30 seconds, now another 10...

Then it happened: the bed made a squeaking noise and suddenly pressed down on Sophie with its full weight. The rubber band had not only torn away the yoga blocks, but had also bent the feet of the bed so much that they had now given way. Sophie was trapped under her bed.

In addition to the pain in her legs, there was now a sharp pain from the hard edge of the bed digging into her tailbone.

Sophie tried to move, but her bed inexorably held her. She began to panic. How was she going to break free?

In desperation, she spat out the gag and called for her roommate, "Kat! Quick! Please help me!"

* * *

But Kat did not come. Instead, a young guy in jeans and a T-shirt suddenly stood in her room.

"Wait, I'll help you!" he shouted as he ran toward Sophie's bed and lifted it. Quickly, she let her feet slide off the yoga blocks and slid forward on her stomach.

"Are you okay?" she heard her helper ask.

"You, you're impossibly flexible and fabulously beautiful." he continued shyly, his face turning red.

Sophie barely heard the words. She was still numb from the experiences of the last few minutes and drenched in sweat. But she could feel her pain slowly subsiding. Fortunately, she had not seriously injured herself, but she would hardly be able to walk for the next few days because of sore muscles.

It was also only now that Sophie noticed the damp, dark spot in her rescuer's crotch. However, that interested her quite little at this Moment. After all, she herself was in one of the most embarrassing situations of her life.

"I'm Vincent, Kat's brother," he said.

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