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Roxx's Role Ch. 06

Story Info
Roxie tries self bondage, Isla takes her to the next level.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 05/18/2022
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Roxx's Role

Chapter 6

The need to pee was an annoyance but sadly a necessity.

Sighing to herself Roxie carefully slipped out of Isla's bed, moving as slowly as possible so as not to disturb the smaller slumbering Isla.

It wasn't so long ago she would have locked the bathroom door whilst she relieved herself, but now she felt totally relaxed about going to the bathroom in nothing but her own skin. It was a paradox, but giving herself to Isla and more often than not, ending up in a state of nakedness, had boosted her self confidence immeasurably. It was most likely a side effect of this boost of self-worth that caused her mind to wander to some of the 'adventures' Isla and herself had 'discussed'.

A guilty grin spread across Roxie's face as she remembered some of the situations that had been mentioned. One in particular jumped to the fore. Something that would be fairly low risk and would be a very pleasant surprise for Isla when she awoke.

Holding back a giggle that was more out of nervousness than humour, Roxie tiptoed to the 'games room' where Isla's supply of bondage equipment was stored.

Swiftly and silently, Roxie selected the items she wanted, then as her eyes ran over some of the others, selected a few more.

Firstly, Roxie fastened her collar around her neck feeling the now familiar tingle of excitement when the small padlock clicked making it impossible to remove without the key.

The second item was something she hadn't originally thought of, but after the outing to the stables, the thought of it added to the thrill and the look, an odd-looking plug with a long grey furry tail attached. Isla had shown her the plug the previous night, explaining that one day she was going to have Roxie wear it under her coat. Applying a layer of lube, Roxie pressed the tip of the plug against her rectum, stifling a gasp as it eased into her back passage. Once it was in place, Roxie pressed a small button on the base of it. A small squeal escaped her lips as the head of the plug opened up inside her. She remembered Isla giggling as she explained that once open it couldn't be removed until it was reset by pushing the bar the tail was attached to back into the plug. A bar that could be locked in place with another small padlock. This took a while, as Roxie had to rely on touch alone to locate the hole for the lock to go through, but perseverance won out, and the lock snapped shut.

A rather obscure gag was the next addition. This was like a bit that went in her mouth but extended out to resemble a dog's nose, fortunately there was no need for a lock on that, and once it was settled between her teeth, Roxie tightened the strap at the back of her head. If she had planned it right, she wouldn't be able to reach the buckle.

Her next task was to place the keys to the padlocks she had used and would be using in the timed lock box, setting the timer for six hours, an amount of time she was fairly sure she could cope with. The lock box was then placed carefully next to Isla's phone on the bedside table with a hastily scrawled note saying, "check your messages".

'Phase one.' Roxie thought as she gathered up the rest of the items, she needed and sneaked downstairs to the kitchen.

It took a few deep breaths before Roxie unlocked the door and stepped outside. It was still very dark, and the depths of shadow bolstered her courage as she crossed the patio, the plastic bag of chains and locks clutched tightly to her chest and the tail swishing sexily against her bare thighs.

When Roxie had first seen the dog kennel at the bottom of the garden, she had asked Isla about it, who had informed that it had been there when she moved in and as it was fixed in place, hadn't got around to removing it. She had also joked that it was a good place to leave naughty puppies who needed house training. At the time Roxie hadn't considered that she would fantasise about being put in it, but once the idea had wormed its way into her mind, it had stuck.

With a last glance around at the surrounding houses, still in darkness, Roxie opened the kennel door and crawled inside. The floor was thankfully covered in thick rubber, so it wasn't uncomfortable, and once inside Roxie withdrew the remaining items from the bag. Leather ankle cuffs with a short chain between them were fastened on and locked in place, followed by similar wrist cuffs. With the restraints in place, Roxie locked another chain to the one between her wrists which she then fed up through the ring on her collar.

With her heart pounding in her chest Roxie did the last step of her self bondage. The last padlock clicked, locking the chain attached to her wrists and collar to the outside of the immovable kennel. She was now trapped in place until Isla could get the keys out of the lock box and free her.

Warmth flooded her loins as now there was no escape the all too familiar arousal hit her like a hammer. Moaning into her gag, Roxie reached for her phone, which because of the short leash, she had to poke her head out of the kennel to allow her hands enough freedom to do so.

The selfie she took shook her. No longer looking like Roxie, more like some animal human hybrid with wide over excited eyes.

The image blinked as the picture was sent to Isla's phone. Now all she could do was wait.

Not a lot of time had passed when Roxie's phone vibrated, the screen lighting up and illuminating the inside of the kennel. With a little moving around, Roxie pressed the answer button and propped the phone against the front of the kennel. Isla's face filled the screen wearing an amused expression.

"Oh little bear. What a nice surprise. You have been busy haven't you."

Unable to reply, Roxie nodded and grinned inside the mask.

"Now what should I do?" Isla mused. "I mean you set the timer for six hours, it will be very light out when I can release you, which I guess you planned. Maybe you want me to walk you back to the house in full daylight like the naughty puppy you are."

Blood pounded through Roxie's head as she imagined the scene and wondered just how many people would be looking out of their windows to witness it.

"Is your sweet pussy nice and wet?" Isla asked, running her tongue over her lips.

Once more Roxie nodded.

"Hmm. If only you had taken a toy and left me a remote." Isla said wistfully.

Roxie moaned again, closing her eyes briefly. That was something she hadn't thought of.

"Well now I am awake, I may as well come and see you." Isla giggled. "I must admit, I am impressed by your initiative."

Isla vanished from view as her phone moved, showing Roxie a view of where Isla was going. The camera panned past through the bedroom and instead of heading down the stairs it turned towards the games room and to the cupboard that Roxies had gotten some of the items she was now wearing from.

"I wonder if there is anything I can pick up here to add to your predicament?" Isla said into the phone camera then showed Roxie some nipple clamps.

"I wonder what it would feel like to have one of those clamped onto my clit?" Isla's disembodied voice asked.

Eyeing the rather pointed looking clamps Roxie squealed into her gag, shaking her head in futility as Isla couldn't see what she was doing.

"Hmmm. I mean how do you train a bad puppy?" Isla mused as the camera paused on a flat leather paddle, then shifted once more so it was pointing at the ceiling, no doubt Isla had placed her phone on a flat surface denying Roxie any view of what was going on, although she could still hear Isla talking aloud for Roxie's benefit.

"Yes, perfect. Just what we are looking for. Just need that as well." The camera shook slightly as something was placed next to it. Everything went still and quiet for a while then the phone was picked up once more, briefly showing Isla's face as she winked at the helpless Roxie, then followed the journey down the stairs and out of the house until Roxie could see the front view of herself kneeling in the kennel.

Isla had walked out to her wearing a black silk dressing gown that kept hinting at the nakedness underneath but didn't show it.

"And there's my naughty puppy." Isla murmured with a sexual giggle as she tugged gently on the chain leash, encouraging Roxie to crawl out of her hiding place, the shortness of the chain forcing her head downwards and her behind up.

"Now first things first. Naughty puppies get a smack on the bottom."

The words sank in seconds before Isla swatted Roxie's behind with the paddle twice, once on each cheek, causing her to yelp into the mask gag.

"And one more for good luck." Isla whispered as the sound of the paddle echoed around the dark stillness.

While the spanks stung her behind and Roxie squealed into her gag, she wanted Isla to do more, to leave red marks on her bare bottom so anyone who saw them would know she had been spanked harshly.

"And now we are going to put something inside you." Isla told Roxie seductively, as a toy slipped into her pussy until it nudged against her g-spot bringing forth a deep groan through the gag.

"And to make sure it doesn't fall out." Isla held up a roll of silver tape. The kind that bands used to tape amplifier cables to the floor, so no one tripped over them. Very sticky and very waterproof.

Also painful to remove off skin that had even the smallest amount of hair on it.

Roxie squealed into the gag again as Isla placed a length of tape over Roxie's sex, then added another and a third.

"Now as you wait out the next five hours or so, you can imagine how much fun that's going to be to remove." Isla giggled once more and playfully nibbled Roxie's ear.

"And I am leaving you the keys so you will be able to let yourself out when the timer is up, just in case I oversleep. Also, something to wear to get back to the house as it will be daylight. Don't worry about you falling asleep, the little toy I put inside you will keep you awake." Isla placed a kiss on Roxie's forehead then stood up and shrugged off her dressing gown, allowing Roxie to drink in the radiant nudity of Isla's body as she turned and walked back to the house, swishing her behind as she walked.

A small part of Roxie wanted to go after Isla and smother her body in kisses and worship every inch of flesh, but she was, as Isla pointed out, stuck where she was for... three hours and fifty-three minutes, according to the timer on the lockbox.

A small tingle began inside her as the toy began to vibrate, trembling against her g-spot, slowly building up to the point where Roxie braced for a climax. Then it stopped leaving her breathless and wanting, only for the teasing to begin again after a few minutes.

By the time it had stopped on the edge of her climax a third time Roxie was close to tears in frustration.

It was going to be a very long 3 hours and now twenty-two minutes.

One minute to go.

Roxie had tried everything to coax a climax out of the toy Isla had left inside her, but annoyingly no matter what she did the vibrations always seemed to stop just before that moment of blissful sweetness.

Tears of frustration stung her eyes and her entire body ached from the repeated clenching of her muscles in response to her torment.

Dawn had broken when there was still an hour left to run on the timer, and Roxie was very aware of just how light it was outside the kennel now. The thought of making her way back to the house filled her with dread and excitement at the same time as she wondered just what Isla had left her to wear. Knowing her mischievous domme, it would be something useless like a pair of gloves or a hat.

The timer hit zero and the lock popped open. As quickly as she could manage Roxie fumbled with the box and tipped out its contents.

Roxie froze.

Instead of the collection of keys she had put in the box, only one fell out.

Desperately she shook the box hoping the other keys were somehow lodged inside, but instead of the metallic sound of keys, a small slip of paper fluttered to the ground.

Shaking fingers unfolded the paper, searching for an explanation. Which she got in the form of Isla's neat handwriting.

'Dearest little bear. By now you will realise I have swapped the boxes. I have supplied one key that you can undo the lock that is attaching your leash to the kennel with. I thought it would make your journey back a little more fun. Kisses, Miss Isla.'

Rolling her eyes, Roxie unlocked the chain as fast as her fingers allowed and pulled the bag that Isla had left outside into the kennel.

It took Roxie a few seconds to retrieve the contents which led to another eye roll and a small groan. With a sigh she dressed in the items Isla had left, a pair of dog ears on a plastic headband and a pair of paw shaped gloves.

Her plan had been to run the length of garden at a sprint, but with the hobble chain restricting her stride a shuffle was all she was going to manage whilst standing.

Slowly, Roxie poked her muzzled head out of the kennel, peering around at the houses that overlooked Isla's garden. Each one still seemed to have its blinds down or curtains closed. It was a case of the longer she waited the more likely someone would see her.

Taking a deep breath Roxie crawled out into the morning light. She was about to stand when the toy took that moment to kick off its latest round of torture. Groaning and sinking her teeth into the gag, Roxie dropped back to her knees, wishing she had left enough slack to at least rub her clit to entice a climax, not that she wished to be spotted rolling around on the grass, naked apart from the dog mask, a tail and some duct tape in orgasmic throes.

Digging deep into her willpower Roxie forced herself to crawl forwards, her body throbbing with need for sexual release, while her mind conjured images of Isla's neighbours opening their blinds and witnessing her predicament.

From memory, Roxie had covered the distance from the house to the kennel in less than a few minutes on her outbound journey but getting back seemed to take forever. Alternating between a crawl while the toy took her to the limit and beyond what she thought possible, then standing and shuffling as quickly as possible when she was physically able.

After what had felt like a leap year, Roxie finally reached the door back into the house, but as she opened it, Isla stepped into view, smiling naughtily and wearing the domme outfit that Roxie had fantasised about.

"Well done little puppy bear." Isla congratulated. "You made it even with my adjustments."

Still unable to speak, Roxie nodded fidgeting as her sex begged for release.

"I had a very nice climax while you were in your bad puppy kennel." Isla confessed proudly. "I was imagining taking you to the park and walking you with the dog owners. Then I left you outside the shop when I went in for a drink." Isla had a dreamy expression on her face as she described the fantasy, which just made Roxie more desperate for climax.

"I bet after all that teasing, you're nearly begging to cum aren't you naughty puppy bear?" Isla asked as she took hold of the chain leash.

The toy began its work once more and fresh tears popped out of Roxie's eyes as she nodded, moaning in agreement.

"And what if I said the only way I was going to let you climax was if you let me take you to the park exactly as we are now?" Isla asked slowly and carefully.

The mental image of Isla wearing the leather corset, her perfect breasts hardly contained. The small leather panties that covered her delicate pink sex, and the over the knee boots, leading the practically naked Roxie around the park, begging to be allowed to cum, played through Roxie's mind. There was no way she would agree to it normally. But this was far outside normal.

Slowly Roxie nodded, trying to say 'please' through the gag.

"You would do it as well wouldn't you little bear." Isla breathed fast and deeply, Roxie's submission fuelling her arousal. "Don't panic. I am not going to do that. But to earn your pleasure you are going to answer a few questions."

Isla gently tugged on the leash, urging Roxie to move her jelly like legs to follow where Isla led her.

Parts of Roxie ached that hadn't ached since she had been involved in martial arts and regularly ended up covered in bruises. Although now the aches were down to different things. Her legs were stiff from kneeling in the kennel most of the night, then from being bent over the table in Isla's fun room for a further few hours. Her sex ached from being teased for hours without being allowed to climax then from having the tape Isla had applied, removed. Her behind still tingled from being spanked, at first with Isla's gloved hands, then later, after Isla had denied her another climax, Roxie had begged her to use the paddle Isla had spanked her with outside. All of which Isla had recorded on her phone then transferred to footage onto a thumb drive which she locked away for safekeeping. This was all down to Roxie confessing several things whilst being questioned by Isla, one of which was the thought of being blackmailed into doing things had turned her on. She had no idea when or what Isla would do with that information, but she had a good idea it would involve more teasing and torment.

And she was looking forward to every minute.

"I have to confess something." Isla interrupted Roxie's reminiscing as Mazakin edged out of the garage. "I had planned to have you seated naked next to me when I did this."

Isla pressed a button on the dashboard of her car and Roxie's heart did a double beat as the roof folded back turning the car into an open top. As it was, she was wearing what Isla had insisted on, which was just the long coat again, but the thought of how she had been sat in the same seat only the day before, naked and overly aroused, and if Isla had opened the roof then, Roxie was sure she would have had at least one climax in Isla's car.

"My plan was to get you to ask me to do certain things to you, but because of the things worked out..." Isla left the words hanging.

Roxie squirmed as she sat in the seat of the car, she had wanted Isla to push her further than Isla had wanted to, more because Isla was a very gentle dominant, than the lack of willingness to go as far as she did. But after Roxie's time in the forest, then the nighttime adventure to the kennel, followed by the subsequent confessions, Isla had decided to let Roxie drive how fast and how far they went as long as Isla thought it was safe to do so. There had been no real details passed between them, but Roxie had admitted that the thought of being helpless with the risk of being seen had really spiked her fantasies. So Isla had thought for a while before deciding that Monday would be dedicated to exploring this new aspect of Roxie's imagination.

They had arranged to have the night off work, Lizzy had been more than accommodating when Isla had said they were 'going out to enjoy themselves'. After that Isla and Roxie had reviewed the footage that had been recorded the previous day. Roxie sat on one of the steel chairs naked and handcuffed, Isla wearing her high leg boots and the set of leather underwear that still made Roxie whimper just by looking at it.

While they watched, Isla had edited the footage, capturing Roxie's expressions and various stages of torment. When they reached the part where Roxie was pleading with Isla to spank her because she needed a climax, and Isla had asked her to admit she wanted to be coherence into doing things, Roxie had come close to a climax, the only thing that had made her hold back was that Isla had said if she climaxed without permission, she would be spending the day tied to the cross frame in the playroom with no climaxes until she had proven she had more control.

When the footage had been edited, Isla had sat in Roxie's lap and asked Roxie if she was happy with how things were progressing. Without any pause, Roxie had replied that she wanted more, that she wanted to feel helpless and fully under Isla's control. She went on to explain that not only did it fill her with excitement, but for the first time in a long while, she felt relaxed, that she wasn't overwhelmed with life's problems. Isla had kissed her very gently and assured that she was never going to let anyone hurt Roxie or do anything she didn't want to do willingly.

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