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Roy's Conquests: Hot For Teacher


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I grinned. "I do." Although that wasn't entirely true. She'd need some help. Some incentive.

"But Mrs. Parker is happy with her husband. She's always telling us about him in class. He seems like a nice guy. I don't think we'll be able to catch him cheating on her."

"We won't have to."

"We frame him? That doesn't seem honest."

"Again no. We'll simply make her an offer that she can't refuse. And trust me... once she gets started, she won't want to refuse." I smiled.

Kyle looked conflicted. His emotions were never more apparent. He sat, wrestling with his feelings, as though the devil had just made him an offer that he had to consider. Conscience versus desire.

Finally he looked me dead in the eyes with that simple expression and asked "What do we do?"


The next week required some careful skill to pull off. Kyle was apprehensive when I told him the plan. He wasn't sure he felt right about it, but when I pressed him on how badly he wanted to fuck Mrs. Parker, he conceded my point.

Regardless, he had fun with it, even if he didn't want to admit it. Like playing a super spy.

I made sure his instructions were easy. "Ask Mrs. Parker for help after class." Easy. He was already failing. "Say you forgot your phone and ask Mrs. Parker if you can use hers to call for your ride. When she does, call me, and come outside."

Naturally I was waiting in the parking lot. With Mrs. Parker's phone still logged in, I handled the rest. Admittedly, this was more work than I usually invest in this sort of thing, but it was for two good causes-- a charity case like Kyle, and my cock (if I played my angle just right).

When it was set, I gave the phone back, and told Kyle to return it to Mrs. Parker, to thank her, then to meet me back at my place. The less Kyle knew, the less chance he'd have of messing things up.

He came practically racing over. Nearly jumping with joy.

"Roy! Roy! Roy!" He called over and over as he came bursting through the front door. "It happened! You were right! Oh my god! It happened!"

I was a little confused.


Kyle flashed me his cell phone, grinning ear to ear. "It happened! She texted me. Oh my god! Oh my god, look what she sent! When I checked it, I found that she sent me this. Oh my god, she's so hot. Should I text her back?"

I didn't have to peer at the phone to know exactly what he was seeing. They were pictures of Tracy in various stages of undress, along with several choice text messages. 'I want you Kyle!' 'I can't wait to see you tonight.' 'I wore this for you, I hope you like it.'

"For the love of god, don't text her back!" I nearly jumped out of my seat.

He blinked, not comprehending. I had to spell it out for him, that I had been the one to send those pictures-- when Kyle had lent me her cell phone outside of the school. I had spent all week preparing those. Carefully angled cameras and binoculars had afforded me some good views into her back windows. I'd even managed a few up-skirt shots, thanks to a carefully concealed camera beneath her dashboard (although that'll be my little secret). I loaded them onto her phone, then sent them to Kyle, making it look like she'd been having an affair with her student.

"But I thought you said I could have her for real?" He said.

"You will. Do you still have those panties?" I grinned.


When I opened the front door, I started to understand what young Kyle saw in his teacher. She looked delicious-- short teal button-up light sweater over a white and black print dress. The dress wasn't risqué, nor conservative. Just a hint of cleavage, and the hemline stopped just above the knee. A pair of modest black high heels. She was wearing black stockings. I knew from my up-skirt sleuthing that Mrs. Tracy Parker preferred the ones that stopped at mid thigh, as opposed to the conventional pantyhose. The sort of outfit a young school teacher would wear to work.

"Hi Roy," she smiled politely. Just a hint of uncertainty. She didn't yet know why I'd called her over. "You wanted to talk to me about something? It sounded pretty urgent over the phone."

"Hello there, Mrs. Parker," I couldn't resist addressing her by her teacher title. "Why don't you come inside? Make yourself at home."

She followed me in. "You have a lovely home," she complimented me in that soothing tone of voice, like she'd just come from a massage. Silky and smooth. "I don't think I'd ever been over here."

"I try," I replied. "So how's the job treating you? Any luck with the tenured position yet?" I asked, trying to sound casual as I led her to the living room.

"Funny you mention it," a touch of enthusiasm crept into her voice. "My boss came to talk to me last week, and if I finish out this year, and work one day into the new school year, I'll be up for a permanent position."

"One day into the new school year?" I echoed. "That's sort of silly, don't you think?"

"I agree, but I guess that's their insurance plan, to make sure I don't skip town over the summer and take a new job with a different district."

"Do you know if they're keeping you until then?" I asked.

She flashed me a bright smile. "I do," she answered. "That's what he wanted to tell me. They agreed to keep me on. Now it's just a matter of hanging in there until then."

"Good for you. But unfortunately, that's what I brought you hear to discuss."

She looked at me quizzically as we stepped into the living room. Kyle was sitting on the edge of the couch. His hands on his knees, nervously waiting. His hair was combed, and he was wearing a pair of nice slacks, and a polo over his broad chest. His expression when he saw Mrs. Parker was a whirlwind of excitement, anxiety, and apology.

"Oh, hi Kyle. I didn't expect to see you here," she said, recognizing her student.

"Yeah, Kyle is my buddy," I answered for him, before the boy could say something that might wreck this whole plan. "I hired him a few years ago to help me with yard work, and he's been like a son to me ever since."

"Aw, that's nice." There was that pleasant smile again.

"Well that's why I asked you here," I continued. I gestured to the couch beside my yard boy. "You might want to sit down for this," I allowed my voice to grow stern, as I helped myself to a seat in a nearby chair.

She smoothed out her dress, and sat down beside Kyle, maintaining a friendly, but intimate distance. The unknowing innocence on her face was delightful. Cute. I realized I wasn't just in this for Kyle's benefit. I wanted her too.

I started off like an interrogator, slow at first, but with a building accusatory tone. "So, Kyle came to me as his confidant. He didn't want to go to his parents, with this. Not yet, anyway. And I felt it best to bring it to your attention, to give you a chance to explain yourself, and figure out the best course of action. Because I like you... but this is very serious."

She nodded her head, trying to understand. Although she had no idea. I was toying with her... like a cat playing with a mouse.

I pointed to the phone on the couch. "This is Kyle's cell phone. Kyle tells me that over the last several days, he'd been receiving inappropriate advances... from you."

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The look on her face was frank astonishment. "What?" She asked. "I've never..." For a moment, her gaze retreated into her mind, recalling every interaction she'd had with her student up until now, analyzing her actions to see if she'd done anything that bordered on inappropriate. She looked at Kyle. He was nervous but silent. "Have I done or said anything that might give you the wrong impression?" She asked.

I opened up Kyle's cell phone and showed her what I was referring to. "I would say so." In front of her was a series of lewd text messages and photographs (my handiwork that I'd carefully collected, cropped, and sent out, to look like the acts of a very inappropriate teacher).

Again, her jaw dropped. "I- I never," she stammered. Her face flushing bright red as she looked closer at the photos. The blush the dead giveaway that she recognized herself. The states of undress that she was in, unmistakable. "I never took these photos, or sent these..." She scrolled through, completely bowled over.

"Is that, or is that not you?" I pressed sternly, putting my palms together and resting my chin on my fingers.

"Yes, but... I never took these! And I would never send them to a student!"

"Is this your phone number?" I ask, reclaiming the cell phone. "If I called it right now, would your number ring?" I didn't wait for her to answer. I'd already hit the call button. Sure enough, within seconds, her phone rang in her purse.

Her eyes widened further. The look of shock, and fear, and confusion all blended together.

"I- I don't understand..." She stared at her phone in utter disbelief, scrolling back through her messages, and seeing the same ones that Kyle had on his phone. "I must have been hacked."

"Hacked? Hackers took up-skirt photos of you, then sent them out to someone they knew was one of your students?" I asked with clear doubt in my expression. "That sounds quite outlandish, don't you think Mrs. Parker?"

"I- I- I don't know what to say..."

"Did hackers also send Kyle these?" I dug the pilfered panties from my pocket and dropped them on the table.

She blinked numbly at them. "How...?"

"Kyle told me that he found these in his locker. That he saw you put them in there. Are these yours?" I asked.

The recognition of her panties answered that for me.

"They're rather sexy, don't you think?" I mused.

Amid the confusion, she shot a look to Kyle. The memory returning of when he'd borrowed her phone. He smiled sheepishly at her. The apology and the guilt were apparent. Then she looked at me, out the sliding glass back door where the view to her house was excellent, then back to me. She reflexively closed her sweater some, and tightly crossed her legs. "What... what did you do?" She asked.

I continued to play my part, although her read on the situation was pretty spot on. She was figuring it out for herself.

"We're not here to discuss me, Mrs. Parker. The fact is that your student has received a series of very inappropriate photos and text messages, on his phone, from you." I pointed.

"I never did any such thing," she insisted. "Somebody..." she glared at each of us accusingly, "somebody took some photos, then borrowed my phone, and sent them out. Someone who could have also stolen my laundry off of the clothes line. To do what? To frame me?"

Then I hit her with this. "Are you familiar with Occam's Razor? That the simplest explanation is probably the right one? Which of those two theories sounds more plausible, Mrs. Parker? That your neighbors and your students are conspiring against you, using hidden cameras to take photos of you, then hacking your phone and sending them to each other for some unknown purpose? Or that an attractive young teacher, in today's modern world, is once again having an affair with her student?"

"But I'm not--"

"Possession is nine tenths of the law, Mrs. Parker. We have messages and photos sent from your phone to Kyle's. Which of those two stories will the superintendent believe? That one of his teachers may or may not be involved romantically with a student? Or some crazy paranoid conspiracy to blackmail you for sexual favors? A person's beliefs and opinions flow like water running downhill-- they take the path of least resistance."

She was on her feet, insistent. "If I could just explain myself for one second--" then understanding slowly dawned across her features. She cocked her head and lowered her voice. "Wait? What did you just say?"

"You tell me," I smiled back.

"To blackmail me? For sexual favors? Is that what this is about?" She looked from face to face. The shock crossing her features.

"Everyone can be bought, Mrs. Parker. And silence has a price. You like your job, you're up for tenure. You've already been teasing poor Kyle, so you may as well follow through."

She grabbed for her purse. "I'd better be leaving," she brushed past us both, and headed across the living room.

"Even if you convince your boss to hear you out, what course of action will he take?" I called after her. "He'll err on the side of caution to cover his own ass. He'll suspend you, pending an investigation. And regardless of the results, he'll let you go. The bad publicity, the PR. It'd be easier just to fire an untenured teacher, than to keep you on, and constantly have to clarify to parents your 'questionable innocence'."

She stopped, mid stride, turned and shot me a hard look. "How do you sleep at night?"

I merely smiled. "Fully satisfied."

She glanced at Kyle. "And you brought him into this? Kyle is a good boy."

"I'm just looking out for my friend. His best interests. And he's not as good as you may think."

Kyle peered up at Mrs. Parker, and repeated the line I hoped he would. "Mrs. Parker told me she loved me. I thought it meant something."

She sagged in defeat, knowing she wouldn't be getting any help from her student. She let her purse slip off of her shoulder and drop to the floor. Her cheeks were burning bright red. "What..." she hesitated, knowing it was coming. "What do you want?"

That little question told me all I needed to know. It worked. She was willing to play ball in exchange for our silence. I know it seems unethical-- framing an innocent woman for a crime that she didn't commit, in order to get her to commit the *actual* crime. But who among us has ever been falsely accused of cheating by our spouses before? And of those who have, how many of you instantly had the thought 'Well if I'm in trouble for cheating, I may as well go do it for real now, so that I'm *actually* guilty of it'?

Nothing about me is ethical. I've stolen hundreds of women away from their happy marriages. Every single one of you would do it too, if you knew how. You know you would. So don't judge old Roy, just because I play the game better than most.

I smiled at Mrs. Parker, and threw Kyle a not-so-subtle 'I got your back, little buddy' wink. "Kyle has quite the crush on you," I said. "He's never been with a woman before, and I want to make his first time special. With someone he really really likes."

She saw where I was going with this. "Kyle... I... I don't think it ought to be like this."

"If not this, then how?" He replied. "I want you. And I don't care how."

When she saw that there'd be no appealing to him, she turned her attention back to me. The conductor of this twisted symphony. Her shoulders hunched, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. "And if I agree to this... it'll stay between us? You won't say a word to my boss... or my husband?" She hesitated on the last part, hating to even remind herself of Greg right about now that she was considering being unfaithful, just to maintain her reputation.

"We won't tell a soul. It'll stay between the three of us," I promised, agreeably. "I'll even let you delete the messages on both phones yourself."

She thought about it for several long moments. But I knew she'd ultimately cave. And she did. "Okay," she said finally. A little too quickly. Even I expected more resistance.

"Really?" Kyle asked.

She shrugged again, chewing the inside of her lip. "He's 18. I make thirty thousand a year. Plus... he's not really bad."

"Not yet," I smirked. "But that's the spirit."

She didn't look pleased by this situation, but she also didn't look particularly repulsed either. She walked over to Kyle on shaky, unsteady legs, and took him by the hand, wincing when she felt how sweaty his palm was. "Do you mind if we use your bedroom for this?" She asked me.

"Yes, I mind," I replied immediately. "It has to be right here, where I can call the shots."

"Fine... and what would you like me to do?" She looked at me. Her gaze much colder with me than with Kyle. I suppose she couldn't fault him as much as me. After all, Kyle was a simple young man. I was clearly the mastermind who put this all together.

"Why don't you start by giving Kyle a peek up that dress?" I asked.

Maybe it was the annoyance at the situation. Or maybe it's just the modest ones who surprise you with their sexuality. I'm not sure. But what I am sure about is that I was rather surprised when she placed the toe of her high heel up on the couch, right between Kyle's legs, and started to slide her dress up her leg.

There was something so lewd about it. So abrupt and sexy, that I felt my own manhood responding to the sight.

"Is this what you want?" She asked Kyle, her voice hard and lecturing, daring him, as she inched the dress up her smooth thick thigh. The black material of her black stocking sexy and alluring. The boy could hardly manage a nod as his eyes dropped to his teacher's leg.

I could tell in her expression that she was not trying to think. Her mind made up now. A very go-with-the-flow person, Tracy was. And now that she'd committed herself, she was letting her frustration govern her actions. It made her more deliberate in ways that she probably hadn't intended. 'I'm going to have to, so I may as well be sexy about it, so we can get this over with.'

"I thought you were a good boy, Kyle," she said, stopping just shy of the top of her thigh-highs. "But you're really a dirty little trouble maker." Her words were meant to induce guilt, to scold him. But from a teacher in this pose, saying it to a student only enhanced the naughtiness of it all. If she did it deliberately, to this day I have no idea.

"I know," Kyle said, too focused on his teacher's legs to even process her words.

"Is this what you've been hoping to see?" Her naturally smooth sultry voice, with just the ever-so-slight hard edge. The dress slid higher, and the tops of her thigh highs were revealed. Nothing but smooth tan skin above. Her panties were a teal lace to match her sweater.

"Oh my god," Kyle murmured excitedly. He licked his lips as she exposed her underwear to him. A cute splash of red across her cheeks matched Kyle's. To this day, I'll never forget that pose. A hot teacher standing there with her heel planted between Kyle's legs, inches from his dick, her dress pulled up and draped down around her hip. Her full leg exposed up to her panties. Even I started to touch my dick over my shorts.

"Go ahead, Kyle. Touch her," I instructed from my chair.

He peered up at her, as though asking permission from his teacher. She merely shrugged. "You're going to do it anyway, so what are you asking me for?"

"Oh my god," Kyle said again, completely absorbed in the situation that was unfolding. He ran his hands up Tracy's leg like he was worshipping her. A small shiver ran through her, as Kyle began to touch her with his big clammy hands.

He ran his thick fingers up and down, feeling the smoothness of her stocking. Then up to her bare skin. He couldn't restrain himself much longer. He was just a young man, after all. Patience is learned through age, and he didn't have it yet. One hand went right to her pussy and began to rub over her panties. "Oh my god," he said again, his tongue protruding from the side of his mouth like a dog. He wasn't even aware that he was doing it.

Tracy's hips gave a little lurch, and a gasp of surprise escaped her lips. She stood there, motionless, as her student began to pet and grope her womanhood. She shot me a look, as though asking 'Are you pleased with yourself?'

I answered that for her with a nod of my head, and a slow stroke of my cock. I was hard as a rock by now, and my bulge was showing against the leg of my shorts. She caught sight of it, reddened, and immediately looked away. But it was only seconds later that she glanced back, her eyes fixed with surprise.

The first look is always worth savoring-- the first time a married woman glances at my endowment, and they realize that their old neighbor is hung like an elephant.


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