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Ruben Ch. 01

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I agree to tutor a classmate.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/23/2023
Created 06/13/2023
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I grew up in a family that was always strapped for cash.

My father was a farmer. Unfortunately, a multiyear drought in southern California reduced the family savings to almost zero. He tried to sell the farm, but nobody was interested in buying it without the guaranty of constant supply of water.

Mom was a secretary in a local elementary school and her salary was low.

As a result, I never went on trips or had 'luxury items' like bicycle, Game Boy or a powerful computer. My parents emphasized to me that I had to be very good at school, so I'd get free tuition in a respectable college.

I managed to get straight A's in every subject all the way through high school. I wasn't sure if I was smarter than other kids, but I knew that unlike most other students, I absolutely had to have excellent grades! I spent a lot of time on school stuff.

When I was free, I enjoyed reading about discoverers, inventors and history of wars. I rarely played outside with other boys my age.

I started opening up socially as a senior in high school. Was it due to knowing already that my grades were good enough to get accepted with a full scholarship to a good college? Was it because my loneliness caught up with me at last? A hormonal 'thing'?... I wasn't sure.

At 18 years old I was 5'6", 155lbs. Since I was never into exercises or other physical games, my muscles were very 'unimpressive'... However, being known as the best student got me enough 'would be friends', who needed help in different subjects. I tutored, helped in homework and occasionally even wrote essays for them. In return, they invited me to parties and watching games with them.

One evening somebody introduced me to Ruben. This guy was 6'6", 270 pounds of pure muscle. He was our best football player and many of the known colleges tried to recruit him. All the pretty girls went gaga over him. The guys were jealous of his physique, success in sports and the way girls ogled him.

Any way, after about an hour of chatting with others and having a beer, I went to the bathroom to pee. Seconds later Ruben entered the bathroom. He stood near me and started peeing too. We finished almost at the same time.

Ruben smiled at me, "Nathan, I want to talk to you, but not here. I have a proposition that may interest you. Let's meet in my house tomorrow at 8 pm. OK?"

I was surprised by the unexpected offer. I didn't know what it was about, but the fact that somebody like Ruben would be interested in anything related to me was great!

He gave me the address. His house was 30 miles from my house. It was a problem.

"Ruben, I do not have a car and nobody would be able to drive me."

"OK. Give me your address and I'll be there with my Mustang at 7:30 pm. I'll drive you to my house and later back to your home."

"Sounds good."


Next evening Ruben arrived at 7:40 and apologized that he barely found the farmhouse. I just smiled. He was right. Our house was hidden behind several tall trees.

The ride back to his house was smooth and fast. Much of the time I was watching the scenery and the road, but I sneaked peeks at Ruben too. He was having on a tight tee shirt and short pants that showed his huge thigh and leg muscles. What a specimen!...

We arrived to his house and entered his room. He asked me if I wanted something to drink - Orange juice, cola, beer or anything else. I took Coca Cola. He grabbed a beer for himself.

I sat on a chair and he sat on a couch in front of me. He looked at me and blurted, "Nathan, among the many universities that asked me to join their football program, there are 3 that I consider seriously. However, all of them require me to pass the final exams successfully. Most of my grades are mediocre, but passable. However, I flunked math and chemistry. We have 3 months until the exams and the teachers in both subjects promised to make sure that my overall scores would be good enough, IF I pass the last tests. My proposition is simple. You help me pass the exams and I'll pay you. Money is not an issue, because all three schools have what they consider 'ways to help me have VERY comfortable life', if you know what I mean. What do you say?"

"I'll be happy to do it, but the logistics is unclear. Doing it in my house may be less convenient and more noisy. On the other hand I can't reach your house."

"Nathan, initially I thought of buying you a car, but I assume that you never had a driving test, right?"

I blushed, "You are right."

"I have another idea. I'll rent a double room for 3 months in the nearest Travelodge. It is located 2 blocks from your house. Every weekend we'll be there all the time and you'll work with me on math and chemistry. If you can spare additional hours on certain weekdays after school, it will be even better. You name your price and I'll pay you, but 50% of it you'll get only if I pass these 2 damn tests! Are we in sync?"

I grinned, "It's a deal if my salary is half the tuition fee in the university of my choice."

Ruben had a throaty laugh, "Nathan, that's fair. I'd like to start this weekend. When we meet the first time, let me know what weekday afternoon you can spare for me as well."

"OK. I'll tell my parents about our deal and meet you at the Travelodge on Saturday at 9 am. I can bring some books, but if you have a good laptop computer, we can use it too."

"Nathan buddy, I think that both of us can benefit from this arrangement. See you in school or on Saturday at the hotel."

My parents were happy to hear that I was going to spend time with somebody my age and earn money for my college years.

Two days later, on a Thursday, Willie, another guy from my class, came to me and told me, that if I worked with him on HIS weakest subject, English, he'd let me drive his car three times. I said that I was sorry, but I would be too busy and didn't have time for him. He got upset and slapped my face hard. I almost fell to the ground. I mumbled, "Idiot!" He heard it and came toward me with his fists ready. I was scared to death, but my legs refused to move. He hit me once in the chest. I fell backwards on the grass. He approached me again.

From the corner of my eye I saw somebody running in our direction. It was Ruben. He grabbed the other guy's neck and asked me what happened. I told him. Ruben stared at the frightened guy and whispered, "Willie, is Nathan telling me the truth?" Willie didn't answer. Ruben said, "Nathan, please slap his cheek hard and then punch him just like he did to you. And after that, if I ever see or hear that Willie comes within 30 yards of you, he better has his will ready." I told Ruben that I forgave Willie and refused to hit him. Ruben turned to the poor guy, "Willie boy, you are lucky that Nathan is such a nice person. But your lucky break is over! Am I clear?" Willie was shaking, "Yes sir. I'll never bother him again. I swear!..." Ruben let the guy free and he ran away as fast as he could. I thanked Ruben and my good fortune that my savior was around at the right time.


On Saturday I arrived at the hotel early and asked about the room that was reserved for Ruben Neves for the next 3 months. The lady at the front desk said that there was no reservation on his name, but there was a paid reservation for 3 months for another person by the name of Nathan Aronson. I chuckled and pulled my ID to show her that it was me. I got a key and went to see the room. It was a large room with 2 queen size beds, private bathroom and large screen TV. Excellent!

Ruben showed up 10 minutes later, "I tried to get a suite, but for the next 3 months this was the best room they had."

I chortled, "You do not need to apologize. I have never been to a better room than this one. It is perfect!"

The first hour we sat at the desk and I tried to find out how much help he needed in math and chemistry. It turned out that in math he was at a level of a 9th grader, while chemistry he needed almost everything, starting from the beginning. I dedicated the first 2 hours to basic math, moving slowly through 2 chapters of Algebra.

At noon Ruben became tired and hungry. He suggested to eat at a restaurant nearby and then jump into the pool for an hour, followed by a short siesta and study some more afterwards.

I hesitated, "Ruben, I do not have a swimsuit and I cannot swim..."

"Change of plans! We eat at Panera, on me of course, then we go and buy you a swimsuit and later we go to the pool."

Buying a swimsuit the first time in my life was weird. I felt almost naked! And my pale skin... But I decided that it was time to try.

We went to the room. Ruben undressed completely and moved naked into the bathroom. I was shocked!

His skin was dark brown with some hairy areas on his chest and bush. The bulging muscles all over his body were shiny. The wide chest contrasted with his much smaller ass. The long uncircumcised pecker was dangling above his large sac. He looked like Michelangelo's famous statue of David on steroids... Comparing to his athletic body, mine was puny and white... I had no hair on my chest and it was scant on my bush too. My dick was much, MUCH smaller than his...

Ruben came out of the bathroom wearing a low cut speedo, that emphasized his large package. He looked like the perfect man... or god!

He saw me ogling his body and grinned, "All my life I loved sports. Exercises, healthy eating and the right genetics helped. Let's go to the pool."

We took 2 towels and went outside. Nobody else was there. Ruben jumped right in and began swimming laps. I moved slowly, getting used to the cool water in the shallow area. I saw Ruben standing in the water on the far side, looking in my direction. I told myself that the other side was probably not that deep either, so I walked toward Ruben in the rising water. All of a sudden the floor disappeared and I began drowning. My hands started hitting the water. Before my head went under water, I was able to see Ruben moving fast in my direction.

He grabbed my waist and easily raised me above the water surface, moving me to the edge of the pool, "Nathan, it is written on the board that the water in the deep end is 5'8". Didn't you see it?"

After coughing for several minutes I said, "I saw you standing without difficulty and I assumed that it wasn't very deep..."

He smirked, "As a smart dude who is great in math, I expected you to know that MY height is 8" above the water level!..."

I was embarrassed and blushed profusely, "You are right..."

He smiled, "It was easy to pull you out, you weigh like an average chicken. You need to eat and exercise more!"

I grinned, "Listen guy, you better behave nicely to your teacher, or I'll beat you up!"

He came closer to me again, "Nathan, you are so cute..."

He didn't touch me this time, but his manly smell was strong and empowering. I suddenly remembered his naked body. While we stood in a place that only Ruben's upper body was seen, the image of his long dangling cock came back to me... I tried to distract myself from these thoughts by moving around in the shallow end, while Ruben swam laps. His hands and legs moved elegantly, carrying his heavy body fast and easy through the water. His muscular ass cheeks bulged above the surface with every stroke...

It was time to go back.

Ruben exited first and stood by the rales to help me out. I glanced at his groin. His long prick was pushing against the thin swimsuit, creating an obvious demarcation of it's big size... I gave him my hand and he pulled me up effortlessly.

We covered our chests with the towels and went back to our room.

Ruben went to take a shower first. He came out naked, still drying himself with a large new towel. Then it was my turn. I enjoyed the hot shower and came out 15 minutes later.

Ruben was naked, sleeping supine on one of the beds with his legs partly spread. I glanced at his beautiful body, admiring his huge muscles. I couldn't ignore his tool. It was resting comfortably between his thighs. It looked longer and thicker now... His uncircumcised organ appeared much different than mine. The thin membrane covering much of his cock made it look scary...

I stood by his bed and gazed at Ruben's package for a long moment. As I stared at it, the penis gradually throbbed and began moving upward! Was he having an erotic dream? Was he actually awake with his eyes only partially closed and he was aware of me ogling his genitals?!... I didn't want to know and moved to the other bed to rest there.

I must have fallen asleep with the wet towel wrapped around my waist, because I heard Ruben calling me, "Nathan, time to wake up. Can we continue with math or you are too tired to do it?"

"Let's go over another chapter, but I need coffee to focus again." I made the coffee and started sipping it. Ruben grabbed a beer from the fridge. He didn't bother dressing up and stayed in the nude. I put on underwear and short pants.

We discussed math for about an hour before stopping. Ruben complained that it was too much for him for the first day. He wanted to watch a movie and continue studying the next day.

We checked the TV guide. Ruben selected Mr & Mrs Smith with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Each one of us watched it before, but there was nothing else. We dimmed the lights in the room. The TV was directly in front of Ruben and the only small light was on the side of my bed.

The movie started with a lot of action. From the corner of my eye I noticed a shining object on Ruben's bed. I peeked at it. It was his cock! The light by me made his tool look sparkly... Ruben was completely naked, so how come the only glistening thing was his member?! Did he put some kind of oil on it?... I tried to concentrate on the movie, but every now and then my eyes wandered to glance at his cock.

Ruben continued watching the film. About 20 minutes into the movie, while his eyes seemed still to be focused on the screen, he said, "Nathan, I think that you'll feel better if you come to my bed. From here the distance to the TV set is shorter. And seeing that you ogle my cock every few seconds, it would make it closer for you as well..."

The dim lights hid my blushing face. I stayed quiet and was determined to watch the movie. However, remembering the movie plot made it less interesting. And his dick was still radiating light, as if signaling to me to sneak another peek...

After doing it twice, Ruben stared at me, "Nathan, don't be shy. It's OK to look at another man's genitals. Come here and you can watch as much as you want."

I sighed and gave up. He didn't mind me looking at it and doing it up close was tempting... Although very perverted based on what I was taught...

I went to Ruben's bed and sat up by him with my back leaning on a pillow.

Every time Angelina appeared on the screen, Ruben's hand was creeping downward and caressing his pecker for a couple of seconds. Soon his cock began engorging and expanding. I couldn't take my eyes off his growing tool. It was amazing and... arousing! My dick started hardening too. Unlike Ruben who was naked, I had short pants on, but they were fairly tight and could not hide the tent that was forming inside...

I didn't see Ruben looking at my bulge, but he clearly was aware of my predicament. He whispered, "Nathan, don't be embarrassed. Getting aroused by another guy's big tool is a natural thing. Go ahead a touch it. It won't bite..."

I wanted to feel it, to caress it, to play with his awesome organ, but I didn't dare...

As if he could hear my thoughts, Ruben grabbed my hand and placed it gently on his cock. My heart was racing like crazy. I thought I was about to faint, but the feeling disappeared after a minute or so.

My palm was frozen on his smooth foreskin for a couple of minutes before I was able to move it. I tried to encircle his shaft, but it was too large. My movement caused his cock to expand further. I carefully peeled the foreskin from his cock, exposing the big soft bulb. I squeezed it gently and it reacted by jolting once.

Ruben's eyes closed and he moaned softly. He was enjoying what I was doing! My palm trailed down to his hairy sac. I cautiously massaged his testicles. He groaned somewhat louder and mumbled, "It feels so good..."

Now I was feeling better, knowing that Ruben actually enjoyed my manipulations of his genitals. My hand started bobbing slowly up and down on his massive cock. By now it was rock hard and looked to be about 8" long and very thick. I was horny as well and my mouth became dry. I licked my lips.

Then I felt Ruben's hand hugging my shoulder, pulling me toward his body. I moved toward him until our thighs touched each other. His hand placed my head on his chest, so I could lean on his pectorals. The fingers caressed my forehead, then trailed to my cheek. His thumb touched my lips very gently, tracing them. Instinctively my mouth opened and I let it in. The thumb felt good and I sucked on it a couple of times.

Ruben gazed at me with a smile, "You are a good boy. I knew you'd be oral. Having fun with your appetizer?"

I didn't respond, but my dick became more erect in my pants, causing me to suck harder on his wide thumb.

Ruben chuckled, "Nathan, sucking on a thumb is for babies. It's time to grow up and do what the adult in you really crave."

I knew exactly what he was saying. Yes I wanted to taste him, but I was too afraid... Ruben gently removed his thumb from my mouth and slowly moved my head down, until my face was 2 inches from his huge cock. I could see that now, being erect, most of his pecker was fully exposed and only small part at the base was still covered by the skin. My hand massaged his veiny smooth monster for a long moment. The smell of his genitals was overpowering. I never considered myself gay, but for some reason the intense smell increased my wish to taste him!

Ruben let go when my lips almost touched the mushroomed head. He wanted ME to make the decision to do it without pressure. And he was right.

A drop began to appear above the opening. Ruben was as aroused as I was, leaking precum! This was my moment. my head moved down another inch. I stuck my tongue out and licked the orifice clean. The cock shuddered somewhat and another colorless drop resurfaced. I licked it too. The taste was very mild. I kissed the tip and then opened up my lips around the large head. It was thicker than I thought and I could barely accommodate the head between my lips.

Ruben stayed still, giving my mouth time to adjust to his massive organ. slowly my mouth got used to the unusually large meat it was trying to swallow. I gingerly pulled it deeper, while my tongue licked its lower part.

Ruben's hand caressed my hair and he whispered, "Nathan, it's your first blow job. You are doing it excellently and I love the way you make me feel. I am very close, but I do not want to cum in your mouth. Yet... I intend to pull it out in the last moment and cum on your chest. I want you to see me painting you with my seed, marking you as mine!'

For some reason his dirty talk sounded very arousing. By now half of his pole was inside my mouth. I was ferociously bobbing on it with my hand squeezing the basal part.

All of a sudden his cock pulled out off me. Ruben aimed it at my chest and with a loud groan started spraying me with whitish jets. After 6 powerful jets stained my upper body, Ruben's prick began to shrink, while still spilling several drops.

I was too horny! Without hesitation I licked his cockhead clean. It was a mixture of oily substance with mildly bitter/salty taste. It wasn't bad at all!...

And then my own dick erupted inside my shorts.

Ruben watched me during my short orgasm. His hand caressed my head, "Nathan, you are a good boy. Go take a shower and come back to my bed. I'll be waiting for you. I think that we can combine studies and fun during our times together..."


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