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Ruben Ch. 05

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It's Jordan's birthday.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/23/2023
Created 06/13/2023
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Six weeks into our studies Ruben seemed to advance well. Obviously his brain could comprehend math and chemistry. His difficulties resulted from 'hating it', or not getting a good basis, thus leading to being unable to follow the more advance parts. We still had a month and a half before the big exams and we went through 70% of the material already. I was happy with his progress and my student was elated.

On the personal front we began to have our own routine. The 2 afternoons we studied together usually ended with Ruben being tired mentally, but charged physically. Most of these days I was satisfied with his grasping of the material and I rewarded him with a happy-ending deepthroat. He loved to watch me gobble on his magnificent tool and taking it in all the way. The more experienced I became, the easier and more enjoyable it was for me too. Most times I controlled the rhythm and decided WHEN he'd cum down my throat, but twice I delayed it for too long and he grabbed my hair and fucked my face fast and hard to show me who's boss... Once I screwed up and spilled few drops on the sheets. Ruben pointed at the stain and made me lick it and then clean the residue with soap and water. I knew that he was right - I should have been better prepared for the larger amount of spunk he was storing in his testicles after 4 days of no sex...

During weekends we focused on math or chemistry, working 4 - 5 hours a day, depending on Ruben's mood and ability to concentrate. The rest of the time we spent together in restaurants, watching TV together, going to the movie theater or sex in the hotel.

On 3 Saturdays in a row, after extremely prolific morning learning, I was ready to reward him. Usually after the session Ruben liked to take a shower and refresh his mind and body from schooling. On these 3 days he came out of the shower with his towel around his waist as expected. He found me naked on all 4 with my anus well lubricated, waiting for him to fuck me! The first time it happened, he was surprised and joyful. The next 2 times he just smiled happily and took advantage of my backside.

Don't get me wrong, Ruben had free reins to use my ass whenever he wished, but I never before took the initiative to make myself ready for him anally. The more times my butthole was exploited, the wider the opening became. This made the act much more pleasurable for both of us. Ruben's cock was massive, so even after being used several times, my tunnel remained tight enough to please him. For me it became a much more enjoyable encounter. I was no longer scared that my sphincter would be ripped apart. The constant friction against my well lubed orifice felt awesome. Ruben's tool was rubbing and pushing at my prostate, causing my own dick to harden. So when he was pounding my rear to satisfy his needs, my hand was free to play with my organ. After several attempts we synchronized our rhythms and both of us learned to climax almost simultaneously.


One afternoon Ruben told me that he got a phone call from Jordan. For his birthday Jordan wanted to know if Ruben and I were interested joining him and Diego for a weekend of fun. No other guests were invited.

Ruben glanced at me, "Last time you liked it when we spent time together, but it was with the help of alcohol. If you do not wish to go, we won't."

I didn't hesitate, "I liked Diego and since he'd be there too, we should go. By the way, Jordan was also nice to me and didn't force me to do anything I did not agree to..."

"It will be in Jordan's home next weekend. His house is not as huge as Foster's, but it's still big and has a small swimming pool, jacuzzi and wet sauna."

The day ended like other weekday's before - Good progress in organic chemistry and then a pleasurable blowjob to make Ruben happy as well as satisfy my growing cravings for his delicious cum.

When I returned home, I started thinking about Jordan. I met him once before. everything about him was still new to me. I've heard many stories about black men. Their bigger than average cocks, their stamina, their preferences...

I was with Jordan in the sauna only once and I still remembered his smell. It was a combination of a musky scent with volcanic ash... I liked it. The taste of his organ was pleasant too. The rest of his body was perfect - Tall, handsome, very muscular, barely any hair on his body. He was too big to be a male model for average-man clothes, but he was a good fit for a foreign warrior or a superhero in the movies! Diego was also a nice person. In the prior party he warned me to avoid drinking cocktail excessively, explained to me about the wild sexual happenings there and offered me to exchange our partners. He seemed like an outgoing chatty guy, that was fun to be around. Him being gay too was comforting, because we didn't have to think twice before talking about sexual subjects.


On Saturday we studied in the morning and then went to a good steakhouse. My preferred foods were usually lighter - Salads, seafood, chicken plates, dairy products. However, I liked to see Ruben happy and went with him to eat red meat. I actually liked the taste, but my stomach was not accustomed to such heavy meal and I was able to consume only half of the 8 ounces fillet. Ruben finished his 24 ounces Porterhouse without any difficulty, drinking 2 beers as well. In the hotel he shaved, took another shower and then allowed me to have his... sorry, my dessert. After an hour of rest we did math, working on algebraic expressions and exponents. At 5 o'clock we stopped. We were both exhausted mentally. Ruben had a Heineken and I sipped half a glass of white wine.

It was time to prepare. Jordan and Diego would be waiting for us anytime after 6 pm. Ruben grabbed an old jeans with a Hawaiian type shirt and he was ready. I shaved, started putting on nice tight beige color pants and an ironed white long sleeve shirt. As I was dressing up Ruben showed me the presents he bought for Jordan. They made me laugh. The first one was a pair of low cut panties with writing on the front part 'screw you'. And on the back 'don't screw (WITH) me'. The second one was a large pink vibrator that when operated, it made buzzing sounds with a loud laugh... The last one was a bouquet of groundsels... Ruben couldn't stop laughing when he showed it to me, "I bring him flowers for his birthday!".

We were in front of Jordan's house at 6:15. He opened the door dressed like Ruben in ripped jeans and an Untuckit shirt and invited us in. Ruben visited the house before, but I did not, so Jordan took me on a short tour. The yard had several fruit bearing trees and a small flower garden. Inside the house there were 4 bedrooms, 2 simple bathrooms and a large one with a sophisticated jacuzzi type tub, 2 saunas - one wet and the other one dry. The house had a lot of decorations - photographs, paintings and few sculptures. The furniture and lighting fixtures were well placed and looked expensive.

As we walked around, I asked Jordan, "I haven't seen Diego. Is he coming soon?"

"Sorry to tell you, but last night I got a call from him. He is in bed with high fever and a cough. He won't be joining us tonight."

"Well, next time when you talk to him, say 'hello' from me and quick recovery."

"I will."

We returned back to the cosy living room. Jordan pointed to the bar that had a variety of alcoholic drinks. There were 5 different types of white wines ( I always liked whites more than red ones or beers ). They were all Italian or French. I tasted one of them. It was too dry. I tried another one - It was sweeter and nice. I walked back to where Ruben and Jordan sat. They were loud, discussing their teams chances and the order of selection in the draft. It was less interesting for me, so I walked from room to room, checking the decorations with a wine glass in my hand. The sweet wine was good, but I wondered how the other ones tasted. The third one was less sweet and less dry. It had a funny aftertaste to it. I continued exploring the rooms, realizing that Jordan showed me only part of his home. The indoor swimming pool length was 25m and there was another 4 men jacuzzi filled with hot bubbly water. Since Diego was not arriving and talks about football were not for me, if I had a swimsuit, I'd jump right in...

I went back to the big boys. They were now arguing, almost shouting at each other about future teams, ownership and even gambling on football. Again, my presence was totally ignored. I went to the bar to try the last 2 white wines. Neither one was as tasty as the second one. I was feeling good. Real good. I poured myself another glass from the second bottle and continued exploring the house. I found the master bedroom. It had a huge bed, that could accommodate at least 4 people. It was covered with elegant bedding set. The dresser was made of Mahogany and smelled richness... I felt slightly dizzy, but very good. I lied on the bed. It was very comfortable. I thought to myself that I needed to return to the living room, but if the guys were still talking football, I'd just take a short nap on the wonderful bed.

Upon returning to the living room I noticed the quietness. Ruben glanced at me and blurted, "Nathan, I just told Jordan that the 2 of us brought him birthday presents. I was ready to show them."

I sat down and gazed at the 2 laughing friends. Ruben pulled the groundsels and handed it to Jordan, "Dear friend, on birthdays flowers are always good gift choices, so I invested half my salary on the most expensive flowers on the market." Both started a nonstop laugh that lasted long minutes. Their laugh and the large number of empty beer bottles told me that they had a lot of alcohol in their system already. Then Ruben offered Jordan the panties with the funny writings. Jordan almost cried from hard laughing. He said that the panties were too small for him, but he'd give them to Diego when he recovered. Lastly Ruben pulled the big laughing vibrator. Again the 2 athletes giggled. They whispered something to each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying. Subsequently they left it on the couch.

Then Jordan stood up, "Guys, we talked and joked. Let's go to the jacuzzi and enjoy the hot soothing water."

Ruben smiled approvingly, "Good idea. The bubbly water always helps me relax my muscles."

I interjected, "What about swimsuits?"

Jordan blurted, "It's only us three. Who cares?"

I was feeling good about myself and was ready to take another glass of the excellent sweet wine. "OK guys, I'm in too."

Both guys undressed on the way to the jacuzzi, throwing their clothes on the floor and then they entered the hot water. I began undressing once I was in the jacuzzi area, placing my clothes on a nearby chair. Both guys ogled me when I entered. I wasn't sure why, but I was happy...

Ruben pulled me toward him as he glanced at Jordan, "So what's going on with Diego?"

Jordan looked sad, "I am not sure. Last week he went to visit his relatives in Phoenix and returned back only the day before yesterday. So I haven't seen him for 10 days now."

Ruben stood behind me, wrapped his hands around my abdomen and I leaned on his broad chest, "Jordan, it's unfortunate that it happened on your birthday.

Jordan looked at Ruben and then me, "We can still have fun together. I mean, if both you and Nathan agree..."

Ruben pulled me harder toward him and I felt his cock beginning to stiffen and push against my back. He whispered in my ear, "It's Jordan's birthday. Can we let him participate in our games?"

I was really happy... and feeling Ruben's prick beginning to grow against my ass added another dimension. Jordan was a nice man and treated me well last time. Why not?!...

"OK. But on one condition. When all 3 of us are together, no football talk!"

Jordan smiled at Ruben and then came toward me, "You are a very good boy Nathan. We will treat you nicely."

Then Ruben moved me sideways, between him and Jordan. He took my closest hand and placed it on his half erect member. I gazed at Jordan. He stared at me and then his eyes pointed to his member. His hint was accepted. I groped around in the water, finding his black organ still asleep. Having both large pricks in my hands was a rare treat! I wanted to check which one of them would harden first. I started bobbing both, trying my best to keep the same pace for both. In the beginning it felt like Ruben was winning, but noticing that Jordan cock was longer and he started at a lesser erection, I thought that Ruben had an unfair advantage. As a result I was working twice as much on Jordan than Ruben. Now Jordan's awesome pecker was on the verge of winning!

"Big guys, both of you displayed fantastic ability to harden. I am impressed. I declare Jordan the winner because... it's his birthday!"

Both guys grinned.

Jordan looked me in the eye, "What is the prize for the winner?"

"Jordan, it's YOUR day, not mine. You choose what you want."

Jordan stared at me and then at Ruben, "So the decision is mine?"

Ruben mumbled, "If Nathan thinks that the victory is yours, I accept."

I was king of the hill! Both big guys listened to me. I was proud of myself, "Yes Jordan. The evening is yours. Whatever you want..."

He hesitated for a moment before blurting, "I want us to have a threesome. Nathan, you'll be the most important person and be in the middle. Ruben gets oral and I take anal."

For few moments there was a deafening silence in the room and then I chortled, "I have never done it. Both of you are nice and I trust you. Show me what to do and we'll play together."

Jordan said, "Let's take a shower and then go to the bedroom."

They exited the jacuzzi first and went to different bathrooms. I stayed in the jacuzzi for another minute. Diego was missing, which created a void. Both guys wanted ME! It was a good thing. Deep down I knew even before, that some kind of sexual game would take place, but without Diego around, I was concerned that the big guys would fight over me. The fact that they agreed to share, made me really happy. I was the maid of honor!

I got out and went to the third bathroom. I showered quickly, looked at myself in the mirror and liked what I saw - I was well shaved, I smelled good after using the floral soap and my tummy was flat. I went to the bedroom.

The two guys waited for me, standing side by side. Jordan was slightly taller and with less body hair, while Ruben's chest was broader. The contrast between their colors was impressive. Black vs white... And both of them were waiting for ME! I came closer.

Ruben pointed his finger on the carpet, "Nathan, please get on your knees."

So they wished to begin by feeling my mouth on them. Good. I knew Ruben's cock like the back of my hand. My mouth made love to it many times before... Jordan's cock went through my mouth once too and I had good memories following that encounter.

I knelt down, waiting for them to come closer. Ruben approached me first. His prick shrank since the competition in the jacuzzi, but it looked as appetizing as ever. I held his sac and took all of his soft organ into my mouth. I coated it with saliva, licked it and began sucking on it nice and slow. Both hunks eyes focused on my lips. Being the center of attention made me feel appreciated. I continued the slow speed, but increased the power of blowing him. Ruben's cock was at full mast in less than 2 minutes. Ruben moaned and then he pulled it from my mouth. He didn't want to cum yet...

Next was Jordan. His black snake pointed initially downward. I licked the spongy head that peeked above his foreskin. I uncovered the large head and then exposed the dark shaft. Even at it's resting state it looked ominous. Luckily I have already befriended it before! I spread my lips and enveloped half the length, then making a retreat while milking it. It jolted in my mouth and started hardening. I repeated my actions few more times, noticing that his monster was very sensitive to sucking, especially the head. I licked his frenulum and massaged gently his jewels. His cock was ready shortly after that. He abruptly pulled out of my mouth. My guess was that he also was reluctant to climax now.

Jordan signaled to me toward the bed. I lied down in the middle, wanting to see what's next. Jordan conferred in secret with Ruben for several seconds. Since I was never an active participant in menages a trois, I didn't know if they needed to have a plan in advance.

Then the 2 guys assumed their positions on both my sides. I stayed on my back and soon enough 4 hands were trailing my body. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the attention. Jordan's hands rubbed my thigh, slowly creeping up toward my groin. My dick sensed the approaching fingers and started engorging. In the meantime Ruben caressed my hair and kissed my nipple. It was the first time he did it and it felt erotic! About a minute later Ruben turned my torso on my side to face him. He looked into my eyes and smiled lovingly. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his rising dong. Great, now I could play with my favorite toy... Jordan's hand was massaging my ass cheeks and I heard him whisper, "What a cute bubble butt!" I liked his compliment.

His other hand touched the crack of my ass and smeared cool liquid in the valley, especially around my puckered hole. By now I may have been somewhat drunk, but I knew quite well that he was attracted to my anus. I also remembered that his cock was longer than Ruben's, but not wider, so the idea that he'd penetrate me was not scary at all. I might even enjoy it! As I was having these thoughts, I was still facing Ruben. I watched him hinting to Jordan toward the dresser. Why? Then Ruben grinned at me and mumbled in a low voice, "Nathan, your hand job feels good, but I'd rather feel your lips around my John. He climbed higher on the bed, until the tip of his raging cock was at the level of my face. I didn't need another clue. My mouth latched to his fantastic member.

As My natural pacifier sat in my hungry mouth, Jordan's finger slipped into my back hole quite easily. It moved around widening the orifice and then a second finger entered. My favorite toy was blocking my mouth, otherwise I would have told Jordan that his extra careful manipulations were not necessary - My anus was used several times before by Ruben and the 'anal foreplay', while nice and considerate, was no longer required... Next Jordan removed his fingers and his body touched mine. Well, not exactly - His towering cock led the rest of his body in my direction... He tried to penetrate slowly, but I pushed my rear toward him and his member impaled me in no time.

He stopped to make sure that I wasn't hurt. I couldn't talk, so I could not guide him verbally. I started moving back and forth on the fantastic organ. He began shoving it in and out, gradually intensifying his attack. I liked it a lot! The double penetration was awesome! It took the three of us a moment to synchronize the motions, but once it happened, I felt that I was in heaven! Jordan was now pounding my anus good and hard and Ruben was fucking my face. My hands were initially free, but then I used one to caress Ruben's testicles and with the other I masturbated my own dick.

Playing with myself was not really needed, because Jordan's member hit my prostate over and over again, causing my erect pecker to close fast on the point of no return. Ruben climaxed first, drowning my mouth with a ton of his juices. Instinctively I swallowed everything he was giving me, but my mind was focused on my own impending orgasm. Seconds before my dick started spewing it's seed, I heard a loud groan and Jordan's body shivered, shoving his extended cock so deep inside my bowels, that my throat was quivering... His organ was sending jet after jet into my hole. I felt the cock's pulsations in my gut.

By now Ruben's pole began deflating in my mouth. I didn't let go - I always loved the feeling of it softening between my tongue and my palate. The ultimate pacifier! My own spunk was spread on my sac, spilling on the sheet as well. I didn't care. I felt wonderful! Jordan's pecker shriveled slowly and he pulled it out. I turned on my back and saw Jordan removing a used condom from his member.


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