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Rules are Made to be Broken Ch. 04

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Sam continues to show Amber his Control in All Things.
6.1k words

Part 4 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 08/31/2022
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'Amber, you look stunning.' He says, helping me out of the car.

As Frank pulls away, Sam snakes his arm around my waist and kisses me briefly on the lips. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

'Thank you, Mr Byron; you scrub up rather nicely yourself.' I reply, a little breathlessly.

That's an understatement, he looks utterly gorgeous. He's wearing a dark grey herringbone suit that accentuates his broad shoulders beautifully -- it hangs over his elegant black shirt and tie perfectly. He's clean shaven and smells divine, like limes and fresh cut grass - even his wild mop of hair looks somehow more refined than last night.

His blue eyes sparkle with even more mischief than usual and I try to ignore my pussy tightening, reminding myself that this is business, not pleasure; though the line was certainly blurred last night.

He smiles at my compliment, eyes darkening a shade with desire, then pulling me a little closer, replies 'Shall we?', as he leads me into the hotel foyer and in the direction of the restaurant.

'Mr Byron', the Maître d' nods courteously as we approach the entrance, 'your table will be ready in a few minutes, may I offer you a drink at the bar, as my guest, while you wait?'

'Thank you that would be great.' Sam replies, utterly un-phased by the man shamelessly fawning over him. He definitely has money then, I think to myself, someone is sniffing around for a big tip.

Sam is every inch a gentleman, pulling out a bar stool for me and taking my hand to help me up. A good-looking barman comes straight over to take our order. He smiles at me and I'm sure I see Sam throw him a filthy look as he orders two glasses of white wine.

'Do you always order for your dates?' I whisper at him teasingly. Of course, it's not at all unusual for a Dominant to take charge like that, and normally I wouldn't even mention it, but something about this man makes me want to rile him; invite and welcome his instinct to discipline me with open arms. He fixes me with those piercing blue eyes.

'Yes, Amber, I do. And they don't usually complain.' He replies with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. 'It's the gentlemanly thing to do. And besides,' he adds, lowering his voice, 'you're mine. I plan to let the barman know that since he's so keen on looking down your dress -- do I need to remind you too?'

Wow. Hello control issues. Evidently that Dominant streak I was worried he didn't have is actually never far from the surface. As much as it turns me on, I try to lighten the mood.

'Don't you worry Mr Byron, everything inside this dress is all yours to do with as you wish.' I purr coquettishly from beneath my lashes and it seems to work as a faint smile plays on his lips.

The Maître d' returns to show us to our table. Sam helps me down from my stool, picks up both our glasses in one hand, and puts the other gently on my behind, for the barman's benefit I'm sure, as he ushers me into the dining room.

Again, he pulls out my chair and seats me before sitting himself down opposite. His manners really are impeccable, and despite the casual look he was embracing last night, he's obviously no stranger to refined dining. I wish I could work out where it all came from.

'Should I even bother asking to look at a menu?' I tease, cocking my head to one side and eyeing him innocently. He's relaxed a bit & the glint in his eyes has returned, so I can't resist another opportunity to entice his Dominant alter ego out to play.

'If you don't like what I've ordered, I'll have the chef cook you anything you want, but at least give me the chance to take care of you.' He replies amiably.

I smile. From controlling Dominant to a caring, eager to please sweetheart in the blink of an eye -- he's certainly keeping me on my toes.

Our first course arrives -- a perfectly prepared avocado salad and it's delicious.

'Happy?' he asks, sounding like he genuinely cares,

'Very.' I reply, 'Good choice.'

He smiles, pleased with himself, though clearly never doubting his own credentials.

'So,' I continue, 'I must say Mr Byron, you're very keen - I'm quite surprised to be seeing you again so soon.' I watch for his reaction as I chew,

'What can I say Amber, you're the sort of woman who knows how to leave a man wanting more.' He replies, wiping his bottom lip suggestively with his linen napkin, quite deliberately making me fixate on his mouth.

I smile, and can't help feeling a little smug -- I am good at what I do.

'Well, if it's more of last night that you want Mr Byron, why bother booking the preamble too?' I ask, running the tip of my tongue across my bottom lip before taking a slow sip from my glass, never taking my eyes off his. Two can play that game Mr Byron.

'A man's gotta eat' he shrugs, 'and I told you I wanted to buy you a drink. Besides, I'm curious.' He adds nonchalantly.

'About?' I ask cautiously.

'About you, Amber. I'd like to know more about you.' He replies plainly.

'There's not really much to know.' I shrug.

'Oh, I doubt that. For starters, I did not expect to find you working in a bookshop.' He replies.

'But you already know why I do that.' I counter

'True. I was curious about the guy you were with at the restaurant too -- boyfriend?' he asks, uncharacteristically avoiding eye contact.

'God no!' I blurt, then lowering my voice I add 'Boyfriends are a bit of an, um, occupational hazard. That was my brother.' He looks relieved. 'So, the woman you were with', I continue, matching him stroke for stroke, '-- girlfriend?' He nearly chokes on his salad,

'NO! That was my aunt.' He replies indignantly.

'Oh. Sorry. I just thought...' I trail off

'Thought what? That's why I have money, because I'm some rich old lady's boy toy?'

I feel terrible, but he's smiling, so I think I've dodged a bullet. Still, I'm grateful for the waiter coming to clear our plates, giving me a chance to regroup and not dig an even bigger hole.

As our main course is served, a colourful risotto which smells amazing, I try to think of something to say to change the subject, but he speaks first.

'My parents were very wealthy.' He says quietly, looking only at his food. Oh God.

'Were?' I reply softly. He fixes me with those beautiful eyes and takes a deep breath.

'They died five years ago; car accident.' He says simply.

'I'm so sorry.' My voice is almost a whisper. I'm touched that he's being so open, but I have no idea why, and even less of a clue what to do with the information.

'Don't apologise. I'm well aware I don't always look much like a guy who's worth a fortune, but it is what it is.' He shrugs and makes a start on his risotto.

'You look much more the part this evening, very suave.' I smile, hoping that appealing to his ego will help lift the atmosphere again as I mirror his actions and start eating. I see a vague smile in the corner of his mouth so decide to continue. 'And this afternoon for that matter -- you sent my poor customer into quite a flutter when you left the book shop.' His smile spreads and I feel relieved.

'Is that so?' He asks and I nod. 'Well, as we've already established, I'm not really into older women, so I'd be more interested in what effect I had on you.' He eyes me salaciously, lifting his wine glass to his gloriously full lips. I swallow quickly before I choke.

'Well, it was definitely a surprise to see you.' I reply, and then add 'But not an entirely unpleasant one.' His smile increases to full beam. 'And you're certainly showing all the signs of good breeding again tonight!' his face falls and I instantly hate myself. What a stupid thing to say after what he's just told me. 'I'm so sorry, I just meant' I start, trying to apologise, but he waves his hand dismissively,

'Please, don't apologise, you're absolutely right. I was brought up with all the finer things in life, I do know which fork goes with which course and I can just about bluff my way through a wine list. Looks can be deceiving I suppose.'

He smiles again but there's still a deep sadness in those wonderful eyes. I can tell he doesn't want to divulge any more right now, and I'm fine with that. I decide to change tact and stick with what I'm good at.

'Do you know what?' I smile, looking up at him through my lashes, 'I'm actually not all that hungry -- I'd much rather get reacquainted with how impressive the view from your suite is.' It's a risky strategy, and not exactly fitting with my submissive role, but when he returns my smile and gets up to take my hand, I know I've made the right call.

'That, Amber; sounds like an excellent idea.' Briefly, he kisses my hand then crosses to the waiter's station and has a short conversation with the Maître d' before returning to help me from my seat. He tucks me in to him with an arm around my waist and I'm thrown by how natural it feels as he strides off confidently, leading me in the direction of the lift.

The moment the lift doors close, his mouth is on mine, kissing me hungrily, claiming me as his own. I succumb willingly as he presses me against the wall, holding both my wrists above me in one hand, pinning me to the cool surface with a knee bent between my thighs.

'I've wanted to do this from the second you stepped out of that car' he growls in my ear, nibbling down my neck, his free hand helping itself to my breast. 'You wanted it too, didn't you Amber?'

'Yes, Sir.', I whisper breathlessly, keenly aware that there's more truth in my answer than there should be as I arch my back to offer my hard nipple further into his hand. He pulls away, gazing at me intently, his expression dark with passion.

'You're all mine, aren't you Amber?'

'Yes, Sir.' I reply. At this moment I can't imagine being anyone else's. The effect he has on me is like nothing I've ever known; every inch of my body craves his touch and pleasing him is all I can think about. Happy with my answer, he presses the length of his body against mine, letting me feel his cock hard against my thigh as his tongue reclaims my mouth.

When we arrive on the top floor, he takes my hand and almost sprints me down the hall to his suite. Once we're inside, he wastes no time at all.

He stands me in front of the ornate full-length mirror and sits himself down on the arm chair opposite. I'm facing him, but he still has a perfect view from behind too; clever.

'Lose the dress.' he commands, his voice low. Without hesitation I reach behind to undo my zip and let the grey silk fall to the floor. 'Good Girl' he smiles.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door. 'Answer that please, Amber.' He says nonchalantly. I narrow my eyes at him and move to slip my dress back on. 'As you are will be fine.' He adds, without even flinching. I open my mouth to speak, but he shuts me down, 'Remember who you belong to, Amber.'

He's challenging me. I could safe word of course, but then our evening would be over and it's shaping up so nicely. No. I definitely do not want tonight to end here. I want to submit to him and see how far he'll push me so I decide to play his game. I strut to the door in nothing but my heels and my underwear, my full breasts dangerously close to spilling over the cups of my bra. I take a deep breath and open the door.

The barman from downstairs is on the other side, with a silver serving trolley. As he takes in my state of undress, his mouth falls open.

'Um, room service for Mr, uh, Byron?' he stammers.

'In here please', Sam's voice comes calmly from inside the room.

I stand to one side, allowing the barman to wheel his trolley past. It's hard not to smile as he makes a meal of the simple task, trying so hard not to sneak a peek at me in my lingerie.

'Will uh, will that be all Sir?' the barman asks. Sam peeks underneath the silver cloche sat on the trolley and smiles a little.

'This will do nicely, thank you -- Jake', he adds, after scrutinising the poor guy's name badge. 'Amber,' he continues, crossing the room to stand beside me, casually resting his hand on my behind, 'Is there anything Jake here can get for you?' his voice is nonchalant, but his eyes, fixed only on me are blazing with power and control that's making me want to throw myself at him, regardless of poor Jake's blushes.

'No, I'm good thank you.' I reply, never taking my eyes off Sam's.

'Looks like the lady has everything she needs too, so that'll be all thanks, Jake.' He palms him a £50 note and sends him on his way. As soon as he's gone, Sam turns back to me, a smug half smile playing on his lips.

'You look pleased with yourself -- Sir.' I add, trying to stay in character.

'I am; and with you for that matter.' He adds, taking my chin between his finger and thumb before kissing me chastely. 'I'm sure Jake will think twice before eyeing up what's mine again.' I fight the urge to correct him, but let it go. For the duration of his booking, he's right, I am his; willingly and eagerly for that matter. And much as I think it was a shitty thing to do to poor Jake, it was also a massive turn on.

'Now then', he continues, 'finish getting undressed and wait for me face up on the bed.' He lands a sharp smack on my bottom as he crosses to the en-suite with a smile.

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding and quickly peel off my underwear. I have willingly submitted to all sorts of men in all sorts of ways in the last three years; and I've found pleasure in things I never would have thought possible. But nobody has ever made my heart race and my adrenalin surge the way they are right now.

Sam Byron's deviant little display of control and ownership was technically a rule breaker with Jake as a third party, but I am so aroused I couldn't care less, I'm delighted to be part of his game. The way he flaunted me with such pride makes me feel more desirable than I ever have before and all I want to do now is please him in every way I know how.

As I take my place on the bed, I breathe deeply, embracing the headiness that is what I love so much about relinquishing control. I have no idea what's coming next but I can't wait to find out. And judging by the lengths of red rope already attached to the bedposts, I'll have no choice but to enjoy it.

Sam emerges from the bathroom moments later, wearing just black pyjama bottoms that hang off his hips perfectly. He's barefoot and carrying his black silk tie in his hand.

'Good Girl.' He states matter of factly on seeing me in position. Then wordlessly, he tucks the tie in his back pocket and moves around the bed securing my wrists and ankles to all four corners. The red ropes hold me tight; it's not painful, but I have even less movement than with the cuffs last night. It feels fantastic.

'Your obedience deserves a reward Amber, but I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I think you've seen enough for now.' His voice is a mixture of pride and desire as he retrieves the silk tie and uses it to blindfold me.

I lie on the bed, stretched out and bound, and despite the blindfold, I can feel his eyes on me, devouring every inch of my body. He's deliberately not touching me though, taking his time, making me wait, and the anticipation is killing me.

I can hear him moving around nearby, soft jazz music fills the room in a low background volume, then there's the sound of him wheeling the trolley to the side of the bed and removing the silver cloche.

'I know you said downstairs you weren't very hungry, but I hope you've left at least a little room for dessert?' He says as I feel the weight of him joining me on the bed; he sits on my left side, still not touching me.

'What did you have in mind Mr Byron?' I reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

'Let's see if you can guess.' He replies teasingly.

My left nipple is suddenly covered in something wet and cold. I gasp in pleasure and for a moment I think he's revisiting last night's ice bucket games, but this is different, it's soft and dripping and smells sweet. I quickly realise that Jake delivered vanilla ice cream.

I arch my back as best I can as he covers my right nipple too and it instantly hardens as the cold spoonful is placed so delicately on me.

'Any guesses yet?' He asks, adding another spoonful in between my exposed breasts.

'Yes Sir, I had no idea you had such a sweet tooth.' I reply, trying to keep the smirk out of my voice.

'It's all about the presentation' he replies, and I can tell he's smiling too, spooning more onto each of my nipples to replace what's already melting and dripping down my breasts. 'Want a taste?' he asks and I nod.

Finally, I feel his lips on my nipple, so hot after the cold dessert, but they're quickly gone as he transports the mouthful of ice cream, letting it drip onto my lips before kissing me deeply. It's delicious. I moan with longing as he pulls away.

'You know Jake was hard as soon as he saw you open the door, don't you?' He comments, spooning another mound of ice cream into my navel this time, making my breath catch in my throat.

'I didn't notice Sir.' I lie -- Jake's appreciation was very clear. Abruptly, he slaps the back of the spoon against my nipple, making me gasp.

'I'm not sure that's entirely true Amber, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for now.' He adds, slapping my other little bud in the same way. 'I bet he'd spunk in his pants if he could see you like this.', he notes, before trailing his tongue over my belly button, cleaning up the melting vanilla mess he's made. 'And I'm certain he'd love a taste of your sweet little pussy.' He draws the words out slowly as he spoons ice cream straight onto my clit, making me moan and writhe in pleasure.

'Then that's too bad Sir,' I whisper breathlessly, 'because that belongs to you, along with the rest of me.' I know it's what he wants to hear, but it's what I want to say too. I want him to possess me in any way he sees fit, take control of my pleasure and test my limits.

'Good girl, Amber.' He rewards me with his hot tongue slowly lapping at the cold ice cream covering my mound. I moan loudly in pleasure. I wanted this so much when he was filling me up with ice cubes last night, but he denied me. It was definitely worth the wait.

'Does that feel good Amber?' he asks, trailing soft kisses across my pubic bone.

'Yes!' I gasp, 'So good Sir!' I try to buck my hips against him but with the ropes allowing so little movement it's fruitless. I gasp again as I feel him slide another spoonful of ice cream onto my throbbing clit, letting it melt against my warm skin and travel south to my wet lips. Moments later his tongue is following the trail.

Fuck he's so good at that; long, lazy strokes stopping just short of my clit every time, making me buck my hips wantonly. I want nothing more than to wrap my legs around his neck and pull his face deeper into me, but his red ropes are making sure my legs go nowhere and my thighs remain spread wide open. In moments I'm fighting against the need to come in his mouth, willing him to give me permission.

'I wonder how much more you can take?' he muses aloud, abandoning my aching clit and replenishing the spoonfuls of ice cream on my nipples so that he's maintaining a state of fevered arousal through my entire body; bringing me to the edge but never quite letting me go over. It's frustrating but so erotic. Again, his mouth transports the sweet melting cream from my nipple to my lips, kissing me tenderly and swallowing my pleasured moans.

His lips are gone all too quickly and I feel his weight shift as he repositions himself between my spread legs. Another cold spoonful slides straight onto my clit, melting almost instantly against my sensitised flesh, making me wail in delight it's so intense. His skilled tongue follows, circling my throbbing little bud so delicately, I pull against the ropes as he pulls away, denying me again.

'Do you want to come for me Amber?' he drawls, teasingly.


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