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Saga of Littown Ch. 11


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"Miss Emily," said Slutmobile, somehow with a computery exasperation in its voice, "none of those things are things I can do. Some of them don't even make sense."

"Well how are we supposed to track my brother down then?"

"We could drive around randomly and hope we stumble across that van," Alyssa suggested. "It had C.U.N.T. written on the side in big letters, so it should be pretty noticeable."

"Yes! Excellent observation, Allie," said Emily. "Slut, did you hear that?"

"I hear everything," said Slutmobile. "You're literally both yelling from inside me."

"Good. Then execute plan 'Drive Around Randomly.'"

"Very good, Miss Emily."

"And also turn up the vibrations a little."

"Yes, ma'am."


Meanwhile, in the past, Jaime had just been abducted. He was thrown on the floor of the cultists' van and held down as they drove off. He was then tied up securely, with a blindfold over his eyes, and basically left helpless and blind for the journey.

He really wished today hadn't been one of the days where he was dressed as a girl. He couldn't help feeling like he wouldn't have made such an easy damsel in distress if he hadn't dressed up for it.

It also made his predicament all the more embarrassing that he looked so much like girl, except for his cock which remained rock-hard despite his danger. Or perhaps because of it. His body had been conditioned to treat peril as a prelude to sex, after all.

The van eventually stopped, and Jaime was dragged into some kind of building. He was tied securely into a chair, then his blindfold was removed.

Three robed cultists stood before him. Their faces were all shrouded by their hoods, and they mumbled quietly to each other while watching him.

"So hey, excellent kidnapping," Jaime said. "Well done. Top notch. I don't suppose you'd mind telling me what this is all about, would you?"

The cultists went silent. They reached as one for their hoods.

Jaime shut his eyes and whispered to himself. "Please be hot girls, please be hot girls, please be hot girls..."

Upon opening his eyes again, he was relieved to see that-much like every other character in the story-the three kidnappers were indeed hot girls.

"Are we sure this is the guy," said one of them. "He looks like a girl."

"Yeah, that happens to me some days," Jaime said. "I'm definitely me, though."

"Of course it's him," said another. "He's a total deviant. Who else could have broken our totally unbreakable and foolproof spell?"

"I think you underestimated how foolish me and my family and friends are," Jaime said helpfully. "And how good we are at breaking things. It's a common mistake."

One of the cultist girls stepped forward. "We are the Consortium for Undoing-"

"Yeah, we've met," said Jaime. "Sort of."

"I am Jezebel," said the girl. "These are my colleagues, Miranda and Clarice."

"Uh, hey," said Jaime. "How's it going?"

"Oh, fine," said Miranda. "How about you?"

"Well... I don't mean to complain, but I've been kidnapped and tied to a chair, and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse for me."

Clarice nodded sympathetically. "Try and stay positive," she suggested. "When I'm feeling sad I-"

"Honest to fuck, ladies," Jezebel said. "He's our prisoner. He's ruined all our grand plans to save the town."

"Oh, right," said Miranda.

She and Clarice adopted stern expressions and folded their arms.

Jezebel shook her head. "The things I have to put up with."

"I know the feeling," Jaime said.

Jezebel sneered. "What do you know? You and your perverted shenanigans. You and your... your..."

"Sexy, sexy incest?"

Miranda and Clarice burst into muffled giggles.

"He said incest," Clarice squeaked.

"I know," Miranda hissed back. "So bad."

"Girls, shut the fuck up," Jezebel said tiredly. "He doesn't just say naughty words, he actually does those naughty things."

"It's true," Jaime said. "I do loads of incest. It's my favourite thing."

Miranda and Clarice gasped in scandalized delight. They wisely refrained from further commenting or giggling.

"I don't understand what the problem is," said Jaime. "I mean, why does it matter how much sex I have? Or who I have it with?"

Jezebel's eyes narrowed. "Don't you know how offensive that kind of attitude is toward those who like to impose their own morality on everyone else?"

"I honestly hadn't considered that, but I suppose-"

"What about people who would rather you didn't fuck your family members, or anyone else who happened to be nearby? Or people who would rather not see you naked and/or erect?"

"Um..." Jaime considered. "Are you one of those people?"

"Not really. But I think it's important to consider everyone's feelings, and to make sure everyone gets treated equally."

Jaime looked from Jezebel to her followers, then back. "So you lead your group of equality fighters? As their leader? Who is superior to them?"


"And you want to treat everyone equally by specifically punishing certain types of people?"

"Now you're getting it. I'm glad we cleared that up." Jezebel put her hands on her hips triumphantly. "Now, are you going to fall in line?"

Jaime sighed. "I'm afraid I can't. I love sex, and I love my sister. And my other sister. And my mom, and my aunt. And I really, really love fucking them. And also I love fucking lots of other girls too. I don't think I can give up doing what I love and living my life the way I want to just because you asked politely."

"I thought you might feel that way." Jezebel turned to Miranda and Clarice, who were doing their very best to look stern and imposing, and not like giggly, excited girls. "We'll just have to teach him a proper lesson after all."

Clarice clapped and bounced, unable to restrain herself. "Yay, our first lesson teaching. Our scary magic worked so well before I thought we'd never get to do the sexy stuff."

"Shush," Miranda hissed, still fully audible to everyone in the room. "We're not supposed to be excited about sexy stuff. That's the whole point."


Jezebel face palmed as her subordinates stripped out of their robes.

Jaime was starting to like where this was going. He'd been a little worried before, but as long as naked girls were involved, he knew he'd be just fine.

"Damn, you girls are hot," Jaime complimented Miranda and Clarice once they were basically unclothed. "I particularly like your pussies, tits, and butts. Those are my favourites just in general."

Clarice blushed and twirled some of her hair around her finger. "Aw, thanks. I really liked seeing you naked last time we met. Your cock was so pretty."

Miranda jabbed her. "Hey! No flirting. We're punishing him."

"But he's so sweet," Clarice pouted. "He said he liked my pussy and tits and butt. You and Jezzy never compliment me like that."

"You're right," Miranda said. "We should compliment you more. I really like your boobies too."

"You do?"


Miranda played with Clarice's tits, which mollified her considerably.

Jezebel, meanwhile, was muttering to herself about having to do everything. She stripped Jaime naked, then tied him to a padded device shaped roughly like a sawhorse.

He was lain on his stomach with his limbs attached to each of the four legs. His cock hung free beneath him, and his face and butt were easily accessibly right at waist height.

"Em would love this thing," Jaime observed. "I don't suppose you'd tell me where you got it?"

But Jezebel wasn't paying him any attention. She was busy corralling her subordinates and chastising them vigourously for fondling one another when there was work to be done.

Jaime had limited head movement available, so he was taken by surprise when the three girls stepped back in front of him. Jezebel remained robed, but Miranda and Clarice had donned strapons.

"You're going to fuck me with strapons?" Jaime asked, somewhat incredulous.

"Yes," Jezebel declared triumphantly. "We're going to show you that sluttiness isn't good, and that your wanton sexual ways need to be amended."

"Yeah," said Miranda. "What she said."

"Fine, fine," said Jaime. "It's just... when my sisters fuck me, they usually use much bigger dildos. I thought you might want to reconsider your plan, is all."

This confused Miranda and Clarice, who began whispering urgently amongst themselves. Jezebel was implacable.

"Trying to trick us, are you?" Jezebel said with narrowed eyes. "Trying to get out of having your throat and butthole used roughly and painfully?"


"You think we'd fall for such an obvious ruse? I've seen comedies. Any time a man is faced with the possibility of having a strapon used on him, he will run away in sheer terror. That's why we've tied you down securely. There will be no chance of escaping your fate."

"Actually," said Miranda nervously, "sometimes in those totally factual comedy movies, it is later implied that the man was anally violated in a way he didn't enjoy, which is ok to laugh at since society dictates that it's hilarious when men are sexual victims. Such as, for instance, jokes about prison rape."

Jezebel glared. "Ok, that's true. But it's all much the same. The point is for this pervert to not enjoy his punishment, and to later reform his ways."

Jaime tried again to help his captors. "Can I just suggest-"

"You may not," said Jezebel. "Girls, get to work."

Miranda and Clarice eagerly assumed their positions in front and back of a tied down and naked Jaime. They shoved their respective dildos into his mouth and ass at the same time, and commenced energetically fucking him.

Jaime actually kind of enjoyed their efforts. He was used to strapons wielded with the size and force to totally destroy his insides. These girls were adorable in comparison. They didn't so much as bruise a kidney, despite their best efforts.

He had to be slapped awake later after he dozed off. He'd been lured to sleep by the comforting and cozy double penetration.

"See?" said Jezebel. "He can't take it. He already passed out."

Jaime tried to explain that he'd fallen asleep rather than passed out. He definitely had enough experience with both to know the difference. His mouth was full of dildo, however, and he couldn't make himself understood.

So the pegging continued. The cultists thought they were doing an excellent job sexually torturing their prisoner, and Jaime got some more lovely, snuggly nap time in. Everyone came out a winner in their own minds, which was nice.

The faint sound of a rocket powered vehicle was the only warning any of them got before a car-shaped hole appeared in the wall, preceded by a car-shaped car. Emily and Alyssa were projected out of their totally sweet ride by ejector seats, and managed to land in badass poses like they'd totally meant to do that.

Jaime awoke from a pleasant dream about being fucked by two hot girls to find that, in reality, two hot girls had just stopped fucking him. Miranda and Clarice were frozen with shock, strapons buried firmly inside his mouth and ass.

"Oh come on!" Jezebel said. "How could you possibly have found us? Our hideout was foolproof."

Emily shrugged. "We checked facebook. We found a new picture with two girls we didn't recognize fucking Jaime while he was all tied up, and it was easy enough to get your location from there."

Jezebel glared and Miranda and Clarice, who contrived to appear meek and innocent. "Are you kidding me?"

"See?" Miranda muttered. "I told you posting selfies on facebook was a bad idea."

"But how else will all our friends and also various strangers know all the personal details of our lives?" Clarice whined. "That's the only way I know to bond with my fellow humans."

"I'll deal with you two later," Jezebel said in an ominous tone. She jabbed a finger at Emily and Alyssa, who were in the midst of trying out different heroic poses. "As for you, don't think you've won. I'll be back stronger than ever."

"You will?" asked Emily. "It's just... you're still here, is all. So you can't really be back unless-"

She was interrupted by a sudden bright explosion and a cloud of smoke. When the room cleared again, the cultists were gone.

"Huh," said Alyssa. "We didn't even get to fight."

"That's ok," Emily said. "I don't have any idea how to fight anyway. I'm mostly good at looking wicked fuckable in this costume."

"Well you're doing a great job," Alyssa said. "I've kinda wanted to eat out your ass ever since I first saw you dressed up like that. And the posing's only making me hornier."

Emily beamed. "Thanks. Do you think it works better when I stand front-on to show off my pussy, or kinda side-on to give a little peek at my butt?"

"You mean for looking sexy, or intimidating? Because-"

"Hey, girls?" Jaime said. "I don't mean to be a bother, but I am actually still tied down pretty securely over here."

"Oh, right. The rescue," Emily said. "I nearly forgot." However, as soon as she got a closer look at her brother's predicament, all thoughts of untying him vanished entirely. "Ooh, this is neat."

"Yeah, I thought you might like it," Jaime said.

"I do. Look at that. Your cute little boy holes are at the perfect height, and you can't move or squirm around or anything. And your cock's even hanging down here for some fun play time."

Emily gently milked Jaime's cock while caressing his butt. She couldn't help herself. She stuck a glove-covered finger in her mouth and sucked on it a bit, then probed his tight but well exercised asshole.

Alyssa fingered herself a bit while watching. "How'd you know it was us, anyway?" she asked Jaime. "We've got perfect disguises on. You can't even see the areas directly around our eyes."

"Oh, that," said Jaime. "I mean, for one thing, my penis alerted me when my sister was near, as it often does when it hasn't been inside her for over an hour."

"Sure," said Alyssa. "That makes perfect sense."

"Also, you two may have hidden your eye-areas, but you left your pussies completely exposed. Do you really think I can't identify you solely by your sweet cunts?"

"Aww," said Emily. "You're such a perfect boy. Always paying attention to the important things in my life. Like my pussy. And sometimes my feelings and hopes and dreams and whatever other junk I got going on."

"That is super romantic," Alyssa agreed. "Most guys would spend way too much time listening and caring about what you say to memorize all the fine nuances of your vagina."

"Right?" said Emily. "I think that deserves a good reward fuck."

"I don't suppose this fuck will involve me getting inside either of you, will it?" Jaime asked without much hope.

As it turned out, it kind of did.

Emily got out her strapon from its storage area in her bum, and wasn't long at all setting up to pound some brother-butt. Her wrecking of Jaime's ass was even more intense than usual at first, since his internal organs had become complacent after the sloppy workmanship of his previous peggers. His insides took quite a thorough beating until his organs all hid themselves away again and left more room for Emily to pound away.

Alyssa, by contrast, slipped beneath Jaime and played with his cock. She batted at it like a cat toy at first, just for fun. After that she sucked on his penis in a much more normal and civilized manner.

Neither girl seemed to care that they were using Jaime as their personal sex toy in the midst of the enemy hideout. He was just strapped into such a nice, convenient position for fucking and sucking that it was hard to think about the potential negatives of the situation.

Jaime eventually came, thanks to his sister's butt pounding and Alyssa's expert suckmanship. Alyssa didn't feel like taking a full load, since her excellent costume wouldn't fit anymore if she let her tummy engorge too much with all the sperm he expelled. She got a good few mouthfuls, then let the rest of the cum spill over her tits and cascade down her body to the floor.

The waterfall of cum pooled wider and deeper on the floor. It got to be so distracting for Emily and Alyssa that they abandoned Jaime altogether and went off to play and splash around in his mess.

"Uh... guys?" Jaime said. "I'm still tied up. Em? Allie? Hello?"

But the girls weren't listening. They were too busy playing with some toy boats they'd found and discussing the finer strategic nuances of their new cum-fleet. There was, fortunately, no shortage of semen to crew their ships.

After that, they took turns holding their buttholes open with their fingers and seeing how much cum the other could poor in. They were held back by only having their hands to scoop with, but they made do. Emily managed to open her bum wider, and thus take more of a load, but that was really only to be expected.

They eventually remembered they were meant to be rescuing Jaime, and he was finally untied. By that time, his butt had almost managed to close up again after the severe wreckage inflicted by his loving and caring sister.

Getting back in the Slutmobile was a bit tricky since it only had two seats, and Jaime's anatomy didn't respond well to taking the requisite pair of dildos.

Alyssa ended up driving, which was to say she sat in the driver's seat and told the car where to go. Emily sat in the passenger seat with Jaime in her lap. Once the girls were all snugly settled with their pussies and butts full of sex toys, Jaime was seated atop his sister and they proceeded back home.

Emily couldn't help reaching around and playing with Jaime's dick along the way. It was so nice to cuddle with him while stroking his lovely, thick brother-cock. The car-powered vibrations running up through her sex holes made it even better.

"Em, you know we're in a car and everyone can see us, right?" Jaime said.

"Nah, Slutmobile has sex-stealth technology," Emily said. "We're totally fine, even though it looks like you're exposed since you're sitting so high up and your cock should be prominently visible through the window. None of those people outside can see you getting a handjob from your sister."

"Sex-stealth technology?"

"Yeah, you know, special technology to keep your sex stealthy. Don't you know anything about cars?"

"Apparently not."

They got back safe and sound to the underground garage without anyone noticing anything at all sexual or incestuous. Overall, it had certainly been the most successful superhero mission yet. Not to mention the only one.

"I guess we gotta take our costumes off now, huh," said Alyssa. "It's too bad, though. I was kinda enjoying wearing it. Made me feel sexy."

"Probably because your pussy and ass were hanging out," Emily observed wisely. "I enjoy that part too."

"That is very nice to look at," Jaime concurred. "And also the ridiculously, impossibly skin tight gloves and thigh-high boots, and the corsets that leave most of your boobies exposed. You both look very sexy and slutty."

Emily and Alyssa clasped their hands behind their backs and posed shyly.

"You really think we look sexy and slutty in these outfits?" Emily asked.

"Absolutely," Jaime said. "I mean, you're already the sexiest and sluttiest sister and neighbour girl that a boy could ever ask for, but I think the outfits really emphasize those qualities in a way that regular clothes don't."

Alyssa blushed and toyed nervously with her hair. "That's so sweet of you to notice."

"It really is," Emily said. "It's nice to have our efforts appreciated when we dress up."

After posing for Jaime a little more and taking some commemorative pictures, the girls finally stripped and sent their costumes off to the cleaners.

The three beautiful, naked teenagers climbed the exit ladder back to the Nallister's backyard. Emily went first, and her butt was stared at very thoroughly by Jaime on the way up, who in turn was stared at by Alyssa.

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