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Saga of Littown Ch. 12


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Jaime shook his head. "I wouldn't go that far."

"Oh good. You had me worried there for a second."

Emily was relieved not to have to reevaluate her entire life, but also wasn't sure anymore that finding a demonic fuck buddy for Lilith was as good an idea as she'd initially assumed. She decided to save it as a backup plan if they needed one.

Since they didn't have to rush off and interview sexual partners, Emily amused herself by trying out some more of Miss January's neat sex machines on her brother. Her favourite was one where he was suspended in such a way as to be easily visible from all angles if one merely walked around him, while an automatic dildo pounded the shit out of his mouth and butthole. There was a third dildo arm that could be switched on, but alas, Jaime didn't have a pussy to allow for triple-penetration.

Jaime wistfully recalled the day before when he'd been subjected to similar involuntary pegging from the anti-sex cultists. That had been quite pleasant. Their attempts at roughly teaching him a lesson about the perils of sexuality had been so soothing and relaxing in comparison to what his beloved sister often did to him just for kicks.

Jaime briefly considered that maybe, possibly, perhaps there was something slightly unhealthy about his and Emily's relationship, but he quickly dismissed the thought as nonsense.

Emily went off with Miss January for a more thorough tour of the house. Jaime was left tied up and tirelessly slammed from both ends. Drool and precum were forced out of him at an alarming rate.

Luckily, Emily remembered to come back for her brother before he passed out. She unstrapped him and set him back on the floor, whereupon he immediately collapsed due to weak and wobbly legs.

"Come on, Jai," she said. "No time for messing around."

"I'm not messing," he said. "I actually can't feel my legs. They were held in weird positions, no matter how much I struggled, and my ass was being brutalized incessantly while you were gallivanting about the house."

"If you're trying to make me jealous, it's not working," Emily said. "Well, it's kind of working, actually. But I have something more important than that."

"More important than being tied up and sexually assaulted by a machine for an indefinite amount of time?" Jaime forced his legs back into action. This was serious.

"Yeah, so I was cunningly probing Miss J more about options for getting Lil some sweet, sweet penis in her."


"She didn't actually give me a solution, but I think I know where to look."

"How's that?"

Emily grinned smugly. "I got looking at a map of the Hellscape we're in. There was a bit Miss J said we absolutely mustn't go, under any circumstances, never never never. We'd probably die, be dismembered, or be harshly criticized in internet comments, she says."

"Right," said Jaime. "So we're headed straight there, then?"

"Yep. I've already packed sandwiches and juice boxes for the trip."

Jaime nodded. "Right on. We're headed to a mysterious and dangerous location without any idea what to expect or what we're looking for. Sounds like we've got a solid plan now."


A while later for the siblings, but almost immediately for those reading, Jaime and Emily had finished their juice boxes and were beginning to have some small, niggling doubts.

"You know," said Jaime, "I'm wondering if perhaps we shouldn't have brought along some weapons or something. Or, like, a guide book."

"Yeah, that might have been a good idea," Emily said. The area along the road had been getting progressively less urban, and there were even some occasional wisps of mist amongst pockets of trees. "I'm particularly worried we might run into one of those fiends Miss J warned me about. The ones who say mean things about other people for no good reason. I mean, what do we even do against that? There's no defense against carefully chosen harsh words."

Jaime took her hand. "Don't worry. I'm sure they'll see we're just trying our best and having a bit of fun, and no one will say anything mean at all."

Emily clung to her brother's hand. "I hope so."

They walked a while longer. Glowing eyes could be seen in the increasingly dense mists to their flanks. The road, fortunately, remained clear.

"I've had another thought," Jaime said. "Which makes two in one day. I've got a bit of a headache now."

"Try not to have another until we can get some rest," Emily urged sympathetically.

"Right. I'll do my best. It's just, how will we know when we've found what we're looking for, if we don't know what it is in the first place?"

Emily gave that some thought. Her head was aching a bit now too. "Well," she said slowly. "We learned that our dear, sweet, half-demon sister can fuck other demons, right?"

"Sure," said Jaime. "But she clearly doesn't want to. Doesn't belong in their world. Probably some mean things got said about her being a half-breed or something, and she quite wisely fled never to return."

"That doesn't sound like her," Emily said. "I would have assumed she'd bop 'em in the nads if they said mean things. But that's not really the point I was getting at."

"Sure, sure," said Jaime. "Go on."

"Well... we don't need actual demons. We just need demon-cock."

"Which tend to be attached to demons, mind you."

"Yes. But what if..." Emily paused for dramatic effect. "What if we simply changed your cock to be demon-elemental instead of human?"

A slow smile crossed Jaime's lips as he realized the sheer brilliance and simplicity of Emily's flawless plan. "That's brilliant!" he said. "And also flawless! And a plan, even!"

"Thank you. I thought it might be."

"So how do we do that?"

Emily bit her lip. "Well... that may be the one unbrilliant flaw in an otherwise flawless and brilliant plan. I don't actually know that it's a possible thing to do."

"Oh. Well, still, though. Pretty good thinking."

Emily cozied up to Jaime as they walked. They were both still totally naked, which wasn't nearly so much fun in creepy settings as it was in the constant sunshine and rainbows they were used to. There weren't even any other people around to gawk at them and make the predicament more erotic.

The scenery abruptly turned bright and sunny as the sibling crested a gentle hilltop. The threatening eyes along the roadway became happy little demonic butterflies, and the wispy fog gave way to pretty flowers shaped like tiny penises.

"This is much nicer," Jaime said. "We must have crossed into another district."

"Could be," Emily agreed. She pulled a map she'd taken from Miss January's house out of her butt. "Let's see. I think we were here, and now we're... here?"

Jaime studied the map over her shoulder. "Wait, we're at the deadly and dangerous zone already? That can't be. It's all, like, sunshine and unicorns. The opposite of dangerous."

"Don't underestimate unicorns," Emily said seriously. "They love them some virgins. And we are the exact opposite."

"Good point." Jaime looked around again, but no unicorns were threatening to approach and chastise them about their sexual sinfulness, so nothing to worry about just yet. "Shall we carry on then, my wayward sister?"

"Yes, let's."

Jaime took Emily's hand, and together they skipped naked through the lovely, peaceful fields of flowers and fluffy bunnies. They had no particular goal in mind, at this point. They'd arrived at the zone they wanted to search, so all they had to do was cover some ground until they stumbled across whatever treasure or boss fight was hidden there.

"Ooh, look, a sinister cave!" Emily said.

"Right in the middle of a bright, sunny, and small-creature-filled field?" Jaime asked. "That doesn't seem like a sinister cave's natural habitat."

"I don't know about that. But there is one, see?"

"Yes, I do see." Jaime shrugged. "Guess we better check it out. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Your dick could stop working," Emily replied promptly. She'd given the subject some thought in her spare time, and she was quite sure she had the correct answer.

"I meant that worst thing that could directly result from exploring this sinister cave."

"Oh. Then I don't know."

Ignorance firmly established, Emily and Jaime dove headfirst into the cave mouth.


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the story, Lilith's siblings-in-danger sense was going off like crazy. She was beginning to regret not tracking Jaime and Emily down and dragging them home earlier. They weren't making themselves easy to find at all.

They weren't in any of their usual hangouts, which was to say at home, at school, or over fucking the neighbours. That could only mean there was a new plot line that no one had told her about.

She definitely didn't get paid enough for this shit.


Back in the main part of the story, where the narrative really wanted to be, Emily and Jaime had discovered a bit of a predicament. It wasn't dangerous yet, not exactly, but it was kind of an unknown for them.

"So, um, is it just me, or have we discovered a room full of tentacles?" Emily asked.

"It's not just you," Jaime assured her. "They're definitely tentacles. And I think they're moving."

Emily prodded one of the tentacles. "Do you think these are the 'tentacle-rape' kind?"

"Is there any other sort?"

"Not that I know of. It's just my mouth, pussy, and bum are all still pretty empty. Not hardly being tentacle-raped at all."

"Yeah, same here," Jaime said. "Which I'm honestly fine with. I'd be happier without prehensile, cock-like tentacles being shoved into my delicate boy-holes over and over until I pass out."

Quite unfortunately for Jaime, an orated desire not to get tentacle-raped in a room full of tentacles was tempting fate just a tad too much to get away with. The vast, undulating mass twitched energetically to life and seized the siblings' various limbs in flexible, iron grips.

Emily squealed in delight. Jaime sighed and hoped this wouldn't take long.

"Yay! Tentacles!" Emily said.

"Yeah. Woohoo," Jaime said much less enthusiastically. "This'll learn me not to dive headfirst into strange caverns. Which, honestly, I shouldn't do anyway. That's a good way to get head injuries."

Emily couldn't respond to his dour sentiments. A tentacle had forced its way into her mouth, which was to say, of course, that it had tried to force its way in. The truth was more along the lines of the tentacle slipping between her widely parted lips and down her welcoming throat. Two other tentacles did likewise with her pussy and butthole.

"Oh great," Jaime muttered. "Here comes the blaaaggh mmmhhuuugghh uggkkmmm."

He, too, was filled up with writhing tentacles, though only in two holes instead of three, since that was all he had available for penetration.

The siblings were viciously pounded without any mercy or breaks. If any individual tentacle got tired, it was quickly replaced by another.

Emily orgasmed in bursts a sporadic intervals, which seemed to encourage her assailers. Jaime's cum was even more appreciated, and his ass got slammed all the harder in an attempt to milk as much from him as possible.

"I can't take much more of this," Jaime thought telepathically to his sister.

"Sure you can," Emily thought back. "It's only been... what, like, a hour? Or several? I can't keep track at all for some reason. Anyway, just enjoy it. I'm sure this tentacle monster thing will be done soon and we'll be free to go."

It wasn't, and they weren't.


Lilith was in quite a grumpy mood by the time she'd tracked Jaime and Emily to the nice sunny field outside their prison-cave. She'd only found out they were in the Hellscape thanks to Lisa Fucking January, who hadn't even managed to keep them at her house until they could be picked up. Some help she was.

Some silly girl had tried to bar her entrance back at the road into the city. As a result, there was now a guard booth floating down the river along the highway, with the aforementioned guard girl tied up inside.

Most everyone else had given her a wide berth, and the few who hadn't were still curled up on the ground nursing their summarily punted testicles.

One of the unicorns in the field, having sensed Lilith's sinful nature and noting she didn't have any backup, tried to approach and lecture her on the virtues of virginity. Unicorns had something of a fetish for it, for unknown reasons. Lilith shoved its horn up its ass and kept walking.

"They can't possibly have been that fucking stupid," Lilith growled as she approached the tentacle cave. She knew even as she said it that yes, in fact, they could.

She was still grumbling as she marched into the cave.

From the outside, nothing much seemed to happen for a moment. Then, abruptly, there came a loud, squishy, slapping sound, followed by pathetic yipping and whimpering.

Shortly thereafter, Lilith return from the cave's mouth dragging Jaime and Emily along behind her by their ankles. Their heads bumped off of the occasional rock, but that was alright. They didn't keep anything useful in there anyway.

With her siblings laid out in the grass, Lilith took the time to carefully examine them. They were both out cold, and their various holes gaped wide and slick from protracted abuse.

Lilith tried slapping Jaime awake first, but he didn't stir. She had more luck with Emily, who came awake slowly and groggily.

"Ow, my head," Emily said as she rubbed the back of her neck where it met her skull. "Also, ow, my other body parts. It feels like I've been fucked for ages, then dragged across rough terrain."

"Got it in one," Lilith said.

"What happened to the tentacle monster?" Emily asked, looking around in a rather puzzled sort of way. "Last thing I remember I was getting a lovely fuck that just kept going on forever. I mean, I passed out a few times, but the parts I was awake for were quite enjoyable."

"I had to pull you out of there, you silly twat. You would have let yourself be fucked to death. And you got Jaime caught up in your mess too."

Emily scoffed. "Fucked to death. Right. Like that's even possible." She paused and chewed on her lip a moment. "Wait, is that possible? Because if so-"

"You're not doing it, Em."

"Well not now, obviously. But maybe in a year or two when I'm hopelessly old and no one wants to pound my sweet pussy or tight little bumhole anymore..."

"Yeah, fine. We'll talk about it in a couple years, if you haven't forgotten by then."

Emily glared. "You're just assuming I'm going to forget by then, aren't you?"

"Yep. Now come on, help me carry Jai."

"In a minute." Emily gazed wistfully at the cave of sexy tentacle death. "Maybe just another quick hour in the-"


"But I-"




"Ugh, fine. You never let me do anything." Emily tried to pout convincingly, but the effect was marred somewhat by the continued lewd gape of her pussy.

"That's an exaggeration," said Lilith. "But honestly, I really shouldn't let you do anything. You just get into trouble. I'm tempted to chain you up and not let you leave the house."

Emily perked up at the mention of being chained. "With handcuffs an' a collar an' everything?"



"That wasn't actually... oh nevermind." Lilith nodded at their brother. "Now seriously, help me carry Jaime. I don't feel like lugging him all the way back by myself."

"I don't feel like carrying him either," Emily whined. "I'm all tuckered out for some reason."

"Possibly the tentacle death cave was a bit wearing?"

"Yeah, maybe, I guess." Emily stretched and groaned. "It feels like I got fucked for days. Or weeks, maybe."

"I imagine it does. Time works differently in the Hellscape. Caves like that, even more so. I couldn't say for sure, but I suspect you spent a much longer time in there mentally than you did physically. Because it couldn't have been more than an hour or two before I found you."

"Huh." Emily considered this new information. "So I felt like I was getting well and royally pounded from every direction, in every one of my tight little holes, for days or weeks, or perhaps months, but really it was only an hour?"

"Or two, yes."

"Neat! Now I really want to have another go!"

"Focus, Em. Another few minutes in there and you might have been dead by the time I found you."

"I probably wouldn't have been. I can take a good fucking. You know that."

Lilith sighed. She hadn't wanted to truly scare her sister, but Emily was being persistent and annoying. Which was to say, Emily was being herself. "Let me put it this way. You know how your pussy and butthole are still gaping wide open?"

"Sure. That's kinda neat too. Look, my whole hand can go right in." Emily easily fisted herself a few times, front and back.

"Ok. Now imagine if you spent just a little longer with the tentacles, and you got too stretched out to ever tighten back up again properly."

Emily's face became a mask of horror. She slapped her hands protectively over her wide open cunt and bum. "That can't happen, can it? That... that... Jai wouldn't ever want to fuck me anymore! We'd stop loving each other, and I'd have to go work in a bank or something."

Lilith cocked her head. "Your mind goes weird places sometimes." She patted Emily's shoulder. "Anyway, don't worry. I got to you in time. Your cock holsters will be good as new in a little while."

"Promise?" Emily asked, looking quite sad and miserable.



Since neither of the girls felt like slogging all the way back home while carrying their unconscious brother, Emily eventually scrounged up an old DIY ambulance kit that had been kicking around in her butt for ages, and she'd just never gotten around to putting together.

With Lilith's help, she made short work of assembling the homemade emergency vehicle. She packed herself and Jaime into the back while Lilith drove them home.

Emily crawled up front to hit the siren a few times, though gave up when Lilith kept swatting her away and telling her not to do that. They drew enough attention just being in an ambulance in the Hellscape, an area which traditionally didn't go much for human medical practices. The last thing they needed was to get pulled over by demon-cops, who were just like regular cops, except they were demons.

Emily grew bored sitting by herself in the back waiting for Jaime to wake up. He'd never stayed asleep so long when she wanted to play. Even his very longest sessions of unconsciousness due to her brutally throat-fucking him hadn't lasted near so long. And she'd really choked the shit out of him, too.

"Lil?" Emily asked. "Is Jaime gonna die?"

"No, he'll be fine," Lilith said. "Eventually."

"Are you sure? He won't wake up, and his penis isn't even hard either. Like, I wouldn't mind so much if I could at least ride him while he was sleeping, but he's just boring like this."

Emily rubbed her titties all over Jaime's penis in case it might help. It didn't. Even worse, she felt kind of weirded out by the act. It just wasn't right molesting her brother while he was unconscious and soft. His lack of erection made her feel dirty, and not even in a good way.

Lilith would have liked to reassure her sister more, but she wasn't any happier about Jaime's condition. Seeing her little brother without an erection was like asking Emily if she wanted to fuck around some and getting a rejection; it felt fundamentally wrong and totally bananas crazy pants. And not even in a good way.

After an excruciatingly long drive on the highway from Hell, Lilith parked in their driveway and threw Jaime over her shoulder to carry him into the house. Emily tagged along behind her. Neither of the girls looked back as the ambulance exploded behind them, because they were cool guys that way.

"It'd be nice if ambulances didn't self-destruct after one use," Lilith said mostly to herself. "It'd really bring down health care prices, at the very least."

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