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Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 03

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Surprise, surprise.
8.3k words

Part 3 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/20/2010
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Again many thanks go out to AsylumSeeker for editing this chapter. Also some gratitude for Jazcullen and Cedar for being so enthusiastic and encouraging (don't go blushing you two, get writing). Feed is always welcome, positive and negative. Enjoy the read and I'll go back to working on the next chapter.

Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles: Dominic Saint Ives - Whelan

Chapter Three: Surprise, Surprise.

Reluctantly she tried to open her eyes, she'd rather go back to sleep and continue with the passionate dream she was having. She sighed, for if the main character in her dream could be there right now he would take care of the burning desire she felt. Reminiscing back on the few kisses they'd shared, she was convinced anything that could happen beyond those would leave her very, very satisfied.

Turning over, she untangled her legs from the bedsheets and took a swift look at her alarm clock. Dammit, I'm going to be late. The clock showed 11:45; she had overslept.

Throwing the sheets into a heap she made a dash for the bathroom, turning on the shower, quickly brushing her teeth while waiting for the water to get warm, and then hopping under the shower. She cursed again, she would never get her hair dry by the time he would be picking her up. A ponytail it would be then, she decided.

Wrapping the towel around her, she started looking through her wardrobe. He said they may get dirty so frilly things were out of the question. She opted to go for easy stonewashed jeans and a body fitting shirtless white top and some black boots. Dropping the clothes on her bed, she turned back to browse through her drawer with lingerie. Sexy or girlish? she thought, tapping her chin. Deciding on girlish, she removed a light pink set of panties and a half cupped bra.

12:20 the clock showed in her kitchen when she was just tying up her last boot and the intercom buzzed. He was early.

"Hello?" she answered it.

"Your knight in shining armor awaits you," came his reply.

"Gimme a minute, I'll be right down."

"Ok, I'll wait outside."

Barely outside she stopped dead in her tracks. There he was, leaning against a mean looking bike, two helmets ready for use propped up on the seats.

What a sight he was. Leather pants, t-shirt, a pair of well worn combat boots and a leather jacket hanging loosely around his shoulders as if it was made to fit. His hair was tightly held back by a leather strap and all of it was in black, giving him a dangerous "don't mess with me" look.

Slowly she made her way over, eyeing him from head to toe, then giving the bike a more thorough look. She recognized the old symbol, it was a Motto Guzzi. One that in her opinion could rival with a Harley any day.

"I see you brought the shining armor with you. I wonder where the knight is?" she asked mischievously.

Getting up from the bike he made his way to her, grabbed her and simply kissed her senseless.

"I forgot my knightly act, I think I'll go for thief in the middle of the night, stealing kisses from harmless ladies." He grinned after breaking up the kiss.

"Harmless?" she sputtered, giving him a familiar mock blow on his shoulder. "I'll show you harmless, mister."

Making a feint attempt to start tickling his sides, he saw the move coming and quickly grabbed both her wrists, dragging them behind her. That quick move made sure she was completely taut against him chest to chest, hips to hips.

"I'd say quite harmless right now, yes," he countered her dare.

But having her so close proved to be yet another challenge to his ever rising libido and after nuzzling her neck, he released her and guided her towards the bike.

"Seeing you love fast cars I assumed a nice bike wouldn't be so much of a stretch," he continued.

"Well, I'm not so sure. Yes to the fast cars and I know my bikes a little, but honestly, I've never been on one," she admitted.

"A first for everything then," he said with a wink, picking up the smaller of the two helmets and handing it to her. "Just make sure that once you get behind me, you keep your arms around me. If we take turns, just lean over like I do, don't try and sit up straight," he quickly explained.

"Ok, I should be able to do that," she answered, placing the helmet on her head.

With a swift move he easily got on the bike and padded on the seat behind him.

"Come on, get on, we don't have all day."

"You were early, mister."

She grabbed his closest shoulder firmly and swung her leg over the machine. She didn't anticipate the longing feeling it would give her, being so close to him, the smell of his leather jacket and his own masculine musk drifting to her. The burning feeling she had when waking up returned tenfold.

He grabbed the one hand on his shoulder and firmly put it around his waist and gestured her to do the same with her other arm. He groaned inwardly, having her so close to him made it a hard struggle for him to keep his wolf down.

Making sure her arms held on to him, he started up the bike and gently but swiftly weaved them through the traffic.

They were going for lunch first, the mere thought of a good steak made his mouth water from hunger. He'd better keep his mind occupied with other things or he would drive them both to his house and they wouldn't leave his room for days. Well not days, they would need some food at some point.

Shaking his head briefly, he then looked around for a spot near the little tavern he had set his mind on going to for lunch. It wasn't a super fancy place, but it was frequented a lot by his kind and he knew they served up a good meal for big and small appetites alike.

He pulled in to a spot nearby, turned off the engine and straightened up a bit. Giving one of her legs a firm squeeze, he motioned for her to get off. If he was honest, he could drive her around like this all day long, feeling her wrapped around him like that felt really good. It was hell for his libido, but he was sure that would be sorted out sometime soon.

"So where are we going?" she asked. She had to break the silence just to give herself some kind of posture. If she didn't, she was sure she would tell him to get them on that bike again and drive home. Thinking that waking up aroused because of him was heated, then this bike ride was pure evil on her.

Her arms wrapped around him, she held on tight, enjoying the wind in her face, his smell drifting towards her the whole ride long. Feeling his strong legs move each time he had to shift gear, leaning with him in each curve of the road, these things furthered her arousal. She could ride like this for ages if it meant feeling him so close.

It wasn't until he squeezed her leg when she realized they had pulled over. She silently got off, removed the helmet and handed it back to Nick. Turning towards the building she wondered where they would be going. She saw his arm coming into view next to her, pointing towards a little tavern. His other arm went around her and held her close to him.

"That's where we're going," he whispered in her ear. "It isn't a big place, but they do serve some delicious food and in portions that will leave you well fed. Not the haute cuisine like portions, they're fine if you wanna feed a hamster. I'm a big boy, I need to be able to set my teeth into something decent," he said, then gave her quick nibble on her neck which caused her to burst out in laughter.

"I'm not on the menu, mister!" Fran replied.

"Are you sure of that?" came his quick reply, giving her his already familiar mischievous wink. "I'm always up for desserts you know."

He chuckled seeing her blushing.

"Oh you!" she exclaimed, giving him a side-wards push.

"Come on, let's go eat, I'm starving here," he complained before guiding her towards the tavern.

It wasn't big, but very cozy. She could see some tables in the middle and a large bench that covered a complete wall, from the front to the back, tables in front of it. There were a few secluded booths on the opposite wall and it was to one of those that Nick was taking her.

She felt a bit left alone when Nick took a seat opposite her, she would have loved to have him sit next to her. Although thinking about it, maybe it was best he sat across from her. Reminiscing about their few encounters she was aware their passion could flare up at any second.

A waitress came over handing them both a menu. She gave a courteous nod towards Nick.

"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked while flipping open her small notebook.

"Just some water for me, please," Fran requested.

"A coke for me." This came from Nick.

"Thank you, I'll be right back to take the rest of your order," she announced and turned around, heading to the bar in the back.

She quickly slipped through the door next to it and went to the kitchen.

"Adam?" she called out.

"Yes, what you want?" came the grumpy reply.

"Nick's up front and ... he's not alone," she reported. "They still have to order their meal, thought maybe you wanted to take that order? I'm just gonna fix their drinks."

"You bet I'll take that order, it's been ages since he's been here and I'm curious at his companion. He always comes alone normally. Tell him I'm on my way when you bring them their drinks, have a few things to finish up here, I won't be long," he ended and turned back towards his stoves, moving a few things around and turning some things off.

"Ok, I'll tell him you'll be right there then," she said, then went back to the bar, fixing the ordered drinks.

With the drinks on a plate she made her way back to the table.

"Adam will be right out to take your order," she said, after she placed the drinks on the table. Again she gave Nick a courteous nod, turned and made her way back to the bar.

"Oh dear no," he sighed, "the big guns are coming out."

"Big guns?" she asked.

"Adam owns this place, but he's nosy as hell, and him coming to take our order means he's up to no good," he replied. Nick knew he could easily stop the man from coming over, he was a werewolf just as Adam was. Adam only had one bad habit and that was being too damn nosy for his own good.

Concentrating a bit harder Nick sent out a mental message to Adam Whatever you do, think twice about what you say, she doesn't know what we are yet, consider yourself warned. He was pretty sure Adam got the message, being Alpha Alpha meant he could make a mental link to anyone in his pack and to any other werewolf in his territory, Adam being one of the latter.

"Nosy?" she wondered. "You seem to be well known here, maybe he just wants to catch up?"

"I'm sure he doesn't, he's nosy. I don't come here as often as I used to, but I always came alone," he explained.

Then she got it, letting out a small laugh.

"So he's coming out to check me out then?" she asked.

"Most likely, yeah," he answered. "But sweetie, if he gets too blunt, let me know, ok?"

"Will do, but I can handle him I'm sure."

"Something tells me you can handle him just fine," he admitted, giving her a lopsided grin.

Not long after that Adam appeared at their table. Fran quickly gave him a once over, he was huge in every sense of the word. Light brown hair cut short military style, eyes dark brown like pure chocolate, and his nose was a bit crooked, like it got beaten up one too many times. His torso was proof he either was very gifted by God or he trained at least a few times a week, as he was all muscle from head to toe.

All in all his total appearance would scare many away, but the grin he had on his face and the twinkle in his eyes made it clear to her that he was one of those big mouth, small heart type of men. His voice only added to his menacing appearance.

"Well hello there. Long time no see, Nick, how have you been?" Adam boomed at them. "And who is this lovely lady? I don't think we have met yet," he continued.

First giving Nick a firm slap on the shoulder, which earned him with an angry glare from Nick, he then extended his hand out to Fran. But instead of shaking it, he pulled it up and ever so gently brushed his lips over her knuckles in a swift kiss.

Fran blushed at his bold move, but she pulled back her hand and folded it on her lap together with the other.

"I'm doing fine, Adam," Nick replied sharply, sending him another mental message while he was at it. When I told you she didn't know yet, I also meant she's off limits, so cut off the Don Juan act, she's my mate.

Adam's eyes briefly widened at that little piece of information, but then almost imperceptibly nodded in acknowledgment.

"I've been pretty busy with the company and all its branches," Nick continued, "Dale's been nagging as well about his club, so I spend a bit more time there too. That's where I rescued this lovely lady."

"I'm Fran by the way," she greeted, then sipped from her water again, settling back expecting the two men to continue their conversation, but Adam turned towards her again.

"It's my pleasure to meet the woman who's able to let Nick show up here again," he responded, winking at the same time. "So I'll be a good boy and won't start being nosy till the next time he brings you."

That last comment won him another glare from Nick, but he simply let it slide. Adam knew he was a nosy son of a bitch, not much went on in his area he didn't know about and for a good reason. With species mingling he hated when trouble came knocking on his door, so he did his best to avoid it as best he could. But Nick told him enough to know the lady with him was fine, else he wouldn't bring her here.

"Let's get down to business then, what can I get you for lunch?" he went on.

"The usual for me." This came from Nick.

"I'm not sure what to pick, it all looks very delicious. Anything you can suggest?" was Fran's reply.

"If you allow me I could whip something up to surprise you? Be brave," he challenged her.

"Ok, I'll go along with it, surprise me."

"I'll be back before you know it," Adam agreed, then swiftly turning around, making his way back to his personal kitchen heaven.

Fran couldn't help but to let out a relieved sigh, then shook her head.

"He sure is bold," she said to Nick.

"And he was going easy on you, can you imagine how he is when he would have been full on?"

"Don't let me think about that. But I do have to admit, even though he's bold, he does seem to be a nice guy."

"He is, yeah," Nick agreed.

Their conversation stalled for a bit, Fran looking around, taking in the little tavern, Nick keeping his eyes on Fran while drinking in her very being. Just as it was in the car the previous night, they didn't mind the comfortable silence between them.

Not much later Adam returned carrying two dishes, one he placed in front of Nick, the other before Fran.

Nick's plate could easily have fed three adult persons and Fran eyed it suspiciously.

"Are you going to eat all that?" she wondered, not meaning to voice the question but it had escaped her before she knew it.

"I'm sure I can find a good spot for that," he decided with a wink. "It's lunch after all, has to keep us going for a while."

"And this is for the lady," Adam butted in. "Baked potatoes covered with some Italian spices, accompanied with a variety of summer vegetables and some slices of lamb fillet."

Looking at her plate, it looked very tempting and suddenly hearing the rumble she knew her tummy agreed.

"That looks delicious, Adam, thank you," she told him.

Both grabbed their cutlery and got started on their lunch. Fran was unable to hold back a few hmm's in appreciation of the food. Nick scooped up bite after bite without seeming too hasty and clearing his plate with ease.

They finished at the same time even though Nick's plate had twice the food that was on Fran's.

"That was really superb, been a long time since I had such a nice meal," Fran said after she wiped her mouth and placed the used napkin next to her plate.

"Can't agree more, sweetheart. Another reminder I should come by more often again. I'm stuffed," Nick said, patting his own stomach.

They stayed a bit longer, finishing another round of drinks they ordered after they ended their lunch.

"I'll go pay the bill in the back, will be right back, ok?"

"I can pay my share, Nick," Fran offered.

"No you won't, you're my guest," Nick announced with a wink, "so I'm paying. See you at the front in a few."

Back outside they got ready to get on the bike again.

"So where are we going now?" Fran asked.

"That's a surprise, but I'm sure you're gonna like it."

He was already seated when he put his helm in place. Holding out his hand, he helped her get on behind him. Again he put her arms around him. He turned around in her embrace and planted a quick kiss on her lips, then started up the bike and steered it towards the traffic.

Nick was hoping the surprise he had planned would be a good one. An hour before he was meant to pick her up his brother had called informing him he was able to get what he had asked for.

At a lazy speed he maneuvered them out of the city and headed for the same road Fran took last night, only he passed the little gravel path he let her take. Not that far from it was another, bigger road. One he knew very well.

Fran gasped at the sight in front of her. She was looking at a very old three story high mansion. It had vines creeping up on the sides covering the whole outside, just leaving the windows free. At the ground floor it had a porch all around the building and she could see several doors.

But Nick kept on driving past the house and it disappeared from view again. He took them through a lightly wooded area which opened up and had a big barn like building to the side of the clearing.

Nick stopped in front of it, again he straightened up after he shut down the engine. He took off his helmet and placed it in front of him, then turned around and released Fran from hers as well.

"Come on, get off you little vixen and I'll show you paradise," he said.

Slowly she got off the bike, stretching her legs a bit.

"A paradise, in the middle of nowhere, sure," she said teasingly.

He got off the bike as well and gestured her towards the barn. Producing a key from his back pocket of his leather pants, he unlocked the doors and moved aside.

"The honors are all yours, see for yourself," Nick told Fran.

Hesitantly she opened one of the doors and peeked inside. Startled, she turned back and looked at Nick, who just stood there with a grin on his face, awaiting her reaction.

"No way!" she said, turning back and taking another peek inside.

"Yes way. Come, let's open this joint properly," he said. He pulled at the door after he removed her hand from it and opened up the other door as well.

Fran just stood there, her mouth nearly falling open in awe of what she saw in front of her.

Suddenly some lights popped on and she could see all the beauties inside more clearly. One by one, she gave them a quick once over, counting them at the same time. She counted five cars, one of them being covered up, and two more bikes.

Nick stood quietly behind her, taking in her surprised expression. She reacted just the way he thought she would. He moved in and gently wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Now is this paradise or not?" he asked.

"Oh, it certainly is. So you have a tendency for the fast ones as well?"

"It does help spending some time away from the company, going for a ride, let it all go for a while." he explained.

He felt her chuckle just a little, but he was also aware she was anxious to give them a closer inspection, so he released her and gave her a gentle push.

"They don't bite you know, go and have a look," he told her encouragingly.

"You seem to favor the older ones," she noted, slowly making her way towards the first car.

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