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Saint Ives Whelan Chronicles Ch. 11

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Chris Whelan : Finding Each Other.
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Part 12 of the 22 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/20/2010
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Here we are with a new update, the usual thanks towards Jaz for proofreading and Asylum for editing and the guild for their never ending support and help. Big hugs to you all. Now go enjoy this next chapter. Don't forget to comment/vote.)

Chapter Three : Finding Each Other.

Slowly Chris opened his eyes. The sweet cinnamon scent of the woman on top of him filled his nostrils. Inhaling deeply, he smiled contently. This couch maybe wasn't the most comfortable piece of furniture to fall asleep on, his neck was killing him. Looking down at a still sleeping Mia, he knew she was worth it.

Closing his eyes, he let the past twelve hours pass by again. From the moment he met her face to face after all those years just talking to each other on the phone, mostly profession wise, until he found out what she was and what happened after that. Their evening started off a bit shaky, he felt Mia, at first, didn't know exactly how to act around him, but they broke the ice on the dance floor.

What happened in front of her house later was earth shattering. He could only thank his wolf that he had kept his "cool" and let her explain. Chris knew she had told the truth, the little trick she had displayed wasn't so unfamiliar to him as he let her believe. After all he knew Merlin. The old devil had demonstrated many harmless little tricks for that pack of pups over the years.

Chris held back a chuckle, not wanting to wake Mia. Acknowledging that their situation was far from normal, he knew he had to talk to his brothers and explain his mating. But right now he wanted to get to know his little druid a bit better first. Maybe he could get her parents over and talk to them as well, get their point of view in all of this.

He was certain they couldn't keep on living in "exile", not now their only daughter was bonded into one of the most respected werewolf families worldwide. He would keep the fact he knew Merlin hidden for a little while longer. He was sure he could make something special of her family's reunion, he just had to contact Merlin first.

Merlin would be in for a big surprise as well. The Whelan brothers were part of the few people the old wizard considered trusted friends. Friends that could contact him anytime they wanted, for any reason needed. Chris decided to call him in the morning. He smiled, again, knowing that Merlin now truly was family, not someone they always had considered family through a very, very long friendship.

Snapping out of his reverie, he almost cursed out loud when pain suddenly shot through his neck. That does it. I need a bed to sleep in, he thought. Carefully he slipped from between Mia's legs, breaking their connection. Holding her tightly, he sat up straight and maneuvered her around so he could carry her. Standing up, he looked around.

He hadn't paid a lot of attention when entering her house before. Knowing one door went into her kitchen, he took the other back into her hallway, there he went up the stairs. Mia didn't stir at all while he checked a few rooms. One was her bathroom, another seemed to be organized for several hobbies. The next one he checked seemed to be her bedroom.

The king-size bed was neatly made up, a throw decoratively draped at the end. He took a few seconds taking in her room. It looked exactly like her, chaotic, but it was nice as a whole. Making sure he had a good grip on her, he pulled away the sheets on her bed, then gently lowered Mia.

Immediately she rolled on her side, let out a sigh and continued sleeping. He loosely covered her, then went around the bed and got in himself, spooning Mia from behind, his arms around her, tucking her close to his body. Grateful for the more comfortable sleeping accommodation, he didn't need much encouragement to fall back asleep.


Mia tried to stretch out, but a strong warm body behind her prevented her from doing just that. She looked down at the arms holding her. One acted as a makeshift pillow and lay stretched out on her pillow. The other one was holding her close, a hand carelessly cupping one of her breasts.

Hmm, he must have grown tired of my couch, she grinned inwardly when she noticed they were lying in her bed. She had to admit, that couch wasn't her best buy, but she came to like how it looked in her living room.

The events of last night replayed in her mind. She wasn't single anymore, she had a mate now and if last night's events were any indication, she knew their lives would never be dull or boring. He had awakened a side of her she didn't even realize she had. She had obeyed his every command and he had given her several earth shattering orgasms in reward.

Mia smiled when she remembered his "punishment" for disobeying him. The blindfold had added to her excitement, inciting a deep desire to please him and it proved to her that she trusted him. Never before had she let anyone blindfold her without her express agreement.

She felt her pussy getting wet again, just thinking about last night. Convinced Chris was still asleep, she moved her arm down between her legs. Slowly she rubbed her clit with her index finger. She felt the tiny shivers traveling over her back. She dipped deeper and explored her slick folds. Trapped in the momentum, she didn't notice Chris wasn't asleep at all.

Chris felt her moving around and was curious what she was going to do. Inhaling deeply, he picked up her arousal, but there was another scent as well, one he hadn't picked up before. Taking another careful sniff, he was sure now, his little druid was in heat. He had never given it much thought before, but he had to admit now, he liked the idea of having a few little ones of his own. Maybe, just maybe he thought, then pushed the the issue to the back of his mind

He covered her hand with his. Are you going to play on your own, my little druid? he asked.

Mia startled and in reflex tried to pull her hand away, but Chris kept it firmly in place. Don't stop now. I liked where you were heading, love. Maybe I can even help a little? he offered.

She felt his excitement growing against her ass, his hot breath on her neck. He pressed her hand back and further even.

Pleasure yourself, show me how you like it, he "said" again.

Intertwining their fingers, he explored her wet pussy. He pressed one of her fingers inside her wet folds, followed by his own middle finger. His hand covered hers so she had to follow his movements. He pressed deeper, his finger toying with hers inside of her.

He pulled back his hand, she wanted to follow but he stopped her. Instead he guided another one of her own fingers in her pussy.

"You concentrate on that delicious pussy of yours, I'll take care of the rest," he whispered softly next to her ear, his escaping breath sending those familiar shivers down her spine.

Mia felt him caressing her outer swollen labia as if he wanted to find a spot that was more sensitive, he didn't leave a spot untouched. Chris knew her clit was THE spot to get her mad with lust, so he leisurely kept up stroking everywhere but her clit.

Finally it dawned on Mia what a devious thing he was doing and she cursed under a moan. She wanted to cum, like now, not in seven days. Her need was getting the upper hand, a small growl escaping her throat as she "told" him to Quit messing around and get down to business.

He only chuckled, which only made her even more furious about not getting what she wanted. He kissed her neck and nibbled on her earlobe, driving her even more mad with desire. She bucked against him. Quickly he placed one of his tree trunk like legs over her slender legs, immobilizing her.

"Be still, my little druid, I said I will take care of the rest. I'm a man of my word. Just do as I ask," he spoke softly. His soft whisper was a big contrast with the need he shared with her. He loved making her squirm, it was like her passion, need and desire acted as an extra aphrodisiac for him.

"We're going to move a little. I promise, you'll get what you want soon, my pretty," he said in a rasped voice.

He grabbed the pillow and with a good tug, managed to get it from under her head.

"Just follow me. Get on your knees, let your shoulders rest on the bed," he guided her.

It was clear now why he tossed her the pillow, she stayed comfortable now, without it she was sure her neck would be killing her later on.

While she moved she didn't remove her fingers, she suspected that was not what he wanted seeing his own hand had never stopped teasing her while they changed position. She waited for his next move while she kept on caressing her smooth inner walls. She felt him sitting behind her, could feel his dick lying heavy, but snug, between her ass cheeks.

Mia wanted to feel his soft warm skin again, but lying as she was she would only strain herself in doing so. She found herself at his mercy again, not that she had to complain about the first time. She knew her movements were limited, the main stimulation coming from her own fingers. But she wanted to torment him a little as well. She would bide her time.

Then, finally he moved his fingers to her clit, lazily tracing circles around it. He deliberately used a different rhythm than Mia, only fueling her escalating desire for completion. She wanted to growl at him to stop with the teasing. He had her on the edge for quite a time now and she was starting to wonder how much more of his sensual torment she'd be able to endure.

How he did it, she didn't know, but right at that time he altered his tempo, fell in with her own, circling and pinching her clit. When he felt the first tremors of her climax, he pulled her hand away and swiftly replaced it with his cock. He entered her in one smooth push, her pussy walls contracting around him as she orgasmed. Chris didn't really move, he had buried himself to the hilt and was gently rocking against her, only causing a minor friction which he kept up all the time she was cumming.

Only when he felt her inner muscles relaxed somewhat, did he start to move. Slowly pulling out, leaving his tip snugly inside, then pushing in again. Over and over he repeated this. Mia felt by the grip he had on her waist that he was doing his best to keep doing it like that.

His mind was in turmoil. They were fully mated and he wanted to be in her completely. There was only one small detail that was holding him back. He knew she was in heat, he had to tell her. A female were never know if she was in heat, they had their periods like a normal human, but they relied on their mates to tell them.

If it were up to him, he wouldn't mind having little ones. He even surprised himself with that thought. Yet he had to think of her as well and all the unresolved issues. Grinding his teeth he fought the urge to do what he really wanted to.

Mia must have picked up his turmoil and felt he wasn't giving himself a hundred percent. What is it? Don't try to hide, we're mates now. What bothers you, bothers me, so just tell me.

He stopped moving and bent down, his chest covering her back. He rested his head against hers and let out a weary sigh. My little druid, it's not so much a bother, but I can't have what I really want right now. Not without complicating things.

And why is that?

You're in heat, love.

Mia tried to focus her mind. Chris was being so considerate and sweet. She was pleased that at this moment he thought about her. Kids. Do I want them already so early in our relationship? she wondered. Yes! her wolf replied and she had to giggle at the fast and eager response of her wolf. She actually agreed, she always liked kids, having her own would only make it even better. She was sure that whatever would cross their paths, they'd deal with it.

He felt her stiffen briefly and then suddenly start shaking. He was puzzled. Then he realized she was laughing silently.

"Care to tell me why you seem to think this is something to laugh about?" he asked.

Chris was starting to feel really stupid now. Here they were having sex, he was trying to do the best thing for her and all she did was giggle. He couldn't really call it laughing anymore.

"I'm sorry, of course it isn't funny. But whatever you want is what I want as well. So please stop tormenting yourself and go on. As I recall I was almost ready to cum until your conscience stepped in. Now you have to start all over again," Mia replied.

She would have shivered delightfully if she could have seen the look that appeared on Chris' face. One corner of his mouth perked up into a devilish grin, his eyes dark with lust. He pulled back and forcefully slammed back into her.

"Are you sure about that?" he teased. He grabbed her waist a bit firmer and repeated what he had just done.

His grin turned into a wide smile as he heard her moan and saw her clutching the sheets next to her. Part of him still couldn't believe she was his, his other half, the one completing him. But he was even more happier that she wanted to give him everything he wanted.

Thrusting in and out of her, he felt his knot starting to grow.

You are sure about this? he asked one last time.

She didn't really reply, but only pushed back against him, forcing his knot halfway inside of her. After some gentle pushing it moved completely inside of her. A content rumble went through his chest as he felt her slippery walls contracting around his knot, locking them together.

The first time they were joined like this felt like heaven to him, but now, knowing what the result would be, heaven wasn't a place to describe how he felt. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Closing his eyes, Chris didn't move, he just enjoyed the feeling of being inside of Mia. He also realized he woke up this morning without the nagging in his mind. Waking up next to her felt right. A quick roll of his head also confirmed the pain in his neck wasn't there as it usually was. And all that was thanks to Mia.

He had set out to fuck her hard and thoroughly until he scented she was in heat. All he wanted to do now was pleasure her until she was sated and unable to move. With that in mind he gently started to rock in a circular motion, a hand drifting over her stomach towards her clit where it teased the little nubbin.

He circled around it in sync with his thrusting, he started rubbing it a bit harder when he felt her shiver. Chris moved his free hand over a plump breast and kneaded it firmly. With a gentle push upwards, he prompted her to lift herself up.

When her bare back touched his chest, he encircled her torso with his arm and held her close, soaking up the warmth of her body, the scent of her arousal, reveling in the intimacy of their position.

Nuzzling her neck, he left behind a trail of small kisses. Mia turned her head and their lips met in a slow, tender, all-consuming kiss. Their tongues weren't battling this time, but exploring each other. Barely taking time to breathe one kiss was followed by another and another. Not once did Chris stop moving, nor did his hand leave her wet folds.

Surprising himself with his gentleness, he didn't feel the urge to start pounding her hard when he felt his moment creeping up slowly. Doing just the opposite he tried to hold it back, Mia's needs were more important to him right now.

Her breathing was getting faster and he felt by the way she grasped behind her and got hold of his hips her own joy wasn't so far off either. He built up the pressure a little around her clit, his thrusts becoming faster and more needy as he joined her on her way to that fast approaching earth shattering release.

He felt her lose control and her tiny claws pierced the flesh on his hips. Chris didn't care about that, it only made him more determined, the pain it caused acting as an extra aphrodisiac to him. Unknowingly she was giving him what he craved and missed all those years. Grinding his teeth, he tried his best to hold off a bit longer, wanting Mia to cum first. Her grasping hands made that a hard thing to do, but he didn't relent.

Then he felt her shudder and contract around him. She had the sheet firmly clasped between her teeth, trying to stifle her own moans as her orgasm crashed over her.

Releasing his arm around her, he tugged at the sheet. I want to hear you cum, baby, sing to me, he told her. Reluctantly she released the sheet as she continued to moan and groan. Those sounds were like music to his ears and were just the thing he needed to hear as he started to spurt his seed deep inside her. Thrust after thrust, he coated her insides, his fertile seed traveling down to her womb, creating new life.

Drained completely, he managed to find a bit of energy to cradle her limp form against him and lay them on their sides. One arm acting as a pillow again, his other arm rested carefully over her stomach, his fingers making undefined patterns over her belly.

"Thank you, Mia," he whispered softly in her ear as he cuddled even closer.

Her tiny hand covered his and curled her fingers between his.

"No, thank you. You've given me something I've craved for a long time myself. And I don't only mean this new life we created. You've set me free as well. It's going to be hard, I'm aware of that, but we'll get through it, I know we will. But for now, let's just enjoy each other, ok?" she answered back in a husky voice.

Amazed by her acceptance of it all, he hugged her even closer, closed his eyes and simply enjoyed having her against him. Chris felt her relax again, drifting off into a light slumber. A smile crossed his face as he again had to count himself lucky on how things had turned out.

The smile faded a little as his mind started to go over everything that needed to be done, people he needed to talk about. No matter what the normal punishments would be for rogue or stray wolves, he wasn't going to let anything happen to his little druid. He knew he had to talk to his brothers first, come up with some strategy to keep her and her parents safe. On top of that, and that little fact made his smile widen again, he had to tell Merlin he was a grandfather now.

He almost chuckled out loud. The man barely looked five years older than him. That was one moment he was going to enjoy. Maybe faster than he would fill in his brothers. Something told him Mia wouldn't be so forgiving if he held back the fact he knew Merlin and considered him one of his closest friends.

Chris dozed for a little while and when he felt his knot getting looser, he gently pulled out. Grabbing one of her blankets he tucked her in and carefully got out of the bed himself.

No time like the present to start organizing things. First on the list would be contacting Merlin, he was sure the old devil would be extremely happy to be reunited with his family. He could then talk with them on how to proceed then. Knowing he had to talk to his brothers, specially Nick, he decided against it, at least for now. There were two weeks left before the next full moon, he'd tell them then.

He grinned and shook his head, it was going to take some juggling for his brothers not to find out sooner. He could bury himself in his work, but he couldn't escape their weekly meetings. Maybe Mia knew something for that, after all she'd been able to hide herself for so long.

Standing next to the bed he took in the soft curves of her shoulder and back. He wanted to crawl back into bed and lay close to her. But he also knew he had to start putting things into motion. Closing his eyes, he pinched his nose again and thought of where he had dropped his clothes. When he opened them again he looked around, puzzled. This wasn't her bedroom, he was in her living room. As he looked down, he saw he stood right on top of his own clothes.

Did I just teleport myself? And how the fuck did I do that?

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