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Sanborn Retreat Pt. 01

Story Info
Dakota arrives at Sanborn Retreat for 2 weeks of scat fun.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 08/01/2023
Created 03/03/2022
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Author's Note:

While I continue to work on the series "Diagnosing a Fetish," I wanted to start another that is more sexual and focused on scat. This is being done to give the readers less interested in a slow burn story something to enjoy while that series continues. Just as a forewarning, "Sanborn Retreat" will be based slightly less in reality to achieve some of the more outlandish scenarios. This series will also include far more characters than any of the previous ones, so I apologize if it at any point becomes confusing/hard to remember who's who. I hope everyone enjoys it!


The following story will focus heavily on the play and consumption of human waste, including feces and urine. If these topics do not interest you, I would not recommend you read further. Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated; however, I ask you not to rate this story poorly based on its contents alone.

All characters are fictional and over the age of 18.


Dakota's hands shook as her GPS chimed, informing her that she had arrived at her destination. It was sixth months since she first found the forum post and three since she got her acceptance letter in the mail. The time between then and now was spent in a state of unbearable anticipation. After all, this was finally going to be her chance to let loose and do all the things she couldn't do in her shared apartment. It was almost surreal turning onto the road that she had been looking at pictures of online for the past few months.

Anyone not in the know wouldn't have suspected anything of this secluded destination. Little more than a gravel path, it wasn't until you drove over halfway down the heavily shaded road before you came to the first indication that this was a populated area; a big wooden sign reading 'Sanborn Retreat.' It was unlikely that anyone would even get that far, however; there was little more than a gas station and a small village for miles. Although likely by chance, this was good news for anyone nervous about their darkest secret getting out.

Despite how out of the way the campground was, Dakota learned upon arriving at the security gates that it was in no state of disrepair. In fact, the security booth and barrier gates looked as if they were just freshly painted. Surrounding them were a few well-tended gardens and shrubs, all of this coming together to create quite a homely feel. Unable to see past the road entrance online, this was all new for Dakota, and it only made her more anticipated as she pulled up to the left entry gate.

A blonde woman wearing a park ranger's outfit left the till booth and came to the driver's side door of Dakota's car, "Hello, welcome to Sanborn Retreat; I'm Lila. I'm the head ranger here, so if you need anything, I'm your girl."

Dakota did her best not to make her ogling too obvious, leaning a little out of her window to get a better look. It was hard to control herself, however; Lila was quite the human specimen. Around six feet tall, the blonde's tan skin and well-defined muscles put even Dakota's athletic body to shame. The woman's hefty chest jammed tightly into her ranger shirt was just the icing on the cake. "Nice to meet you; I'm Dakota."

"Well, good afternoon, Dakota. I hope you remembered to bring your documents with you?" Lila asked, pulling a clipboard out from under her arm.

Digging through the glove compartment of her car, Dakota found the envelope that was sent to her three months ago. She pulled out the acceptance letter inside, along with all the signed documents required for entry. Handing them to Lila, she held her breath, hoping everything was there and she wasn't going to be turned away before even getting inside.

"You're Dakota Hoffman?" Lila read through the clipboard, raising her aviators to get a better look at the woman's face.


"Do you have some ID just so I can confirm? Sorry, but if you were really invited here, you know what happens inside and why we need to keep it a secret.

"Yeah, no problem," Dakota dug through her wallet, finding her driver's license and handing it to Lila.

"When's your birthday?" Lila held up the card to compare the picture with Dakota's face.

"July 17th, 1995."

Double-checking with her clipboard, Lila nodded her head before passing the driver's license back through the window, "Great, you're all good to go. Just drive through the gate when I open it and around the corner. You should come to a small parking lot where you can park your car and meet up with the other invitees."

"Thanks," Dakota gave a friendly nod, watching as Lila returned to both. A few seconds late, the security gate swung open, and she drove inside. As Lila had directed, the road ended in a paved patch of land surrounded by trees. Unfortunately, a few cars were already there, so she had to take one of the spots further from the park entrance.

Putting her SUV in park, Dakota took a breath to gather herself. After all, in just a few minutes, her life would change forever. It was almost too much, but she tried to hide her excitement as she got out of the car, trying not to come off as crazy. Pulling her hiking backpack and suitcase from the trunk, she made her way to where a group of women was gathering in idle chitchat.

"Oh my God! I can't believe we are actually here; it all feels so surreal!" the short, blonde-haired woman closest to Dakota squealed.

"Right? And so many attractive women. Speaking of," another woman joined in, turning as she heard Dakota approaching, "The name's Maria."

Dropping her suitcase to the gravel, Dakota reached out her hand to shake Maria's, "Hi, I'm Dakota." The woman appeared to be around middle age, maybe a few years older than Dakota herself. Despite this, she appeared physically healthy and would be deemed attractive by most people. The wavy, dirty-blonde hair that tumbled down her shoulders added some youthfulness, as did her small breasts and flat stomach.

"Nice to meet you. Joyce and I were just talking about what we were looking forward to doing once we get inside," Maria gestured to the blonde to her right.

"Joyce? Nice to meet you," Dakota shook her hand, too. Unlike Maria, Joyce looked very young. Standing just below five feet, the girl's freckled marked skin and twin ponytails on either side of her head made Joyce look almost childlike. But, if Dakota had to guess, she would say it was intentional.

"Yeah, Joyce and I came here together," Maria explained, "We go back a bit. In some ways, she's like a daughter to me."

Joyce scrunched up her face, "Gross. If I were your daughter, you would have given birth to me at thirteen."

Maria ruffled the girl's hair, "As you can see, she's a bit of a firecracker sometimes."

"Stop being weird," the blonde swatted away the hand.

"Trust me, babe, if the rumors are true, then much worse is going to be happening once we get through these gates. I see you're in troop three," Maria shifted her focus to Dakota, pointing to the tag that dangled from the woman's backpack strap, "Same with us."

"I guess we'll be spending more time together then," Dakota chuckled, "Do you know what's happening, by the way? I really want to get inside and start messing around. It was a four-hour drive down here, and I have been desperate for a little play since this morning, if you know what I mean."

Biting her lip, Joyce reached a hand between Dakota's legs and gently prodded at her crotch. However, before she could get too far, Maria forcefully removed the blonde. "Hey!" Joyce protested as she was dragged backward.

"Don't sexually assault strangers in public," Maria hissed through gritted teeth, "I'm not getting kicked out of here because of you."

"I just wanted to see if she was wet enough to feel through her clothes! I mean, she was practically begging for it; those tiny gym shorts are practically underwear."

"It's OK, I didn't mind," Dakota blushed. She had only been here a few minutes, and already she was getting the attention she had been craving. Wearing her old gym shorts seemed to be paying off, too. The crotch of her panties was definitely wet before, but now they were practically drenched. However, she still didn't think anyone would be able to feel it through two layers of fabric.

"You don't, but someone else might," Maria replied, "Let's just save it until we get inside."

Not one to give up easily, Joyce stood on her tippy toes to whisper in Dakota's ear, "I've been saving up a big load for a couple of days now; you're going to be the one who gets it." Then, after a seductive wink, the blonde returned to Maria, holding her hand.

"To answer your earlier question -- now that someone is done being a trouble-maker," Maria glared at Joyce, "We aren't exactly sure what's happening, but we were told to wait here while the final people arrive. Then we'll be split into our troops to meet our counselors."

"Exciting," Dakota bounced on the ball of her feet, looking around at the crowd of women, "There are more people here than I expected, if I'm being honest." If she had to guess, there were probably somewhere between thirty and forty people.

"Getting a little nervous?" Maria asked.

"Oh, the opposite; it just means more fun to have and more people to have it with."

"I like the way you think," Joyce chimed in, "So you've done this kind of thing before?"

"Coming to a camp like this? No. But playing with, um...." Dakota wasn't sure how much discretion was customary in such a situation. But, considering that all these people came here for the same reasons as her, she assumed it was probably safe to be a little crass. "I've had some experience indulging in the dirtier stuff, shall we say."

"It's always good to find someone with experience," Maria smirked, looking Dakota up and down, "Hard to come by these days. So you got a girlfriend back home?"

"Nah, just a roommate. But she would never do anything like this. In fact, she's part of the reason I came here. Hard to play like we do when you're sharing a tiny apartment."

Maria sighed, "Yeah, I know how that is."

"And you two are together then?" Dakota asked, looking between the two women.

"Joyce and I?" Maria chuckled, "No, not officially. Just a friend with benefits thing, I guess. I could only imagine what her parents would say if they found that their twenty-two-year-old daughter was hanging out with my thirty-five-year-old ass."

"Attention, campers!" A loud voice halted their conversation; Dakota turned to find an older woman standing at the front of the crowd. "Welcome to Sanborn Retreat!" her declaration was followed by a few hoots and hollers from the women in front of her, "My name is Sasha Deleon, and I own this little slice of heaven. You've now all gotten the chance to meet the sexy number to my right. Since I can't be everywhere at once, Lila here helps look after things. Is there anything you want to say?"

The blonde stepped forward, "I like to have fun as much as any one of you, but please remember there are rules. Follow them, and it will make both our lives easier."

"Thank you," Sasha retook the spotlight, "You will all have a chance to go over the rules Lila mentioned once you are divided into your troops, but the most important is discretion. We have been able to run the little event for five years, and I hope that can continue far into the future. And, of course, the second most important is to have fun! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I want all of you to enjoy it to the fullest. Our selection process is rigorous, so just know that you are some of the kinkiest, dirtiest girls we could find. Now, please group up in order of your previously provided troop numbers. I hope to see all of you again after orientation."

Following her speech, Sasha joined Lila and began walking up the hill to the campgrounds. Dakota tried to watch their asses for as long as possible, but the crowd was moving around her, and she needed to join her troop. "Well, I guess we're going over there," Dakota pointed to the large sign with the number '3' painted on it that a woman was waving above her head. Then, picking up her suitcase, she followed Maria and Joyce to the other two people in their troop.

"Well, that's five, so I guess we've got everyone," the woman lowered her sign, "My name's Melissa Kolb, leader of troop number three. I'm glad all of you could make it today!"

She came across as very cheerful, at least to Dakota, anyway. There was always a smile on her face that showed off the cute gap between her front teeth. Melissa was giving Dakota plenty to admire in the skimpy outfit that all the counselors wore, whether it be the woman's flat, tanned stomach or her commendable cleavage. She would enjoy spending some one-on-one time with her counselor with any luck.

"OK," Melissa continued, "As Sasha said, there are some rules we need to go over before we can go inside. The first is that no photos or photo-taking devices are allowed on the property. If any of you brought these, you need to leave them with Lila in the security booth."

The invitation she received in the mail had notified Dakota in advance of this rule, and she, therefore, didn't bring anything with her. Based on all the other members of troop 3 shaking their heads, she assumed they also followed the instructions. It was a shame that she wouldn't have any physical memories of her time here, but it was better than pictures of her getting out and possibly jeopardizing her career.

"Rule 2: clothing is optional once inside but must always be worn when in this parking area or beyond the front gates. Rule 3: each troop is assigned a cabin which is your primary sleeping location. You are welcome to spend the night in another cabin if a member of said cabin invites you, but you must notify either myself or the troop leader of whomever you are staying with. Finally, Rule 4: this is supposed to be an enjoyable experience for everyone. Of course, this experience is one largely based on sex and self-indulgence. To ensure the safety of every camper, consent is always a must. If you cannot follow this rule, you will be forced to leave. Any questions?"

"Are we allowed to... get involved with the staff too? Like the counselors or security or something?" The woman to Dakota's left asked.

"If they want to, yes," Melissa replied, "However, I will warn you against perusing Lila; she is one tough nut to crack. If there are no other questions, I think we should go around and introduce ourselves. After all, we will be spending the next two weeks together. In the past, we've just said our name, age, and something we like doing or are looking forward to doing. So, to start, you already know my name is Melissa, but I am 31, and I'm looking forward to taking care of all of you while we get as dirty as possible. I've been working here for three years, so feel free to come to me with any questions. We can just go in a circle now if you want to go next," Melissa looked to Maria.

"Hi, my name is Maria Stone and thirty-five. I guess if I had to say, I'm looking forward to sharing my friend Joyce with all of you. She can be quite the nasty girl, so be warned."

"I guess I'm next. My name is Joyce, and I'm twenty-two years old. Um, I came with Maria today, but I'm looking forward to experimenting with other girls; she's the only one I've ever done something like this with."

Next in the circle, Dakota tried to come up with something to say. So far, everyone had been pretty tame with what they were looking forward to. Now she wasn't sure if what she was planning on saying was too out there, but she went with it anyway, "I'm Dakota, I'm twenty-seven, and I really like eating other girls' shit, so come to me if you're interested." She internally cringed, but the other women's responses were either subtle interest, or obvious joy like Joyce was expressing.

"My name is Amelia Murphey," the next girl in the circle said. She was cute with her black hair, button nose, and small chest, but not exactly Dakota's type. Still, she wouldn't say no to getting dirty with her. "I'm 24, and I have a thing for authority figures. That's why I asked the question earlier...."

"And last but not least, I'm Catherine Durham. I'm 29, and I really like the feeling of poop in my vagina. I can spend hours just pushing it in and out."

That admission made Catherine jump to the top of Dakota's list of people she wanted to fuck. Catherine was hot too, long, straight brown hair to her waist, big breasts, and an ass to match. Plus, she wore glasses which had always been a secret kink of Dakota's. She couldn't wait until orientation was over so that she could get to know Catherine better. Well, after playing with Joyce for a bit, maybe. Only a few minutes in, and already the options were becoming overwhelming.

"Well, with introductions out of the way, I think it's about time you see the amazing campground we have just up this hill," Melissa smiled. Leading the way, troop 3 joined the others that had already finished their meetings and began climbing the steep incline. The trek was a little tiring for Dakota with all her luggage, but the view at the top made it more than worth it.

Looking back down towards the parking lot, Dakota had an amazing view of the forest around them and could even make out the road she came in on if she squinted hard enough. The gravel path they came upon gave way to lush grass and foliage, the trees on top of the hill larger than they were below. There was a clearing in the center of the campground where a large wooden building was located, but the other cabins and out-buildings were set back in the shade of the forest. It was like a scene from a movie, so serene that she almost didn't want to move forward with the rest of the group.

"This is the community campfire and gathering area," Melissa brought them out into the clearing, "Each cabin has its own firepit, but we host a lot of communal activities out here during the two weeks. Behind it, we have our main lodge. Inside there is the dining hall as well as some offices and staff residences. Now, on to the good stuff."

As they continued through the grounds, they were already passing women in various states of undress. Presumably, these were other troops who had finished their orientation early, and Dakota couldn't keep her eyes off them. There were breasts of all sizes, trimmed pubic air, clean-shaven vaginas, lingerie, tattoos, piercings; you name it, it was there. Now Dakota just wanted to see them all covered in filth. A few women even winked at her, only making her arousal more desperate.

Melissa, on the other hand, seemed non-plussed. Although she did have three years of experience working here, that must've desensitized her to most things. Either way, she ignored the other campers and brought her troop behind the main lodge, where there was a large cement pad. On it were Adirondack and lounge chairs, covered by umbrellas and all circling a large hot tub. There was a thick cover over the top of it, which Melissa promptly opened for the troop to see.

Immediately, Dakota was blasted with a nose full of filthy air emanating from the tub. Upon taking a step closer, she realized why; it was completely filled with shit. The slurry inside was a mix of browns that all blended together to form a soup of disgusting sludge. Even in the summer heat, she could practically see the steam coming off the waste. Just the sight of it sent a shiver down her spine; she couldn't wait to get inside.

"This is the outdoor lounge and our shit tub. All the staff members have used this baby for the past few weeks while getting the camp ready for opening. It was a new addition last year and a massive hit, so we brought it back. Let me tell you, getting inside here is one of the most relaxing feelings in the world; it's like a mud bath on steroids." Melissa dropped the lid back in place, "You can do whatever you want inside, but just make sure to close it when not in use; we don't want anything getting inside."


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