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Sandy Greene the Legal Secretary

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Mid Nineteen Seventies and No Jobs.
4.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/13/2021
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This fictional story will show what could happens when there is no government oversight in the corporate world to help ladies like Sandy keep her job and modesty. She was a very attractive woman, but most people thought she was very timid. Her husband knew better, but he liked the persona she portrayed outwardly. She was very submissive to his desires everyone believed.

It was after the Vietnam war; Sandy Greene was a mother of three who struggled to stay above water with all the bills. There was a fuel shortage with long lines at the pumps. Her husband was a lifer, a huey pilot in the Army who was killed in the waning days of the Vietnam war as he extracted friendly troops from an LZ. He received the medal of honor for his heroism, but it didn't help the financial situation she was in.

Her stature was of a buxom model, she stood five foot-six one hundred and fifty pounds. With brown hair, green eyes, a forty-two, twenty-nine, thirty-nine figure. She was not fat just solid, and many men would follow her with their eyes, when she walked down the street or down the isles in the office. Sandy was fifty-five years old, and her youngest of three sons was about graduate from law school with a large debt he will have to repay even with the help from the military.

Sandy was a legal secretary for WM&W Law LLC for over twenty years, but she portrayed a timid nature, and very seldom received a raise. She felt lucky to have a job she thought. It was a time with no computers and every contract had to be typed individually, but the Law firm outsourced all the contracts which needed to be typed, as they had many clients who had them on retainer. Sandy checked the accuracy of the documents after they were typed for these clients, before she gave them to the lawyer.

It just so happened that one of the partners retired unexpectedly with health issues and the law firm needed a replacement to train. William Masters the senior partner asked Sandy if she knew anyone who would want to apply for the position.

"My son Eric will be graduating from Harvard Law School in a few months. Can you wait that long?" She asked hopefully.

William Masters knew her son will graduate soon. "I can wait until he graduates, if he is the candidate we choose. Have him give me a call as soon as possible." He wanted her to bring her son's name forward for reasons which will become apparent in the future.

Excitedly Sandy called her son when she arrived at her desk. "Eric please call mom when you get this message." She left it on his apartment phone recorder.

Eric Greene had his mother's disposition. He was six foot tall and works out religiously. Eric was built, like his father. He had his mother's brown hair and green eyes with light skin color.

Sandy received a call back when she arrived home from work. "Mom, you called. Is there a problem? You sounded excited."

"One of the partners in my law firm retired abruptly and there is an opening that Mr. Masters wants you to apply for, if you like."

"That is great news mom. I have put out many resumes' and nothing has come of them. There is no work out there for new lawyers." Eric stated happy his mother called.

Now for the rest of the story. William Masters tried to get a date with Sandy for the last year. His wife died of cancer three years ago. Sandy did not think it was wise that she date, her boss. She felt her colleagues would think she was a gold digger. Even though William asked her out. It will become clearer what William looks for in a woman as we continue the story.

Mr. Masters continued the façade to look for a replacement for the lawyer to replace the one who retired for the two months before Eric's graduation. Mr. Masters called Eric in to interview him a few days after he told Sandy to call her son.

Eric walked into the office of Mr. Masters to be greeted by his mother at the reception deck. "Hi Mom, I am here to see the boss."

"Yes, I know. I put your name on the schedule good luck. He is waiting for you."

Eric walked into Mr. Masters office. He stood up and shook Eric's hand from behind his imposing deck. "How was the trip here from Boston?"

"It was okay the traffic was light." Eric stated.

"I received the transcript of your marks from the college. They are great you did very well, but you really have no experience." William stated the obvious.

"Yes, sir I know, but I have to start somewhere. I hope you will give me a chance to prove myself." Eric stated, with a panicked look on his face.

"You are one up on most of the respondents, as your mother works here and she is very competent as a legal secretary, although immune to my charm." William stated cryptically which caught Eric by surprise.

"Thank you, sir. I think?" Eric stated as he left the office, because Mr. Masters picked up his phone as a sign the interview was over.

Eric walked out into the reception area. "How did you do Eric?" His mother asked.

"Good I think." He said in uncertainty.

The next two months were a flurry of activity for the Greene's: finals, graduation, and a party. With everything else came the second interview.

It was the Monday morning before Eric's graduation when Mr. Masters called Sandy into his office. "Hi Sandy, how are the graduation preparations going for your son?"

"Great Bill thanks for asking. If you're not busy, how would you like to attend?"

"I can attend if you like." He accepted the invitation and continued. "I asked you in here to ask a question. How far are you willing to go in order that your son receives the job here. You have to consider he hasn't passed the boards yet." Bill asked cautiously.

"I know he will do a good job and he will be very appreciative for the chance." Sandy stated as she avoided the question, he asked her.

"That is not the question I want answered Sandy. This is about you. How far will you go to guarantee your son receives the job?" William stated as if Sandy was on the witness stand.

"Anything that is legal." She replied with concern.

"Good that is what I wanted to hear. I believe we found our new attorney for the group. I have a few questions for him and then we will announce it." Bill stated with a satisfied smile on his face.

A little more about the legal group. Sandy was the only woman out of a twenty-five-person organization. She was surrounded by men thirty to sixty years old. Sandy was there so long they considered her one of the boys, or the mother hen of the organization, that was all but William Masters, who was a few years older than Sandy at fifty-seven. He considered Mrs. Sandy Greene a very attractive and smart woman. Now back to find out what his plan was!

"Sandy call, your son and find out when he can come in for the second interview, and put it on my calendar." He told Sandy and started to flip through the document on his deck as a sign the conversation was over.

She went to her deck. Sandy immediately called her son and left a message on his recorder.

It was a few hours before he got back to her. The phone rang on her desk. "Hello this is WM&W Law how may I direct your call?" Sandy asked sweetly.

"Hi mom you called?"

"Yes, I did. When are you available to meet with Mr. Masters?" Sandy said excitedly as she may have one of her son's work with her. If he secures the job.

"Wow mom anytime. Tell me when I have to be there." He stated with excitement.

"I will put you in for tomorrow at nine how is that?"

"Great, great I will be there. I will come home tonight to make sure I will be on time."

A few hours after Sandy arrived home from work, Eric arrived home all excited when he walked through the door he greeted. "Hi Mom, how have you been. Miss Me?"

"I miss all my boys." She stated as they hugged.

"Do you think I have a shot at the job Mom?"

"Yes, as very few people have been interviewed in the last month." Sandy continued. "Have you eaten yet?" She asked as the mom in her came out.

"Yes, I ate before I left the Apartment."

They settled in with conversation designed to update themselves on each other's lives and to watch some TV before they retired for the night.

The next morning Sandy arrived early at the office and put the days schedule on Mr. Master's deck as she usually does. Eric arrived a half hour early to meet with William. He sat and went over his resume', while his mother did her work.

The phone bussed. "Hi Mr. Masters." There was a pause. "Yes Mr. Greene is here. I will send him right in." Sandy stated.

"You're on Eric, knock him dead with your brilliance." His mother said with a smile of confidence.

Eric walked into the office of Mr. Masters he portrayed more confidence than he felt at the moment. He walked up to the regal desk. "Good morning Mr. Masters, thank you for taking the time to see me." He stated as he shook William's hand.

"Mr. Greene, we are looking for someone of your caliber. I am impressed with your collegiate success. You are graduating at the top of your class. Congratulations." William stated.

"Thank you, Mr. Masters, I see you do your homework. I hope we can come to some agreement today. I will do what is needed to secure employment." Eric stated, with determination.

"I can see your mother taught you well. She is not only a determined woman, she is also beautiful." William stated, which took Eric by surprise. Employers usually will not speak of their employees in this way.

"I think he likes my mother, and this may be a way to get this job." Eric thought as he listened to William.

"Yes, my mother is very lovely. All my friends used to kid me about that. She was one of the best-looking mothers in our school." He stated in agreement with William.

Emboldened by Eric's last statement William continued on. "I have interviewed a few candidates who have experience, but I would be willing to give you the job, as you are one of our most valuable employees son." He paused for effect. "I am putting a string on your employment though." William stated cautiously to see what Eric's reaction would be.

Bewildered Eric asked. "And what would that be?" He now felt he would lose the job offer if he didn't comply with William's request.

William could see by Eric's posture he would do anything to get the job, so he continued. "As you may know my wife past away a few years ago. I have asked your mother out many times and she refused because I am her boss."

Eric broke into the conversation before William could finish. "I will make sure you get a date with my mother if I get the position. As part of the condition for employment." He state with a smile.

William gave Eric a look as if he were unsure if he should state his next thought, but he said. "I would like your help, it would be nice to get a date with your mother." With determination he went for broke as it would be his word against Eric, so he said. "Have you ever seen your mother naked?"

Eric was caught off guard, because he always wanted to see his mother naked but never had the opportunity as she was a modest person around the boys. "My mother is very modest I have only seen her in her bra and panties a few times and that was by accident." He stated before he could think.

With his knowledge as an attorney William could read Eric's thoughts by his body language. He would love to see his mother naked, so William continued. "I will give you the job if you can bring your mother into my office and have her get naked for my inspection with you here as witness. I will start you off at five thousand dollars over average for a lawyer who hasn't passed the bar, and give your mother a five thousand dollar raise, if you can have her come into my office and strip. I want to explain her new duties to her if it gets that far." William stated unsure he will find himself on the wrong side of a lawsuit, before the day was out.

Shocked but also intrigued by the revelation that William was in lust with his mother Eric asked. "So, if I get my mother to come in here and she strips for you. I get the job and mom gets, a raise?"

"Precisely, you are a quick study Eric." William stated with triumph.

"Let me go out and talk to my mother." Eric said as he went to the door and left the room. "Mom I need to talk to you. Somewhere private!" He stated mysteriously, but excitedly.

"We can go to the conference room it is free presently." She stated as she arose, escorted him to the room, and shut the door. What is this all about Eric, did you get the job?"

"First of all, let's start at the beginning. Mom, William wants a relationship with you."

"I know that, he has asked me out for the last year, I don't want to be considered a gold digger."

"Well, you will have to make a decision presently if you want a considerable raise and me to have a job. You will have to do as he asks."

"What will that be?"

"I will let William explain." Eric said mysteriously as he ushered his mother out of the conference room, into William's office, and shut the door behind him.

While Eric was out of his office, William found a confidentiality document for both to sign. "You have to sign this document first before we continue." William stated when the mother and son re-entered his office.

"Wow this must be a doozy if we have to sign this." Sandy stated as she signed and dated the agreement along with her son. "I don't have to do what is asked if I don't agree." She thought.

"Thank you for signing the document. Sandy what will you do to secure a job for Eric and a large raise for yourself?" William Asked.

"Anything that is legal." Sandy stated simply as she looked from her son to her boss.

William gestured to Eric it was all up to him presently to secure his job with WM&W Law.

"Well Mom, it is my pleasure to tell you I negotiated a five thousand dollar raise for you and I was offered a job at five thousand dollars over rate to start here. As you know William has been asking you out and you have refused many times. This has upset him, so in order for me to get this job, you a raise, you will have to strip for him and be inspected with me as witness." Eric stated, his voice cracked with the last part of the statement.

It has been so long that Sandy has been without a man, and this situation was perfect, as it was not her choice to do this, but she was coerced into it, so her son could get the position. She entered a counteroffer. "I will do this, but you will have to pay off my son's college debt for him Mr. Masters."

"If I do that then it will not just be one time, but we will work out a repayment plan, and use your services as the capital for repayment." William stated excited this went better than anticipated, as he wanted Sandy to be indentured to him.

Eric was in awe of the banter as they negotiated for his position and his mother to strip. His mother was excited along with William at the prospect of her son in the organization and the prospect she will be on display in the most intimate way.

"Bring out the contracts before you see the goods Mr. Masters." Sandy said with an embarrassed smile as she thought that she would have no secrets about her body before she leaves this room if all goes well. She was both excited that these two men want to see her naked and scared they will be disappointed.

Within a half hour a rough draft of the contract was signed.

"Well Eric your wish has come true you will see mommy naked, and William I hope your not disappointed. Eric, help me undress please." Sandy stated as she turned her back to Eric to have him unzip her dress before she lost her nerve.

Eric was a bundle of nerves; he was all thumbs as he unzipped and unhooked her dress. It fell to the floor, she had mis-matched, bra and panties on with panty hose. "I wish I knew I would have to strip for my boss and son today before I left for work this morning. I would have put on a sexy set of intimate garments." She thought as Sandy pushed her pantie hose down, sat on a chair, so Eric could remove her shoes and bring the garment the rest of the way down.

He picked up her dress and put it over a chair before he continued with his fantasy to see her mother nude. Eric knelt in front of his mother, he lovingly removed her shoes and set them under the chair with the dress. He hooked his thumbs on each side of the pantie hose and pulled them down the rest of the way. When his mother lifted her leg, he received a whiff of her excited sex. Her scent was intoxicating. He became excited and this embarrassed him. He put the pantie hose with the dress and shoes.

William was enamored by Sandy's beauty. Her body was magnificent. She was even more beautiful than he imagined when he wanked off in bed at night, as he thought of her. He has not had the desire to be with a woman since his wife pasted, other than Sandy.

"Well boys have you seen enough, or do we go all the way?" Sandy asked boldly as she could see she had their attention by the bulge in their pants.

Both men looked at the mature woman with love, she was more beautiful than they could imagine.

William took the lead. "It is up to you; if you want to continue presently, or cancel for today, and we can continue at a later date. Sandy, tell us what you want to do."

This last remark from William frustrated Sandy. Up until that point Sandy was brought back to a happier time with her husband. When his Army buddies got together Sandy would go with her husband Joe to parties with the other Warrant Officers in his squadron. She would end up nude after she danced and stripped for the group per her husband's request. Presently she will have to make the decision, and this will cause her guilt.

"Eric, you want to see mommy naked don't you." She stated as she looked in her son's eyes.

He remembered how his father would tell Sandy to wear; dresses, tight shorts, and brief two-piece swimsuits. So, he surmised his mother wants him to instruct her to strip completely. "Mom I think you should get it over with and strip so Mr. Masters can inspect your body." He stated as a command.

"Well, if you want to see Mommy naked you will have to help. I am embarrassed and can't remove the remainder of my garments myself." She mimicked embarrassment, but in reality, she couldn't wait to be gloriously exposed in front of her boss and her son.

Sandy faced William, Eric moved in back of his mother and fumbled with the hooks to her bra, finally it came undone, and he removed the garment for William to get the first look at Sandy's lovely breasts. She handed her bra to Eric and he put it on the pile of clothes on the chair. He hooked his thumbs into the side of his mother's panties and pushed them down. She held onto his shoulder as he helped her one foot at a time to remove her last vestige of modesty.

His nose was only inches away from his mother's sex when he helped her with her panties. He could tell she was extremely excited by her scent and the wetness of her pussy lips, which he received a glimpse of when he removed her panties.

As Eric disrobed his mother William received visual pleasure from the action. Sandy's large breasts with erect nipples came into view her mammary glands, sagged just enough to know they were real. When Eric pushed her panties down William noted that the hair on her pussy was a little darker than on her head and was covered with moisture. Sandy was excited. The room filled with her scent when she lifted her leg to have her son remove her panty.

"Would you mind walking over to the desk and bending over it with your elbows on the desk and your legs spread Sandy so I can inspect your lovely femininity that I have fantasized about for many years."

It was the first look at his mother completely naked and Eric was very excited and feared he will cum shortly. Eric took notice of her lovely breasts and coiffured vaginal area. His mother was lovely he thought.


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