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Ravi on seeing her stood motionless and let his eyes roam over her body. She was looking strikingly beautiful and sexy. The orange color of the sarong had faded to almost skin color and he saw his mother looking demure in the bikini. Mala on feeling his eyes feasting over her lush body pushed him into the water. Ravi staggered and fell on his back. Mala moved over him and crisscrossing her feet on either side of his waist stood over him. Ravi had a devils view of her body. He saw her rich thighs barely a few inches from him. He lifted both his arms and held her by her thighs. Mala's body sizzled on his touch. Only the thin veil of her sari was in between his hands and her thighs. His hands started to pull the thin covering of her sari but as she had pinned it he could not remove it.

'This is not fair' he said.

'What's not fair' she asked, lowering her self over him and laughing?

'This' he said tugging her sari.

'Why? there is nothing wrong in it,' she said.

'It is covering your bikini' he replied.

'You too are covered' she said looking at his loose shirt.

'I am helpless. My hands are tied' he said gripping her thighs for support.

'Shall I,' she asked tugging at his shirt.

'Be my guest' he replied.

Mala stooped down and taking hold of his shirt she started undoing its buttons. She took her own time in undoing them. When she came to the last button she twisted the shirt on her fingers. And when Ravi nudged her she undid the last button. She then caught both the flaps of his shirt and pulled it away from his body. Ravi had to help her out in removing from his hands.

It was Mala's turn to gaze at his body. Her eyes feasted on his masculine chest. She dragged her eyes on his muscled arms and chest. She drifted her hands over his chest. She caressed the upheavals of his chest. She let her fingers nibble his nipples and slightly pinched them. She was getting excited by the minute. She slid her hands over the curve of his navel. She moved her hands over his belly button and further down. Then her eyes fell on his shorts. It was ballooned up like a small tent. On deeper scrutiny she saw the bulge in his short which was heaving up and down. Her eyes were still focused on it when she heard Ravi say 'do you like it.' She shifted her gaze and said 'you are a devil'.

'Your little devil' he replied.

'Do you call it little' she said on the spur of the moment.

'I don't know, you should know better' he answered back.

'It's awesome' she replied.

'How can you say when you have not seen it' he asked

'I don't need to see it. I can judge by its impression'. She replied coolly.

'Be sure, look at it' he said.

'I have seen it' she replied.

Ravi was baffled by her answer. 'When' he shot the question to her?

'When you were a cute little boy,' she alleged smilingly.

'Ah! That. That was a long time ago', he replied.

'Yes, it was a long long time ago,' she repeated his words emphasizing them.

'Do you see any change now,' he said and waited for her answer.

'You are too much Ravi' she said.

'Yes, I have grown a lot,' he replied laughingly.

'I did not mean that' she shot back.

'Look at it. Be sure of its size,' Ravi replied continuing the conversation.

'No, never' she replied.

'But I want to see' he spoke softly.

'What' she murmured.

'What you don't want me to see'.

Ravi could not put the words directly that he wanted to look her up.

'Then see it, who is stopping you, I am going,' she said straightening up.

'Wait' he hissed.

'What for' she questioned?

'I did not mean mine' he insisted.

'Then who's 'Roger's she asked mischievously.

'You can look at Roger's; I want to see yours'. He blurted out.

'Ravi' she screamed and left him. Taking a few steps she stopped as suddenly she felt a hot desire running through her body on having heard the name Roger.

As Mala stopped, Ravi rushed and pulled her to him.

This time Mala did not resist him. Her body went limp and she felt his shaft wedge her back.

'Now what' she asked.

'Get closer' he said nudging his body to hers.

'Why' she asked as she plastered her body to his.

'I need something to cool down' he said, clinging to her body.

'Enough' she asked when her body was totally glued to his.

'Yes' saying this he encircled his hands around her waist.

Mala feeling his bare hands on her waist was steamed up. She moved her head back till she could brush her cheeks over his.

Ravi dug one hand inside the sarong and caressed her waist.

Mala turned her face to his, which had moved down her shoulder and peeping at her bosom.

Ravi slid his hand over her navel. Mala shuddered at his touch and opened her mouth and let out a soft moan.

Ravi pushed his hand up which encountered the thin fabric of her bikini top.

Mala brushed her lips over the nape of his neck.

Ravi then brought the other hand in front. He loosened his grip on her and asked Mala to lift her hands and hold him.

Mala lifted her hands and bringing above his head she held him.

This movement made Mala's breasts to creep up from the bikini top.

Ravi had a bird's view of the top of her creamy breasts. He pushed breasts up from underneath her bikini top. This exposed more flesh of her jutted breasts.

Ravi's pecker intensified its dimension. He was getting harder.

Mala felt its heat and hardness just above her buttocks. She dipped her body a little. Ravi's pecker wedged into the softness of her buttocks and this also made his hands cover her breasts. Ravi grasped both her breasts in his hands.

Mala started wriggling her lower body. She was grinding his shaft on her buttocks.

Ravi was getting steamed up. He let his hands slid over her breasts and gripping the thin sarong he tore it out of her body.

Mala sizzled, she started moaning and when Ravi tried to do the same to her bikini top; she stopped him and said 'the hook is at the front'.

Ravi unhooked the front of her bikini and as he spread it across her chest, he was surprised when he encountered the thin bra she had put underneath it.

'What's this for' he asked cupping her bra in his hands?

'To make you work hard' she replied.

'Or do you like me undressing you' he shot back.

'Both' she replied.

'Mom' they are beautiful' he said caressing the soft flesh.

'Do you like touching them' she spoke tenderly?

'I love them more if I can see them' he said.

'Take a peep' she welcomed him.

'No, I want them fully exposed' he replied.

'Wait'. Saying this she manipulated the bikini top out from her body by bringing one hand behind her back she unhooked her bra and said 'yes'.

Ravi's cock was pulsating. His eyes were eager to look at the mound of flesh. He held the straps of her bra in his hands and gently slid them down. The cups of her bra gave way and the marvelous vision of her rich breasts with dark brown nipples came into view.

Ravi dug his face further down. It had almost reached the top of her breasts. He started staring at them. His gaze and the closeness of his face on her breasts made Mala go crazy. 'Hold them' she cried out.

Ravi gripped them and started squeezing them in both hands. He then manipulated his shaft in between the crack of her buttocks. Mala cried out in delight and pushed her back, making his shaft wedge deeper into her buttocks.

Ravi cried out in ecstasy. He lifted his face to hers.

Mala held his head and bringing her face down kissed his lips.

Ravi started to shag her buttocks. He was wedging deeper and deeper.

'Remove your bikini' he cried out.

'No' said Mala.

'Why' asked Ravi?

'It's forbidden' she hissed.

Ravi understood it. He did not want to force her. But still he wanted something special to make him come. He dipped a hand down and holding her thigh he lifted up the sarong and pushed his shaft in between her buttocks. He got a good leverage at the bottom of her buttocks. He started pumping her.

Mala's mind went out of control. She started helping him by widening the gap.

Ravi quickened his pace. Mala sucked his lips in her mouth.

As Ravi's pace accelerated, his shorts gave way and his shaft popped out.

Mala felt his naked shaft underneath her buttocks. She could not control any longer. She pressed her tongue deep inside his mouth and ravishing his tongue she creamed out.

Ravi now feeling his naked shaft under her hot buttocks was screaming 'I am coming; I am coming, hold me,' he said.

'Yes, yes,' said Mala and as her soft hand touched his iron hot shaft, she felt him shoot his sperm which evaded her hand and landed on her naked thighs.

Ravi held her and did not leave her till his spasms resided.

After a couple of minutes when he did not move, Mala hissed 'Are you satisfied?'

Ravi took a few seconds before replying 'for the moment, yes,' he said.

'Then do you need more' she questioned him?

'Obviously' he said.

'My boy, my boy' saying this she hugged him.

Ravi took her in his arms and embracing her he guided his hand in between their bodies and caressing her waist down below, he asked 'when can I have this'.

'That is forbidden territory' she replied.

'No, I just want to see it' he said.

'Why, have you not seen any' she asked jokingly.

'No, never,' he replied.

'Then you have to ask Jade for it' she said teasingly.

'I am more interested in yours' he replied.

'Ravi you are crazy and moreover what's wrong with Jade' she questioned naughtily?

'It's not forbidden' he replied.

'As if Jade will agree' she shot back.

'That's not important' he replied.

Mala was thinking whether it would be possible for her to coax him in getting Jade. She was thinking about Roger too. She shook her head and cleared her thoughts when Ravi asked 'What are you dreaming about'.

'I am devising a plan to move away from my crazy son' she said mischievously.

'It's impossible, but keep dreaming' he said.

Mala then dislodged herself saying 'I am hungry.'

'Hungry for what' asked Ravi.

'You idiot' she said. 'I am starving. Remember we have not eaten anything.'

Both of them steadied their dresses and moved towards the canopy. Their Ravi rang Roger on his Mobile.

Roger came along with Jade in a matter of seconds implying they were close by.

Mala felt delighted on seeing him. She gave him a big smile and as Ravi ordered supper, she had a fleeting glance over Roger's body. He possessed a good muscled body; no where in comparison with her son and the impression in his shorts was amazing. She even looked at the dark complexion of Jade. She was a black beauty with just the right figure at the right place. Immediately she felt it would be advantages for both of them and smiled to herself.

Though Roger had not seen Mala eyeing him, but Jade was quick enough to picture it. She too smiled at the prospect of what Mala was thinking.

After an hour or so, finishing their supper, Ravi and Mala took a stroll under the half moon sky. It was neither dark nor the moonlight was bright. Mala had worn a flowing skirt with loose painted top which Ravi had provided. Ravi was still in his shorts and a shirt.

They strolled lazily with their arms entwined and as they came across a big palm tree, they sat underneath it with their backs to its trunk. As Ravi held her hand in his, Mala eyes wandered to the other corner of the beach. There she could faintly see the silhouette of Roger and Jade wading in the water. From her position it was not clear whether they were dressed or naked, but her instinct told her they were naked. She suddenly felt the yearning to join them but as Ravi was with her she could not even dream of it.

Ravi saw from the corner of his eye Mala staring at the swimming figures. It was his devilish mind which had conceived the plan. He was behind everything that took place in that Island. He smiled to himself as he saw his plan working.

Without showing a hint of suspicion of reading her mind, Ravi stared deeply into her eyes, posing her many naked questions. This brought Mala to reality and realizing that her first preference was towards her son, her eyes gleamed and questioned him 'Now what are you thinking, my son'?

As if in response to it Ravi said 'Let me lie on your lap.'

'Yes, but don't be naughty' saying this she set her legs straight to accommodate him and patted her lap.

Ravi laid his head on her lap and holding the strands of hair, he pulled her face closer.

Mala bent her face down. Ravi caught both her cheeks in his hands and caressed her lips with his fingers.

Mala opened her mouth giving access to his fingers.

Ravi thrust his middle finger inside her mouth and with his wet finger he drew a line from her lips down her chin and over her throat to the "V" of her chest.

Mala started getting excited. She moaned.

Ravi thrust his finger over her loose top searching for the buttons and not finding them he said; 'remove it'.

Mala caught hold of the hem of her top and obediently pulled it over her head.

Ravi now looked at the black brassiere covering her fair breasts.

He snuggled his face on her bosom and kissing the top of her exposed breasts said 'nurse me'.

Hearing those words Mala's body trembled with desire. She brought one hand down and lifting one cup of bra released her right breast to his mouth.

Ravi did not move. Seeing this Mala placed the other hand beneath his head and lifting him like a baby she trust her nipple into his mouth.

Ravi then started sucking her breast.

Mala was ecstatic. Screaming 'my baby, my baby' she drew him to her chest like a mother.

Ravi played the game to the full extent. He sucked one breast while he played with the other like a child does.

Mala went wild with pleasure. She brushed his forehead with her lips and smacked it.

Ravi then moved his hand over her thighs. He let it roam over her thighs like a baby. Mala did not object to it and Ravi taking it for granted started to raise her skirt.

Mala caught his hand lightly with hers. Ravi continued pulling her skirt up. Her skirt was over her knees. Ravi felt her naked thighs and slipped his hand along hers inside. Mala held his hand hard.

Ravi moaned like a child crying to be let free.

Mala again bowed to his request.

Ravi pushed his hand deeper. He felt the inner side of her thighs. They were scorching with heat.

Ravi tried to gain more access but in the position he lay he could not reach any further. Dejected he held her hand and brought it over his thighs.

Mala placed her hand softly on his thighs.

Ravi widened his thighs and Mala's hand slid down below his shorts.

For the first time she too felt the scorching heat of his body. This made her crave for more and before Ravi could lift his mouth from her breast and say 'touch me,' Mala had slid her hand inside his loose shorts. Mala felt the material of his underwear. She caressed the part of his buttocks covered by his underwear. Mala too could not get more access as her hand was struck inside his shorts. Realizing this Ravi lifted himself up and shifting over to suck the other breast said 'remove my shorts'.

Mala hesitatingly obliged. She removed her hand and bringing it underneath his buttocks held the waistline of his shorts. Ravi inhaled deeply giving her access to put her hand inside the shorts. Mala slowly rolled down his shorts. She was amazed to see to tiniest underwear she had ever seen. It hardly covered his shaft and most of his pubic hair was visible. Mala went wild by seeing the impression of his pecker covered in a thin veil of cloth. She could easily make out its pinkish head. It looked different from others. Suddenly she realized that he had circumcised it.

'What did you do to this' she asked?

'What' he asked getting aroused to hear his mother talk about his pecker?

'What happened to its covering'? She said as she was getting excited by this lewd talk

'I had it circumcised' he said.

'Why' said she.

'It's the latest trend' he replied.

'Latest trend' she questioned again?

'You should see what they do to their pussies' he replied.

Mala's body trembled on hearing the word 'pussy'. She wanted this conversation to last. She spoke 'What do they do'?

'They get their pussies pierced and metallic rings fixed on them' he said.

'Why' she asked again?

'For better stimulation' he said.

'I can't believe it' she said.

'Shall I show you' he asked.

'What' she questioned?

'Snaps of pussies pierced with rings' he said.

'Do you have any' she asked.

'Many' he said getting up.

'Later' saying this Mala fixed her gaze on his pecker. She could see its head throbbing.

'Why is it throbbing' she asked teasingly?

'What' he questioned'? He wanted her to name it.

'This' she said looking at it intensively.

'I don't know what you are talking about' he said moving around to her other breast.

'Your pecker' she said.

Hearing it Ravi suddenly felt like a million stars flash in his head. He jerked himself which in turn made his pecker pop out of his underwear and said 'it is because you are talking about it' he said.

'Are you getting excited by this talk? Is this what you want'? Does it help you in your hard on'? She put a stream of questions.

'Yes, please continue and hold it in your hand' he said.

'What should I hold' she said sliding his underwear down his thighs.

Ravi's pecker shot up at an angle on being released. It started to vibrate and as Mala saw it fully exposed she trembled with excitement and when Ravi said 'hold my cock' she held his cock in both her hands lovingly. Her body was creaming hearing the word cock.

'Yes, hold my cock, squeeze it' he said.

'Why' she asked caressing it lightly.

'I want to shoot' he said.

'Shoot what' she asked vulgarly.

'I want to shoot the cum in your hands' he said.

'Why my hands' she asked lewdly? Her face had turned red and her tongue was out wetting her lips.

'Because you don't allow me to shoot in yours' he replied.

Mala went crazy on hearing him utter those words; she again said 'in my what'?

'In your cunt' saying it Ravi hugged Mala's body.

Mala shivered and realizing he was about to cum she held his cock in both her hands and started jerking it up and down.

'Yes, yes' said Ravi thrusting his cock deeper in her hold.

'Then shoot it, shoot your cum' said she.

Ravi went wild with excitement. Suddenly he pushed Mala on the ground and lying upon her he rammed his cock which she was holding on her waist and shot his come.

His cum flew from his cock in jerks and landed on her waist below her breasts. It made a pool of white thick liquid that intensified her desires.

After a few moments as Ravi started to get up, Mala staring at his cum said 'look what you have done'? She was still writhing with desires unfulfilled.

Ravi sat up and taking hold of her top, he cleaned his cum and said 'relax, it's my turn now'.

'Your turn to do what' she asked squirming with pleasure?

'To please you, to make you cum' saying this he slid his hands inside the waist band of her skirt.

Mala wriggled her bottom in the heat of the moment,' and moaned softly 'yes, yes'.

Ravi pushed her skirt down exposing her rich mound covered with thick black pubic hair amidst her thin panties and said 'it's captivating'.

'What so captivating' asked Mala twisting her legs?

'Your cunt' saying it he placed his fingers on her hot spot.

Mala jerked her body as she felt his fingers touched her hot cunt.

Ravi feeling excited on touching her hot moist cunt started caressing its lips with his fingers while his thumb circled over the thick bush of pubic hair.

Mala was squirming with pleasure; she moaned a few words which were inaudible.

'It's hot' saying this; Ravi invaded her cunt with his fingers.

Mala cried out in delight.

Ravi then dug his fingers deep into her cunt and feeling its wetness; he pulled his fingers out and licked them

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