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Sauce for the Goose


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She could remember times in that pool when her son had manhandled her the same way Ray was doing with Kim. Greg towered over her now, he was so big and powerful, and she could vividly recall his thick arms holding her tightly. She remembered his hardness pressed against her too.

"Okay, you two, I'm off." She shouted.

Ray and Kim fell silent and turned to Annie. He waded through the water and stood behind his daughter, wrapping his arms round her shoulders, enveloping her whole. Annie noticed the way Kim immediately grabbed hold of those arms, possessively. She didn't notice the way he was grinding his cock into his daughter's ass.

"You going to be gone all day?" Ray asked.

"Most of it. You know what Lisa's like. There's no stopping her when she gets started."

Ray did know what Lisa was like. He knew all about the little arrangement she had with his wife. Kim, on the other hand, was completely unaware. She imagined her mother would be taking tea or playing cards or something. She didn't know what that something actually involved.

"What about food?" Ray said. "Shall I take care of me and Kim?"

"Sure. I'll be eating at Lisa's"

Ain't that the truth, she thought to herself.

"Okay, well have a good time." Ray said.

"See you later, Mom!" Kim screamed, as her father dunked her under the water.

Annie disappeared back into the house.

So, everyone's plans for the days were clear, even if not all the information was mutually shared. Annie would drive the ten miles or so to Lisa's house and submit herself to a day of debauched sapphic pleasure; licking out her friend until her jaw was numb, and then getting pounded with one of the intimidatingly large strap-ons Lisa saved for such occasions. Ray and Kim would take this opportunity to spend a few hours fucking and sucking in various rooms of the family home, before popping out for some sushi or perhaps a nice Italian meal.

All would have gone exactly as intended, but fate decided to play a small yet vital role in the proceedings. Earlier that morning, some hundred miles north, Lisa's older sister was awoken by a shooting pain in her left arm that was insistently spreading to her chest. She didn't know it at the time but she was suffering a mild heart attack. She managed to alert paramedics and was rushed to hospital, where they would end up inserting a stent into one of her arteries.

It took some time, but Lisa was eventually informed. That was why Annie's cell phone started buzzing as she drove to her house.

"Let me take you to the hospital." Annie had said, once the situation had been explained.

"Don't be silly," Lisa had replied. "It's miles away, and you don't want to get involved in family shit

like this. My brother is picking me up, we'll be leaving in the next half hour."

"Okay, well pass on my best to your sister. I love you."

"Okay, sexy. I will. I love you too. Oh, and one more thing. The next time we meet up, I'm going to fucking destroy you. Your cunt won't know what happened to it."

"Is that a promise?" Annie said with a smile.

"You bet."

Neither of them knew it, but that was a promise that was never going to be fulfilled. In fact, the two women were never going to sleep together again. By the time Lisa would return home, and be open to a session with her favourite fuck-buddy, Annie's romantic and sexual situation would be completely transformed. She and Lisa would just be friends and nothing more.

Not that Annie was aware of that fact, as she hung up and turned round, to head home. She was concerned about Lisa, obviously, but she was mostly disappointed and frustrated. She had been looking forward to a long day of indulgence and pleasure, and that was now out of the window. Maybe she could persuade Kim to make herself scarce this evening, and she and Ray could enjoy some time together?

Although it's almost impossible to tear her away from her father, these days, Annie thought. They're practically inseparable.

Soon enough, she parked up on the driveway of her home, her Prius coming to a halt, almost silently in front of the house. She couldn't hear any splashing or screaming or laughing from the pool, she assumed they must have gone back inside. For no reason she could adequately explain, Annie found herself walking down the side of the building, rather than just going through the front door.

As she reached the backyard, she was about to open her mouth and call out for them. But she was suddenly brought to a halt, her body freezing in shock and disbelief. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped. She looked out at the patio and the backyard, and this is what she saw.

Her husband was sat on the edge of the pool, his feet still in the water. He was completely naked, his body glistening with moisture, the sun shining down on him, bathing him in light. His swimming trunks were floating away serenely. Kim was stood in front of him, in the pool, her bikini top now removed, her breasts bobbing in the water; the same way her head was bobbing up and down, as she sucked her father's cock.

Ray had his hand wrapped round her glossy, shiny ponytail; using it as a handle, as he controlled her movements. Up and down she went, his dick emerging and then disappearing inside her mouth. Annie could hear the gurgling, choking sounds of rough oral sex. She had sucked that cock thousands of times, she knew how big it was. She also knew how forceful and powerful her husband could be. She knew how daunting a challenge her daughter faced. But Kim seemed to be coping admirably.

He pulled her head up, and his prick bounced free. Kim gasped for air, her breasts heaving as she panted visibly; then she grinned a dazzling smile in the direction of her father.

"You like sucking Daddy's cock, don't you, you little slut?" He asked her, almost adopting a sort of coochy-coo tone of voice, as if he was talking to a baby.

"Fuck yes!" Kim replied, eagerly and defiantly. "I fucking love it!"

Then, suddenly and without warning, he slapped her face with the palm of his hand. She yelped, her head jolting to one side. If he'd used his other hand, forcing her in the opposite direction, Kim may well have seen her mother stood just a few feet away. Instead, her vision was directed towards the large expanse of lawn that rolled down the hill.

"Again!" Kim said, defiantly.

He slapped her again.


He slapped her harder.

Kim liked pain. She liked it when her father hurt her a little. More than a little, in fact. As with the choking, he had been totally freaked out by this revelation, when they had begun their illicit relationship, but he'd gotten used to it pretty quickly. It was just another element in the strange box of sexual fetishes his daughter revelled in. He couldn't believe how outrageous she was. How filthy. It was like someone had designed his perfect sexual partner and created her in human form. Except, of course, Ray had done the creating himself. With a little help from Annie.

Her cheek was glowing, and there was a tiny cut on her lip. She ran her tongue across it, tasting her own blood. She smiled at him once more.

"Thank you, Daddy." She whispered.

He lunged forward and they kissed. An urgent, deep, open-mouthed kiss, their tongues meeting violently. For a minute or more they made out. She continued to jerk him off, her hand gripping him tightly, squeezing him with all her strength. Eventually they pulled themselves apart, both of them staring at each other, hungry with lust and desire. Then she spat on his dick, more for effect than lubrication, and resumed her oral assault. The rhythmic gurgling sound began once more.

By then, Annie had retreated to the side of the house, out of sight of the incestuous lovers. She'd seen enough. She leaned back against the wall, looking up into the sky. Her mind racing, her thoughts an explosion of confusion and horror and disbelief.

How could he?

With our little girl.

How could he do that?

How could she?

One thing was patently clear from the scene she had just witnessed; whatever was going on between her husband and their daughter, it was obviously consensual. Kim was not being raped or molested. She was joining in with gusto. Perhaps it hadn't always been like that? Perhaps Ray had been grooming her for years, brainwashing her into believing this was normal behaviour? Annie didn't really believe that, or, more accurately, couldn't bring herself to believe that, but what was the alternative? How on earth did this begin?

She walked, almost stumbled, back out to the front of the house, and got into her car. She sat there for a few moments, a wave of nausea washing over her. For a second or two she thought she'd have to get out and throw up, but finally the feeling passed. Then, after breathing in and out a few times, trying to settle herself, she turned on the ignition, reversed onto the road, and drove off.

For half an hour or so she didn't know where she was heading. The car just aimlessly passed through familiar suburban streets. She was essentially driving in circles, the same signs and storefronts visible through the windshield. Eventually, she found herself outside a diner. She stopped, her head resting on the steering wheel. She couldn't move. She felt like her body weighed a hundred tons.

What do I do? She thought to herself. Do I go to the police? Do I get him locked up?

What about a divorce? Fucking our daughter would certainly be good grounds for a separation. I'd clean up in court.

These crazed, disparate thoughts ricocheted through her brain. She had no idea what she was going to do. She had no plan of action. Nothing.

Then, as she sat there, outside a Denny's in that trashy part of town called Cotton Heights, not far from the strip mall where Ray and Kim would often go to fuck, her cell phone rang. She picked it up, wondering if it was her husband. Perhaps he'd seen her. Perhaps he knew he'd been caught with his hand in the figurative cookie jar.

But no, it wasn't him. It was her son. The name Greg appeared on the screen and she quickly answered it, an almost overwhelming sense of relief washed over her.

"Hello! Hello!" She was almost screaming into the phone.

"Hello, Mom? Are you okay?" He asked.

She paused for a few seconds. Am I okay? Well, that's a big fucking question, isn't it?

"Yes...yes, I'm fine."

"You sounded a bit...weird."

"No, no, I was just happy to hear your voice. Can't a mother be pleased to hear from her favourite child?"

"Favourite son, don't you mean?"

"Yes, yes of course."

Both Greg and Kim knew the way the family dynamics worked in the Clemence household. They both knew which parent they were closer to, but it was rarely acknowledged out loud like this.

"Is there some problem, darling?" She asked him.

"No, I just wanted to see how you were. I phoned home, but there was no answer."

"Yes, I was going to see a friend. Your father and sister...well...when I left them they were fooling around in the pool."

Well, that's one way of putting it...

Annie and Greg spoke for a few moments, and she asked him how things were going. He told her what he and his friends were getting up to - or at least a PG-13 version - and she made a fairly convincing job of pretending to listen. Eventually the conversation drew to a close.

"Okay, Mom, I'll see you tomorrow evening."

"Sure thing, sweetheart, stay safe."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, baby, more than you could ever know."

He hung up, and she sat there in silence. She was thinking. Ruminating. Wondering.

Annie's life had been completely transformed that day, she just hadn't truly comprehended that fact yet. Everything was going to be different from now on. She had seen things she couldn't un-see. Soon enough, she was going to be doing things she could never have imagined possible. It's not that she knew what was going to happen next. No plan had been hatched, no course had been set.

But a tiny seed had been planted. So small, so modest, she couldn't even really grasp its significance. Yet that seed was going to grow, and strengthen. And before too long, it was going to overwhelm her.

...and her son.

There was a phrase she was grasping for. Some nebulous string of words, just out of mental reach. Annie's mother was from England. She had met her father when he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. They had fallen madly in love and she had moved to the US. If you met her now, you might think she was a native-born American. She sounded like a local, save for the occasional word, where her original accent would suddenly shine through, like a ray of sunlight in a gap in a pair of drapes.

But she also had all these old-fashioned phrases, that used to amuse Annie as a child. Things like, well, you know what thought did, and, if ifs and ands were kettles and pans. Archaic phrases, things people no longer said, even back in the old country.

Annie would ask her what those phrases meant, and her mother would just smile, and say she couldn't remember.

Well, there was a phrase that seemed strangely appropriate right now. What was it?

Suddenly, she remembered. The words had appeared, as if they were ten feet tall and flashing in her mind.

Annie thought about her husband and her daughter, imagining them together, fucking. Fucking and sucking.

And then she thought of her son. Her and Greg.

"What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander." She said out loud, before starting the car and heading for places unknown.

Back home, Ray and Kim were now lying on the bed he normally shared with Annie. After she blew him by the pool, they decided to head back inside. Both of them were totally unaware their secret was out; they had been far too absorbed in their sexual activities to notice Annie's presence. They had taken a shower, Ray fucking his daughter from behind as the hot water cascaded down on top of them.

Now they were merely a heap of towels, sheets and naked bodies. Kim was lying next to her father, her head resting on his chest. Her cheek felt a little tender, but she didn't think it was likely to bruise. The cut on her lip was already healing over. He was gently caressing her shoulder and upper arm. Both of them felt sated, satisfied, content. Ray was dozing off, when suddenly his daughter piped up.

"Are you still fucking around?" She asked him.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"You said you and mom had an understanding. You were allowed to sleep with other women. Are you still doing it?"

"It was only an occasional thing. It's not like I was banging every girl in sight."

"But are you still doing it?"

"No. Of course not."


"You know why."

"Yes, I probably do, but I want to hear you say it."

Ray sighed. Then...

"Because of you. I stopped because of you."

"Go on." She said, a devilishly contented smile spreading over her face.

"I don't want to be with anyone other than you."

"So, you're happy to cheat on Mom, but you won't cheat on me?"


"Why is that?"

Ray sighed once more, an almost comic exhalation.

She needs to hear you say it, he thought to himself.

"I love you more than I love your mother. I want to be with you more than her."

Kim clambered up on top of him, bringing her face close to his. She kissed him, a sweet, almost chaste kiss.

"That's the right answer. I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, baby."

Before too long, the pair of them had fallen contentedly asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.


It was pretty clear that whatever Greg was doing, he was most certainly not camping. He was nowhere near a tent or a fishing rod or a rifle. Nowhere near any of the items you might expect to see in the hands of an aspiring outdoorsman.

Instead, he was in a cheap motel room, not all that far from home, having sex with two girls. Two girls who happened to be sisters. Identical twin sisters.

Which would turn out to be kind of ironic, even though Greg didn't know that yet.

That old adage that the apple never falls far from the tree, certainly applied when it came to Greg Clemence. He may have been more emotionally connected to his mother, but he was, in so many ways, his father's son. They looked alike, for starters. Both of them were tall and broad-shouldered. Ray had, despite all the vigorous exercise he was indulging in with Kim, developed the beginnings of a paunch. Greg, on the other hand, was in absolutely perfect physical condition. He'd also inherited a fair old cock from his old man.

It wasn't just the looks; they shared a similar temperament. And he was also in possession of a gargantuan appetite when it came to chasing cunt. Like his dad, he loved to bone, and being a handsome young man, with charm to burn, Greg didn't find it all that difficult to satisfy his needs.

Camping was almost a special codeword he and his buddies had, when they wanted to get laid. They'd head downtown, book a few rooms in a cheap hotel, and then hit the clubs. His friends were all good looking guys, so finding chicks to bang was never much of a chore. But he was numero uno in the pussy hound stakes, and they all knew it. He was the most handsome of them all, and he had a kind of charm and confidence the others didn't share.

It was a Saturday night, the club was packed, and you could almost smell the testosterone and pheromones in the air. As soon as Greg clamped eyes on the two girls, he knew his target was set. His pals had sat back, quietly cheering him on as he made his move. Being a twin himself gave him a perfect in and soon enough the young women were like putty in his hands.

They were called Ruby and Angie. Apparently their parents were big fans of the Rolling Stones. They weren't terribly bright, or terribly interesting. Truth be told, there were more attractive girls on offer in the room, but the tantalising prospect of nailing a pair of twins was all the inducement he needed. Sexually, they were much greater than the sum of their parts.

The three of them spent much of the night on the dance floor, their energy boosted by the pills Greg had bought from a sleazy guy in the restrooms. Before too long, the sisters were openly making out in front of a growing audience of aroused and excited onlookers. This was clearly one of their party pieces, a little bit of performance art they had no doubt been indulging in for years. Everyone clapped and whooped and hollered as their tongues met in a sloppy, frivolous union.

Eventually, with precious little prompting, Greg persuaded the two of them to return to his motel room. They explained to him quite earnestly that they were happy to fuck him separately, but they wouldn't fool around with each other. This was an arrangement they had indulged in on numerous occasions before, and no one had ever offered any complaints. He readily agreed, happy to nail both of them, whatever the stipulations, but before too long the twin sisters were eating each other out with a familiar and well practiced relish.

This wasn't Greg's first ménage a trois - he'd been quite a busy boy since losing his virginity at a fairly indecent age; there were few things he hadn't tried at least once by now - but it was the first time he'd slept with twins. Ruby and Angie were leggy and small-breasted, which for Greg was a bit of a disappointment, but the twin-premium bonus made up for it. Ideally, his preferences were for much more voluptuous women, but he always knew when to be grateful.


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