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Saving Lives and Settling Scores

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Retribution with a twist.
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My alarm is sounding off in my ear as I try to reach over for it, to turn the damn thing off. It's 5am on a Monday morning in February of 2010, I need to get out of bed and get moving to the construction site I'm currently working at. My name is Jason Jones, I'm a twenty-six-year-old electrician working in Anaheim, California and if I don't hurry up, I'll be late.

As I walk into the de-mountable lunchroom onsite, I can see that one of my best friends, Jonas, is already here. We both went to the local high school together, along with our other best friend Shane. Both Jonas and I decided to do trades after leaving school, with Jonas being a carpenter. Shane though, started his career as a Sales Rep instead. He was never the 'work with your hands' kind of guy like me and Jonas.

"Hey Jason, you ready for another fun week?"

"Yeah, if this what you call fun. How did you shape up on Sunday morning by the way? You were putting the drinks away pretty hard on Saturday night." I asked him.

"I was fine, Janey made me a good breakfast yesterday morning to help me recover." Jonas replies.

"I wonder if Shane got the same treatment from Becky too, he was probably a little worse off." I respond.

"Well, he shouldn't have switched to Fireball shots after drinking Vodka all night, that's never gonna end well." Jonas replies as we make our way outside to begin work.

Both of my two best friends have been recently married, Jonas married his wife Janey just over six months ago with Shane's marriage to Becky going on a year and a half now. Shane and Becky were the first of us to get together, they started dating about three years ago, with Jonas and Janey along with myself and my now ex-fiancé Talia first dating about six months after that.

I split up with Talia three months back now, after I found out that the bitch was cheating on me with her boss just two months before when our wedding was going to be. While I've been dealing with that over the last few months, I was surprised on Saturday night when Shane started trying to get me to reconsider getting back with Talia when the three of us all went out for drinks.

I can only assume that his wife Becky put him up to that, as Jonas and I always put shit on Shane about the fact that he's her bitch. That is, Becky has a very strong-willed personality, she always seems to be able to get other people to do what she wants them to, and Shane is always more than willing to comply to keep her happy.

After we all started dating our three girlfriends a few years back, they also then quickly became best friends too. When us three guys would go out for a few beers or go watch a football game, our three girlfriends would spend that time going out with each other. So, I get why Becky would want me to reconcile with Talia, she's probably missing one of her best friends. But Shane? He knows the bitch cheated on me just two months before our wedding; I doubt he'd want to reconcile with Becky if it was her cheating on him instead.

At lunchtime, I spoke to Jonas about Shane asking me to give Talia another chance.

"Can you believe that BS that Shane was saying to me on Saturday night?"

"Which part, we all talked a lot of shit that night."

"About Talia. That maybe I should think about giving her another chance and that everyone fucks up now and then, that she was sorry and still wants me back."

"Really? I don't get it. I'm guessing Becky put him up to it." Jonas answers which gets a smile out of me.

"I was just thinking the same thing. I get why Becky would like me to take her back, so she can hang out with her friend again, but Shane?"

"Well, you might not know this, but Becky and Janey have both been hanging out with Talia since you two split up. They're still all best friends anyway."

"Then if Becky doesn't care if I get back with Talia or not, why would Shane? And also, how is that not gonna get awkward? What happens when I have a new girlfriend, they're gonna hate her because they're still best friends with my ex."

"Who knows. But I don't think you should take her back anyway, I sure as hell wouldn't. She even brought her new guy, Steve with her the last time we all got together."

"What the fuck? You hung out with my ex and the guy she cheated on me with?" I ask Jonas incredulously.

"Well, it wasn't just me and Janey, Shane and Becky were with us too. And in my defense, I didn't know that Talia would be there, or who Steve was and that he'd be joining us either."

"So, Talia cheats on me, and my two best friends are hanging out with the guy my ex cheated on me with? You should've told her to fuck off instead and had a go at him for me too while you were at it."

"Well, I didn't realize at first who he was, I just thought he was someone new she'd met."

"But you figured it out while you were sitting with him, right?"

"Yeah. I had words with Janey about it later, that she shouldn't have put me in that situation. I made it clear to her that I wasn't happy about it and that it's not to ever happen again." Jonas almost pleads.

"That's just weak. It does seem like Becky and Janey want to keep Talia in our group and ditch me instead though. Just remember that us three guys are the only reason they even know each other. And you two definitely shouldn't be hanging out with my ex and whoever she's dating now, especially the guy she fucked me over with."

"Yeah, no arguments from me."

"But I still don't get why Shane would talk to me about getting back with her then, if he knows she's still seeing her boss. I'm gonna need to have a chat with him."

"For sure, but just remember that it's Becky that's wears the pants in their marriage. Go easy on him." Jonas laughs in response.

On Wednesday after work, I agreed to meet Shane for a beer at a bar called 'Sinners' that's not too far from where I live. I've heard that the place is a bit of a hook-up joint at night, but in the daytime it's not so bad. Well, that's according to Shane anyway, I've never actually been in there before.

As I step inside, the place does kinda feel like a hook-up joint. It's more of a club than a bar, and with the decor and styling, it definitely has that sort of hook-up joint vibe going on. I quickly spot Shane sitting at a table on his own, so I go over to join him.

"Hey Shane, how are you for a drink?"

"Hi Jason, can you get me a light beer? I'm driving."

"Sure thing." I respond as I leave our table and walk up to the bar.

The bartender is a woman, about our age and I'd guess her at about twenty-five and quite attractive with short blonde hair and lovely green eyes. What I also notice is that when she looks up at me, she glances back over at Shane before looking back at me. Why do I get the feeling that she knows him?

"One bourbon on ice and a light beer for my gay friend, thanks." I tell her, smiling at my own little joke.

"Coming right up." She responds before getting our drinks.

"I should've known Shane would be a light beer kind of guy, I'm betting Becky has him well and truly neutered." The attractive bartender jokes with me as she returns with our drinks.

"Wait, you know Shane and Becky?" I ask her.

"Yeah, of course. Becky was one of my best friends in high school."

I chuckle at her answer, so she knows that Shane isn't gay after all.

"I'm Rose by the way, and you are?"

"Jason, pleased to meet you."

"Ahh, the Jason that was going to marry Talia. It's good to finally meet you too."

"Is there anything Shane hasn't told you?"

"Shane didn't tell me that, Talia did. I know her and Janey as well as Becky. Don't worry, I won't tell her you were here with your 'gay' friend." Rose chuckles as I smile and shake my head before making my way back to Shane.

"I didn't know that you're a regular here, Shane."

"What makes you think that?"

"Rose, behind the bar. She knows all you guys; except me it seems."

"She probably doesn't know Jonas either." Shane responds.

"Still, why would you come here? Isn't this a hook-up joint? It sure looks like one."

"I don't really come here that often, just occasionally with Becky. She likes to have a drink and dance here every now and then."

"And it doesn't bother you that you're taking her to a hook-up joint where she'll probably spend the whole night getting hit on by random guys?"

"Did it bother you?"


"With Talia. She always came here with Becky too. So, did it bother you?"

"This is the first I'm hearing this. But yeah, it would've if I'd known. But whatever, she's not my problem anymore. Which brings me to why I wanted to catch up with you. Why were you trying to get me to take Talia back on Saturday night if you already knew that she's still dating her boss? The same guy that she cheated on me with. What the hell was all that about?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Becky and I thought that you'd both be happier if you two could get back together again."

"You mean Becky thought that, and you just did what you were told." I smile wryly at my friend.

"That's a low blow. Besides, Becky said that Talia regrets what happened, and that she'd ditch Steve if you were willing to take her back."

"How about she ditches him first, and then comes crawling back to me herself? But no, instead she gets you via Becky to try and do her dirty work while she's still with her boss. So do me a favor, tell Becky you're not talking with me about Talia again, and that if Talia ever wants forgiveness, she can ask for it herself."

"Would you give her that though?"

"Fuck no! But it would be fun to see her begging for it before I tell the whore to go fuck herself."

"I'm guessing Talia already figured that out too, which is why Becky wanted me to sound you out instead." Shane responds to me.

"Yeah, whatever. But no more talking to me about her, okay? Also, what's with you guys hanging out with her anyway? And not even telling me that you're all going out for drinks together, but with Talia and Steve instead. That's a bit fucking low."

"She's Becky's friend too you know."

"Doesn't mean you have to join them. If the three girls want to still hang out, whatever. But I'd expect that my two best friends wouldn't be hanging out with my ex and her new guy. I'd have no interest in hanging out with Becky if you two broke up and she found someone new. None whatsoever."

"I get it, and don't worry, I'll talk with Becky. I think the three girls just want to keep everything the same and were hoping that me and Jonas would go along with them."

"Okay, fine. I don't mean to be busting your balls, but this whole thing with Talia is giving me the shits."

"Yeah, I understand. Listen, I'm gonna have to go, I just got a call for a last-minute client meeting starting shortly while you were up at the bar. I need to go back into the office."

"Alright, you're still good for Saturday night though?" I ask Shane as he gets up to leave.

"Yeah, of course I am. See you then, Jason."

As I finish my bourbon, I decide to have another one or two while I'm here. Maybe I'll go sit up at the bar and chat to the pretty blonde bartender, Rose. Maybe find out what else she knows.

"Another one?" Rose asks as I sit down on a stool up at the bar.

"Yeah, thanks."

As she pours my drink, I remember that she said she knows Talia, Janey and Becky, and that she was best friends with Becky in high school. I'm wondering if she's still best friends with Becky now, and just how well does she know the other two.

"So, you went to high school with Becky? What was she like back then? Still manipulating everyone to do what she wanted?"

"Yeah, she hasn't changed much."

"And how about Talia and Janey? Did you meet them here through Becky?"

Right then Rose holds her finger up to signal for me to put our conversation on hold as she has a few other patrons up at the bar now wanting drinks. After serving them, she makes her way back to me as I can see yet more people coming up to the bar as the place is starting to get busier.

"Sorry, but I don't really have the time to sit and chat with you right now. Are you with anyone?" Rose asks me when she has a moment.

"Nah, Shane just left."

"I meant; do you have a girlfriend?"

"Oh, no I don't."

"Good, what say we catch up for a coffee tomorrow?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I respond with a cheeky grin.

"No, I just wanted to be sure that I wasn't going to be pissing off your girlfriend if you had one. So, coffee?"

"Yeah, sure. Can we make it at lunchtime though? I start work early, but I'm not far from here."

"There's a café just down at the end of this block. Twelve o'clock tomorrow?"

"Deal." I reply, as I then watch the attractive blonde go about her work, smiling at the other customers while she serves them.

I decided to leave after my drink, I'm looking forward to talking more with Rose tomorrow, even if she swears it's not a proper date.


As I enter the cafe, I hear my name being called out, I turn to see the good-looking Rose waiving over at me. Wow, she looks even hotter than she did at the bar, with natural light streaming in through the windows, I can now see just how pretty she really is.

"Hi Rose, you're looking great today."

"Starting off with flattery, I see. How about you go order yourself some lunch instead." Rose replies with a nice smile.

"How about you?"

"Already ordered, you're late."

"Yeah, sorry. I've been busy this morning onsite." I reply as I go up to the counter to order.

While waiting to be served, I can't help but look back at Rose once more. I notice that she has a small intricate tattoo on her right forearm leading down to her wrist, also another little one on her neck. Apart from that, she's quite stunning to look at. She's definitely attractive, with those lovely green eyes and a wonderful smile when she decides to show it, and her breasts appear to be a decent size too for a girl so thin. Maybe I have a shot, who knows?

After placing my order, I sit back down in front of Rose, as she glances up from her phone for a moment before looking back at it once more.

"So, Rose. Why did you want to meet me here today if it's not a date?" I ask cheekily.

Rose looks up at me from her phone before placing it down on the table.

"You're the one that wanted to know about your ex and her friends. I'm just here to answer your questions."

"You didn't have to arrange to meet me here for that. You could've just told me at the bar yesterday. Why did you really ask me here? Be honest with me."

Rose's eyes narrow slightly as she looks like she's pouting at me somewhat. She's even prettier when she does that.

"You asked me last night how I knew Talia and Janey, if I knew them through Becky. The answer is yes, I knew Becky first."

"See, that took you all of five seconds to say. Admit it, you only asked to meet me here because you want me, don't you?" I respond with another cheeky grin, but Rose doesn't seem too impressed with me saying that.

"So, you don't want to know anything else about them then?"

"Nah, I don't really care about Talia now to be honest. We split up three months back after I got tipped off that she was sleeping with her boss."

"So, the fact that she was cheating on you way before she met her current boss doesn't bother you either?"

"What? Hold on, what are you saying? That Talia was cheating on me with other guys before she met her boss?"

"Geez, you're quick. I can see why she picked you." Rose answers sarcastically.

"Hey, give me a break, I'm just a little surprised, okay. How do you know that she was cheating on me anyway?"

"I've known Talia for about four years now, before she even started dating you. I've watched her as she's gone home with loads of handsome guys during that time."

Rose replies, before casually looking back at her phone once again.

"That fucking bitch." I respond almost under my breath.

"Well, now you know that you dodged a bullet, don't you? Imagine finding all this out after you married her." Rose continued.

"Yeah, fuck that. Still, I'm finding it hard to believe that she was cheating on me the whole time we were together, are you sure?"

"Yeah. I've watched all three of them leave my club with plenty of guys over the last few years."

"Wait, are you saying that Becky and Janey have been cheating on Shane and Jonas too?"

"You really should've been a brain surgeon, with an aptitude like yours." Rose replies while smirking.

"Hey, quit with the smart-ass comments, can you? We're talking about my best friend's marriages here. I just hope you're not making all this shit up."

Rose puts her phone down again while letting out a sigh.

"Alright, let me spell it out for you because you seem a little slow. Becky, Talia and Janey are all sluts. Always have been, always will be. They married you three guys so they could set up home, to look respectful and have you guys pay for everything while they continue to have their fun on the side. Is that clear enough for you or do you need me to draw you some pictures too?"

"Why are you being such a bitch to me right now?"

"Why were you acting like an asshole in thinking that I only asked you here because I wanted you?"

"Okay, maybe I got a bit ahead of myself." I respond.

"You think?"

"Alright, can we start over again?" I reply as I shake my head a little.

"Hi, I'm Jason Jones. I'm a twenty-six-year-old electrician and just got screwed over by my fiancé of two and a half years." I add while holding out my hand to Rose.

Rose sighs again before reaching out her hand to shake mine.

"Hi Jason, I'm Rose Williams. I'm a twenty-five-year-old Bar Manager and I've been watching you get screwed over by your fiancé for the last two and half years. Pleased to meet you."

"Okay, now can you tell me about all this without hating on me as much as Talia does."

"Sure, what do you want to know Jason?"

"You just said that all three of them have been sluts together since before they met us, but that isn't right. They only know each other through me and my two best friends, after we started dating each of them."

"No, they were best friends before they met any of you." Rose replies.

I'm sitting here shaking my head, none of this makes any sense. As far as I know, they only met each other as our girlfriends, yet Rose is saying they were already best friends.

"You're not getting it are you? They've played you and your friend Jonas. Becky, Talia and Janey were already best friends when Becky first met Shane and they started dating. When Becky met you and Jonas, that's when she decided to set you both up with her two best friends. That way they could all still hang out together, but more importantly, they could still go out and fuck other guys together too. She even bragged to me about it."

"So, Talia only got with me because I was Shane's best friend? The same with Janey and Jonas too?"

"Yep, they would laugh about just how perfect it all was."

"Why are you telling me this? I thought that you're still best friends with Becky too?"

"Nah, I quit being best friends with Becky in high school and I've never really liked Talia and Janey at all. I just smile and pretend to like them when they're chatting up at the bar. You'd be surprised by how much people tell you when they think you're their friend, and when they're a bit drunk too." Rose chuckles.

"I still don't get why you're telling me now, though. What's in it for you?"

"Why does there have to be anything in it for me? Maybe I just don't like how they've been playing you guys for fools."

"But you don't even know us. Well, me and Jonas anyway. Have you mentioned any of this to Shane?"

"Why would I? He's been a part of this little charade from the beginning. I bet if you think back, it was Shane you were with when you first met Talia, wasn't it?"

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