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All Comments on 'Scheherazade and the King Ch. 06'

by millennialfox

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lillibeth3lillibeth3about 9 years ago

SO happy to see an update! It was worth the wait <3 amazing

mftz1mftz1about 9 years ago

Thanks for the new chapter. Really enjoying your story.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimabout 9 years ago

So Jafar and Bro bat for the other side. Just love that little twist.

This is a lovely tale and all starting to join together nicely.

Thank you.

xxClarexxxxClarexxabout 9 years ago
Yay it's back!

What a wonderful chapter! Gosh he's so awful. What's with these male prorosa-blanca.ru that can only ever be decent when the chick isn't awake to know about it! Gahhhh. Just perfect - sad, beautiful and some great plot development too! I'm thrilled with this update! And poor Scheherezade she's been through so much 😞😞😞 I just want her to be happy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Love your story.

Thank you for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I cannot wait for Chapter 7. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful tale. I hope he finds redemption and she gets justice.

kalidevakalidevaabout 9 years ago
yay update!

Yes! A new chapter! And one so deliciously twisty too, bff and the baby bro in cahoots, and finally the beginning of our heroine's back story. Gripping as always- can't wait for the next chapter!

JayEss90JayEss90about 9 years ago
Jafar and Shazaman!!

What a great twist to this story. I loved this chapter so much keep writing

CUSpacecowboyCUSpacecowboyabout 9 years ago

Good story but its hard to keep track of whose name is whose Or can you at least put how you pronounce them, as it is I don't even bother with the names because I have no idea how they're said.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Amazing chapter !

Imagine my surprise when I saw this new chapter ! Thought you gave up on us , but what a wonderful chapter you gifted ! Love it and can't wait for the next chapter ! Hopefully sooner this time (;

cuntakintecuntakinteabout 9 years ago
Soooo happy<3333

Great chap. Things are getting so interesting. I really like how this is based off of an actual book (very loosely, of course - you pretty much just kept some of the characters and their background intact from what I can tell) from so long ago. Anyway, so happy you're back! I love how the relationships between the characters are progressing and how the story seems to have so much more going for it.

Belle_MarieBelle_Marieabout 9 years ago

I love this story!!!! It's so well-written, always interesting and adding a new twist, and I can't wait for more. Please add the next chapter soon!!!!!

MadzillahMadzillahabout 9 years ago

Simply....astounding. I am riveted.

tati89tati89about 9 years ago

As usual, great chapter. Love that Shariyar obviously cares about Sche even though he's acting like a lil schoolboy. You know the type who bullies his crush just because he wants her more than he's willing to admit. :p Also, loved that this story is not a cliched magic dick syndrome scenario. Sche is still resilient and strong. Love her and love this story!

CrissySnowCrissySnowabout 9 years ago

Him. Ass hole. Good long wait for this.

AEisMeAEisMeabout 9 years ago
Happy to see this updated!

I'm so happy that you updated and hope another update will follow soon. **crosses fingers**

The revelation that the women Shariyar sentenced to the desert didn't actually die caught me by surprise. That and the fact his brother talking about how caring he was in his past made me nervous that he was suddenly going to turn into the 'poor, misunderstood hero.' Thankfully (though unfortunate for Scheherazade) he stayed true to the rotten, sadistic bastard he's been. Don't get me wrong. I want him to be redeemed. But it needs to be a long process where he truly repents for his actions (plus gets a little bit o' the payback in the pain department). Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Amazing story

cant get enough.

theprayerpositiontheprayerpositionabout 9 years ago

Great chapter! Loving the character development.....I just hope we don't have a terribly long wait for Ch.#7

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
When is the next chapter coming out????

I really really love this story! So excuse me if I write some of the things I love and hate.


-I wish Sche would really fight back with that asshole. Like punch him in the face or something like that. I feel like she's been through so much shit with him that a little victory on her part would be very most welcomed.

-The character's back story is still a mystery. I would love to see more of her past and who she really is. And why the fuck is she enduring all those things for her "eternal purpose". A looottt of questions are still unanswered.

-The asshole king should be at least consistent. One night he cares for her then the next night, he's beating the shit out if her. It's kind of tiring really. Sche has already gone through so much rape that I hope in the next chapter fate would be kinder to her.

-The WAIT. I know this is your story but after waiting for 7 months I hope you don't leave us hanging that long.


-This story! I loved it despite its flaws. Its a very intriguing story that would leave you wanting more.

-Sche's spirit. Boy am I glad she doesn't suffer from the Magic Dick Syndrome a lot of heroine fall into. I hope she doesn't suddenly ~fall in love with~ the king because he's just a poor misunderstood boy. Boo hoo!!! I hope you give us a bit of fanservice and let Sche watch him suffer for all the shit he put her through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
long wait but worth it

Please dont make me wait this long again! I love this story i read it from beginning to end each time you update!! Its always worth it but i am greedy and asking for moreeee

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I love this story and the conflicts within the characters, so pleased ur still writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

After the long wait, I was excited to see this new chapter posted. Unfortunately, having read this chapter, I have to say I honestly felt a little underwhelmed by it. Writing seems a little scattered and clumsy than your previous chapters. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the next chapter to see how the story unfolds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
One of the best heroines here

I could have died from happiness when I saw a new chapter. And I'm glad that sche has still some fight in her. I mean most of the stories I have read, the herroine falls in love with the bastard or with his magical dick that can so magically satisfie them. It makes me so mad, but I'm very happy to know that your heroine isn't one of those wimpy girls. And finally something about her past.

CopperflowerCopperflowerabout 9 years ago
Thank you...

...for publishing and writing a new chapter! Even with the long break, I didn't stop checking in case there would be a new one to read. As always, I think you did an amazing job, and I love the plot twists. Really looking forward to the rest of the story :)

CouchPotatoesCouchPotatoesabout 9 years ago
Just Curious

Is millenialfox gonna answer all the questions in the comment section or she just ignores it? We are dying to get an update so please hurry with the next chapter!!! Oh and like the other readers, it would be nice to know if Sche would somehow win against Shariyar in the next chapter! Llaaawwddd us readers need to see some light in this dark tunnel. Please update us soon. My heart couldn't take it anymore if Scheherazade could undergo any more rape & humiliation. Please let her have a happy ending :-(

poeticlicense91poeticlicense91about 9 years ago
Worth the wait

Thank you for sharing, regardless of how long the wait is between updates, know that some of us may forever be checking and hoping for the rest of the story. You have a true gift, and we are lucky to be afforded the gift of reading your work. Much respect and admiration!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
The last straw

It's funny how we all have such varied limits but mine was his spitting in her face after already demeaning her with yet another oral rape. It wasn't degrading enough to leave her with his disgusting cum dripping down her face. No.. He just had to further show his discust and disdain of her with a fat wad of spit in the eye! Yeah I know he's already raped her every way possible. Whipped, starved and tortured her but this is where I get off the ride. I know where this is headed but for me he's just beyond redeption. So what he had ONE bad relationship. Boo fucking hoo! She's endured more than anyone ever should in a hundred lifetimes before she even met him and still has retained her humanity. He deserves to be put down like the rabid animal he is after a year or two of humiliation and torture. Yep. The straw that broke this camels back!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Please finish the story

Hey hey masterful (albeit very kinky) retelling of the 1001

Arabian Nights! Please finish the story. It's thoroughly entertaining!

afridelleafridelleabout 9 years ago

I really look forward to the continuation of this story. I like the twist on Arabian Nights, have always loved twists on old stories :) Nice work developing a fresh plot.

SkylarFallingSkylarFallingabout 9 years ago
Finally got around to commenting

Hey millennialfox!

I've been reading this whole series, but only just got around to commenting. I actually logged in especially, because the android app doesn't let me comment. But it does let me rate! :D

I can't wait for the next part. Like a few of the others, judging by the comments, I felt like him spitting on her actually hurt somewhere that this story hadn't touched before. I'm interested in how you resolve this because one of the most difficult parts about a longer non-con story is how to resolve what has been done to her in a realistic way (but not too realistic, because if it was really realistic then she'd run and never come back and/or murder him and that would be sad, I'm emotionally invested in their fucked up 'relationship').

But don't resolve it too soon. :P

Thank you for a sexy read!

(also I had completely not noticed the whole Arabian Nights thing so I'm trying not to read into that too much).

sweetone66sweetone66about 9 years ago
Wonderfully written!!!

I am amazed... there are so many talented people here on Literotica, and YOU are definitely one of them. Thank you for sharing your writing skills with us millenialfox. I will be diligently waiting and watching for the next installment of this marvelous story!!! Again, thank you for sharing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This is so fantastic. You have no idea how long I've waited for a non con erotic story that has great writing and actual character development and doesn't immediately have one character fall in love with the other or be unnaturally attracted to the abuser. It's great that the characters are human and not completely good or evil, they have depth. Plus, there's an interesting plot. I've definitely seen paid books that your story blows out of the water. Thanks so much for writing this and letting us read it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well done .....

I loved the fact she goes through so much to win a bead back. 14 more to go ......can't wait to hear how she wins those back. I suspect it will be more demeaning before Shariya realises she doesn't come EVER. Looking forward to how this realisation affects him and what he does.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
hoping for more

I do hope that you will be posting more on this story. Great work so far. Love it so much!

25yrs old F NZ

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I honestly cannot wait until the next chapter comes out, it's an amazing story and you're a fantastic writer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Mixed Feelings

I feel like it's one step forward and two steps back with this couple. Personally, I don't think Shariyar has really suffered for all the abuse he's heaped on her (even considering his clear mental instability). I really enjoy your writing, I just really hope that there will be a reckoning for him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I really hope in the next few chapters Shariyar gets what's coming to him. I used to be inclined to feel sympathy for him, but this last chapter just aggravated me. Really glad to see an update though, so thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
praying you are writing or editing the next chapter

Fantastic story so far. Hope it hasn't ended here. I love it. Great work... hope you are writing the next installment, as I am super excited to read what comes next.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Keep writing....

...but please no more abuse for Scheherazade at the hands of Shariyar. We get it. He's a tortured human being who cannot seem to control his sadistic urges. But while I was hoping to see him redeem himself in prior chapters, now I just want to see Scheherazade (or anyone else for that matter) stick a knife in him and put him put out of his pathetic misery. He's lost the potential to be a dominant or sexy male protagonist.

If change in his character arc doesn't come soon, it'll be hard to see him as nothing more than a repulsive, spineless pussy who can't face his own demons and who's too stupid to know he even has demons. Am hoping to see some true change for him and if not that, a change in the story's direction, with someone else waiting in the wings for Scheherazade, someone more deserving of her devotion.

AnnadurAnnaduralmost 9 years ago
grt wrk

wen we will get the next instalment... anxiously waiting for the next one. so far so gud...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

The author has dropped this story it seems

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Don't change Shariyar

Honestly, the whole "bad boy gone good but still had some edge" thing is so boring. I mean we all pretty much want Shariyar and Scheherazade to end up together for sure (that's honestly the main reason why I get pissed when you don't update for so long) but seriously, keep Shariyar as a horrible person and then just gradually let blips of humanity shine through and then at the end, he can run into the good guy or whatever. But the whole "waaah he's irredeemable waaah she deserve someone better" thing is pretty annoying considering it happens with EVERY story and its not fun to read anymore. Also, could you let us know when you're gonna update instead of bailing like you usually do? Kind of a really shitty thing to do and it's fucking annoying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Going downhill

The story is starting ro get a little boring. It reads like the author is running our of ideas.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Chapter 6 was a bit of a disappointment

In reference to some of the earlier comments, I think that I wasn't so happy with this chapter because it does feel like nothing's happening. Every story has its natural progression, but in the last chapter I don't feel like the relationship went anywhere. We all know that in the original incarnation of this story, Scheherazade ends up with Shariyar. I liked the progression of the story in the first five chapters because I saw the slow growth in their relationship. Despite the way this chapter ended, however, I do feel like this was a big step back for them. He still hasn't learned the consequences of taking things too far. I don't know if I'll check back to read the next installation, but I'd still like to thank the author for the hard work she put into the story. Chapters 1 to 5 were very good reads for me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
dear Fox....we love this story. You can't leave us in suspense........

Just old-fashioned romance, isn't it? Come, on, give us a happy ending!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
come back

Please dont leave us hanging.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

He's not a king. He's not a man. He's an unredeemable rat bastard. There is a point where actions are just unforgivable. I hope he dies alone and in pain.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Come back!

I miss this story teribly!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
You must keep going...

I am loving the story and most know where you are going with it. You have a great talent. Please continue!!!!! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

We were just discussing frame stories in my English Lit class and my prof used the Arabian Nights as an example. He started summarizing what happens and I got really excited because I recognized Scheherezade's story then my prof wanted to know where I'd read it or which version of the tales I read and of course I couldn't say the erotic non-con one from literotica...

dev_pafrdev_pafrover 8 years ago

seriously? finish the fucking story

millenialfoxmillenialfoxover 8 years ago
Chapter 7 Submitted!

Hi everyone - I just submitted Chapter 7. Once again, sorry for the wait. Thanks to all of you who have been patient and offered encouragement - I appreciate your support so much!

Sometimes it's hard for me to find the time/inspiration I need to write but I know where these characters are going and I am not going to "drop" this story. It may take longer for me to publish these days but please rest assured that I am not going to stop writing until this story is finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I check in often for updates and am excited to learn that Chapter 7 is in.

Can't wait to read it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This story is amazing. I keep hating the king even though part of me has hope he will redeem himself. Please don't stop writing and don't make us wait too long!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Where's chapter 7?

millenialfoxmillenialfoxover 8 years ago
Ch 07 is now approved!

Was posted by the Lit team this morning! I really hope you all enjoy it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Complement vs. Compliment

Just a quick note as you've done this multiple times in your story'- you use complement where you should use compliment and vice versa

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Shahzaman and Jafar! I did not see that coming! This story has suddenly taken on so many new colours!!!!

Author, your mind is truly so beautiful and creative <3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I really feel for scheherazade, I don't see how the king's actions could ever be forgivable. indulgent spoilt man that he is, taking out his anger on others. making her beg made me feel sick. very well written story though! but he doesn't deserve her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

i rly hope the king is treated jus as bad, if not worse. i rly dislike his character sm

he doesnt deserve her :(

NaiaTinkAbellaNaiaTinkAbellaover 3 years ago
I am so captivated

You are an excellent writer. I always leave my honest opinion in comments and my usual critique is often that the dialogue needs work because new authors have a hard time making it sound natural. But not your story! Your dialogue is excellent

InnateecstacyInnateecstacyover 3 years ago

Your writing is very captivating and I feel eager to keep reading, wanting to know what comes next. I had certainly not expected something like this here. This chapter particularly made me feel a bit emotional. I wish it was a whole book or series. You should post this on Wattpad as a book. I'm sure it will get a lot of recognition.

LemonLimeBittersLemonLimeBittersalmost 3 years ago

You made me cry with every chapter even though this is the 3rd time I've read this story. My heart bled for her each time. This story is simply amazing.

lolololitalolololita7 months ago

I love when he's cruel to her, gonna make the pay off so much better hehe

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