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Sea Slimes Ch. 02

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Two mermaids net Larya—and get more than they bargained for.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/15/2014
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"I still can't get over how cool this is!"

"I wish you would."

"You wish a lot of things, Snatch. Nobody cares."

"Not news to me."

Larya rolled her eyes and said nothing. She didn't want to worry about her downer partymember right now. She just wanted to take it all in.

As her toes sank into the mucky ocean floor, Larya could sense her druidic senses shifting—actually feel her eyes and ears adjusting, feel the new sensations as her skin and actual magic calibrated to being underwater.

Most druids liked to choose specific terrains to focus their magics on. Forests were particularly popular, thanks to the easy supply of nymphs, sprites, satyrs and dryads, but all terrains were fairly common—from swamps and hills to caves mountains, and, of course, the glorious expanse of the ocean floor. Only the sky remained pretty rare. Druids tended to prioritize 'how many creatures are there that can I have sex with?' when choosing a home, and all the sky had exclusively were dragons and air weirds. Dragons were ... dragons, and apparently, air weirds were really into long-term, primarily emotional relationships.

Personally, Larya had never been able to choose.

She looked around with wonder as a school of brightly-colored fish swam by, taking care not to step over the red and blue coral that grew all around. She'd been to deserts, the arctic, swamps, mountains, and even a couple tunnel networks, but never ... this.

Her face broke out into a dumb grin as her spirit filled with sheer joy.

Fish were everywhere, of every hue. And so many pretty shells—Larya had always collected such things as a child, but here they had life inside of them! And the coral, and the kelp ... there was life everywhere, it seemed. There was so much.

Almost too much.

She swallowed. Contain yourself, Larya, she cautioned. It will look very, very bad if you let that happen right now. The dark-haired druidess rubbed her thighs together, grimacing.

Snatch shot her a suspicious look. She smiled brightly. "Isn't it cool how we can still breathe and talk?"

"Could stand for a bit less of the lat—"

"It would be rather inconvenient otherwise," Mylio cut in. The merman smirked, now moving with ease—in stark contrast to his 'floppy' performance on the surface world, his manta ray-like lower half was remarkably graceful down below. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll still have plenty of opportunities to practice holding your breath."

"That doesn't even make sense," Snatch snapped. As always, the thief looked miserable with everything, everyone, and probably, deep down, himself. At least, that was Larya's current theory. "You haven't got a dick for her to suck or anything. Unless it goes in and out like a lizard?"

The only thing that particularly surprised Larya about Snatch's hostile remarks was that he remembered that tidbit about lizards she'd taught him once. I guess he did listen!

She heard a little giggle from Nerka. She turned, blinking, but the salmon-themed mermaid was completely professional when she looked. She winked at Larya.

Mylio, however, was not amused. "My dick does not ... I do not have a penis!"

Snatch gave a nasty laugh as he walked faster, quickly passing them. Mylio glowered after him.

They walked on the ocean floor in silence for a brief moment. Snatch didn't seem eager to talk—perhaps knowing his social victories were too rare to risk spoiling the moment with some misspeaking—and Mylio seemed content to glare. Nerka, meanwhile, was clearly still more than a little winded from hers and Larya's little adventure earlier.

Merfolk were fairly unique among fey in how little stamina they truly had.

"So, where are we going?" Larya asked, smiling.

Mylio cast her a contemptuous look. "We are going to find our ... guides."

"Really?" Snatch glanced back, scowling. "More merfolk?"

"Of the most common variety," Mylio said. "Little more than landwhores without cunts."

"Blue and Orange can be fun," Nerka said, her tone a bit dreamy. "Hard to keep their names straight."

"Their names are Blue," Mylio snapped, swimming over beside his mate, "and Orange." His hand crept over to gently rub Nerka's naked belly—eliciting a soft moan. "Are you really so brainless as to forget even that?"

Larya felt somewhat guilty, for she knew what Mylio didn't: That Nerka was still hypersensitized from their little 'bout behind the boulder' earlier. Merfolk didn't have sexual organs, so they 'got off' on any physical contact on their human parts. And the sensitivity got worse the longer they went at it. It was probably for the best that they couldn't endure long periods of intercourse.

"They ... mm ..." Nerka leaned against Mylio's touch, smiling. "They switch the seashells, Mylio. Haven't you ever noticed thaaaaah ..."

Apparently not liking to be proven wrong, Mylio had begun caressing her cheek and neck. Her eyes glimmered bright turquoise as her body shook with pleasure.

Snatch looked on, disgust evident on his perpetually sour features.

"Ooh!" someone said from behind Larya.

"I didn't think this job came with a show!" remarked another.

Larya and Snatch turned. Coming up from the side were two mermaids. They were essentially exactly what one would expect mermaids to look like—silvery-scaled fish lower halves, delicate-looking but well-tanned young woman upper halves. Their features were petite and enticing, their long red hair flowing behind them as they swam over. Each had several musical instruments tied to her side by kelp strands.

They looked completely identical, save for one difference: The one on the left had orange starfish on her large breasts, while the one on the right had blue starfish. Looking closer (though she tried to be subtle about it), Larya could have sworn that the starfish were pulsating as they rested there. She had the sneaking feeling the starfish were not actually there for modesty.

The twin mermaids swam over, one coming to float on either side of Larya. They smiled at her.

"You're Larya?" Orange said, her head tilting.

"Uh, y-yes," Larya said. She could feel her face growing red. She was looking somewhat less subtly now. In her defense, the sucking starfish were a little ... hard to ignore at this range.

"Oh, how lovely," Blue said. "We've always wanted to meet a real, live druid."

As if to increase Larya's flustered state, the pair began swimming in circles around her. It made her think uncomfortably of sharks.

"We didn't expect a druidess," Orange murmured, "but we're always open to trying new things."

"Or new people," murmured Blue, her expression demure and innocent.

Larya looked at Snatch. She felt very exposed here, despite still being fully clothed. Thanks to the water slightly lifting up her robes as it coursed by, it didn't really feel like her clothes were at all as modest as usual. Nerka and Mylio paid all this no heed, caught up in their own world of domination and submission.

"Yeah," Snatch muttered, "I'm gonna go find some spears. Find a safe place for my scythe."

Larya rolled her eyes. Of course. "What's wrong with your scythe?"

"Won't work as well underwater," Snatch said firmly, already walking away. "Also, scythe isn't as good a reason to get the hell out of here."

"Oh, come on."

"Holler if you need me."

Larya glanced back. Was Orange deliberately making her breasts jiggle like that, or was it just the movements of the current?

Behind Orange, she could no longer see Nerka. All she saw was Mylio floating over a large bed of coral. His hands were down behind the coral, his expression merciless, as loud moans came from the object of his attentions.

Larya shuddered. Better Nerka than her.

At least, she was mostly sure that was what she thought. As long as Mylio wasn't looking right at her.

"Ooh," said Blue. "Isn't that funny?"

"Everyone's so dreadfully busy," said Orange. The mermaid pouted her lips. "What are we to do now?"

Larya swallowed. Keep it together, girl. We've got a job to do. "You're the guides, I t-take it?" She almost managed to keep the tremor out of her voice. But then Blue swam by, giving Larya a look that not even a Cloistermagi Nun could mistake for remotely innocent, and her voice got a little quake to it.

"Duuuh," Blue said, grinning. "Cranky old Mylio hired us to help you two out. He didn't say there'd be a girl, but ..." She seemed to circle slightly closer. Her voice went a bit husky. "... we're open-minded."

"Uh ... s-so, you know the dangers of the Slick Trench?" Larya started backing away, careful not to bump into either of the circling mermaids as she made her way off the path. Her rational mind was telling her she was doing this to try and get away from the circling mermaids altogether.

But the mind between her legs appeared to be more focused on the idea of "plausible deniability".

"Of course," Orange said, smirking. "We know that place like the backs of our fins."

"Uh ... great." Larya bit her lip so hard it almost bled. Keep focus. Keep focus. Don't fuck the help. Don't fuck the help. "M-maybe ... you can explain it to me?" Was it just Larya's imagination, or was the circle beginning to get smaller?

For a moment, the two mermaids seemed disappointed at the question. Then Larya saw them exchange a look.

"Oh, sure," said Blue, giving an innocent grin.

"But while we explain it ..." Orange swam closer, now about a foot away, "... perhaps we should give you a proper welcome." She gave a grin that was decidedly nowhere close to innocent.

Larya's eyes were drawn to the pulsating starfish on Blue, from which she could now hear quiet sucking sounds. Her eyes were drawn to them because Blue had just taken one breast in each hand and shamelessly jiggled them together. "I think a druidess deserves a big, friendly welcome to the big ... wet place." Her eyes glimmered.

Larya gulped. Okay, be polite, but firm, she counseled herself. She opened her mouth. "S-sounds good to m-me."

As the words echoed in the blue expanse, her heart sank. Damn it, Larya.

The mermaids gave identically filthy grins now. They were each floating roughly half a foot from Larya—Blue behind her, Orange in front. Close enough that Larya wouldn't even have had to step forward to lean over and kiss Orange on the lips.

But they didn't give her the chance.

Larya found the ground yanked out from under her as one of the mermaids' tails swept her feet aside. She gave a little cry of surprise, instantly stifled as Blue swam down onto her and pressed her cleavage against Larya's face. It was lucky Larya could breathe through her magically-granted gills, because her mouth and nose were completely smothered. Blue held Larya there with one hand, as with her other, she began cutting through Larya's robes with some sort of knife, exposing Larya's naked body for all to see.

As Larya drifted down onto her back with out-of-place slowness, she felt soft hands grip her ankles.

In one motion, her legs were yanked out, spread almost uncomfortably wide.

"Mmf!" she cried, but the breasts muffled whatever she tried to say. Indeed, she was pretty sure she could hear Blue moaning from the sensation.

"So ..." she heard Orange say slyly. It sounded like the mermaid's head was situated right between her legs. "You wish to learn about the Slick Trench, darling druidess?"

Blue gripped Larya by the back of her head and forced her deeper into her cleavage. Larya felt one of the pulsating starfish brush against her ear. She could hear the sucking clearly now, and ... damn, it was seriously making her wet.

"Mmf," she replied helplessly.

She heard Orange laugh. And then she felt soft, slender fingers pulling down her panties (why did she even bother wearing those anymore?) and peeling open her pussy lips. She whimpered into the breasts, and then—no longer able to resist—began licking against Blue's skin.

"Ooh!" Blue shivered. Despite herself, Larya grinned. She reached up with one hand and began tracing spirals on Blue's back. She had a perfect vantage point to sense when she was getting ... ah, there it was. She felt Blue's back arch, as the mermaid shook even harder. "Ooh!"

Continuing to lick, Larya continued tracing the spirals, focusing her attentions on the part of Blue's back that was most sensitive. All fey had their weak spots, and she'd learned a lot about mermaids during her little session with Nerka.

She listened eagerly to Blue's moans and cries. Larya had never found anything more satisfying—or arousing—than the act of pleasuring a fey.

But then Orange started to speak, and Larya felt all her confidence instantly leave her.

Because Orange's mouth was right beside Larya's cunt. Larya felt Orange's lips gently brushing against her pussy's as Orange spoke. Felt Orange's tongue snake out to 'subtly' flick at her clitoris every now and then. "The deep Slick Trench is a haven for darkness, but the upper region did have some ..." Flick. "... inhabitants. Until recently."

Larya let out a moan of her own—mostly muffled by Blue's cleavage—to join Blue's rising cries. She struggled in vain with her free hand to reach Orange. If she could only get a single finger on that delicious little slut, Orange would be hers in an instant. But Orange clearly knew that.

"You like that?" Orange purred. Larya could only whimper at the vibrating feel against her pussy lips. "That it's inhabited, I mean. Does that ..." Lick. "... entice you?"

Larya shuddered with desire and continued to trace the spirals. Blue's cries were only getting louder and louder, and so were her own—she had no doubt Mylio could hear them quite clearly now, and that thought only made her submissive mind even hornier.

"What sorts of inhabitants?" she asked. At least, that was what she'd meant to say. What she actually said was a combination of begging and nonsense words that were in turn reduced to, "Mmf! Mmmmf ohm shllohm!" by Larya's smothered state.

Dimly, a plan occurred to her: If she could bring Blue to orgasm, the mermaid would be overpowered by the intensity of pleasure. She could then force the mermaid off of her and—

"Oh, just more sluts like us." Lick. "They kept to the upper levels. Most of them were common whores..." Lick. Orange thrust her tongue just a bit deeper this time, tasting Larya's juices before the sea water could dissolve them. "... mm, even by our standards. Hence their being kept there. Bards and thieves and cleaners and whores. Oh, you like that, don't you?"

Larya whined. Yes. She liked it a lot.

Blue was getting louder, but Larya could feel her arousal totally taking over. She couldn't remember what her plan had been. She felt Blue's grip loosening, and harshly yanked Blue down to her level to seize the struggling mermaid in a devastating kiss. Blue cried against Larya's lips, her body writhing as if about to climax.

Orange thrust her tongue in again, teasing her, and Larya lost it. Giving a hungry scream, she thrust her hand down between her own legs, desperately trying to reach her hot, aching pussy, to frig herself to orgasm at last—only for Orange to grab her by the wrist.

"Oh, what a naughty girl," Orange murmured. Larya felt her lift her hand up and give it a long lick. "Do we need to be—oh!"

Orange had made a fatal mistake. A fatal, delicious mistake that made Larya's heart burn with lusty triumph. With one little stroke across the lips, Larya had felt her 'captor' lose the fight. Orange didn't know it yet, but she was already putty in Larya's claws.

Larya clutched Blue tighter, not allowing the kiss to end—even though Blue was clearly entering orgasm, clearly struggling to scream her bliss, writhing in Larya's grip like an eel.

"" Orange voice was quiet. "That, uh ..." Larya stroked Orange's lips again. "... ooh."

Larya felt Orange slowly leaning into the touch, and she began slowly increasing the speed of the strokes. "That ... that's really nice. I-I mean ... mm."

Slowly, looking very unsure, Orange wriggled into position lying next to Larya. It was like the druidess was reeling in a catch as Orange slowly came to settle on her back, closing her eyes as Larya slowly, sensuously stroked the mermaid's mouth. "Y-you're ... good at th-th-th..." The mermaid trailed off, voice becoming slurred.

Larya let the dazed-looking Blue drift away to lie on her side. The mermaid was drooling slightly, still shuddering from the intensity of her climax.

Larya's panties were still stretched around her spread legs, and she hastily kicked them off as she got up and straddled Orange's waist. Orange jerked immediately, eyes widening. "Oh! Um ... no, wait..."

Larya smiled, pressing two fingers to Orange's lips. Orange keened softly at the sensation.

Larya began rubbing one of the mermaid's breasts with her other hand as she leaned down towards the other. Orange had already given up on protesting and instead begun moaning as the druidess took the breast into her mouth.

In no time at all, Larya had the mermaid bucking and moaning even louder than Blue. Orange's instruments at her belt clanged and thudded against the ocean floor, a cacophony signaling to all that here lay a very happy mermaid.

Larya chuckled as she suckled at Orange's breast. Time to have some fun. She looked about, not breaking contact.

Kelp. Perfect. Bright, almost fey-like green eyes gleaming mischievously, she beckoned to it, and it snaked over and began wrapping around Blue's and Orange's arms. They were too pleasure-stricken to fight it—


Larya froze.

She stopped kissing the breast and pulled her head up. The druidess swallowed. She began petting Orange's tits with both hands as she turned.

Mylio floated before Larya, a wide smirk on his face. "I thought I heard you back here."

Behind her, she heard Orange's moans pick up a new tempo as the slippery seaweed got to work on her. Blue started giving plaintive whines as well. "N-no ... t-too muUUghnn! Oh! Oh, uh, n-nnnn..."

Larya tried to get to her feet—or at least to stop straddling the mermaid—but found her legs wouldn't obey her. "M-Mylio. This ... this isn't what it looks li—"

"Silence." Larya found herself going quiet as Mylio swam over, cupping her chin in that same rough gesture that made her legs feel ... well, like fish tails. He looked her her, arching an eyebrow. "Ten minutes in, and you've already deserted your clothes."

"I ... I didn't—"

"It suits you." Mylio leaned down and took her in a long kiss. She gasped, then gave a longing sigh as she let him take her. He pulled back, his smile widening. "You even taste like the sluts now. You're better without the wrappings." His hand reached down behind Larya, and she heard a loud shluck.

He raised to Larya's eye level a large, pulsating orange starfish. Curiously, its interior was pink, fleshy, and looked very soft and moist. He smiled at her, the patronizing smile a cat might give to a canary it's got in its claws. "If you want to join the mersluts, you had best look the part."

Larya trembled. She knew she needed to fight this. That starfish was meant for mermaids—heavens knew what it would do to her. But she was still so horny. She was still desperate for an orgasm. Blue and Orange had weakened her too much to think about anything else. Mylio mastered her now, and all she could do was hope he would finish her off.

She looked up at him, biting her lip.

"Well?" Mylio asked.


He slowly lowered the starfish down. She wanted to see where it was going, but it seemed so much more important to keep staring into Mylio's eyes. "Aren't you going to beg me for this? Beg, like the landwhore you—"


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