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Second Chance Ch. 02

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Jared and Olivia's story.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 07/22/2009
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Here is the second installment of Second Chance. BTW my grammar is so even though I appreciate people telling me where I missed up, I am still working on actually writing correctly. So bare with me. Again thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing, I know that you have a crazy schedule and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. - CinderLaw


Jared woke with a start after having another dream about Trista. She had been standing in front of him holding their baby, blood streaming down them in rivers, telling him that he killed them both. When he opened his eyes open he saw a little face about 3 inches from him. He jerked awake and pulled his head back staring back at the little face.


"Hi," he said back.

"What is your name?"

"Jared. Are you Chloe?"


"Then who are you?"

"Princess Ariel."

"Okay. Where is the Queen then?"

"Still asleep. Do you want to watch Dora?"

"Who is Dora?"

"Dora the Explorer. Her and Boots go on trips together."

"I kind of feel like I am on one already."

"I'm hungry."

Jared sighed and got up, glancing at the clock he saw that it was a little after 7 am, "Well let's go see if we can fix something to eat. What do you want?"

"Chocolate cake."

"Yeah I don't think that your mom would like that very much, how about cereal?"

"No, eggs and bakey."

"What is 'bakey'?"

"You know loooong lines and when you cook 'em they kinda curl."

"Oh, bacon?"

"Yes bakey. And make my plate into a smiley face."

So Jared sat about making up some breakfast as the little girl, that he was pretty sure was Chloe, talked nonstop. She talked about everything from her, her mom, the babysitter and her boyfriend to the guy that runs the grocery store they go to who makes homemade taffy. She asked why there were clouds in the sky, why he was so tall, why did he have hair on his chest and no matter what he answered she would tell him, "Nope, because that is the way that God made 'em."

Jared dished up Chloe a plate of food and set some back for Olivia. He had dished himself up a plate and just sat down to eat with Chloe when Olivia walked into the room. Jared looked up at her walking towards the kitchen and forgot how to chew. Damn she is sexy in the morning! He thought to himself. How in the hell am I going to make it for two days?

"Morning," she said, then leaned down to kiss Chloe on the head. "Chloe are you being nice to Jared?"

"Yes mama but...who is Trissa?"

"Who" she asked.

"Trissa, he talks in his sleeps."

"Um, her name was Trista and she was my wife." He said.

"Was? Are you divorced?" Olivia asked curious why someone would not want to be with him.

"No, she was killed."

"Oh! I am sorry, if I had known then..."

"No harm, it was a couple of years ago so I not as sensitive as I once was." He told her as he took a bite of his food. "I put a plate for you in the microwave."

"Thanks but I don't normally eat in the mornings."

"You should, have you never hear 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'?" he looked at her with an inquisitive look.

"I am just not hungry." She told him looking away so that he could not see the look in her eyes, the last thing she needed was a stranger feeling sorry for her.

He stood up and walked over to her so they were standing with his front right against her backside and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Is it because you don't have much money to buy groceries?"

"No, it is just because I don't like to eat breakfast." She whispered back.

"Funny, people who are telling the truth have no problem looking in my eyes. I will have Jason pick some stuff up today."

"Neither you nor your brother is going to buy me groceries, thank you very much -- we are fine."

"Yeah, but I will be eating here for a couple of days and I saw your cabinets -- I will have him grab some things. Besides, there are some things that I like to eat that you don't have here." He told her as he walked over to the microwave and pulled her plate out for her, "Now come over here and eat this."

She huffed like a pouting child but walked over to the table and sat down and started eating slowly.

"When is your brother going to be here?" she asked him.

"Don't know -- he has to call." He looked up and smiled at her.

Chloe had finished her food and jumped up, "Can I go watch Dora?"

"Take your plate to the sink then you can watch one Dora but then you have to write your numbers for me, okay?"

"Ohhh, do I have to?"

"Yes." Olivia said. She watched her as she went running towards the TV. "I hope that she did not bother you that bad this morning."

"She is fine. I woke up anyways just was not expecting her right there."

"Well you seemed to do pretty good with her." "Yeah my brother has two kids -- it is kind of an experience that we are going through together since he knew just as much as me when Laysea had the twins."

"She had twins also? Wow -- you know if you ever decide to have kids might want to let whoever she is know the whole twins factor." She smiled at him.

He smiled back, "I'm sure that she would have met my brother at that point could probably figure it out."

Her cell phone rang and she stood up and grabbed it, "Hello?"

"Raven? Is that you? No wonder you chose a different name to perform to. Olivia is so stuffy, I approve of your choice. Now, why have you been such a bad little girl and take him with you? Don't you know how dangerous he is? And what about Chloe? Now I have to punish you."

Olivia hung the phone up quickly, threw it on the counter and back away from it staring at it like it was possessed.

Jared walked over to her, "Olivia? Are you okay? Who was it?"

She was fighting tears when she whispered, "It was that creepy guy that hit you. He knows who I am, that you're here and my phone number so he probably knows where I live. He said that I was a bad girl for helping you and that now I would have to be punished. Jared he knows about Chloe!" She looked up at Jared fear shining in her eyes.

Jared picked the phone up and dialed a number rather quickly, "Mac, Jared. Tell Jas this is not going to work Tom has found us and now we gotta get out of here...hurry up, I am packing them right now... talk in 5." Then he hung the phone up. "Go get some clothes for Chloe and yourself -- take just what you need nothing else. We have to be light and fast."

It took less than 5 minutes for her to get their clothes together and then get herself dressed. She dressed Chloe as quick as she could, but dressing a three year old is not always the easiest thing. When she walked back into the kitchen Jared was looking out of the window. "What is happening?"

"We have to go back to my place."


"Olivia -- he knows where you live. I have seen pictures of his handy work and trust me you do not want to be the next project."

"So do we drive?"

"Yes and no."

Olivia waited on him to say more but he showed no interest in doing that so she said, "You know that was not really an answer, right?"

He turned to look at her with a big, sexy smile, "Yeah that is what Laysea says also when I say things like that. Jas will come and get us in the SUV. They are bulletproof and dark so we will be safe. Not to mention my brother and friends will be around us." He then looked down and looked up with a serious look, "You know what you did last night was probably the bravest and stupidest thing that anyone has ever done for me. I want to thank you for saving my life but in the same breathe apologize and shake the hell out of you for putting your self in jeopardy."

"I had to do it -- something inside of me told me it was the right thing."

"Yeah well let's make sure that 'the right thing' does not end up getting you or Chloe killed."

There was a knock on the door, Jared walked over and looked through the peephole, and then he opened the door. She knew that he was a twin but seeing two of him standing there was a little bit strange for her. His brother walked in and looked around and gave an expression that seems to say he could not believe how below their standards her place was. She felt a little insecure -- she knew that her place was not the best but it was by far not the worst.

It was at that moment in seeing them both, there, together that she realized just what Tom had meant about him being dangerous. Shit! I just saved a mobster. Now he wants to take me and Chloe to his place! He has been linked to so many deaths, just a couple of years ago that one mobster was found dead with 30 other people, his house half exploded, and no one knew what had happened. These guys were taken in and questioned then released because there was not enough evidence to hold any of them. Olivia's reaction must have shown on her face because Jason stopped talking raised an eyebrow and jerked his head toward her to Jared.

Jared turned around and looked at her. "When did you figure it out?" He asked her.

"When I seen you both standing there together."

"Are we going to have an issue?" Asked Jason looking from Jared to Olivia, "Your call Jared."

"Olivia? Are you going to fight me on this?" Jared asked walking over to her and pinning her with those silver- blue eyes that seemed to harden.

"No, you two are obviously the lesser of two evils. My skin does not crawl when you look at me, so I won't cause a problem." She responded, she noted that his eyes soften up to look more liquid then hard, cold stone.

He smiled at her, "Good, I did not want to have to force you to go. Get Chloe." With that he gave her a light push towards the other room.

She started walking away but still watching him. He of course was still watching her and suddenly begins to point at her. She gave him a confused look when WHACK! She walked into the wall that separated the kitchen from the great room. With that she walked around the wall waiting just out of sight. She was not sure if she was waiting to hear what was said or if she was trying to hide her embarrassment. Probably both knowing her, she really did want to know what was being said.

"Olivia, that's not getting Chloe -- go."

Damn it! How did he know she was there? She thought as she walked off to get Chloe.

Jared grinned, that woman is going to keep him on his toes! He turned to back to Jason to find him studying him very closely, "What?"

"You like her! I know she is a stripper and everything but damn don't make it that obvious that you're sleeping with her."

"What is that Laysea calls you...? Asshole! That's it. First off she saved my life, Jason. So, yeah I am being nice to her. Then again, it is kind of nice to come across someone that small that is willing to stand up to me. You should understand that. First one you came across you married! And I want to point out that, yeah, she strips. But she has a really good reason. And just FYI -- I did not sleep with her! So fuck off." Jared said while giving Jason a nasty look.

Jason held up his hands. "Okay, sorry but you have to admit -- you do like her don't you?"

Instead of answering Jared asked him, "So we are going back to the penthouse?"

"Nope, gonna send you some place different."

"What about Olivia and Chloe?" Jared asked.

"Yeah, um, who in the hell is Chloe?"

"Olivia's reason for stripping -- just wait you'll see." Jared told him with a knowing grin on his face.

"Okay, well, I am going to send you all together to the lake house."

"As in the lake house that dad and mom dragged us to every summer?" Jared looked at him like he was crazy.

"Yep, I called Kaleb and had him full stock the cabin then hand pick guys, Trenton and Jerry is with them, to provide security."

Suddenly Chloe came running into the kitchen and came to a quick stop. She looked from Jared back to Jason then back to Jared. She then walked over to Jason staring up at him in awe, then without the least bit a hesitation she poked him in the leg. She jumped back from him and asked in a rather loud voice, "How did you do that? Had did you make a Jared two?"

Jason looked down at her with an odd expression on his face, "A Jared two? What is that?" he asked her.

Jared chuckling offered some help, "This is Chloe."

Chloe turned to look at Jared and said "No, Jared One. I am Chloe. That is Jared Two."

Jason decided to reason with her. "No, I am Jason -- Jared's older brother -- we are twins."

Chloe looked at him like he lost his mind, "Hold on. I will be right back." With that she ran into the other room after a few minutes she came back with two pink, heart shaped post it notes. She then stuck one on Jared and the other on Jason, "There now you will not get confused anymore." Jason looked down at his which had a 2 wrote on it while Jared's had a 1 wrote on it. Jared was busy during this time laughing so hard he had to sit down or fall down.

"It is not that funny Jared! Chloe, honey, where is your mommy?"

"She is putting her toys in her bag." Chloe told them as she sat down at the table and finished eating Olivia's bacon.

Jared and Jason shared a confused look with each other. Jared then walked out of the room to go find Olivia. He needed to know what 'toys' she had. As he walked quietly into her room he saw that she was indeed shoving something into a bag.

He walked up behind her, looking over her shoulder and whispered, "What are you trying to hide?"

Olivia jumped like she had been shot, and then began to frantically try to close the bag, "Um you know some uh some woman things you know."

He reached around her and pulled a pair of g-string underwear out of her bag that was string but mostly lace. "These are nice. Can you model them for me later?"

"I am not a model." She said.

"Then dance in them for me." He told her then placed a soft kiss on the crook of her neck.

Olivia grabbed the underwear from him, "I don't do private dances, sorry."

"Can you make an exception for me?" He put his arms around her waist and pulled her hard up against me, "We are going to have plenty of time together."

"Won't you go to work or something like that?" she asked him trying to pull away from him then she felt that she was actually wiggling against him which was turning him on since something was growing in her back. She then decided that it would be best to stand perfectly still.

"Don't stop!" He told her as he nuzzled her below her ear. "As for work, no. We are going to a lake house instead of the penthouse. Jason still wants to try and get a handle on Tom so we will be safer there."

"Us? Who is 'us'?" she asked. Jared slides his hands upward slipping under her shirt. She kept pushing them away but he seemed pretty determined then again after last nights dream she may not have been trying that hard to stop him anyway. When he finally reached her bra he rubbed his thumbs over the lace covered nipples causing them to poke out sharply. Olivia could not stop the moan that escaped her mouth -- it had been too long since a man had touched her like this.

Jared began to hear Jason, Jerry and Chloe's voices as they broke through his conscious. Damn he wanted to continue down this road. This woman had him so turned on but there was no way he could take her to bed with her daughter awake and just a couple rooms away from them. "Me, you, and Chloe -- those us." He stepped back away from her even thought he really did not want to. "We will finish this later." He told her.

"No I think that we should consider this finished. I am not in a position to get involved with anyone right now Jared. I don't want to be dragging men in and out of Chloe's life and end up making her confused. That is why I have not dated before."

"First off, like hell we will consider this finished! Second I am one man not many men so I should not confuse Chloe -- especially since she already likes me. Look I am Jared One" He said pointing at his post it note. Olivia looked at the pink, heart shaped post it note then started laughing. Then suddenly she stopped. A look of horror crossed her face. She started thinking if Jared was one she knew who two was. She went to bolt out of the room when Jared grabbed her around her waist,

"No one that is here will hurt her, I won't let them and neither would Jason. Calm down we are not the enemy, okay?"

"I just want to make sure that she is behaving herself."

"She is fine. Now get Chloe's bag, I will grab yours."

"Okay." She said as she walked out of the room at a much slower speed then she had been going a couple of seconds ago.

Jared turned around and saw the bag still slightly open, he wanted to find out what "toys" she wanted to bring. He opened the bag and noticed what looked like a make up bag, however when he open it he saw that her toy was actually a 6 inch, pink, vibrator that was about an inch thick. He chuckled as he pulled it out and put it in the top drawer of her dresser. If that was what she had used for the past few years she was in for a big surprise because he was definitely bigger than that soft. With that he closed her bag up and walked out to the kitchen.

Chloe was instructing Jerry and Jason how using bad words was not allowed and that her mommy would use soap to wash out their mouth. Jerad gave them both an odd look. Olivia walked in at that moment and Chloe without missing a beat told on them,

"Mommy Jared Two said a bad word!" Then in a loud whisper she said, "He said the D word." Olivia looked at Jason who looked at a complete loss of what to do. Jason said, "I told her that the cabin had a lake beside it and part of it had been dammed up by the beavers. She then started to tell me that I should not cuss because it makes me a potty mouth."

Everyone looked at Olivia as if she would fix it all. She sighed and looked at Chloe, "Honey the dam he is talking about is what a beaver's home is called. Also Chloe that is Jason not Jared, they are brothers who were born at the same time so they look alike."

"I wish that I had a brother or sister." Chloe pouted.

"I know you do sweetheart but I already told you that a daddy has to give a mommy a baby." She told her as she turned to go through a drawer to get the little bit of extra money she had.

"Jared?" Chloe said.

"Yes?" Jared said while trying to see what Olivia was doing in the drawer -- he did not want her sneaking any more toys. Chances were if she was as turned on as he with no toys then it would end faster with them in bed together. "Will you give mommy a baby?" Olivia's eyes swung around to look shocked at her daughter. The only ones who did not seem to be shocked were Jared and Jason. Jason was busy laughing and Jared was smiling while watching Olivia's reaction.

"Chloe, sweety you can not..." Olivia began.

"We'll see." Cut in Jared. Olivia gave him a nasty look.

Jason chose that moment to change the subject. "Okay, kiddies let's get you to the lake house."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Decent story but yet another lazy "big cock" crutch for "eroticism"

Too many good writers don't have the courage to pen something that doesn't rely on oversized genitals for success. Very disappointing. Doesn't make it a bad story, but, could be better. With that said, if all the average cock length of all the male protagonists on Literotica would likely be about 9". Quite hilarious.

interweb88interweb88over 10 years ago
I just found your stories

I love them you should write more novel/stories your characters are great and have so much depth

roseloveroseloveabout 11 years ago

soooo funny. n chloe is something else. so cute. can you give mommy a baby, well see. no way. i bet that tom guy is someone from her past. it could be or hes just creepy.

IpFc22IpFc22over 13 years ago


Chloe: Jared?

Jared: Yes?

Chloe: Will you give mommy a baby?

Oh, I LOVE kids! =D

gingerblue21gingerblue21about 15 years ago
loved it

awww i'm loving this story and chole she's funny and a doll.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Love it!!!

I loved The Chess Piece and I think I'm going to love Second Chance even more. I absolutely love Chloe, she is so hilarious. I can't wait for more chapters.

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