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Seducing His Father Ch. 09


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"Tell me what you're doing, Holly. Imagine it's me doing it to you..."

There was an air of command in his tone, but a lazy one, knowing that, regardless of anything else, he would be obeyed. It was a flirt and a tease and a shifting of the playful boundaries between them, the two of them seeing, only gently, what kind of play would be accepted between the two of them. Ropes growled even as Holly moaned, lips surely parted, though the cougar wished that it was his tongue delving between them, plundering her mouth while his cock sank into something even more succulent.

"Oh, yes... Yes."

Her voice came more faintly, though he could not tell whether that was from arousal or whether she was simply trying to remain quiet. It didn't matter, not as he imagined that he could hear the frantic beating of her heart, arousal coursing through, regardless of the distance between them. Even that could be overcome with the right words, the sweetening lust of words pouring through, closing that gap.

"I'm sliding my fingers into my pussy, cougar," she murmured. "Can you hear it? You should..."

Maybe, maybe a little, but his overactive imagination filled in the gaps for him. He could hear the sloppiness of her pussy, not because she was particularly loud or anything but because he simply felt that he knew her that well. He could imagine how it sounded, the slurp of her folds trying to close around her fingers, her body clenching, tensing, trying to draw her deeper inside even then. He grunted deep in the back of his throat, rocking his hips, and she heard him too, the moment shared between the two of them, as much as he wanted to know something more too.

But there was patience in the tease too, phone sex being an old-fashioned kind of thing then, but something that held an appeal too. It could be roused to fresh delights as his achingly hard uncut length throbbed deliriously, each pump of blood making it tremble, twitching as if it was pulling from deep inside.

"I can feel you," she whispered. "Pushing...ah...into me. Oh, you feel so much better than Hiss... You know how to treat me...unff...right."

It was her groans that did it for him, the cougar shivering. To think that she still found him hotter and more appealing than her boyfriend, even while Hiss was sleeping in the next room... That was better than Ropes ever could have imagined, tail lashing the air, clutching the phone to his ear, letting out a hot chuff of breath even then. He should have been in better control of himself, the washing machine creaking under him, the plastic housing a little cracked down the side, though the vibrations of the machine running did more wear and tear to the appliance than him merely sitting on top of it.

"Talk to me, Holly. Tell me what you feel."

"I feel..." Her voice came out huskily, as if she could not control herself, not even then. "I feel my pussy, how soft I am inside... God, I want you to fuck me so badly right now. I could ride you, I bet Hiss wouldn't even wake up if you fucked me in the same bed."

Ropes groaned, tail flicking, the darker tip curling back and forth constantly, with as much of a mind of its own as his tentacles.

"Yeah, baby, I'd fuck you so good. You lean back now, relaxing, pump that pussy full of my dick..."

He knew that it was not really his cock driving into her, but Ropes made it seem that way all the same, grunting, groaning, driving her on. The demon in him relished in the feeling of turning someone else on so much that they were helpless with lust for him above all else, though there were so many things that came into play there that not even his mind could cling to one alone to the exclusion of all else. He grunted, purring for her, letting the trembling vibrations curl sweetly over the phone line to her, his sweet skunk, his pregnant skunk.

He didn't think she'd make it a month after giving birth before he'd knock her up again. So fertile... And his loins, as they always were, so very virile.

"Yeah... Oh, I think I'm close. Mmmph... What... What are you doing?"

It was strange to let his imagination have to fill in the gaps in such a way and yet exciting at the same time, tentacles pumping his cock, scooping up any drops of pre-cum that oozed forth and using them to lubricate his shaft even better. With one of his tentacles bobbing playfully before his muzzle, Ropes gave it a cheeky wink.

"Stroking that hot rod you love so much, baby... Up and down, slowly... Harder. I know you love riding me like that, slamming your hips down, grinding onto me, taking every bit of my dick you can. You just can't get enough of it, can you?"

Holly moaned, the slop of her fingers jamming themselves too frantically, too roughly, into her cunny rising by the second.

"Ohhh... No, no, I can't. I want it, Ropes, I want you to fuck me, breed me again."

The hiss of desire in her voice seemed calculated, but that only excited him all the more. Oh, she thought she could wrap him around her little finger, control him too, but it was not the case, not when they were both on the same page, both together. But the dance was what kept things interesting between them, back and forth, his tentacles working over his uncut cock producing that tell-tale fap fap fap sound of a male in need jerking off. It was oddly alluring, even to Ropes, the only small sound in the otherwise empty house, the electricity breaker box in the corner of the laundry room humming away.

No one there to hear him, no one to disturb, only him and Holly. And that was all that mattered as he whispered to her down the phone line, telling her how hot she was, how big she was going to grow with her offspring.

"You'll not tell him it's not his," Ropes hissed, tentacles squeezing his cock, excitement growing more and more. "He'll never know... But you'll know, every time I fuck you, even while Hiss is near. He doesn't need to know, not when it's me you want for that, right, Holly?"

For the relationship side of things was one thing while sex was another entirely -- something that a demon would always be able to separate and differentiate, while mere mortals tangled and tied themselves up into knots in the effort to work it out. They always would, however, not understanding the kinkiness of being able to "take" a female away from a male, though never against their will, of course. It wouldn't have fed him, as a demon, if he had fucked Holly against her will, though persuading her initially that he was after more than a quick flirt and a tease, well...that had been the challenge.

"Keep the secret as your belly grows and everyone adores you, not knowing they are mine too."

Holly gave a muffled cry and then no more words could so easily come from her as she climaxed, arching her back, bucking and grinding, her need unparalleled. It had to come, for there was no holding her back, Ropes growling, gripping his cock, holding off, though that was harder than he could have imagined with her climaxing, what felt like right there next to him. He could hear her pants down the phone line, clutching it tightly to his ear, purring into it, encouraging her on.

"Yes, baby, cum hard for me... Think of me inside you..."

But that was one time that Ropes was not in control of it and could not thrust, growling, powerless where he was. Yet the power was there in the strung-out tension between them, what brewed and bubbled to the surface time after time, though there was little at all that could be done about that. There was sweetness there, romance too, though it was that heated snarl of passion that they lusted and longed for above all else, something more that transcended the bond that Holly even had with Hiss.

"Oh... Yes... Fuck, Ropes..."

"Quiet, baby, quiet, you don't want Hiss to hear you."

Neither of them wanted that, squeezing his own cock as he leaned back, the sharpness of his shoulder blades jutting out against the wall. In the dark of the night, an owl hooted outside and the washing machine yet again creaked under him. He grunted thickly, Holly's pants filling his ears, stroking his cock slowly, languidly, keeping himself right where he needed to be, on the edge.

"Did you cum, honey?"

She simpered down the phone and the cougar could see her in his mind's eye, sprawled back, her fur a mess, hair tangled in a halo around her head. The skunk may as well have had devil horns for the way she acted, the heat in her breath palatable even down the phone line.

"Nearly..." Ropes grunted. "Do you want me to cum for you, baby? Feel a hot load of my seed inside you again?"

"Oh, yesss..."

She hissed and he could only give her what she wanted, rocking his hips, grunting and chuffing, though even he had to try to keep it down, out there in the laundry room. It should have been private and safe enough, but the risk still had to be mitigated, keeping the lustful tryst between the two of them secret for as long as possible. They had so much more to experience, of course, and Ropes still had so much more to teach Holly, as curious as a demon could be to see just how things continued to develop between them.

He didn't know. He'd never found anyone quite like her before, for each relationship he latched onto in a similar vein, even the one he'd had and still had with Fyr, was different. Their sexual energies all had a different flavour to them and he purred throatily as he massaged his cock, whispering to his sweetheart with the tongue of the devil down the line that connected them.

"Going to cum so hard for you, baby, I'm not going to hold this one back..."

"Ah, do you ever?"

That much was certain as Ropes muffled a yowl by clenching his jaw, nipping the inside of his cheek in his haste to quiet himself, but the lashing of his tail, catching the cable of the washing machine, could not be quelled. He could barely direct his loud of cum as Holly encouraged him on, moaning and groaning for him, her breathless cries whispered and even more erotic for it. His seed poured forth, spurt after spurt, splattering his crotch and lower abdomen in his essence. Some could have said that it was wasted there, but there was nowhere better for him to spend his seed when he had his sweetie on the line with him, craving it, panting so hotly and heavily for it.

"Ah, honey, I gotta go clean up."

"Come see me in the morning," she purred, as lustful and kinky as any feline, just like Ropes. "Hiss will be at work after ten, for a bit... Something... A short shift?"

Neither of them knew how long Hiss would be out for, but it was more than enough opportunity for the two of them to come together, which was all they needed.

But when they went back to bed that night, a sweatier mess than they had left it originally (even in Ropes' case), the two secret lovers slept more soundly for it. Fyr snuggled up to Ropes, deep in sleep, the tip of her tail twitching where it dangled over the edge of the bed. He smiled faintly, chest rising and falling with the tenor of his purrs, holding her tightly to him -- though not so tightly that she would wake up. That, however, would most likely be difficult enough with how deeply she slept those days.

Yet it was good to hold her, drawing her in soft and warm to his chest, protective and wrapping her up in his tentacles. He would always love her, despite his other lovers, though it was who he was. It would always be who he was, a demon at heart, and the world around him would have to make its peace with that, one way or another.

With his wife curled up with him, Ropes slept.


Holly, however, woke with her pussy still wet with her arousal, a whimper on her lips. Not even the bright sunshine streaming through the bedroom window that had not yet been graced with curtains could bring her back to stark wakefulness, though she wished very much that it could. Her dreams lingered, a world where cougars twisted and twined around her, plunging into her pussy and her tail hole again and again while she cried out in orgasm.

Holly stretched, bumping and jostling Hiss. Hiss, her boyfriend. Sometimes she forgot, but she could not forget about him that morning, purring like a cat who'd gotten the cream, licking her lips, crawling over him.

"Good morning, handsome..."

He was conked out, but Holly could work with that, how his eyelids fluttered faintly, deep in sleep and yet shifting back and forth as if he was dreaming. Holly chuckled. Maybe her boyfriend was dreaming about her, but she surely would have a surprise for him in coming weeks and months as her stomach swelled and that particular secret could not be held close to her heart any longer.

She was so sure he would be happy. They'd never talked about having kids...but some things a femfur just knew. And it was not as if they were not alone, of course. They'd have plenty of help and so much support that she wouldn't be surprised if they hardly knew what to do with themselves.

But her sleeping boyfriend lusted too much to worry about things like that, much less when he was sleeping. He grunted as her fingers pushed back the sheets from his body, revealing his stomach, the lighter coloured fur there. His shaft too easily rose to attention as she teased it with her tongue, running the flat of it along the length, moaning softly, not caring if she woke him. How could something like that not be a wonderful way to wake up?


He was not totally awake, not by a long shot, but his hard length pushed eagerly into her muzzle and filled it all the same. He was not like Ropes, not all that different asleep to how he was awake, though maybe that manner of experience was something that could come in time too. She did not know, but she did know she wanted him, her body on fire, prickling with heat, lust flaring up, burning through her with every second that passed, desire driving her on.

The heat of his cock in her mouth was more than she could bear, all that she lusted for, Holly groaning deep in the back of her throat as she took him into the back of her throat. She could moan and whimper as much as she wanted, but he would wake at exactly the time that he was supposed to. Her fingers squeezed his balls lightly, not applying too much pressure, for it was such a sensitive area. She could not forget that, even if Ropes liked it rougher than Hiss, the demon able to take more, especially when he was ramming into her with pounding, driving, claiming thrusts that shook her whole body.

"Oof... Hm?"

Hiss blinked, but did not wake fully. He didn't need to, not as he whimpered in the back of his throat, his lover swirling her tongue around and around his cock. She pushed the skin of his uncut shaft back lightly with her tongue, playing it across the head, pulling out every trick in the book to please him, to tease him, to bring him to that sweet high of completion without even waking.

Wouldn't that be a hot way to wake up? Holly's eyes gleamed, tail flicking up, though it could not go any higher than it was already, the skunk-stripe on it standing out brightly. She slurped on his length, using her paws and her muzzle to tease him, though the throbbing of the younger cougar's cock would not be denied, even if he still was deep in slumber.

Hiss gasped, eyes fluttering, and his paw moved, though he still was not quite awake, fumbling for her, muttering something unintelligible, flailing for her head. His fingers tangled through her hair roughly, for he could not be slow and sweet in such a moment, the cat rising more and more sharply to the world of the waking as his lust grew. His hard cock pushed over her tongue as she sucked him down, panting for him, chest heaving, her bare breasts still matted from where she had groped herself and lusted so fervently the night before.

Hiss would never know that it was his father that she'd been lusting for all alone. Maybe. She'd do her best to make it so in the only way she knew how. And sneaking around with Ropes had been going well so far. Yet she could not pretend that it was not Ropes that she was thinking of as Hiss rubbed her head, grunting softly, though his cries were nothing at all like the carnal chuffs of his father. She lusted for Ropes above all else, though that was something, still, that they would have to keep private, quiet between themselves, if only to satisfy their lusts going forward.

"Mmmph... God, Holly..."

But Hiss could not hold back even as long as Ropes, growling throatily, the first spurt of cum pouring onto her tongue. The skunk sucked him as deep into her mouth as she possibly could, too caught up in the moment to care about anything of that nature, though she did brush him with her teeth once or twice when her concentration slipped just a little. Her tongue pressed up to the underside of his shaft and he moaned more heavily, watching her, panting, as she gulped down every drop of cum.

"Wow... Holly..." More awake, her boyfriend tenderly stroked her hair, brushing her ears back, as she slurped down his seed. "You're something else..."

Little did he know just how she was comparing him to his father when there was only one of them in that scenario that could possibly come up trumps. Ropes had far more experience over centuries, a way with words and his body that could not match up to his son. Maybe, one day, Hiss would get there too, but that would be too long for Holly to wait -- without getting the sexual satisfaction that she needed in the meantime, of course.

She purred and rumbled softly as she swirled her tongue around and around the head of his cock, the skin there slick and shiny with saliva as she cleaned him off. She was so insistent, in fact, that Hiss had to push her away, as he was too sensitive after climax, his stamina simply not as great as Ropes'. But that seemed to just be one of the things about Hiss that would not change -- yet what did Holly know about that?

"Mmm... Holly..."

But Hiss could take the lead too in a way that she liked, her lover taking her gently up the bed, laying her back sensually with her head on the pillows. Even if he could not go another round with his dick so quickly she would still be able to enjoy him in other ways, murmuring softly to him as she reached back over her head and clung to the headboard, fur soft if not well conditioned at that point. Of course, it helped somewhat that the glow of pregnancy was slowly spreading through her as hormone changes brought a lustrous sheen to her dark coat of fur.

His nose quested between her thighs and the skunk felt a quiver of concern, just for a moment, that he would end up lapping Ropes' cum out of her, but it had had more than enough time to seep from her pussy by that point, to allow the natural process of her body to eliminate it. Her arousal, however, lingered slightly inside her, leaving her pussy slicker than it should have been, though Hiss did not react if he noticed at all. Maybe he was too wrapped up in the moment to care or concern himself with that, but his tongue did rather feel like Ropes' inside her, Holly huffing, puffing, filling her cheeks with air even as she struggled not to gasp too loudly.

"Damn... Ohhh!"

It felt good, too good, the cougar's raspy tongue playing over and toying with her clit, the nub of it obviously on show as it swelled very lightly from the hood that usually covered it. It was too easy to find on her, considering her easy arousal, but Holly was keener for more, raising her hips, demanding his tongue inside her again.

Willing to oblige, Hiss slurped up into her pussy, seeking out her G-spot, though whether he managed to please that or not with his tongue was luck of the draw under most circumstances. She didn't mind that though, liking it both ways, his wakeful enthusiasm more than making up for it. He grunted softly, pressing more eagerly between her thighs as the strong softness of them closed around his head, holding him there, right where he wanted to be even as she moaned out loud, bucking and grinding onto his muzzle.

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