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Senior Moments Ch. 02

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Mr Howe fucks all of Ruby's holes in the club initiation.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/30/2019
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***Mr. Howe appears in my Lyla series. This is part of a planned series of spin offs featuring characters from the "In'DaMan'd" Universe.***


Robert unbuttoned the top few buttons on his shirt and loosened his tie in the back seat of the taxi. His meeting with Ruby had knocked him for six, even after all these years she still had the strongest effect on him. He never in his wildest dreams thought that she would invite him to join a sex club let alone tell him that in order to be initiated into this club he had to prove he still had some sexual prowess by fucking her. He couldn't help but think that this was all happening because he had hooked up with Lyla in his green house months ago. He was a red blooded man and missed sex but as he approached his seventy first birthday he had resigned himself to putting that part of his life to rest.

All he wanted now was to have a big glass of brandy, shower and go to bed. He had tried to ring Carlos to let him know that he was coming home but the phone just rang out. The traffic had cleared so the journey home took a lot less time. He paid the taxi driver walked a few meters to the front door, he liked to go through the scent of his many flowers that dotted the path to the door. He sat on the ornate bench that was near his koi pond, the air finally starting to cool a bit. He spotted a bike resting against the front sheds door. It took him a moment to remember that it was the new gardeners preferred mode of transport. Vivica had just started that week. His face burned as he cast his mind back to the first time the young gardener came to the house for the interview.

He had slammed down the phone in a fit of anger, Clarke had been naive to think that Gunnar and Alexi would just accept the fact that Lyla was Clarke's wife without repercussion, Clarke had called him in a state telling him that the two investors had forced him and Lyla to fuck under duress, Mr. Howe thought that Clarke was being a bitch, any man would give his right hand to fuck a girl like Lyla, even if he were married or not. He was sure that Clarke had often fantasized about throwing his cock into her but he was too much of an introvert to actually do anything about it. When he was coming up in the world of business, men did whatever it took to get ahead and he was sure that their wives turned a blind eye to whatever under the table dealings their husbands under took as long as they were kept in their fancy houses, had their nice jewelry and that their kids got the best education, they themselves played the field as much as any man. He constantly missed the old days but unlike Clarke, Mr. Howe was adaptable, that is what made him the leader in his field for such a long time. He appreciated good pussy but never let it get in the way of a decision, until recently that is.

Vivica made quiet the first impression, she had dark olive skin and brown hair tied tight in a plat that ran down her back, she looked earthy and as she answered his questions, her passion for flowers and all things nature shone through. He had interviewed a few more for the head gardener position but knew the second she walked in the door and spoke with her cute accent that she was the woman for the job. She would be living in the guest house along with Carlos, he had not asked his assistant if it would be ok but decided that it was his house so he would just have to suck it up.

Mr. Howe found her extremely easy to talk to, his interest in gardening had been rekindled at the start of his retirement, he found it very relaxing being with plants and nature after the dog eat dog corporate world. She had insisted on starting right away, he admired her enthusiasm as she quickly dropped her suit case in the guest house and changed into her work clothes which consisted of a white singlet and green short shorts. She looked amazing and fresh and it took all his strength not to keep staring out the window as she worked.

He went back to revising an idea he and Clarke had discussed the day before when he heard a scream from the back yard and the sound of glass breaking. He walked as quickly as his aging bones would allow to see what the commotion was about. He found Vivica soaking wet beside one of the glass houses.

"What the hell happened?" He asked as he approached her.

"I am so sorry Mr. Howe I was trying to turn on the hose when it exploded and smashed a window, you can take it out of my wages ." She replied meekly looking embarrassed.

"Are you hurt? The hose back shoots sometimes, I am sorry, I didn't expect you to start right away so I have not had the chance for Carlos to inspect all the equipment. Why don't you get out of those wet clothes and then meet me in my office again and we can go through what I need done this week."

"Thank you Mr. Howe I am sorry about this."

"Don't worry about it, as long as you're not injured that's the important thing."

He had to turn quickly, seeing her there all wet had caused a stir in his loins. The water had made her singlet see through and her dark brown nipples were clearly visible as they stood erect and poked against the material. He shuffled along, awkwardly, he couldn't resist starring at her as she walked away, her ass filled out her shorts as if the material was made of paint. He passed Carlos on his way back to his office.

"Vivica broke a window in the close greenhouse can you make sure its replaced."

"Yes sir." Came the obedient response.

"Also can you inspect the hose and the fitting we may need to replace."

Carlos just nodded and walked out into the garden.


Vivica arrived fifteen minutes later, she gave a light tap to the door before entering. His face scrunched up when she stepped into his office.

"I am sorry it's all I could find, that was my only set of clean clothes. I came straight here from the hostel and I am behind on my laundry. I am not having a great first day am I?" She laughed shyly, she was dressed in baggy, dark green overalls.

"It's fine, if you want I can send Carlos down to the laundrette."

"Thank you for the offer but I will wash everything tonight and be ready for the morning. I seen the house has a line so they will be dry in the morning."

"If you are sure." He said as she sat down on the chair in front of the desk. He had written out a rough timetable of the week and went over it with her. Carlos came in half way through with coffee and cakes. Mr. Howe noticed how they smiled at each other and made a mental note to keep his eye on them, he didn't want complications with the staff fucking each other.

"I see you don't seem to have any issues with having a housemate." He said dryly as Carlos left.

"No after the hostel it seems like paradise." She replied as she took a cream cake, her first bite smeared the cream over her top lip. Mr. Howe couldn't contain his facial expressions as she licked the cream off her fingers. He wondered was she behaving this way on purpose. It was obvious to everyone that he had money.

"What is wrong with me today." She laughed again as she wiped her top lip.

"You said... you said that you were in a hostel, may I ask why?" He was rattled and his mouth had gone all dry.

"Um, let's just say boyfriend trouble, I needed to leave fast so I did, hopped on the next bus out of town and checked into the hostel. I was so excited to read your advert for the position online, I was down to the end of my savings." She crossed her legs and took a sip of coffee. She was wearing sandals, the sight of her feet made his cock twinge. He really shouldn't have these thoughts about his staff, until recently he hadn't had any of these issues as they all had been just slightly younger than we was.

"And are you enjoying the city?" He asked sitting back in his high winged back chair.

"I will be once I can save some money and get my life together, my ex was my whole life for two years now I just want to see everything and meet new people."

"That is great to hear, hopefully after your first week you will feel more settled and relaxed."

Vivica stood up and walked behind his desk, he instinctively rose also as she placed her hands around him in a hug.

"I cannot thank you enough for this opportunity Mr. Howe. I promise I won't let you down."

The smell of earth in her hair coupled with her pressure against his body caused his cock to jerk, he had hoped he had gotten away with it but the look that crept over her face told him that he had not.

"Oh Mr. Howe I am so sorry." She said with a laugh. She pulled away and went to open the door.

"I am sorry too Vivica, it's just... I don't know what came over me. " He was surprised his face didn't burst into flames.

With one more smile and a quick look up and down she left, he spun around, angry with himself and caught a glimpse of his reflection in the window. His snow white hair looked awful in the humidity, his kind face looked haggard. He walked to his drinks cabinet and poured himself some brandy, his hand rubbing his once toned stomach dolefully.

An owl hooting snapped him back to reality, he hadn't had much contact with Vivica since then, he left the list of tasks stuck to the cork message board on the kitchen. He had instructed Carlos to keep an eye on her to see if she was pulling her weight, according to him she was great and enthusiastic. Robert had expected nothing less than a glowing review from his assistant. He noticed the way they acted around each other, the sexual tension was thick in the air.

He slowly got up from the bench, his knee clicking loudly in the still night air. He rubbed it slowly and began the short walk to the front door, he was looking forward to having a shower, getting into bed and reading the newspapers with a night cap. He pushed open the heavy front door and placed his jacket on the hook, he slipped off his shoes and slid into his thick slippers that Carlos had left for him. The small lamp was on beside the banister, it cast long shadows up the walls like fingers sprawling over all the photographs and art work dotted along the stair case. He shuffled slowly to the kitchen to see if Carlos had saved him any left over dinner in the refrigerator. The kitchen was huge and also dimly lit, the light was coming from underneath the over head cupboards. He had decided to get a house with such a large kitchen because he always intended to take up cooking or baking once he started to wind down on his work load. He had tried it out for four days but decided he hated being cooped up, he built a green house instead and that soon became his passion.

"Carlos must have gone to bed early." He mused as he skipped the dinner and decided to take his drink in his office. He walked slowly down the hallway and was surprised to see a light was on. Carlos knew that he wasn't allowed to be in there when he wasn't in the house. He pressed his ear to the door and could hear quiet moaning . He pushed open the door a fraction and his heart hammered at what lay before him.

Carlos was lying on the rug in front to the giant fire place, Vivica was straddling him and Carlos was pumping into her. His big brown balls were slapping furiously off her smooth peachy ass. She had placed one hand on his chest the other hand was running through her hair as she tilted her head back in pleasure. Carlos' legs were spread, his toes were clenched, his thigh muscles were popping as he ploughed into her, both of his hands were on her hips pulling her deeper and deeper on to him.

The blood rushed to Robert's head, he was mixture of furious and turned on. He backed away slowly and took a deep breath. He looked down at his trousers and saw he was pitching a tent. He turned back silently and continued to watch, his cock now aching under the strain. Carlos' chest muscles were taut with the strength of the pounding he was giving her, her tanned skin seemed to glow red as the blood rushed all around her body. The sound of her pussy getting pummeled was too much for Robert, it was like a beast inside of him clawing to get out, he unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock, he had leaked a lot of pre-cum so smeared it around his helmet and began to jerk himself in quick burst. His breath had become ragged. The tingling started in his feet and worked its way up through his body, he hadn't felt this turned on in months.

Carlos' hand had sneaked up to Vivica's throat, his thumb massaged her bottom lip before he slipped it into her mouth. Robert moved as close as he dared to the door, he was fixated on the way Vivica's ass bounced on every thrust it was like he was hypnotized. Vivica's erect nipples jut out in an extraordinary manner, he had never seen anything like them before. She was grinding on his dick now, Carlos was thrusting his hips in time to match.

Robert took a firmer grip of his cock, stroking it from tip to base, his thick foreskin peeling over his helmet made a little peep sound as it became slick with his pre-cum, the base of his cock was surrounded by a soft cushion of fat. He promised himself that he was going to take better care of himself from now on, he wasn't that old to be thrown on the heap just yet.

Carlos upped the ante of his fucking, his cock and balls flapping between Vivica's thighs were a blur, Roberts own stroking sped up, subconsciously trying to match. He felt the familiar tingle in his ball sack, his ass hole began to clench and he knew he was about to blow his load, he felt around in his pocket and pulled out his silk embroidered handkerchief. He made a small indentation and placed it over his helmet as his whole body jerked and he emptied himself into the fabric. He grit his teeth and tried to stifle a moan. His breathing was coming in ragged bursts and he could feel his cheeks burning. He folded up his kerchief and placed it back in his pocket.

Robert quickly righted himself and looked back into his office, Carlos was pulling off his full condom while Vivica was pulling on her shorts. Her body had a sheen of sweat that glowed in the light. Robert made his way back as quietly as he could to the front door, he opened it and closed it louder than he normally would. He could hear them both whispering frantically as they shuffled quickly out of his office.

"Sir I didn't know what time to expect you home, would you like me to make you something before bed." Carlos said out of breath.

"You ok Carlos, you look flushed?"

"I am fine, I just did a quick work out." He replied with a polite smile.

Robert was shocked at how convincingly he lied, he used to stamp out any fraternizing within his employee pool when he ran an office but decided to let this one slide, as long as it wasn't a problem.

"You can just ready my bedroom and I will have a night cap in my office." Robert said as he stuck his hand in his pocket, feeling the handkerchief reminded him of Ruby.

"Your room is all ready for your Sir."

"Thank you, I have decided to take my night cap in bed after all, if you could bring me up a glass of brandy then that will be all for the night. Also, the day after tomorrow Ruby will be coming for dinner, nothing fancy, so if you could get the catering organized early you can have the night off."

"I will get right on that Sir, night."

"Night" Robert replied as Carlos took off at a brisk pace towards the kitchen


His sleep was restless, he felt like he must have tossed and turned in the bed at least forty times, his memory of Lyla in the green house, his day dream about his first time with Ruby coupled with seeing Carlos smash in to Vivica like that had reawakened his long lost sexual urges. He didn't think he would have been able to cope if Ruby wasn't calling around to put those urges to the test. He wondered if he would be able to pass her task, besides Lyla it had been years since he was with a woman, and even with Lyla she took control of the action he just laid there and remained hard. The wild thought that even if he did live up to Ruby's expectations what would he do if he joined this club she had mentioned. For once in his life he was worried that he was enjoying the thought rather than the action of it.


Carlos true to his word had handled everything for Ruby's arrival later that evening. Robert himself had gone out and bought some of his own personal touches. He even changed the bedding on his own bed, the first time he had done so in years. He made his way into his bathroom and dotted red scented candles around the sink and the edges of the giant bath tub that with a flick of a switch could become a Jacuzzi.

As the time came closer to Ruby's arrival Robert changed into beige shorts with a light blue linen shirt, he sprayed as much cologne as he could get away with and turned up the air conditioner. He walked through all the rooms and inspected Carlos' work.

He started in the library, it was off to the left of the front door and had massive windows looking out onto his front lawn, from floor to ceiling were bookcases crammed full of books on almost every topic in all shapes and sizes, he was ashamed to admit that he had read about fifteen of the books in this room but the effect was very impressive. There was a giant fire place which Carlos had set. There was a serving table to the left that had the salads and cold starters ready. After this first course he would lead her to the kitchen where they would have their mains, after that he supposed they would take a walk on the grounds or else converse over brandy. How the night was to end continued to intrigue Robert.

He walked through the house slowly and talked with Carlos briefly, it was still strange to Robert to see his assistant out of work clothes, although, lately he had seen a lot more of him than he ever thought he would.

"Everything is organized Sir, if you need anything please just call me." Carlos said as he stood in the doorway.

"Not at all, I know everything is under control, what have you decided to do with your evening?"

"I was thinking I would show Vivica some of the city, take her to a nice cafe."

"Very good, well I hope the both of you have a great night and I will see you both tomorrow."

"Thank you Sir, have a good night."

As soon as Carlos closed the door his palms began to sweat, he was unused to feeling like that college student from all those years ago. Only Ruby could have this effect on him, that was the only explanation that made sense to him, either that or he was having a stroke.

He decided to change his clothes again and just as he slipped into a new linen shirt, he would have dressed more formal but the sweltering heat wave continued to dictate his wardrobe choices, when he seen a big blue car pull into his driveway.

Robert stood at the front door as the driver quickly made her way around to the passenger door and opened it. Ruby emerged looking like a movie star from the bygone era. Her hair was done in an intricate up do, she was wearing a red blouse and black pants that flared out at her heels. The driver opened the trunk and handed Ruby a giant designer overnight bag.

"Thank you Sara, I will call you in the morning when I am ready to leave."

Ruby walked up the steps and greeted Robert with a hug. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered.

"I have fucked Sara twice, she has fucked me once." She patted his arm jovially then walked into the house.

A smile crept over Roberts face as he closed the front door.


No more was said about her opening remark, he showed her to the guest bedroom and left her alone to freshen up for dinner. She seemed to shimmy down the stairs as elegant and beautiful as ever. Her hair was now cascading down around her shoulders, he was glad that she hadn't dyed it like so many other women in the city, the grey streaks seemed to add more to her aura. She had changed into a leopard print wrap around dress, a giant rose held it in place on her hip. She smirked as she caught him taking her all in.

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