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Senior Week Ch. 00: Prologue

Story Info
Rachel makes a new friend as she recalls a wild beach trip.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/22/2016
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories along their natural progression.

PROM is the first series, and while it is a little choppier (in my opinion) because it was my first effort, it is the main story from which the others are branched. So things will definitely be a little confusing (and surprises/themes ruined) if it is skipped over.

PRELUDES is the follow-up and it deals with a crucial stretch of time that led to where Prom began. It weaves the two series together and fills in a lot of missing details and untold storylines that help explain how the events of Prom occurred and why Rachel may have acted in the ways that she did.

Now, for those of you who are all caught up, welcome back! SENIOR WEEK (as you can probably guess) deals with the week following the end of Rachel's senior year of high school. As Rachel attempts to move on from the trauma of the spring, she finds herself caught up once again in the throes of her own unpredictable behavior. New faces emerge, familiar ones return, and existing relationships become both altered and re-born. So sit back and get ready for a week of sand, sun, drama, and fun as Rachel takes her first steps into the next chapter of her life.

As always, I appreciate your ratings and comments and I welcome any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

**Bonus Author's Note: You are all intelligent human beings and surely have no issues recognizing when a story is coming to its conclusion, but I thought it might be nice to give you the exact number of installments that Senior Week will contain before you being. There are twelve (12) chapters, including both this prologue and an epilogue. I'm not sure if that information is useful, but since I release chapters individually, I thought you might enjoy knowing approximately how many "pages" you have left. Enjoy!


Excerpt from Prom, Chapter 16: Epilogue

She perked up suddenly as her thoughts skipped past graduation and to what would follow. She would be going to the beach for senior week right after and she also needed to set up her summer school class. She would be hanging out with Rebecca and hopefully preparing for their college (and field hockey) careers together. She would be seeing Kevin and lots of other people. There would be fun to be had, trouble to get into, and (her eyebrows narrowed as a devilish grin skipped across her face), possibly a few boys to see.

Rachel bit her lip in excitement as she started her car and began to pull out of the lot as well.

A new chapter was just beginning...


101, 103, 105, 107, 109...

Like she had done every morning for nearly three weeks, Rachel glanced purposefully at each room number as she strode passed them down the hallway. Nervous energy swirled in her stomach and her scalp tingled involuntarily. She was familiar with the building (and this particular wing) by now but she still counted each room as if it was the first time it had greeted her eyes.

The sounds of her footsteps reverberated through the space, making a rhythmic 'flip FLOP, flip FLOP' echo, and she smiled with relief at the sight of "Room 111" just ahead. She slowed her antsy pace and peeked inside the glass window of the door as she approached. Only a few other students had arrived and no one seemed to be in any sort of hurry. She exhaled smoothly and let her shoulders relax. She was early, by at least a few minutes.

Things were going well so far for Rachel and her summer course. She was already a couple weeks in, and true to her self-promises, she'd been taking everything very seriously. She understood what hung in the balance, and after what she'd been through in the spring, she surely wasn't about to go and screw everything up again. If she passed the course, she'd almost certainly be admitted to the college with Rebecca, as well as be free to join the field hockey team. She'd fought so hard her final month in high school, and while her efforts had left her just short of her goals, they'd also put her in the great position she was in currently. A single English class was all that stood between her and full redemption. No, she certainly wasn't going to blow it.

With the thought in mind, Rachel adjusted the books in her arm and reached forward to open the door. She knew she was early, but there was no sense in standing in the hallway and aimlessly loitering around. The class would likely be discussing the assigned chapter of their book from the night before so going over her notes a final time wouldn't be a bad idea.

She gripped the handle and started to pull when she heard a voice call out. A friendly and familiar voice.

"Yo! Highlights!"

Rachel tingled excitedly at the sound and instinctively released her grip from the door to turn back around. She felt her stomach flutter and she tried to keep her smile from shining too brightly as she watched a tall boy nod his chin in her direction from the far end of the hallway. He was making his way towards her with a bright grin, and as he came into better view, Rachel felt herself stir again.

He had shaggy blonde hair (which, at the moment, was pushed back and appeared to still be wet from the shower) and a sharp, chiseled face. He was tall and athletically built and a white, v-neck t-shirt clung snuggly to his shoulders and biceps but hung loosely around the tapered shape of his torso. His legs fit nicely into a pair of light blue jeans, which, along with the stark whiteness of his shirt, helped to accentuate the smooth warmth of his gently tanned skin. He walked with confidence and grace and Rachel found herself absent-mindedly rubbing her thumb and forefinger together as he approached. He was gorgeous.

She waited until he was just a few feet away before rolling her eyes and shooting him a mocking grin.

"Hilarious. That's just never going to stop being funny to you, is it?"

The boy grinned back and gave Rachel a warm look as his eyes drifted over her entire body. He indicated to the books and pens in her one hand and nodded jokingly.

"Ah, only one highlighter today. See? You're not even a college student yet and you're already learning."

Rachel blushed and shook her head, a teasing smile forming on her face.

"Whatever, Joshua. You're going to need some new material come fall."

The boy shook his head and they both laughed at their inside jokes. On the first day of her summer course, Rachel had been scrambling through the hallways, struggling to locate her room. In her hurry, she'd accidentally bumped into this guy (Josh) and dropped everything in her hands.

Among the scattered items had been a 16-pack of yellow highlighters (in the nervous days leading up class, Rachel had ended up severely over-preparing in terms of school supplies). While helping her to gather her things, Josh had picked up the pack and jokingly inquired as to what course she was taking that could possibly require so much highlighting. Rachel had already been flustered and she'd only blushed in response as she'd hurriedly grabbed her stuff and left the boy in the hallway without any further conversation.

The next morning, Josh had seen her again in the hall and felt his own skin get warm as he'd caught her leaned over in front of a vending machine scooping a can of iced tea out from the tray. He'd made the decision right then that further engaging this mystery girl with the nice rack and tight little ass would probably be wise, but he'd also realized that he had never gotten her name. So he'd called her "Highlights." And he'd been calling her that ever since.

After a few days of answering to "Highlights", Rachel had realized that she'd never gotten his name either. So she'd finally asked him. He'd told her it was Josh, to which Rachel had casually responded that her dad's name was Joshua. But the boy had then made a strangely serious face and blurted out that he was "Just Josh."

He probably hadn't meant anything by it but his funny expression and even funnier tone had made Rachel burst into sudden laughter. She'd clamped a hand of her mouth and mockingly imitated his voice. "Oh, 'just Josh'. 'JUST Josh.' I'm so, so sorry! I hope you can forgive such an awful mistake!" She'd continued to laugh while he'd flashed a reddened grin. And from that point on, she'd been teasingly calling him Joshua in response to her own silly nickname.

The two had bumped into each other a few more times since and Rachel had learned more about him. Josh was a rising junior at the college and was also the quarterback of the football team. He was taking a few classes since he had to be around for weight lifting and summer practice soon anyway. And it just so happened to be that one of his classes was at the same time as hers and in an adjacent room.

The more Rachel saw Josh, the more she excitedly realized how attracted she was to him. He was objectively handsome and he reminded her of her crush Chris from Pine Valley. Only even better. He was taller and more muscular and he carried himself with such an effortless sense of confidence.

Rachel was plenty confident herself (especially when it came to sexuality) but being around Josh made her feel fluttery and nervous. He was this hot, older boy who had whimsically entered her life just as she'd begun her new journey. Even though he was two years ahead of her, she found herself hoping that she'd still be seeing him once she was a real student in the fall. In fact, she wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of him as well...

Rachel snapped out of her daydream and refocused her eyes in an attempt to hide the fact that she'd been staring. A tickle ran through her stomach and she grinned reflexively as she noticed he was checking her out, too. Rachel was obviously no stranger to the effect she had on boys. She knew what she looked like and the overall image she presented. But this was a whole new ballgame.

From the way he looked, to the easy confidence of his demeanor, Rachel was sure that Josh wasn't the type to want for female attention. Despite her own confidence, Rachel found this a bit intimidating and she'd caught herself nervously wondering if he was into her as well. He'd definitely flirted and allowed a few suggestive comments to slip out here and there. And his eyes were certainly far from shy. But he'd yet to have made any overt moves on her.

She wondered if maybe she'd just grown so accustomed to being so crudely propositioned in high school that she could no longer accurately assess a boy's interest in her. The way things had been in the spring, having a half-dozen hallway conversations with the same boy without having spent any time on her knees in front of him would've likely meant that the guy in question had a sexual orientation that did not favor vaginas. So maybe her barometer was off. Still, on some level, she could feel that Josh was close to making his move.

The two joked for another minute or so before Rachel regrettably informed him that she had to go to class. She'd been very diligent to this point, and while the idea of hanging back and continuing to flirt with this cute boy made her fingertips tingle, walking in late and potentially jeopardizing her future was not something she was going to entertain. Josh pouted mockingly and teased her a final time before bidding her goodbye and turning back to enter his own classroom across the hall. Rachel bit her lip and trembled again as she watched him slip inside and disappear. Mmmm. She definitely wanted to see him some more.

Shaking away the thoughts with a smirking grin, Rachel finally entered her room and found her seat. She smiled at a few classmates she'd met and made some small talk as she organized her papers. Before long, her professor arrived and started the class up with a few opening words.

Rachel stiffened as he spoke and again bit her lip as tingles shot through her senses. She was almost three weeks into the class but she still felt an exciting spark every time she'd watch his eyes pass over her or hear him call her name. The spark came from a memory that still burned brightly in her brain and had settled comfortably into the depths of her stomach. The memory of her English class the past year. The one she'd failed.

But it wasn't the failure that occupied her thoughts.

It was how she had daydreamed sexually about her teacher and let the exciting fantasy of staying after class to blow him swirl through her brain constantly during the spring. The fantasy had actually begun earlier in the year when she'd been giving head to a friend of hers in one of the lesser-used school bathrooms. Her teacher had happened to walk in and use the urinal while she'd been kneeling and going to work in the stall right alongside. He hadn't caught them and surely never even had had the slightest idea that she'd been in there doing what she'd been doing. But she'd recognized his shoes and from that point on she had been unable to get the thoughts out of her head.

The daydreams had been compounded by the fact that she had also had an equally enticing fantasy about giving head while kneeling under an office desk. It was sort of a boss/secretary, teacher/student kind of thing and it pushed her buttons for some reason she couldn't quite explain. When Rachel had been in the midst of her terrible dark spiral in the spring, all she had managed to do during her English class was fantasize sexually about her teacher. She'd caught herself semi-seriously wondering if she could offer him a blowjob in exchange for a passing grade. She'd even had a split-second of considering it for real when he'd given her the bad news that she wouldn't be passing the class.

Even though weeks had passed since the last time she'd set foot on the campus of Pine Valley Prep, the swirling thoughts and images still often found Rachel squirming anxiously in her seat during her summer class. It also didn't help that her current professor was definitely a more appealing target of her fantasy than her teacher from high school. He was younger (she guessed early-thirties) and definitely better looking. She'd caught herself checking his hand for a wedding ring one day and feeling some unexpected tingles between her thighs when she'd noticed that he didn't have one. Her fantasy had life, indeed...

The current session rolled on, and before long the class reached their break, which was about twenty minutes for "lunch" at the midpoint. Rachel was glad for it today. Between her thoughts about Josh and her intermittent fantasies involving her teacher, she'd definitely been eager for a chance to walk around and get some fresh air.

She had just exited her classroom and was starting to head down the hallway when she heard her name.

"Hey, Rachel! Hold up!"

She spun back around and smiled as she saw Josh coming out of his own room across the hall. She tingled again as she waited for him to catch up to her. It was maybe the first time he'd actually called her by her name instead of "Highlights." Excited goosebumps sprung up across her arms.

Josh gave her a playful touch on the shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "Hey, you guys on break, too? Where you headed?"

Rachel smiled and nodded her head down the hallway.

"Yup. Um, I was just going to get a drink. My throat's been dry all morning."

Rachel tensed a bit as she swore she saw Josh's eyebrows rise subtly at her words. His gaze passed across her body and he smiled again.

"Nice. Yeah, me too. Mind if I join?"

Rachel grinned and shrugged coyly as she began walking down the hallway again. They reached a vending machine and she pulled a handful of coins out of her small purse. Tapping a few buttons on the machine, she smiled as a can of sweetened iced tea dropped clumsily into the tray. She snatched it up and popped the tab with a swift motion, bringing the can to her lips for a deep, soothing drink. She kept her eyes on Josh the whole time.

As she finished the sip, she looked at him curiously and raised her brow towards the machine.

"Didn't you want something?"

Josh swallowed as he looked down at her. His eyes dropped to her chest before quickly popping back up to meet her gaze. Oh, he wanted something all right...

He shook his head. "Nah, changed my mind. Guess maybe I just wanted to walk with you."

Rachel's ears tingled and she felt her stomach flutter. Josh had made subtle comments like that before but something seemed a little different this time. He was looking at her more intensely than usual and she'd definitely caught his eyes trace over her cleavage. She sucked in a breath and tried to play it as cool as she could.

"Oh?" She shot him a smirking smile. "How sweet. I like sweet boys."

Josh grinned and brought his arm up past her head to lean against the machine behind her. It brought him in a little closer.

"Well, I like sweet girls."

Rachel felt her heart make an extra hard beat. She looked up into Josh's blue eyes and gave him her best sarcastic smile.

"Oh, I'm sure you do. And I bet they all like you, too."

Josh cocked his head and leaned back with a funny smile.

"What does that mean?"

Rachel smirked and took another slow sip of her drink. She didn't say anything. She just nodded her head back down the hall towards their classrooms. Josh raised an inquisitive eyebrow and followed her gaze. He swallowed and shook his head.

Among the several students who were milling around during the break was a small group of girls standing in a tight circle. They were trying not to make it obvious but they were clearly looking down in his direction. They were either admiring Josh or judging the mystery girl standing next to him by the vending machine. Probably both.

Josh brought his gaze back to Rachel and laughed defensively.

"Stop it. What, do you think all girls just throw themselves at me?"

Rachel kept her flashing eyes tight on his and gave him a mockingly innocent shrug.

"I don't know. You tell me, Mr. Quarterback."

Josh rolled his eyes again and started to laugh. But he quickly changed his expression back to one of warm intensity. He looked Rachel up and down again, letting her watch him do it. He then brought his eyes back to hers and leaned in a bit closer.

"Well, let's say that's true. Then I guess 'all girls' would include you too, right?"

Rachel felt a pleasurable tremor ripple through her body. This was the furthest he'd ever probed her and she could feel herself beginning to melt as she breathed him in. She already wanted him and now she knew for sure that the interest was at least somewhat mutual. The goosebumps again tickling quickly across the surface her skin, she twirled her can around playfully and shot him her most innocent pout.


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