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Sensations Escort Services Ch. 09


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Kat grinned, "Yes, extremely slutty. S. L. U. T. S is for Sexuality, how I choose to express myself with my close friends and lovers; L for Love -- how I feel about most of the people I meet and what I want to be known for; U for Understanding, because I take the time to understand and appreciate people and their situations and thus I can offer help or solace or support in some way; and T for Tolerance, because I don't judge others or myself by any standard other than one I form after my own critical thinking. So yes, Margo, I'm a top-notch SLUT -- that's what I aspire to be."

Margo laughed but saw the veracity of the reply. She probed, "What standard should I be using to judge myself then?"

Kat and Amber laughed. They'd had this discussion many times as they honed their own standards and morals.

Amber said, "Well, you could go to all sorts of outside sources and adopt those standards and ethics: Bible, Koran, Tora, your local minister or priest, your school system, and your parents and relatives. You put all that into a blender and out comes ... Ta Dah ...your code of conduct. Are you happy with that?"

Margo thought for a long moment, "No. In every case you mentioned, there are huge parts of what they believe in or preach that I disagree with."

Amber theatrically replied, "Oooooh, so you don't believe in subservient females, male dominance, might makes right, sexual abstinence, stoning or death for various infractions, or fighting with your declared enemies to the death? Do you know that almost a billion people have been killed in the name of Christianity alone? I guess I was under the mistaken impression that Jesus, if there was such a man, preached about unconditionally loving your fellow man." She continued, "Hmmmmm; a little hypocrisy there perhaps."

Margo nodded. "That's what I was taught, but the statistics and behavior of mankind has been anything but loving. Even many of the respected churches turned out to be corrupt in some way. So what do I do?"

"You setyour own moral compass. That's what Edie, Kat, Kir, and I have done. We looked at what traits we wanted to exude and be known for, and we each became a SLUT -- just what Kat described a moment ago. We love sex in all its varied forms and with all kinds of partners. We love our dear friends, and you are one of them. I hope you feel loved by me and the others."

"I do," Margo exclaimed without prompting.

"I'm finishing my MBA degree because that's one way to help me understand some of the situations that people work in, live in, and that stress them out. It certainly helps me understand Mike, Brad, and Martin and their business dealings, and that helps me understand them more deeply so I can love and help them better.

"I'm not sure what the meaning of life is. We're not nihilists rejecting all religious and moral principles, because we've created our own code of conduct and I know we struggle with the existence of God and spirituality. We've had long talks about all that, which we wish you'd join and contribute to. We'd put a high value on your opinions.

"I really do believe in the statement, 'Judge not that ye be not judged.' I don't want to be judged by people who haven't walked in my shoes or faced the same decisions I've made, particularly about how I treat sex with other people. I enjoy my work at Sensations, and I know that Kat and Edie do too. It's changed me for the better. I like the person I've become because of what I've done and the many people I've met, and yes, fucked."

Kat said, "So, to your question about the group sex and sharing ourselves with everybody else, yes, we love it. It's fun, educational, orgasmic, and loving. I'm in lust with all the men, and in love with some of them too -- especially Brad. I'm an exhibitionist and voyeur. I like having sex in front of others and having them watch me, or watching them. I like to feel two, three, or more cocks in my pussy within a short time period. I like eating others' pussies too. What will happen here this week is just what I long for: sex, sun, sand, sex, sun, sand, sex, sun, and sand. Please joint in with us."

"I've sort of been a hermit," Margo flatly stated. "I guess I could start working on some of those things this week to see if they'll help me come out of my shell. I was good in school but not about relationships."

"We are all willing to help. We really do love you."

Amber whispered to her, "I love you more than you realize."

* * * * *

Martin Powell was a total unknown to Margo. Amber saw them meet for the first time when Martin and Edie arrived. During the cocktail time their second evening at the villa, Amber pulled Martin aside to talk with him about Margo, and whether he'd be willing to seduce the attractive woman and help her expand her horizons with another sophisticated and handsome man.

Martin lit up at the prospect. "I was hoping for a shot at her, but she seemed the shyest and most reserved of you five ladies. Edie told me she works for Mike and Brad's company, but that except for a little fun with you and Mike, and occasionally being a booty call for Mike, she's ... inexperienced."

"She is and we're trying to change that. She needs a higher perspective on her life and what's going on around her. She needs to loosen up. The gateway for that to happen is her coming to terms with her sexuality -- hopefully this week."

Martin grinned, "I shall be delighted to help. From here on out, I am on a mission. From perusal of the territory, I think this will an engagement I will like immensely. Do you suppose Edie will mind?"

Amber laughed and teased, "Good thinking, Mr. Edie's Fiancé. Right question to ask and right person to think about. I'll talk to Edie and be sure you're off the hook. I think everyone here is open season for the week. We're all working under that assumption, in any case, and I'm certainly looking forward to some time together with you."

A few minutes and two or three sentences later, and Edie knew that Martin had been aimed at Margo with the goal of seduction and light romance. Edie grinned and said to Amber, "If that's the case then I want a solid shot at Mike's father. He fascinates me. Kir does too. I'm counting on what you told me about her going both ways.

"They'll be easy to score. Now, I have to do a little matchmaking." Amber glanced about looking at how to get Martin and Margo doing something together so they developed some rapport and comfort in each other's presence.

Amber took the straightforward and bold approach. She latched onto Martin, rewarded his willingness to come with her with a kiss and by brushing her gorgeous bare tits across his manly chest, and then led him across the patio to where Margo had just sat on a chaise. Margo was nude, but even from a distance Amber could see she continued to exhibit a slight blush of embarrassment.

"Margo, let me introduce Martin Powell to you again; I know you've met but this is a more serious introduction because the two of you should meet and talk. You have chemistry you don't even know about. I think the two of you should get to know each other much better -- even intimately. You're both interested in physical fitness and also keen business people in your own spheres. He is the plastics mogul who is also Edie's very loving and very liberal fiancé. Margo works with Brad and Mike, so Martin you should tell Margo about your product line; I bet she might see some uses for it in her company's areas, particularly in the shipping and handling for Wonderland products." Amber smiled and faded away after Martin sat down on the chaise adjacent to Margo and started to talk to her. Margo was really blushing now, probably because a naked man she barely knew had sat beside her hot nude body and engaged her in conversation.

Amber met Kat coming onto the patio as she went inside for a refresher to her drink. Kat asked, "What's up? You getting Margo more involved?" She glanced over to where Margo and Martin were talking.

Amber nodded, "I'm trying her with Martin for now. She has little confidence in her social or sexual skills with people of the opposite sex. Her parents and pastor did a number on her in those areas. Put her in a business situation and she's a friggin' tiger. Where a relationship needs to be built and sex is in the offering, she wants to run and stick her head in the ground and avoid the situation. She's an interesting mix of extremes."

Kat nodded, "I understand. If I get a chance I'll add in a little confidence boost. I'm actually hoping to enjoy a little sapphic loving with Miss Margo this week. You said she was wonderful. How'd that come about if she's so averse to the softer side of life?"

"Easy. Mike was there -- or at first had planned to be. She's madly in love with him, and would do just about anything he asked to do. She knows he hasn't felt the same about her; he wants someone sexier and more self confident -- like me." She bowed slightly with a smirk, "They'd fucked a few times. She's obviously attractive, and Mike is not one to resist temptations. The evenings the three of us have been together, he wanted us to do sexy stuff together to amuse him. Margo was over the top about it, and had her sexual 'tiger' turned on. She just needs to bring that 'tiger' out to play all the time; if she does, I think she'll go further in changing her relationship with him. Oh, I'd also like to get her in a sexual situation with two of the guys where they about turn her every which way but loose."

"I'll help you on this one," Kat pledged. "We need more players in our little orgy." She gestured around the patio where everyone was spread out.

Martin didn't need any help beyond the introduction as it turned out. By the time we went to dinner, he practically had Margo glued to his side and totally entranced with the handsome man. They walked just about everywhere with his arm around her shoulders and her arm around his waist. He constantly stole little kisses from her that she willingly gave up with an embarrassed smile. Riding on the jitney to and from dinner, Margo was in his lap, and they were making out and whispering little whimsical secrets to each other. The others loved watching the seduction take place. Thankfully, no one teased them.

Amber leaned forward in the jitney back from dinner and whispered to Kat, "Someone is going to get laid tonight, and really love it."

Kat responded, "I know, but then everybody on this bus is up for that." She laughed.

The nine refugees from cold weather opted to go skinny-dipping once they were back at the villa. No one protested, despite the fact that Margo and Martin were among the last to again achieve complete nudity. Unvoiced was the fact that this unique mode of dress for swimming enabled unfettered access to key parts of the human anatomy by others interested in it. Everyone wanted to make themselves available.

Besides the pairing of Martin and Margo that night were Mike and Edie, Brad and Kir, and Amber and Kat with Jim. The night was warm and what had taken place in the bedrooms the night before took place on the pool patio that evening. The group sex situation required willingness to be both voyeur and exhibitionist, at least to the extent of not minding whether someone watched you fucking somebody else.

Amber took delight in watching Margo and Martin make love on one of the chaises albeit in the shadows. Margo's 'tiger' personality appeared to be on the prowl. She was animated and enthusiastic about the lovemaking. She didn't just lie back and allow Martin to fuck her; she was as eager to please him as he seemed to be to please her. Margo was also expressive about her orgasms as she had been when Mike and she had romanced Margo several times in the past. Amber reflected that maybe her introversive personality had to do with the comfort and knowledge she had of the people around her.

Kat and Amber put on a sapphic sex show for the others near their chaise. Edie narrated for the others, pointing out small nuances of what they were doing to excite, stimulate, and romance each other. Jim, their partner for the early part of the evening, was resting after being a superb stud to the two. The sexy older man understood a woman's body and what brought her pleasure thanks to Kir's influence and teaching.

At first, the two girls tribbed their drippy pussies together, smearing the cum they were exuding around between them. The girls then showed what zealous love of the sixty-nine position could do for two sapphic lovers as they cleaned up the messes they'd just made. After that, there was additional lovemaking that brought each of them further peaks of pleasure. Kir and Edie egged on the pair with comments from the sidelines. Margo watched the pair from within Martin's arms on their chaise.

Kir also put on a short sexual performance with Brad, as they demonstrated position after position from the Kama Sutra. Mike's stepmother mesmerized Brad as he gave up complete leadership in their lovemaking to her, and they moved from position to position under her guidance. Kir was responding to her new lover with great zeal too, pleased to add another notch on her bedpost. Brad's constant moans of satisfaction were rare and proved stimulating to the others.

Mike had known Edie for many months, but the two had not had a sexual relationship before the second night at the villa. He appreciated how Edie welcomed him with open arms, love, and her snapping pussy. The hot pixie-like redhead brought her whole game to the chaise where they camped for part of the evening, slowly milking Mike's cock and bringing him higher and higher up the erotic scale until she allowed him to explode into her hot cunt.

Edie also took the initiative to announce that the men should end up with their 'partners' at the end of the evening for a final round of lovemaking. Everyone applauded her suggestion, and there was a migration of women around the patio: Amber to Mike, Kat to Brad, Edie to Martin, and Kir to Jim.

Margo stood alone momentarily, until Mike stated in a soft but commanding voice, "Margo, come on, you're with us!" There wasn't room for argument, and Margo moved quickly to Mike's side. The pair kissed, and then Amber pulled Margo to her for a kiss.

Amber said, "Margo, you belong with us. We both want you -- have no doubt. You belong with us."

Margo shyly said, "But I ... slept ... with Martin."

Mike chuckled. "It didn't look like you were sleeping. I thought it looked like fucking or intercourse, and that's what we're going to do now, except I prefer to call it making love in your case and in Amber's case. I am pleased that you are 'sleeping' with the other men here and loosening up, but you always have a home with us -- with Amber and me."

Margo adopted a shy posture and said in a near whisper, "Thank you. I'll always remember that."

Amber probed, "Do you know why we say that to you?"

Margo shook her head.

Amber went on, "Because we love you. You are our partner. We're lucky. The other people here are in couples, but Mike, you, and me are a triad -- a threesome. There's fifty percent more love here than any of them." She giggled at her crazy logic.

Margo just nodded her understanding and acceptance of the point. In part, she couldn't believe in the relationship that was emerging between them but she liked it.

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OGHMNWOGHMNWabout 2 years ago

Wonderful Hot Erotic chapter to this series! I have several more chapters to read in this series. I enjoy the openness that Amber, Mike and the rest of the group have. Thank You!

amritaloveramritaloverover 6 years ago
Welcome Back

Thanks for sharing another great chapter.

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