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Sera Ch. 03

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Steven takes a look around. Gina senses trouble.
9.3k words

Part 3 of the 35 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/17/2015
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Gina and I practically fell through my apartment door at five past seven. We had a great time, but the three of us were exhausted, our recent motel stays as insufficient for my auntie's rest as they'd been for ours. Too, it may have been all the excitement added.

"Ughhh!" Gina commented as she dropped her bags and did the zombie walk to my couch.

"I know," I complained, dragging my feet behind her.

We flumped down and stared vacantly around us at the surrounding circumstances as they once again impressed themselves upon me.

"Kathleen's really something," Gina commented.

My namesake, as it turned out, had been in Montreal before and, not only knew her way around the city, but could also speak French well enough to get by when we needed it.

"I know," I agreed, "she's got this weird energy."

"Like you."


"Yes, it's not quite the same, but I recognize it," Gina said with a smile. "In fact, that's not the only way you two are alike."

"Oooh, you're good at this stuff. Let's have it, smutty."

"Okay, well you both have that silly little giggle, although her not as much and it sounds... different. In the same way."


""Hey, that's what I get," she yawned. "And you may be Sheila's height, but you've got Kathleen's body type. Not so filled out like her, but closer to Kathleen than to Sheila."

"Okay... What else?"

"Let's see... Oh, heh, the fight. I could easily see you doing the same thing in Kathleen's situation, whatever that is. Oh, yeah."

"I do wonder what that could be." I said, vaguely pondering where Mr. Sparkles was.

"Who knows? Kathleen seems pretty serious about it, though."

"Yeah, she said it was pretty bad. And Sheila wasn't saying much to defend herself, either."

"No, like she knew she didn't have a leg to stand on."

"Anyway, I really like my Auntie Kathleen. She's cool."

"She's very different. That's another thing you two have in common."

"What?" I asked.

"Well... You know how I've said that I knew you were different... special and precious, as soon as we met on the sidewalk that day?"


"That's what I'm talking about. It's in the way you are. You're a very unique individual and Kathleen shares that quality, just in a different way."


"In fact..."


"All of your family is like that, and all of them in a different way."

I thought of my cousin and how he excited me, how he made miffy react when I shook his hand and the impressions the rest of my estranged family had on me, including Sheila.

"Okay, I know what you mean. Like how everyone looked at Sheila when she showed up."

"Yes, that undeniable... thing that demanded reaction. I'm still awed by it. I mean, that's quite the gene pool you've got there."

"She's quite something."

"Are you going to talk to her?"

" ... Yeah."

"What are you going to say?"

I thought for a moment, but could only decide, "I don't know. I'll just let things take their course, I guess. Hey, smutty?"

"Mm hmm?" she sleepily encouraged.

"Do you see any similarities between me and Sheila? Besides our faces, I mean?"

After a brief pause, she reported, "That quality you all have... Hers is the most like yours. That's all I can say without having spoken to her."

"Oh. She's prettier than I am, but we look the same."

"She's not prettier than you are."

"Yes, she is."

"Steven didn't seem to think so."

"He was looking at her."

"Like you said, we were all looking at her, but after the initial 'Sheila effect', as Dad calls it, he was mainly looking at you again. Like you were looking at him off and on."

"Gina, I'm not attracted to him. Like I said, I find him interesting."

"Apparently, he finds you pretty interesting as well."

Of course, she was spot on, wasn't she? The problem, given our home situation, was that I wasn't comfortable with telling her about mine and Steven's very mutual and very real attraction to one another. Clearly, this was one of those times when Gina's observation and people sense worked against me.

"Okay, he's cute, but it's not like I'm gonna go and date him, is it?" I asked myself as well as Gina.

"If you weren't with Dad, would you?"


"What kind of question is that?" I laughed. "I didn't say... Oh. I get it."


"Your little kink."



"Nooooo!" she laughed.

"You're a very smutty woman, Gina."

She only laughed harder, prompting me to laugh as well, our exhaustion fueling our horny silliness.

"You're too smart for me, slutty," she admitted when we stopped. "I know you'd never do anything, I was mostly only teasing us."

"Yeah, yeah," I grinned.


"Uh huh?"

"Should I go next door for the night in respects to what they might think if... Well, we don't know them and I wouldn't want to make a bad impression if I was seen walking out of here tomorrow morn-"

She was interrupted by my hand unbuttoning her pants, then pulling the zipper down as I explained, "Well, Auntie Kathleen already saw you come in here. Does that mean she's sitting in her apartment figuring I'm over here opening your pants up right now?"

"Heh! Yeah, bu-

"Acting like a little whore and sticking my hand down your panties?" I prodded as I did just that.

"Oooooh, baby... Oo-oh!"

I can't say how, but I viewed Gina different in that place, my apartment where she was my guest. Everything was different there and it beckoned to the person I somehow knew I'd be if I ever took Auntie Ashleigh's offer and made it my home.

"Oh, yeah... you like that," I noted with a dirty grin as I rubbed around her clit, watching it register in her twitching hips and closed eyes.

I giggled softly in her ear before I pushed my hand deeper, lightly kissing her neck, flicking her earlobe with my tongue as her pelvis pushed into my hand. I slowly, lightly kissed the top of her chest, leaving a feathery trail to her chin as I rubbed and stroked her moistening lips.

Kissing her mouth just as softly, I whispered, "I'm gonna eat your pussy."

I kissed her there some more and it wasn't until I slowly withdrew my hand from her panties to pull all her clothes off that I noticed she'd stopped moving.

Looking up to see what was wrong, I was astounded to find that Gina had fallen asleep.

" ... Shit."



"No way!" I called from my mother's living room, holding a beer from my apartment, paused in the act of searching the satellite channels for my preferred business report.

Mum had knocked on my door just after seven and told me to join her in her apartment. Upon entry, I was again impressed with Ashleigh's style and the level of thought she'd put into our personal quarters. Again, I had to wonder at just how much her investigators had uncovered about us as I looked about me at a living space that Mum herself would have created.

A green so light that it was almost white covered the walls with rich, medium pile, medium green carpeting. Dark stained, modern wood furnishings of an almost dainty style filled the rooms, white sheers over her balcony doors and accenting the off white curtains of the large window. Paintings of eighteenth century women graced the walls to a tasteful extent and the whole place had the look and feel of modernized Victorian.

"Yes way!" she called back.

I put the remote on top of her television and entered the bathroom with a disbelieving expression over the assertion she'd made.

This facility was the same size as mine, however her deeper tub was on a wider, higher base that actually had a short set of steps of the same beige marble that covered the rest of the floor and walls. The plant life was more abundant in here than in the living room, the décor more natural and relaxing, warm with the lights lowered as they were.

She was running a bath for herself, looking at the building mass of bubbles with tired longing as she ran her hand through the water, looking up at my presence.

"You're just saying that," I accused, "Teasing me again."

"Not this time. Does it disappoint you?"

"No, I- Mu-um!

"Heh. Don't worry. Gina may be a lesbian, but kitten swings both ways."

"But, how do you know?"

"Hon, I'd think you'd give me some credit at this point. It's in the way they look at each other. I imagine kitten's over there with her hands down Gina's panties as we speak."

" ... We're all perverted and sex crazed. That's what Ashleigh meant about the 'Burchell drive'."

"Seems that way."

"Great," I mused.

"We've enjoyed it."

"Yeah, but now there's five Burchells together in the same house. That could be a recipe for the kind of thing we're trying to avoid," I said as I walked closer.

"How do you mean?" she asked as I climbed the short steps and sat with her.

"Mum... Come on, you know the way we are and... stuff."


"So, things could get out of hand. These are the only people who would ever accept us for what we really are because it's also what they really are. We don't want to screw that up, and we need to keep our minds on business, anyway. We shouldn't get distracted by... you know."

She smiled, watching her hand run through the water as she seemed to mull this over. I reached out and began unbuttoning her blouse as she looked up at me, still smiling to reply.

"You're right in everything you say, but there's the other possibility that Ashleigh is on the level and there's nothing wrong here, other than her being a control freak and a bitch. Regardless, kitten is a very... exciting little thing and neither of us knows how this whole situation could pan out."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked, reaching inside her unbuttoned blouse to grab her tits, gently squeezing and appreciating them in their shiny, deep wine coloured bra.

"Mmmm. I'm saying that you should keep an open mind. What we talked about back at the funeral home and the motel was based on different plans. See, there's this little town I know of in northern- way northern –Saskatchewan, the proverbial ass end of nowhere. The place has no name that I'm aware of and you won't find it on any maps, or knowledge of it in any pig's head. You get what I'm saying?"

"I think so."

"It's not the only place like that in the country, believe me. It's the kind of place where people who are wanted by the law go, people who want to live off the grid for whatever reason... That's where we were headed until we got these invitations, but the thing of it is that Ashleigh is now willingly providing us with a possibly safe, hidden harbour without the obvious sacrifices we'd have to make if we winter up north."

"Okay," I thoughtfully expressed as she straightened, allowing me to pull her blouse out of her skirt so I could get the last button. "So, how does this relate to kitten?"

"I'm just saying that we may be here until spring. Kitten says she'll be here for two weeks, but who knows how long she'll stay at this early stage, and who's to say what'll happen?" she asked as I pushed her blouse over her shoulders, removing the sleeves from her forearms. "I'm not saying that we don't keep our mind on business, I'm not saying we can trust Ashleigh, and I'm not saying we're going to have sex with kitten, I'm just saying that in a house full of Burchells... Well, look at us. You said it yourself, didn't you?"

"Go with the flow, Mum?" I asked, reaching around her to unclasp her bra, kissing her lips while I was there.

She didn't answer right away because she seemed to prefer kissing me back just then. The tension in her bra relaxed after I managed its clasp and I felt the cups drop slightly under the weight of her breasts. We were making out by the time the shoulder straps rested at her elbows.

A minute later, "Mmmmm. (sigh) Sweetie pie... This is a fluid situation. Keep being who you are, that's your strength and one of the things I value in you, but... There's something to be said for going with the flow sometimes."

I'd tossed her bra to the floor as she turned the water off, the bubbles now almost overflowing the tub. I'd been getting pretty hard up to this point, but watching her work the water jets completely topless, finished me off. I vaguely wondered if it was those ever erected, big nipples.

"I mean, say we're still here a month from now, kitten too?" she proposed. "What if she wanted to fuck you? Would you turn her down?"

"Mum, she's not gonna want to fuck me," I lied. "I'm her cousin, I'd think that would make a difference to her."

"Would it make a difference with you?" Mum asked as she leaned in closer, the tub now forcibly pumping water through its jets at high pressure.

I paused before I answered, watching her unfasten the front of my pants as I leaned back for her a little, again lying, "Yes, it would."

"It wouldn't in the end," she said, spreading my pants open and reaching inside my boxers. "She's no whore, but still a lot like Sheila in some ways."

She removed my fully erected staff and I gasped as she slowly stroked it with a lustful smile.

"Oh-h fuck, Mum."

"She'd play with you for a little while," she speculated, her eyes never leaving her handiwork between my legs, "until she decided to get serious. Then it wouldn't matter if she were your sister."

As though to emphasize this point, she leaned down and licked the precum from the head of my cock, came back up and giggled.

"Mum, you little slut, I grinned, hoping I'd shut the conversation down. "Here, let me get your skirt."

"I need to get fucked, sweetie pie," she breathed, now going for my shirt as I reached around for the zipper at the back of her skirt. "Mummy needs it really bad."

"Consider yourself as good as fucked, Mummy," I told her as she came to her knees to pull my T-shirt over my head, me to lower the zipper and watch her seductively wiggle her hips out of her gray skirt as I pulled down on it.

"'as good as'?"

"You'll know when I'm done with you."


Her wide garter belt matched her black stockings, accentuating her lovely hips and supporting the black straps running down inside her pink, high cut panties.

"This is rare," I remarked with a grin as I began helping her to remove my jeans, boxers along with them.

"What?" she distractedly asked while she worked.

"Your panties don't match your bra."

"Surprise," she chuckled in a low tone.

"I love your surprises, much to my detriment."

She laughed in the same low tone as we shed my jeans, boxers and sox in one untidy bundle for me to kick to the floor. We both beheld one another with barely contained want as I stepped into her tub, loving the heat and bubbles as she watched. Once in, I reached out, wrapped my arms around her and carefully dragged her in while she squealed playfully in my embrace.

"Ohhhhh, god this is sooo nice!" she groaned.

"I know, I could get spoiled to this."

"Mmmm, but I know you won't," she said, backing me to one of the molded seats and climbing into my lap with her thighs spread over mine, big, beautiful tits almost in my face. "Now, kiss your horny mummy."

What began as a passionate kiss turned into a raw make out session, each of us all over the other in a mutual need that we were only too willing to satisfy. She ground herself across my hard prick as I mauled her tits, then kissed her neck while she held the back of my head, moaning as she found a wanton rhythm with her pelvis.

My mouth made love to her incredible nipples one by one while she held me even closer, rubbing my back and grinding even harder until she began to almost beg.

"Ohh, baby, fuck meee?"

I lifted her from my lap, needing no further invitation, and helped her up to the seat on her knees. Mum leaned over the wide edge of the tub on her forearms, looking back, and I loved her expression as much as I loved seeing her ass in the bubbles. Taking them by the waistband, I slowly pulled the back of her panties down until the entire garment was absorbed by the soapy cloud and wasted no time in giving her my cock.

"Ohhhh, yes!?" she called as my head found its way inside her.

I pushed slowly, allowing her to enjoy it as one of her hands found its way between her legs to play her clit.

"Oh, yes! Ohh, yes! Oh, fuck me! Fu-uhh! Ohhh!"

I was soon inside of her, my eyes shut against the exquisite pleasure of being there, enjoying a nice, easy wiggle-round before I started slowly pumping her.

"Ye-es!? Oh, ye-ess!? Fuck me-ee!?"

I worked myself up to a medium grind, a pace and raunchy style I knew she found satisfying and I swear I got even harder when I suddenly remembered Mum's comment about kitten's hand down Gina's panties. I groaned along with her, running my hands up her ass cheeks, up her back and shoulders to the sound of her broken wails.

I fucked her harder, satisfying myself with this beauty, my other mother, who seemed to have no real sexual limitations whatsoever.

She came with short, desperate cries that made it sound as though she didn't want the violently jerking orgasm that made her cry. I kept pounding her until I grunted each time I shot a heavy blast of seed straight into her pussy.

I kept fucking her, that sort of cool down period after orgasm and before copulation actually ends, both of us breathing hard as I moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck.

A few minutes later, in each other's arms with only our heads above the bubbles, she whispered, "Never lose you."

I whispered in reply, "Never let you go."



I passed out on the bed, squirming in sexual misery with my thighs tightly closed on my hand as it squeezed miffy without bringing orgasm. When I woke up an hour later, my horny was worse, disallowing further sleep, so I got up.

Gina was still laid out on the couch the way I'd put her, the blanket I'd found in the linen closet still tucked and secure.

Lips compressed in irritation, I tried not to think that I'd bored her to sleep as I walked down the corridor outside my apartment. She was pretty tired and... and nothing. It didn't mean anything. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before, but it was nothing.

I was still wearing my old jeans, but now only my black tank top, ponytail gone since my nap to allow my stupid, mousy, boring hair to flow over my shoulders as I headed wherever my snakeskin ball-breakers led me.

After a short while, I found myself looking down on the first floor foyer, subtly grinding my inner thighs and marveling at how close the huge chandelier was just below me. I'd never seen anything remotely like this on the DIY Channel and I was making a note of getting pictures for Daddy when her unmistakable voice spoke from behind.

"Well, hello."

I turned and watched the tall, somewhat intimidating brunette approach the railing to stand beside me.

Looking up as I had to, I smiled and greeted, "Hi, Auntie Ashleigh."

"Just Ashleigh's fine, sweetie pie," she almost lovingly assured.

The idea of calling her by her first name just didn't fit somehow and I didn't reply right away. I was about to when she beat me to the punch.

"Or 'Auntie', if you prefer."

"Okay," I smiled, this seeming more appropriate to me.

"I was wondering where everyone was, she mentioned, looking down at the first floor like I'd been.

My eyes seemed to want to stray to that full bra beneath her gauzy top and I had to force them away, back to the chandelier, admiring her for her nerve as I answered, "We went out for a while. I think Auntie Kathleen's sleeping."

"Where's Gina?"

"Sleeping. She was pretty tired."

"What about you?"

"Can't sleep," I answered, remembering again how I didn't put Gina to sleep.

"Well, I know your mother's sleeping and I suppose Steven is."

"She's not my mother."

"Oh... I understand, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, Auntie. You didn't mean anything by it."

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