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Seren's Secret Admirer


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Next, I slipped into the dress he had left. Similar to the lingerie, the silky feeling of the fabric against my legs felt amazing. And after I slid the thin straps up over my slight shoulders, I knew without even looking in the mirror that I was beautiful in this dress. I was sexy. I was confident. I was truly Serena. Lastly, I slipped on the new heels and walked around the room to break them in. I had generally mastered walking in heels in the past few months, but that had been restricted to walking around the relatively limited space in my apartment. Tonight, I would be out in the world as Serena, walking the sidewalks and God knows what else of this city.


Looking on the map, 17 Green Street was too far a distance from the hotel to walk. I rode the elevator down to the lobby and proceeded toward the street. As I walked through the lobby, I noticed that conversations seemed to hush. Glancing around, it felt like all eyes -- or at least all eyes belonging to men -- were suddenly following my every move. At first, I shrank a little in my own skin, suddenly wanting to run back upstairs and hide myself away in the privacy of the room. But the more I noticed the kind of attention I was getting, I realized that these men weren't gawking at me, rather they were admiring me. They were desiring me as I performed my sexy sachet towards the entrance.

When I hit the sidewalk, it took the bellhop a moment to collect himself, but when he finally was able to pick his jaw up off the ground, he asked if I needed a cab 'Miss.' This guy, who I'd just seen in my room a few hours prior when he delivered the champagne, called me 'Miss.' I nodded and smiled to let him know that a cab would be great, and watched him sneak glances at me while we waited for one to pull up. When a yellow cab approached, he hailed it with a sharp whistle, and got the back door for me. As I moved to step into the car, I felt his hand softly on the small of my back, as if guiding a delicate possession to safety. I turned and locked eyes with him, to which he responded by snatching back his hand.

"Sorry, Miss." He said and avoided my gaze, embarrassed.

"It's quite alright," I smiled. "You're sweet." It was my first time speaking out loud as Serena. I was a bit shocked by what came out, and how it was not my voice at all. Well, it was my voice, but softer, more feminine, as if there was some other version of my voice that I had all along.

Just before getting in the car I placed a kiss on the bellhop's cheek, and watched as he turned beet red.

The adress was located midway up a quiet, narrow block.

"You sure this is where you're going?" The driver said as we pulled to the curb.

"I believe so," I said, though I too was skeptic.

Looking at the specified address, there didn't seem to be anything to go to. I opened the car door and stepped out of the car onto the sidewalk. As I looked for some sign or door, a bar or a restaurant, a large metal door creaked open in front of me and out stepped the largest man I'd ever seen. He was shaved bald, and wore what looked like an expensive suit.

"Yes?" He asked me.

"I would have stayed in Marseille but the water was too blue." I said, just as I'd been instructed. At this, he stepped aside, holding the door for me to enter.

I came into a dark hallway, barely lit with a deep red light. The large man came in behind me.

"All the way to the end." He said.

I followed his direction, and slowly stepped my way down the dark hallway. As I neared the end, I could hear music and the steady hum of conversation. At the very end of the hall there was a floor-to-ceiling curtain blocking my path. I reached out, pushed the curtain aside, and walked into a large, ornate barroom. The room was better lit than the hallway, but still dim. I could make out the long, dark oak bar, several tables filled with closely talking couples all dressed as nicely or nicer than I was, and a huge crystal chandelier hanging over it all.

"Good evening." I heard a woman say, and I turned to see a beautifully dressed woman in her 50s standing beside me.

"Oh, hello." I said. "I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. I think." I looked around at what faces I could make out in the dim lighting, and none seemed to be watching or expecting me.

"Of course. Your name?" The woman said and opened a small book.


She ran her finger down the page, stopping and tapping the page midway down.

"Ah, yes." She said with a smile. "Your partner is not hear yet. Why don't you have a drink at the bar?"

"Thanks." I smiled, following the line of her guiding arm towards the long bar. I found an open stool and took a seat, crossing my legs and relishing the feeling as my nylon covered legs slid over one another. I found my mind hung up on the woman, and what she had said...that my "partner" was not there yet. My partner in what? Perhaps she just being polite, and didn't want to assume I was waiting for my spouse or lover or whatever.

I ordered a Manhattan from the bartender and sipped the perfectly made cocktail for a few minutes, stealing glances at the rest of the bar patrons. I had noticed it when I first walked in, and confirmed now that literally everyone else in the bar was part of a couple. There were pairs of men and women of all ages, few male couples, and one pair of women. 'Popular place to bring a date,' I thought and took another sip of my drink.

"Serena?" A voice said behind me and I froze. If I had managed to find my cool and confidence in the past few hours of that day, it all went out the window right then. My heart pounded in my chest and my entire body when numb when I heard my name in a strange man's voice. Though, the voice was also somehow familiar. This re-ignited whatever far-fetched ideas I had that AI3 might have been Josh all along, but this was all suddenly and violently undone when I turned around to see...

"Zach?" I said and nearly fell off my stool. It was just by the grace of God that I managed to set my drink safely on the bar instead of dropping it crashing to the ground. "What are you doing here?" I barked. I didn't mean to raise my voice, but I was freaked. In a full on panic I stepped off my stool and took a step away from him. "How did you recognize me?...Look, I can explain." I was quickly running through the consecutive stages of shock or grief or whatever was going on. I racked my brain for an explanation.

"What do you mean?" He laughed and placed a gentle but firm hand on my upper arm. "I told you to meet me here."

This is when it hit me. Fuck. AI3 was Zach. Zach was the man I'd been talking to. The one I'd spent hours confessing private, intimate things to. The one I...this guy had seen photos of me nude. And I him.

"It's okay," he said in a calming voice. "It's me. It's been me the whole time."

"No..." I couldn't decide whether I should scream, or hit him, or puke where I was standing.

"I'm sorry," He said genuinely, "I knew this would be a shock, but I guess I hadn't thought about how much of a shock."

"Okay, I need to go." I said. "I'm sorry. Let's forget this ever happened."

"But it did happen," he said. "It is happening still."

I felt his hand on my arm, gripping me just enough to keep me there but not forcing me to do anything at all. I noticed his thumb as it gently massaged my skin. It felt...reassuring. I looked up into his eyes. I'd never noticed how beautiful and deep brown they were, or realized how handsome he was, or spent any time considering how sexy he would look in a suit. Which, yea, he looked so fucking good in the slim, tailored black suit and tie.

"Stay," he said with a gentle smile. "At least have a drink. If you still want to leave after that, and erase this whole memory, then I'll agree to it."

I don't remember actively weighing it, or deciding to stay, but all of a sudden I found myself back on my stool. He took up the stool next to me and faced me, spreading his manly legs to allow mine between them.

"How about another of those?" He asked and pointed to my now mostly empty cocktail.

"A Manhattan." I said.

"Perfect," He said, then motioned to the bartender for two more of them.

We stayed silent until the drinks came, and spent the first few sips eyeing each other over the rims of our glasses. Eventually, as he sat looking at me with a tiny, amazed smile, I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just, wow." I laughed. "I can't believe...I suddenly realize that all these months getting to know you at dinners and bars, I actually never knew you at all."

"You knew a version of me." He said. "Just like I knew a version of you. But, as you know so well, there are multiple versions of us."

"So this version of you," I probed, "Are you called Al?"

"No, why?" He laughed.

"Al3. Your username."

"Oh." He let out a few laughs before collecting himself. "No, it's a i."

"As in, artificial intelligence?"

"Allen Iverson." He said and blushed.


"My favorite basketball player of all time. He wore number three." He rubbed his face. "Okay, so, maybe the different versions of me are not sooo different. This version is also called Zach, and I also like sports."

"Well," I said flirtatiously, placing my hand on his arm. "I suddenly feel like maybe I should learn a thing or two about sports."

"Is Serena not a tennis reference?"

"It could be," I shrugged. "It honestly just came naturally to me."

"Just like being beautiful comes natural to you." He said seriously. "And sexy. And confident."

"Confident? Me?"

"Absolutely. The way you wear that dress..." he trailed off as he took in an eyeful.

"Not so bad yourself, sir." I said and scooted just a little closer to him. As I did this, he naturally placed his hand on my leg, just above my knee, and I tingled at the feeling of his finger tips gently tracing small circles over my nylons.

Our conversation -- and flirtation -- flowed very easily for that and the next few drinks. It could have been the alcohol, or the fact that we'd actually gotten to know each other intimately well over the past several months (even if we didn't realize it), or it could have been both. But talking to Zach as Serena was surprisingly natural, easy, and I found myself inching both emotionally and physically closer to him over the next hour or so.

After some time, the hostess began to go around the room to each couple.

"The show begins in a few minutes, if you'll make your way to the theater." She said to us as she passed by.

"Show?" I looked at Zach. "Like a cabaret?"

"Not exactly," Zach said. "Okay, don't freak out again, but this is actually a sex club."

"A sex club? What the hell is that?"

"I don't exactly know," he admitted. A guy I work with told me about it and I was intrigued. Given the trust level and, well, judgement-free nature of our relationship, I knew that you were the only person that I'd feel comfortable coming with to check it out."

"I see," I said with a smile. I had to admit, his description of us was exactly how I felt about what we'd developed. I was astounded by this man in front of me. Of how little he seemed like the dull, boring jock I'd imagined him to be. This Zach was sensitive, vulnerable, eloquent. "So...there is a show? Are we going to watch people have sex?"

"I guess we'll find out...if you're interested. If not, it's fine, we can go."

"No," I protested and stood up. "I want to have this adventure with you. When the hell else will we ever get to do something like this?"

I took his hand -- something that, in hindsight, I can't believe I did, but felt so natural with him, like we were partners. He grasped mine, slipping his fingers around mine, and together we walked toward the back of the bar, through another curtain, and into a cabaret room. There were a little over a dozen tables surrounding a circular stage.

We joined the rest of the couples present and found our way to an open table to have a seat. A server came around and took our next drink order.

"Good evening, my friends." The hostess announced to the room and made her way up onto the stage at the center of the room. "Thank you for joining us tonight. Before we begin our entertainment portion of the evening, I want to double check that there are no cell phones, smart phones, or personal devices present."

"I actually didn't bring my phone," Zach leaned over and whispered into my ear. I hadn't either.

"Tonight we will play a game that many of you are already familiar with. For our newcomers..." The hostess paused and set her eyes on us for a moment. "This game is called The Wheel of Delights."

At this, a pair of stagehands carried onto the stage a large, multi-colored wheel, mounted vertically to a stand by a pin so that it could spin freely. It reminded me of the Wheel of Fortune but upright. On each of the segmented color sections there was writing. 'Fellatio,' one section said. 'Breast play,' said another. All the way around, each section was a sex act. ranging from somewhat innocent ('Lapdance') to full on hardcore ('Fuck your brains out').

"Who will be our first couple to spin the wheel?" The hostess said, and I suddenly got very nervous. It became clear to me what was about to happen. The hostess was going to select people from the audience to come up and do whatever the wheel said to do. What if she picked us? Was I ready to give Zach fellatio? Or let him fuck by brains out? Even if I was, was I willing to do this in front of all of these people?

"You two." The hostess chose, pointing her finger at the one twosome of women. "Come on up and give it a spin."

The women exchanged a giddy laugh and got onto the stage. One of them gave the wheel a hard spin and the entire room watched as it went around and around, ticking to slow stop, until it came to a halt with the pointer on Fellatio.

"Well, we can't do that." The hostess snarked and the room erupted in laughter. She touched the wheel gently, ticking it exactly one section over to Cunnalingus. "There we go."

The hostess made her way off the stage and the room hushed. The two women locked eyes as the lights dimmed, only the stage remained lit by a bright spotlight. The women circled one another, as if having some conversation through their eyes. Finally, they kissed. Sensually, passionately, their lips exploring one anothers', their tongues entwined. Eventually, one of the two women put her hands to her partner's shoulders and coaxed her down to her knees where she waited obediently staring up at her lover.

The standing woman then unzipped the ball gown she wore and let it drop the the stage, revealing that she was completely nude underneath. She had large, naturally hanging breasts. At the center of her legs was a thick bush. She reached down and stroked her waiting lover's face, then lowered herself down onto her back on the stage.

Her lover lowered her face between the woman's legs and spread her pussy lips, first running a finger through her wetness, followed by her tongue. The receiving woman gasped in pleasure, and began to massage her large tits. Zach and I looked at each other in surprise -- which no one else present seemed to share -- as the stage slowly began to rotate, offering everyone in the room a view from every angle as it spun round.

We watched enthralled as the woman dedicated herself to pleasing her partner. Lapping at her pussy, using her fingers to spread the hair of her bush and find her throbbing clit. She ran two fingers into her lover's pussy, then three, and eventually pressed her entire hand into the gaping cunt. This elicited a series of yelps from the penetrated woman.

"Yes! Yes!" She moaned at nearly the top of her lungs as sweat beaded up on her skin and she clenched her eyes in ecstasy. "Yes!" She moaned one last time before her body shook, and her lover worked to lap up the juices of her pleasured pussy.

After the woman was done cumming, both women stood up and kissed. The one helped the other back into her dress, and the two exited the stage to a thunderous applause.

"You're not going to fist me," I leaned in close to Zach. He stifled a laugh.

The hostess then returned to the stage. "That was incredible, thank you for sharing that ladies. Okay, who is next?"

A sensation formed in the pit of my stomach as she scanned the silent room. I sank in my chair a bit, subconsciously hoping the avoid her attention. But, sure enough, her eyes fell right on me and Zach.

"You two." She pointed. "Come on, don't be shy. We were all first timers at some point."

Zach and I exchanged a look. I shrugged and took his hand, and together we made our way up onto the stage on uneasy legs. As we did so, the room gave us an applause, which helped to fortify me somewhat.

"Okay, who will spin?"

I decided to step up and gave the wheel a heavy spin. As it rolled around, I willed as hard as possible for it to land on something more innocuous. Sure enough, it came to a stop on Lapdance. Zach looked to me as if to make sure I was okay. I gave him a nod.

"There we go!" the hostess said excitedly and left the stage. A stagehand came up quickly to place a chair at the center of the stage. Then the lights dimmed, the spotlight shone on us, and it actually felt like it was just Zach and I in the room. Like we were the only ones in existence.

A slow, heavy beat came on over the speakers and I let it play through, finding the rhythm. I wasn't the most capable dancer, but I figured let's see what Serena can do. I surprised myself by placing my hand to Zach's chest and giving him a firm shove, sending him down into the chair.

I took a few steps towards him until I stood straddling his legs, gazing down into his eyes as they locked on mine. I strokes his face with my hand, then grabbed his necktie and gave it a yank, snapping him to attention, using it as a leash to force his every focus to me, his master. I leaned down and rewarded him with a kiss. His lips against my for the first time was heaven. I wanted to kiss him longer, but that wasn't why we were up there.

I began to sway my hips more to the beat, gyrating over him. He placed his hands on my hips and ran them up my torso, up the sides of my dress. As I danced over him, I took his hands into my and placed them on my tits, rolling my head back in pleasure as he massaged me.

I danced a few steps back away from him, leaving him with a disappointed look on his face. Then I spun around and sat down in his lap, burying my ass into his crotch as I leaned back against him to feel his breath on the back of my neck. His hands gripping my sides, working their way down my body. He slid one hand down to my crotch, squeezing my growing bulge through my dress. I worked my hips against him, and could feel a much larger stiffening beneath his pants against my ass.

He hands exploring me. His breath heavy into the back of my neck. His hardening manhood in my ass crack. It was all too much, I needed to let loose. I needed to break free of my dress which all of a sudden felt like a cage on my body.

I stood up out of his lap and took several long, sexy steps away from him until I reached the edge of the now slowly turning stage. I turned to face him, and held his gaze in mine as I slide the thin straps of the dress off my shoulders one at a time, then worked the dress down my body. First exposing the black lace bra, then my pale feminine stomach.

I when I'd worked the top of the dress down to just above my hips, I turned away from him again and faced out into the darkness surrounding us. I peered back over my shoulder at him as I slid the dress slowly down, over my round ass with the black lace thong buried within. I caught site of his eyes, focused intently on my beautiful, girlish ass. Then I bent over at the hip, aiming my ass at his desirous gaze, and slid the dress the rest of the way off and to the floor, giving him the full few.

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