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Sex Education Class Goes Rogue Pt. 01

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Boys get physical exams naked while girls watch.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/16/2021
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Chapter 1 - Boy's Get Naked Physicals and the Girls Watch

Bobby Marcello and his twin sister, Bonnie, who was 6 minutes older, went to a Catholic school. As seniors they were taking a sex education class. After many arguments and heated discussions amongst the faculty and the parents, it was decided that it would be segregated by sex until the senior year. Then it would be coed. The idea was that both sexes needed to learn about the other in a controlled environment with a trained instructor. Thus Bonnie and Bobby were sitting together when the nurse announced:

"All the senior boys are going to have a thorough physical exam next week. The doctor will be Dr. Antonietta Mauri. She is here from Italy conducting a survey of male teenagers to compare American boys to Italians. We are grateful for the opportunity to help her with her research."

"There will also be a wonderful opportunity for our girls, especially those who are interested in a medical career, to help her with the exams. I'm sure that will be a great learning experience."

Shit! Were the boys supposed to get undressed in front of a female doctor and a classmate?

On Monday the first boys were called out of the classroom to go to their physicals. Soon everybody would know that it was more than stripping down to their underwear. The boys were examined in the nude.

Jack Goff had just walked into the nurse's office when Doctor Mauri had ordered him to go behind a screen and undress. He emerged wearing boxers, and she had told him to take them off.

Doctor Antonia Mauri was in her late 30s, quite short (less than 5 ft) and very wide. She was built like a bowling ball. She spoke English with a very thick Italian accent. She understood English well, but seemed to ignore some comments and suggestions. She just charged ahead with what she was doing.

Observing Jack's exam was Betty Anderson, a nice friendly girl. She was short and a little plump, but cute. It may have been a wonderful opportunity for her, but for Jack it was a huge embarrassment.

He had to pull down his boxers with both of them staring at his cock and balls as they came into view.

Betty gasped. She hadn't believed that she would really be seeing him totally naked. She'd heard the rumors, but wasn't sure they were true. Wow!

The doctor had then examined Jack while she sat in front of him on a stool. It involved extensive handling of his genitals. She patiently explained to Betty all the proper names as she felt and measured them. Betty tried not to stare, but she did need to pay attention to Dr. Mauri to write everything down. Eventually he stood back to the wall to have his height recorded. By this time he had gotten an erection.

Then the school nurse, Cathy Smith, came in. It was actually her office that was being used. She was young and pretty, having recently graduated from nursing school and had been at the school just over one year. She was also the sex education instructor and had come to talk to the doctor about some scheduling issue. While the doctor had consulted her diary, Cathy had taken a look at Jack before saying hello:

"Hi, Jack. Don't be embarrassed. Remember I am a nurse and do teach sex education. Just try and relax."

"Hi. Betty. Learning a lot?"

She nodded her head and smiled.

Both she and Dr Mauri seemed to be amused by his embarrassment. Boys shouldn't be so modest.

"I currently have a free period, so why don't I stay and watch the rest of your exam. I know that Betty and the other girls will be making detailed reports, but I'd like to observe one myself."

"Oh, yes, that would be helpful."

He was back lying on the table. She ran her fingers through his pubic hair and felt his testicles inside the scrotum. The doctor then spent a lot of time feeling and measuring his penis. His was over 7 inches long, but less than 4 inches in circumference. Betty recorded the numbers.

"No two are alike. They're all different," she told her. "His erect penis is relatively long and narrow, but within the normal ranges and an excellent example"

"Betty, why don't you feel his penis? It's one thing to see one, but you need to actually touch it to get it's true essence."

It was the first one she had ever seen, much less felt. She squeezed the shaft, rubbed her hand over the tip, and felt his balls. By then Jack was oozing pre-cum. The doctor explained to Betty that functioned as a lubricant, so Betty took some and spread it over his cock and began to stroke it. She wasn't sure it she was getting its true essence, but it felt great. Jack was trying to hold back, but she finally went one stroke over the line, and all of a sudden he ejaculated. It just shot out all over his chest. He was extremely embarrassed. Surveying the big glob of goo, the doctor had just shaken her head. Then she had scooped up his sperm with a beaker.

"You see, Betty, boys like Jack have very little self control. I'm sure that you've covered that in class, but seeing it in person makes a much stronger impression."

"Yes, doctor, you're right. I'll remember this for a long time."

Jack will too.

Unfortunately his exam wasn't over yet. Cathy said:

"Dr. Mauri, I was looking at Jack's chart and didn't see a prostate exam. I realize that prostates are rarely a problem with boys as young as Jack, but it's a very important sex organ. I'd be happy to conduct it."

"Yes, that's a good idea. We want to be thorough"

Cathy put on a pair of gloves and lubed up her right index finger.

"Okay Jack. Turn around and bend over the table. This may be a little uncomfortable, but won't take long."

She slowly stuck her finger into his anus and to feel the prostate. She moved her finger in as far as she could before pulling it out before plunging it back it all the way. Then she did it again. She finally did chcek that it was neither enlarged nor hard before she removed her finger. He paid the price of not controlling himself. Jack was not a happy patient and a little sore.

"There we are all done. Your prostate is fine. That wasn't too bad was it Jack?" Cathy smirked.

"Plus it was really convenient that you were already undressed. That saved a lot of time and I certainly see why Dr. Mauri insists on boys being nude."

Dr. Mauri nodded and then started interrogating him about his masturbation habits. How often did he do it? What did he think about? Where did he do it? And so on.

Jack couldn't believe that she was asking him such things and that he had to answer them in front of Betty. She wasn't just a classmate, but his next door neighbor. How could he ever face her again? What if she told her mom, who then might tell his? That would be disastrous. Dr. Mauri however was relentless and he ultimately told her everything. He went to a web site that showed women taking a piss outdoors and jerked off at least twice a night in his bedroom.

"You like to watch women peeing in the woods?"

"Yes, they all look like they are doing something naughty, but getting away with it. Plus they are getting relief from a full bladder. They look happy. It sounds a little twisted, but it excites me, and I'm not the only one. There are tons of videos showing women peeing."

"What about women urinating indoors?"

"That doesn't excite me much. I guess it's just that the environment is more sterile and there's no risk."

"Have you ever seen a woman relieving herself outside in person?"

"No, I thought that I might be able to catch some one when I was camping, but no luck. I'd certainly like to."

"Well it's a bit unusual, but masturbation itself is perfectly normal for a boy your age."

Finally he was excused.

The next boy, Chris Annapolis, was on the wrestling team. She had made him strip nude, but he didn't mind. In fact he liked showing off his dick whether to the doctor, the girl from his class, or even the other boys in the showers. His observer was Greta Fuchs, who also happened to be the biggest slut in the school. Her sexual fantasy was to fuck the entire football team on the 50 yard line.

He got a hard-on lying on his back on the examination table. Doctor Mauri seemed fascinated by its size. She handled it, squeezed it, especially the head, and tapped it up and down and pressed it hard in half a dozen spots. Then she made him stand in front of her while she sat on a small stool with rollers. His cock was quite large, over 9 inches long and thick, over 5 inches in circumference. She felt his testicles, and rolled them around with her hand, and lightly bounced them in his scrotum. Then she ran her fingers through his public hair to examine it and the skin beneath.

Unlike the other boys, Chris wasn't dying of embarrassment. He was enjoying the attention.

When she had finished examining his cock, she asked him about masturbation.

Greta raised her eyebrows. This was something she wanted to here.

The doctor asked her questions about his masturbation habits. He readily conceded that he did indeed masturbate. Sometimes he got stimulated just taking his clothes off and flexing his muscles.

"Nudity excites you and then you manipulate yourself until you ejaculate?" she had asked him. "What sort of thoughts do you have?"

He whispered, "Boys wrestling with no clothes."

"With no clothes? In the buff...?"

"Yes, that's the way they did it in ancient Greece, and I'm Greek. That excites me sometimes: nude wrestling."

"Do you think about their private parts when you play with yourself?"

There was silence.

"Yeah. Sorta."

"So you're a homosexual?"

"Oh, no, I like girls"

Greta coughed and stifled a laugh.

"Where do you do this?"

"Sometimes at home in the bathroom and sometimes in the showers in the boys locker room."

"Do you do it in front of other boys?"

"Yeah, sometimes. They don't seem to mind, and I've seen others do it, too."

After a pause, she got a glass breaker from the shelf and said "Go back and sit on the table and then I want you to masturbate into this so I'll have a specimen."


"Yes, now."

For him it wasn't that big a deal. He liked it when people looked at his cock, plus he had an idea. He started with his hand moving slowly and then stopped.

"This isn't working. I still don't have a full hard-on. My dick is usually a full 10 inches. Being in this room with you watching just doesn't let me get very excited. I need more stimulation."

"Like what?"

"Well, Greta could certainly help."

"Sure what can I do?"

"We need to get a sperm specimen from Chris. He appears to be nearly fully erect, but says that he doesn't think he'll be able to reach a climax. Perhaps some extra stimulation from you could get him to ejaculate. Plus I also want to see if his penis really is 10 inches erect. My current measurement is 9 inches. That would be important to my survey"

Greta looked back and forth between them. The doctor was very serious, but Chris had a hint of a smile.

"That won't be a problem. I love a big cock and his may be the biggest in the school."

She walked over to the exam table and started stroking Chris. He seemed to be responding, when she suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute. I can't do this like this. I'm never dressed when I give a hand job" She took off her blouse and bra and started back up. She had massive tits, and Chris reached out to grab and fondle them. He was definitely getting the stimulation that he needed and Greta was getting hot, too.

"This is a beautiful cock. I love this cock, but I think that he needs a little lubrication"

"I can get that for you."

"No thanks, I've got that covered." She put both her hands around his member and put it into her mouth. She sucked it enthusiastically. Then took it out and spread the saliva all over it with her tongue. She stroked him with one hand and played with his balls with the other. He was really responding now.

Greta was also getting worked up. Her panties were soaking wet, and the only thing on her mind now was getting both of them to climax. She stopped again, stripped off her skirt, yanked her panties down to her ankles, and stepped out of them and her shoes. Then she jumped up onto the table and shouted:

"Fuck 10 inches. I'm going for 11!" Before the doctor could stop her, she had straddled Chris and slowly lowered herself until she had taken all of him inside her. Then she was riding him, carefully at first, but soon like a crazed cowboy on a bucking bronco.

"Yee! Haw!"

Chris laughed as he watched her boobs bouncing up and down. Dr. Mauri was flabbergasted, but wasn't sure she should or could stop her. It was less than two minutes before both their bodies shook as their orgasms started. Greta let out a scream of delight. Chris pulled out just before he exploded all over her.

Dr. Mauri still held the beaker and managed to collect a large amount of his semen off of Greta's chest. She held the contents up to the light.

"Very good, that's an excellent specimen. I don't approve of what you did, but I won't report you. I also didn't get a final measurement of his penis, but will record it as 10 inches. It did appear to grow with your help. You both can get dressed now and to back to class."

They went behind the screen. Greta took her drenched panties and handed them to Chris.

"Here's a souvenir and thanks for a great fuck. I've always dreamed about having sex in public, and now we've done it and didn't even get into trouble.'

"Any time. That was fun and it made up for having to tell her my story about naked wrestling. That was tough, but what the fuck. The whole team has seen me with a hard on in the shower room. Who cares! Meanwhile we should definitely do it again in public. Where else do you think we could do it? Maybe the fifty yard line of the football field?"

They both laughed.

"That was a joke, but would you want to do it on the 50 yard line? Somehow that seems a little trite."

"Yeah, I always thought that it was a dream of mine, but I think that it was just a line in a movie. Let's meet after lunch and see if we can come up with a better idea."

Fred Wellman was a small skinny kid with pale skin. She had sent him behind the screen to take everything off, but he was shy and emerged in boxers. She looked at the boy up and down. He blushed.

She told him to take his shorts off.

"Please, let me keep them. I'm embarrassed."

"No, no clothes."

She had marched over to him, grabbed his shorts, and then yanked them down! He blushed beet red. She stood back and examined his naked body. He had very little pubic hair and actually almost no body hair.

Linda Barnett was his observer from the sex education class. She had long blond hair, very pretty, and had a terrific body. She was the envy of every girl in school and desired by every boy. She was the captain of the cheerleaders and the home coming queen. Her eyes had popped wide open when she saw Fred nude. Linda had known him since they were kids. She used to come over and play with his sisters. Now she was seeing him stark naked, blushing his head off. Her lips curved into a smile.

Dr. Mauri sat on the stool and made him stand in front. She reached out and started cupping and fingering his testicles. He had gotten stiff immediately, a stubby hard-on that was pink with a pointed little head.

Fred wanted to drop dead. For a lot of guys, having Linda watching them would be a real turn on, but for Fred it was humiliating.

Doctor Mauri asked Linda to start writing down results on a clipboard. The Doctor had kept examining his cock and balls, made him cough while she pressed a finger behind his scrotum. She then asked Linda to bring a tape measure from the desk.

The doctor proceeded to measure his penis. Linda watched the doctor extend the tape from the pubic bone to the tip of his pointy glans.

"Four! Goodness, is that right? I'll do it again...yes, that's all...four inches."

Fred, who had often measured himself, knew that he was just short of five, but he saw Linda with a wide grin record the four inches.

"Doctor, is Fred's penis smaller than other boys'?"

"Well, Linda, they come in all sizes. But Fred's is the smallest I have seen at this school."

Fred had seen smaller, but now Linda had the doctor saying his was the smallest, and she might tell all the other girls including his sisters.

"It's almost as if he didn't quite make it all the way through puberty. In addition to his small penis, he also has very little body hair and his voice is a bit high pitched."

The final embarrassment was when, lying there, she had quizzed him about masturbation. Doctor Mauri had gotten him to admit he was a masturbator. How often? Once a day? What about on weekends? He was crimson red and hot with embarrassment knowing that Linda could hear. What did he think about?

"Girls at school naked" he finally stammered.

"Where do you do it?"

"In my bedroom under the covers."

The doctor then walked to her desk and returned with a glass beaker. "I need specimen," she said.

"WHAT?" The boy was jolted with astonishment.

"Masturbate now."

She was instructing him to jack off? Now? In front of them? She looked determined and was holding the beaker at the head of his cock.

"But, please doctor, not with her here. It's embarrassing and she doesn't need to see that."

"Nonsense, you have just said you masturbate, and I need a specimen. Plus Linda is here to learn about boys' sex habits, so she should watch what you boys actually do under the covers."

In back seats on many occasions Linda had jerked off some of the school's best athletes, so she knew a lot about that. This, however, was special. She was getting to see a boy naked on an examination table forced against his will to jack off in front of her.

The doctor told him to start. He closed his eyes so at least he couldn't see Linda, but he couldn't do it. How could he possibly masturbate in front of a childhood friend?

"Well, if you're not going to do as I ask, I'll just get Linda to do it for you!"

With that Linda's heart leapt a beat. This was even better. When they played together as little kids, Fred was the only boy. The girls used to tease him sometimes, but Linda often thought about how much fun they had.

"So you like to visualize the girls at school naked?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah. I think a lot of guys do."

"Do you think about your sisters?"

"No, that would be wrong."

"What about me?"

"Well, sometimes. You're like the most beautiful girl in the school."

"Thank you. Would you like for me to get undressed then? It's hot in here and we need to get you excited if we want to get that specimen. Maybe I could take off my blouse."

Linda smiled at him as she unbuttoned her blouse, took it off, and carefully laid it on the table.

"There that feels better, but this bra is uncomfortable. It's a little tight and the straps are cutting into me, so let me get rid of that, and give the girls some air."

She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She pulled her arms through the straps and slid it off her breasts.

"Oh that feels so much better. Don't you like my boobs? I love them. They are large, round and soft with beautiful pink nipples. Most men will do anything I ask if I just give them a peek, and you're getting to see all of them. Pretty exciting, huh?"

"Oh, yeah. They are wonderful and exciting." Fred sputtered.

He reached out to feel them, but Linda slapped his hand.

"Unh, unh. No touching"

His eyes were a big as saucers. He couldn't believe that she was doing a strip tease.

"What about the skirt? Should that go, too? It's not very sexy and doesn't really go with being topless."

Fred couldn't talk, but vigorously nods his head.

She still had a smirk on her face when she undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She was now down to her tiny pink thong. Fred was breathing hard.


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