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Sex for Money, Rent, & Food Ch. 02

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Desperate for money, June gives prostitution a try.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 07/26/2012
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Chapter 02

Desperate for money, June gives prostitution a try.

June picked up the telephone receiver three times and hung it up three times. The fourth time, she dialed the number and, holding back her tears, she cradled the receiver to her breast.

"Hello? Hello? Hello?"

"Hi Larry, it's June," she said finally lifting the receiver to her ear and mouth.

"Well, well, well. Do you need more sporting goods because, this time, after the way you treated me the last time, it will cost you full price."

"I apologize for my rude behavior, Larry, but you must understand that John is the only man I've ever been intimate with and you shocked me, when you grabbed my breast and fingered my nipple."

"You probably felt the same way the first time he fucked you, June, no doubt. Right? Am I right? Right? Yeah, sure, no doubt, you probably still think that you're a virgin."

"After birthing three children, I'm sure that I don't think of myself as a virgin, Larry," she said with a laugh. "Besides, just because John and I were in love and I was a virgin, when we had intimate relations, doesn't mean that I'm a prude either. I've been around."

His abrupt manner reinforced her reason for not wanting to call him. She felt sick to her stomach and it took all the control she had not to slam the receiver down in his ear.

"Love, what is love anyway? No one is in love with anyone. We all love ourselves too much to love someone else. We all love money. Money is what we love. Money is the only thing that anyone loves. There's no room for love without money and there's no room for love with money. Money gets in the way of love, June. You can live without love, but you can't live without money."

She hoped that he wasn't right. You're wrong, she wanted to say, but didn't. His sudden outburst, albeit somewhat prophetic, shocked her. After being so poor for so long, after her lack of money has diminished her love for her husband, she knew he was right. Nonetheless, she didn't want him to know that she agreed with anything that he said or thought, except for that bitter fact that she needed money to make ends meet. Moreover, upping his use from a six pack a week to a six pack a day, John had started drinking again. There were no jobs and his unemployment was quickly running out. Bill collectors were calling night and day.

"Can we meet somewhere out of town where we can talk over a cup coffee?"

"You can meet me here at my place, June," said Larry. "No one will see you."

The thought of meeting Larry at his place excited her and revolted her at the same time. Having never been alone with another man without her husband and/or her children acting as her protectors and preservers of her reputation, it had been a long while, since she had sex and she was horny, but not necessarily for Larry. She was horny for the warm feel of a hard cock inside of her pussy.

"I'd rather we met at a public place where we can—"

"Is that what you're going to tell all your clients, when you're called to escort them? Hell, if you can't even meet face to face with me, your manager, then maybe we shouldn't even be having this conversation."

She thought about it. He was right. Besides, what did it matter? Either she was going through with this or not. Either she was doing this or not. Larry wasn't a problem. She could cold cock, if he became fresh, in the way he did, when he grabbed her breast and fingered her nipple through her blouse and bra. Truth be told, in the horny way she felt right now, she wouldn't so mind him touching her in that way again.

"Okay, okay, what time?"

"You know where I live?"

Knowing him like she did, he probably still lived at home with his mother.

"Are you still on Heather Lane?"


"What time?"

"Now, meet me now."

"No, I can't. I have the kids. John went out to the employment agency. I don't know when he'll be back," she thought, figuring, no doubt, he'd hit the bar to feel sorry for himself over one too many beers, before heading home drunk. She pondered what time was a good time to meet Larry. "I'll meet you tonight, around 8pm, after I put the kids to bed. I'll make an excuse to John to leave."

"I'll see you then and don't—"

The sound of his voice grated on her nerves and she hung up the phone, before he finished any more of his stupid talk.

John didn't come home. Just as she figured, he was out drunk somewhere feeling sorry for himself. She called her mother to babysit the kids, while she went to meet with Larry. Hoping he wouldn't be stupid enough to drive home drunk, John had the car, so she had to take the bus to his house.

Excited at the same time with the thought of the sexual adventure, she was sick with the thoughts of working for Larry and having sex with strange men. She was tired from her worry that caused her not to sleep a full night. Desperate and unable to think of what else to do, they were stuck. She didn't want to lose her house. She didn't want to be put out in the street by the sheriff, like some stray dog. There wasn't even enough equity in the house to sell it. They only bought it three years ago and had to pay points and a higher interest rate that was now even higher. They stood to lose the down payment they put down to buy the house, if the bank was to take it.

She walked up the path that led to Larry's house. The houses were far enough apart and the bus stop was not near any of the houses that no one saw her. Besides, except for Larry, she didn't know anyone from this part of town. She hadn't been down around here in years, when she had to go this way to go to high school.

Larry was waiting for her on his front porch with a big ass smile on his face, as if to tell her that he knew she'd changed her mind and work for him. The little sexual excitement she had with the thoughts of escorting strange me, while traveling on the bus was replaced by fear. She didn't trust him. For all that she knew, maybe his escort business was all imagined. Maybe this was just a ruse to get her alone.

"It took you long enough to get here. You said 8 o'clock. It's almost 8:30, he said holding up his watch arm. I figured you weren't coming. I was just about to go out to check on my stable of women," he said lying. The only woman he hoped to have was her.

"I had to wait for my Mom to get to the house. Then, I had to wait for the bus. John has the car," she said without looking up at him, suddenly filled with dread.

"I would have picked you up," he said and she shot him a look that told him that was a bad idea. "You're Mom could have—"

"How could I explain that I was going to your house?"

"Yeah, well, if you're working for me, that's a bridge we'll have to cross, because I'll need you to make your appointments on time. Come inside," he said acting like the gentleman that he wasn't by holding the door open for her.

As soon as he closed the front door behind her, he was all over her trying to kiss her. When she resisted his attempts to kiss her, he felt her ass. When she pushed him away, he squeezed her tits. She felt like she was back in high school at the drive-in. Then, when he tried lifting up her blouse, she kneed him in the balls.

"Jesus Christ, June! Great! That's just great," he said. "Is that what you're going to do, if a paying client wants a little sexual comfort?"

"A sexual little comfort? Is that what you were trying to do? I thought you were attacking me," she said with smugness. She stepped back from him and fixed her clothes. "I don't know, Larry, I just don't know what I'd do if someone attacked and molested me in the way you just did." She looked at him bent over and holding himself. "I'm sorry. You surprised me. It was just a kneejerk reaction," she said with a laugh. "I didn't expect that from you," she said taking a step forward to touch his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

He rushed at her again and they struggled. He kissed her hard this time and she pulled away, but he pushed her back up against the wall again and kissed her again. He was too strong for her and even though she could have struggled more to resist him, this time, she allowed him to kiss her and, when he forced his tongue past her lips, she allowed that, too.

He reached between her legs and felt her where no one but John has ever touched her. Even though she recoiled from his touch, she responded by not brushing his hand away. Obviously, for him to touch her in the way, touching her through her pants and panties, he knew how to pleasure a woman. She was glad she decided to wear pants and not her short skirt.

Immediately, as it had before, his hand found her breast and she allowed him to touch her there, too. His hands were all over her big tits. Fondling and caressing her breasts, he fingered her nipples through her blouse and bra. She stopped him when he started unbuttoning her blouse.

"What the Hell you doing, Larry?"

"This is how it works, June. You gotta have sex with me first, before I hire your ass. How do I know if you're any good? How do I know how much to charge my clients if I don't know what you can do?"

She looked at him with as much horniness, as she looked at him with emptiness. He made her feel dirty. She was sickened by the thought of him having sex with her. She was sick to her stomach and wanted to vomit all over him.

Having already thought about it, she wanted to escort men, talk to them, go to dinner with them, watch a movie, and have a drink. Maybe, she'd even go as far as a goodnight kiss and some light petting, but not this desperate groping and, especially, not in this way. More akin to a wrestling match, this had nothing to do with making love. Only, there was nothing romantic about trading sex for money. Love had nothing to do with prostitution. She thought of her alternatives and there were none. The phone, gas, and electricity were due for shutoff, if she didn't pay the past-due balance, at the very least. She needed money and she needed money now.

She moved her hand away and allowed him to continue unbuttoning her blouse. Larry unbuttoned her blouse and splayed it wide open. No man but her husband, had ever seen her in just her bra before. As if he was a starving man hoping to suck out some milk, he fell upon her bra covered breasts and sucked her nipples through her bra. That's going to leave a mark on her bra, she thought, deciding to wash her bra, as soon as she got home. He reached down and unbuttoned her cuffs, slipped her blouse from her shoulders, and removed it. Then, he reached down fumbling with her button, before unzipping her pants and forcing them down to her ankles. He lifted her feet out of her pants and pushed them aside with his foot.

Standing in front of Larry in her bra and panty, June didn't help him strip her. She couldn't. She was somewhere else thinking other thoughts. She was anywhere but here with Larry having his way with her body. Such a fairytale romance in marrying her childhood sweetheart, what has her life become? Comatose like, she was in shock. She didn't more. She couldn't move.

Next, he reached behind him and unhooked her bra. The smell of his cologne, English Leather, she didn't know they still made that fragrance, upset her stomach. Once he removed her bra, he was all over her C cup tits. Always proud of her natural C cup breasts, so firm and so shapely, they were magnificent. He took a step back to look at them before reaching out to touch them, feel them, and caress them. He fingered her nipples, tugged at them, and pulled them out until they were fully erect. Then, he moved forward to take them in his mouth.

"You have beautiful breasts, June. The best tits I've ever seen and I've seen so beautiful knockers to know that you big boobs are the best."

"Thank you, Larry," she said looking down at him staring at her tits.

If she had a cigarette, she'd smoke it, but she didn't smoke. If he had offered her a beer, she'd drink it, but she didn't drink alcohol either. Always a good girl, if being bad meant that she'd be good to make more money in tips, then she was prepared to be bad, very bad.

When he leaned down to suck her nipples, with thoughts of her babies sucking her tits, she cradled the back of his head with her hand running her fingers through his hair. It was a mindless reaction. Forgetting for a moment that it was Larry sucking her tits, it felt good to feel him suck her nipples. She imagined he was someone else. She imagined he was John and that everything was okay between them. Only, it wasn't John. It was Larry. It had been a long while since John or any man paid her any attention to her, even if that attention came from Larry.

He felt her between her legs and through her panty fingering her pussy through the cotton material, before pulling them down and off. She felt so violated. He fell to his knees and, as if smelling the natural, musky scent of her, he stuck his nose in her untrimmed bush. She felt so humiliated.

"You need to either shave all this hair off or trim it. Guys don't like a full bush, unless they have a fetish for it and pay for you to grow it. Most guys want a shaved beaver."

He pulled her by her arm to his bedroom and French kissed her deeply before pushing her back on the bed.

"Wait," she said, pulling away from him. "Where's your Mom?"

"She died last year."

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry, Larry," she said without receiving an acknowledgement from him.

"I like your body, June. We can make money with what you have to offer men and women."

Women? She hadn't thought about having sex with a woman, until he mentioned it. She wasn't lesbian, but the thought of being with a woman appealed more to her than it did having a bald, fifty-something, fat man pawing her.

Quickly he stripped out of his clothes and offered his erect cock to her. She took it in her hand without looking at him and held it without stroking him. How could she fall so far so fast? After never even lying to her husband, here she was naked and in bed with another man and about to cheat on her husband with the Devil himself. Help me, Jesus, she thought, but Jesus didn't answer her prayers, when Larry stuck his cock deep inside of her mouth.

"Look at me," he said. "Make me feel that you really want me. Stroke my cock, June. Your money, your return customers, and your tips depend on how good you make your man feel." He moved closer to her. "Take my cock in your mouth. Suck it and while you're sucking me, look up at me and smile to show me that you're enjoying sucking my cock, as much as I'm enjoying having you suck my cock."

She stroked him while staring at his circumcised cock. He wasn't very big, certainly much smaller than John. She looked up at him before looking down at his erect cock and before taking him in her mouth. She stroked him as she sucked him, while looking up at him with her brown eyes. She twirled her tongue all around his head, while stroking him faster and hoping that he'd cum soon, just to end this unpleasant experience. Although it had not been that long since she sucked John's cock, finally in the mood enough to suck Larry, she was horny enough to blow him, too.

"Okay, that's enough," he said moving away from her head and moving between her legs. "Show me what you got. Fuck me senseless, June. Fuck me, as if you love me," he said with his sick, little laugh.

She humped him as soon as he inserted himself in her pussy. She was already wet. She was so horny that she would have fucked anyone at this point, even Larry. It had been a long while, since she had gotten laid.

Unfortunately, Larry was a disappointment. He wasn't much of a fuck. He shot a load of cum within five minutes, slam bam. She was so glad she made the decision to have her tubes tied. She'd never want to be pregnant again, especially with his baby or anyone's baby.

"That was incredible. You're the best piece of ass I've ever had."

She figured that she was the only piece of ass he ever had and wondered which farm animal won the prize for second place.

"So," she said looking at him.

"So what?"

"How much would I make on my back sucking and fucking someone like that, in the way I just did you?"

"For all that you did and for the way that you look? You'd be my top earner. I'd charge fifty bucks just for a hand job, hundred dollars for a blow job, and two hundred bucks for intercourse, and more, if you stayed the whole night, and even more, if they wanted you to stay the entire weekend."

"Give," she said extending her hand palm up.

"Give what?"

"You owe me $350."

"The fuck I do," he said staring her down.

"I gave you a hand job, blew you, and fucked you. That's fifty for the hand job, a hundred for the blowjob, and two hundred for you fucking me. You owe me $350."

"I'm not paying you shit."

She stood and erected all of her 5'9" frame against his 5'7" skinny body. Then, she put her hand to his scrawny neck, squeezed, and pushed him up against the wall.

"I need the money, Larry. If you want me to work for you, you'll pay me what you took from me and what you owe me. Pay me or I'll beat it the fuck out of you." She squeezed her hand tighter around his neck. "Oh, and thanks for the bag gloves. My husband has been teaching me a few moves."

"Okay, okay, but you're working for me now. After this, you dance to my music and whatever I say goes. I set up the appointments and you do the rest. Whatever you make, we split 70/30, seventy for me and thirty for you."

"Fuck you. We me taking all the risks, the split is fifty, fifty," she said squeezing tighter.

"Okay, okay, 60/40 and we have a deal."

"Fifty, fifty," she said squeezing tighter and pushing him back harder.

"Fuck! Okay, okay," he said gasping for breath, while nodding his agreement. She let him go and he walked to his dresser. He removed a roll of money from his sock drawer, peeled off some, and counted out $350.

"After this, when you give me another hand job, blow me, and fuck me again, the price is $175 with me taking out my split."

"Don't worry about that, Larry. I'll never touch your scrawny, little cock again, with my hand, mouth, and/or pussy."

"I'll see you back here Saturday night. I have a couple of clients, who need some comforting, if you know what I mean."

"Here at your house?" She looked around the small house. "We're going to do it here?"

"My place is cheaper and more private than any hotel and just as comfortable. Besides, I can take care of things should there be a problem," he said pulling out a handgun from his drawer.

"Put that away, before you shoot yourself," she said backing away, before he accidentally shot her.

June took a ride home from Larry. He let her out a few streets from her house. When she opened the door and went to her bedroom, her mother and John were drunk, naked, and in bed together.

To be continued...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
No one

No one is that desperate, she just wanted to be a whore.

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Good start.

Like June I hate that she had to go there, but love the attitude of the lady.

arsekoarsekoover 11 years ago
A coming of age

Nice twist indeed. I like how this woman is finding a way to take control of her life.

Good work Susan. Keep em coming.

Tony (in NZ)

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago
Five Stars

But that doesn't mean I like that she became a cheating whore. What's next?

We'll see...

William smythWilliam smythalmost 12 years ago
It's got all the earmarks

of another great story from this very capable writer.

The surprise at the end of this second chapter just adds to the expectation of good reading in the coming episodes.

5 Stars of course.

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