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Sex Pet Recovery Ch. 04 - PROBLEM DOUBLED

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Man rescues trapped women.
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Robert now had to deal with Dave. He always liked Dave. He was just disgusted with what he did to women. Now Dave had become a problem. It was time for Tony to give Robert a favor.

Robert called Tony and asked if he could come and see him.

"Bobby, you know that is not a good idea."

"I know, but I need one of your favors, and I am not going to say it over any phone, especially one around you." Tony had told him to never say anything on a phone that he didn't want the feds to hear. Tony had learned from personal experience.

"Ok. Be ready and one of my boys will pick you up. You will need to be blindfolded."

"Not a problem, Tony. Thanks for this." Tony's car came within two hours. The two large gentlemen blindfolded Robert and he sat in the back of the car for another two hours. He figured they were doubling back and going around to put off the distance they really were from Tony's place. Robert didn't care, he didn't want to know anyway.

The car finally stopped, and they led him out to a doorway. When he was inside, they took the blindfold off and pointed to another door inside. Robert headed for the door and knocked. The door opened by another large man who motioned him in and to stop. He patted Robert down, and then let him through. He went through another door, and he was in a nice room with comfortable furniture. Tony was sitting behind a desk. He stood up when Robert entered the room and hugged him. He motioned for Robert to sit down.

"Thank you, Tony for seeing me personally. I consider this one of your favors you owe me. What I need will take care of everything else."

"If it is that serious, give me a minute." He got up and asked the two men in the room with them to leave. They looked at him like they didn't want to, but they weren't going to argue with Tony. When they were alone, Tony said, "This room is bug proof. It is protected by a revolving scanner that blocks all frequencies every second. Now, what is your problem?"

Robert took a deep breath. This could get tricky. "Tony, you are aware of the sex slave trade market in this town, I know. I know you do not participate in that. There are some things your people don't want to do. I appreciate that. My problem is my friend Dave. He works for the people in this trade. He has used Pedro's establishment as a recruiting ground for new girls. Pedro had asked him to not come there, and he had stayed away. I have bought three of his girls to get them away from him, and I have helped him with a girl he almost killed. I don't know why he didn't just dump her body into the river like his people to all the time, but he didn't. Now, he has returned to Pedro's and Pedro and him had words. Pedro was threatened by Dave, saying his people would take care of Pedro if they didn't let him recruit there. I am here with Pedro's blessing, but it is my favor I am calling in. I know your two organizations stay away from each other. I am hoping you can negotiate something that gets Dave out of Pedro's business. There it is."

Robert sat and waited to hear what Tony said. "Robert, I am glad you brought this to me. We appreciate how Pedro conducts his business. He never involves us, and we like that. I am glad he is going through you for this. You are correct. We have a truce with that organization. However, we do have a way to negotiate differences. I will begin that negotiation, and let you know what the result is. I will still leave one of your favors alone. We are almost even. I have never worried about you taking advantage of me with these favors. Thank you for your professionalism in business matters."

"Tony, thank you. I know how the world works. All I want to do is survive and live a good life. I will await word from you."

Tony motioned to the window, and the process was completed in reverse. He was home in two hours.

He now had his personal bed mate's situation to resolve. He now had four he had to balance. He decided to take a night off between each one. He called them together for a meeting.

"Ladies, by now you know I have bedded Mary. She is quite good at this. The late husband was a fool in more ways than one. However, I now want to resume with each of you. I have decided to take a night off between each of you. That is basically once a week. I know that is too little for some of you, so I have a solution for now. I am suggesting that you ladies pair up and enjoy each other from time to time. I know the ones of you I rescued from Dave have done it. Maybe one of you could see how Mary here feels about trying it out. I left off with Anna, and I wish Anna to come to me tonight. Thank you very much."

Anna came to his room that night. She looked magnificent. She dropped her robe and climbed into bed. "Have you talked to Mary since the night I had with her?"

"Yes. She is on cloud nine. I don't know what you did to her, but she is practically giddy." Robert reached for Anna, and she reached back. They fell into a clutch of arms, legs, and mouths until they fell asleep.

The non-profit was finally approved. Robert deposited the check he had been holding and they were off and running. He bought a small veterinary clinic as a front and let the woman doctor who had owned it, continue to run it. It was now a non-profit. He called Dr. Merriweather to come to the house to see him.

"Thank you doctor, for driving out here. I appreciate it."

"No problem. I wanted to see what you are all about anyway." She was a fifty something woman who looked like she had to fight for everything she had.

"I am glad you wanted to. As our name implies, we are a pet rescue non-profit. We will push every dog and cat rescued through your clinic. You will be paid for the cost plus a bonus above your salary for your service. If you have any problems, feel free to call me. You are to rescue as many pets as you can. We would like you to set up adoption fairs, and anything else you wish to help with this cause. Do you have any questions?"

"Sure, if I am doing the work, what are your people doing?"

He liked her already. He laughed. "Good question. None of my people are on salary at the non-profit. We have other things we are working on. Their salary does not come out of your budget. Your budget is strictly for your clinic." She relaxed when she heard that. She asked a few more questions, but she had no real concerns. Robert assured her no one there had any intention of going into the veterinary business. She would have complete autonomy. She left satisfied.

They had no issues until Robert got a visit from one of Tony's men. He was asked to go to Pedro's place now. He did so, wondering if this was about Dave. When he arrived, he saw Pedro, Dave, another man he didn't know and one of Tony's highest men. Tony's man did the talking.

"Now that we are all here, we are going to resolve the disagreement between our company and yours." He was talking to the only man in the room Robert didn't know. He figured he was Dave's boss. "Mr. Smith, here, and I have worked out an arrangement that both of our companies can live with. Mr. Smith, do you want to spell it out?"

"Sure. For the problems Dave has been causing your company, he is going to move to a new location. He can work for us in another area. In compensation for the trouble you have endured from him, we are giving you the product he presently has at his location." Robert nearly threw up. More girls. He didn't need any more girls. But he certainly wasn't going to cause a problem for Tony. "Dave will take you to his house to give you", he pointed at Robert, "his entire stock. When that is completed, he will disappear from this town. Are we all agreed?" Tony's man nodded; Mr. Smith nodded. And no one else dared move.

"When they were outside, Robert walked beside Dave. "Dude, what the hell happened to you? You trying to get yourself killed."

Dave was not happy. Robert was not SURE Dave wasn't getting killed, even though it did not sound like it. Robert followed Dave to his house. There were a couple of other men Robert didn't know there. Robert was sure they were there for Dave once they were finished.

Dave went into the back of his house and came out with a string of chained girls. There were four of them. They were blindfolded. This was no game. Dave helped Robert get the girls packed into the back of Robert's car. They chained them to the front headrest. The girls were very quiet. They must have been terrorized to be this quiet.

Dave talked to Robert before he went back into the house. "Man, I never should have gotten drunk and threatened Pedro. My people are very careful with Tony. He has a national and international reach. I will survive this only because Tony's man said you didn't want me killed for this. I don't know if that is true or not, but I thank you anyway. Have a nice life. You will never see me again." Dave went back into the house.

Robert had to sit in his car for a moment to stop shaking. He had to get out of this business. It was going to kill him.

He called Anna and told her to get ready for a new batch of girls. When they arrived, he pulled into the garage and closed the door. He was met by all four women. That was good because he had four new ones, and they would each need someone. He unchained the women, and they were helped out of the car. Their blindfolds were removed, and Robert saw why they were so quiet. Their mouths were taped shut and they looked like they were completely zoned out. They must have been drugged. Each of his girls took a girl and went upstairs to a bedroom. They would have to stay with them until they woke up so they could tell them they have been rescued. He was sure they would not believe it. The girls removed the tape, and all binders on them. They laid each on a bed and waited for them to wake up. He was still shaking, and he needed something.

He asked Vicki if she could spare Mary. He needed her right now. Vicki smiled. By the time Robert had gotten into bed, Mary was there. She took her clothes off and climbed into bed. She could tell by how he looked; she wasn't there for a fucking. He needed comfort. She wrapped him up in her arms and rocked him to sleep.

In the morning, as he woke up, she sucked him off quietly. It felt great. This woman did have skills. To see her head bobbing under the covers made him forget his problems for five minutes.

When she was finished, she popped her head out of the covers. Cum was still dripping out of her mouth. Her tongue caught the last drops and she looked at Robert and waited.

"That was the scariest thing I have ever been involved with. That meeting contained two men who have probably killed more people than we can count. The only reason these girls are still alive is because Tony insisted they pay a penalty. These girls' lives are that penalty. I now must clean them up, and try to get them home, quietly. They drugged them. I am sure that was to scramble their brains. We have no idea if they are still in there or not. We could be stuck with four more puppy girls."

Mary could see his problem. "Robert, honey. We can take care of anybody. These girls are lucky. They will live. Let's get dressed and go see them."

They went to inspect his newest "products".

They found Anna by the first girl. She was a young black girl. She could be no more than eighteen if that. She was still unconscious. Anna shook her head.

They went to the next room. Vicki was here. There were two girls in this room. One was a young blonde girl, and the other was a red head. They were still out. The last room had Tabby. Her girl was another oriental looking girl with black hair. Also, out.

His girls could not sit there and wait for them to wake up. That could take days. He made the difficult decision to tie them down so they could be left alone some of the time. He couldn't have them wake up and go running around on their own.

They were really drugged. None of them moved for two days. Finally, the largest of the girls, the red head began to stir. She looked to be no more than 18 or 19, and she probably weighed around 150. They measured her height at 5'5". They undid her bindings and waited. She finally opened her eyes. She was terrified and afraid to move.

Anna was beside her. "Honey, can you tell me your name?" nothing. "Do you know your name?" She stared blankly at Anna. She looked at Robert and shook her head. This was bad. By the end of the day, they were all awake in the same state.

He asked his doctor friend, William to come over. "Can you get bloodwork out of these girls and see what they were drugged with? We rescued them from the slavers, but they had them so drugged up, we are afraid they may have scrambled their brains.

William looked at Robert and shook his head. "You know, when most people retire, they go find a nice quiet place to rest. You, my friend, are nuts."

He got the results from William the next day. He didn't try to tell Robert the name of the drug. That would be useless. He did tell him the result.

"These girls' brains were scrambled. It will take a while to find out if they can pull out of it. I will give each an IV to help flush the drugs out of their systems. When the drugs are out, we will know if they are retrievable or not."

After a week, they knew where they were. The girls had recovered completely, and were normal young women, with one glaring exception. Their memory had been completely wiped. They remembered nothing from before they woke up. Not one second.

William decided they had been given a specialized drug that affects the memory only. They would never remember any of their past. Robert figures the slavers decided they may have to give them back, but they weren't giving away any of their secrets.

Tabby eventually identified each through the national missing persons website using their fingerprints. Robert called each family and brought them in one at a time.

They were overjoyed to see their girls again but horrified they would never remember them. When they showed the girls many pictures of them together, the girls would relax and begin the process of trusting these people with their new lives. Robert recommended they get counselors for themselves and the girls to help them with the transition.

Within a month, all four girls had been reunited with their families.

That was when the FBI showed up. They had been notified by one of the families and they showed up to try and track down what happened to them.

They interviewed everyone, but only Robert had any contact with anyone at all. Robert told them about Dave, how he knew NOTHING about what he was doing. He told them he had gotten a call from Dave one night, asking him to come to his house. When he got there, he said Dave told him he had to leave town and he needed Robert to help these girls find their families. Dave had put the girls in Robert's car and told him to leave at once. As Robert drove away, he saw a car pick up Dave and leave through his rear-view mirror. That was everything he knew. He told the FBI that maybe Dave had been trying to rescue girls from these bad people and had gotten caught. The FBI thanked him and left. He never heard from them again.

The next several months passed quietly. Robert had developed a routine with the ladies. He had Vicki on Friday nights, Anna on Saturday nights, and Tabby on Sunday nights. The rest of the nights, Mary was starting to be there. It slowly became clear Mary was going to be his mate. The younger girls were okay with it. They were starting to think about their future, and they knew it wasn't with Robert. He needed someone closer to his age, and they were glad he and Mary seemed compatible.

The two of them didn't have sex every night. They became like the normal married couple. Sex when they felt like it, and just cuddling and sleeping when they didn't.

Roy and Puppy were now allowing all of them around them. They started letting them into the house. Roy became their guard dog. Puppy became a playful companion to everybody. She would jump on the couch, and someone would scratch her ears or her belly. After a while, Roy didn't pay any attention to anyone that was playing with Puppy. He knew she was his, and none of these people were going to take her away from him.

Life had settled into a routine, which meant something was going to happen to upset the apple cart soon.

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