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Sexy Labor Day

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Sadey gets sex-toys, spankings, and more.
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Hello, reader!

Thanks for taking some of your time to read my little story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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Sadey Quinn


N and I have an annual tradition of inviting some of our kinky and kink-friendly friends out for a Labor Day BBQ. It's a small, relaxed gathering. Depending on the year it can be vanilla, have sexy undertones, or be totally kinky.

(Last year my mother visited on Labor Day weekend. We kept that BBQ vanilla.)

My birthday falls around Labor Day every year, and this year I happened to publish my first erotic book on my birthday. N wanted to celebrate the two events. I didn't object. After copious amounts of 'birthday sex', N snuggled me close and whispered in my ear: "No more cumming until the barbeque."

I shivered against his body. The next three days I spent a lot of time daydreaming about what would happen on Monday. Luckily, as always, I had plenty of things to busy myself with and kept myself distracted with writing and a huge project I'm doing for a long-time client.

On Sunday we made the preparations. I harvested lots of garden veggies for grilling and salads, cooked up the stuff that we could prepare ahead of time, and N did the dirty work of getting the chickens ready for the BBQ (we raise our own... I usually avoid having any part in the 'processing' of them). We stuck our last box of homebrew in the fridge and did a quick wine run. Since N and I live so far out, we rarely get the opportunity to host a gathering. So, we go kind of crazy. Every year I make way more food than necessary and send our friends home with huge amounts of leftovers.

By early evening we had everything prepared and ready for grilling. All my side dishes were done, and the peach pies would just need a half hour in the oven before being served.

I get really hyper [read: annoying] when I'm tired out and excited. Since N knows me well, he saw it coming. I got the 'leave me the hell alone, Sade,' look and he went off to read by himself. Luckily the hyperness usually yields to exhaustion fairly quickly. I drank one of our beers – this batch was an IPA that turned out really nice – and continued cleaning and finding things to do to prepare. Finally, sleep won, and I collapsed into bed.

N woke me up early. "Go shower and then come back to me," he said as he pulled all of the covers off me.

I quickly bathed, then combed my hair, dried off, and returned to him naked.

He was already dressed. He had shaved his ridiculous moustache nd looked handsome in his khakis and red t-shirt. I wanted him to fuck me right then, but knew he wouldn't. Sex would have to wait.

"Kneel," he said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. I dropped to his feet and looked up to him, waiting.

He carefully took the thin collar I wear off my neck. It's really more of a symbolic collar; a short necklace to any casual observer. He replaced it with a thick black leather collar that fits snugly around my neck. I felt it with my hands when he had it in place. Whenever he replaces my collar with one that is more...obvious... I immediately feel even more submissive. It puts me into a different frame of mind.

N touched my face gently, looking down at me fondly. "Guess who is coming to give you a birthday spanking?" he asked.



I felt my eyes grow wide. Syd is amonsterof a man. He's nearly seven feet tall and big. He smacked my ass once at a party just to demonstrate that his hands were large enough to leave a mark that covered both of my butt cheeks. I swallowed hard as I pictured myself over his huge lap.

N was grinning. "Okay. We have some stuff to do before they start arriving. I told them all to get here anytime after eleven. Amy's coming early."

N had me wear my small yellow sundress. The fabric is thin and soft. The end of the dress falls just below my butt, and the top is low cut. Any bending of any kind would become a fairly explicit show for anyone watching.

"No underwear, Sade. If I even need to say it."

Our first friends arrived just a little after ten. It was Amy and Stewart. Amy and I have been friends for years, and Stewart is her new boyfriend (and Dom). I gave her a big hug – I hadn't seen her in months. She had gone off on a Europe vacation and I'd been so busy with everything that we just never seemed to find a chance to be in the same place at the same time.

Amy handed me a wrapped box.

"Hey! I thought we said no gifts..." I protested.

"Yousaid no gifts. N send us an e-mail saying some gifts would be welcomed. Sorry, Sade," she said, shrugging. "This was Stewart's idea, not mine."

She joined me in the kitchen to help me prepare some of the snacks I would set out first. I considered checking N's outbox to see what he had sent to our friends but decided against it.

Amy filled me in on the new boyfriend and Europe while we worked. They met online and chatted for a long time before he finally convinced her to meet him in real life. Now they've been dating for two months. I'm happy for her – she seems quite content. And it turns out that Stewart is deliciously evil. ;)

Four friends showed up next, a bit after eleven. I greeted them all and was handed two more 'presents'.

Two of the friends were a Domme/sub couple, Mistress Tracy and Pam, who N and I play with occasionally. Even if I meet Mistress Tracy by chance at a grocery store she makes me call her 'Mistress' (which has proved to be quite embarrassing). She is one of the most sadistic people I've ever met. When she handed me the wrapped present she leaned over and whispered in my ear, "This is going to be fun, slut."

Her comment sent my brain spinning. I knew N planned for me to be spanked by Syd, and I knew other kinky things would happen given the crowd, but I had no idea what was up his sleeve. I went to find him.

We had our backyard set up for the gathering. Since we have no neighbors and we're fairly far back from the road, our space is very private. All our friends knew they could play as they wanted. When I walked outside I saw Amy naked, kneeling at Stewart's feet. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

N was lighting the grill. When he saw me approach he made the hand gesture that means 'crawl', and I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled over to him.

"Um, sir?" I said tentatively.


"Can I ask you what you told them to bring as gifts?" I asked.

"You can."

I rolled my eyes. "What did you tell them to bring as gifts?"

He crouched down to my side and pulled me up so I was kneeling, facing him. "I told them," he said, "that if they wanted to bring you a birthday present, it should be something that they can use on you today."

I swallowed hard and felt my pussy tingle a little bit when I realized he'd given them all permission to play with me. I wasn't particularly surprised. However, on quickly reviewing the dominants that would be in attendance, I started getting a bit nervous. Even with just Mistress Tracy and Syd, I'd be in for a hell of a painful afternoon.

Other friends showed up between eleven and twelve, making us a group of thirteen people all together. Apart from Stewart, all of them have been long time friends of N and I. I loved watching as some of the subs fell into their roles, kneeling or serving their dominants openly.

When Syd arrived he found me in the kitchen preparing a cooler with beer and white wine. I was bent over, stacking the bottles around the ice, when I felt him behind me.

"Not a bad view," he said.

I jumped up and spun around to face him. I knew I was blushing...

"Hey, Syd," I said, smiling at him.

To reiterate, Syd is a big guy. I looked up at him and felt like a dwarf. He pulled me into a big bear hug, making me giggle when he tickled my side a bit. Then, without any warning, he pushed me over the kitchen counter and began to pepper my ass with his huge hand. I squealed and wiggled, helplessly trying to escape the assault.

When he stopped and let me up, I stood, rubbing my butt with my hands.

"That hurt," I said, trying my best to make a pouty face.

"That, dear, was a preview," he replied. He pointed to the cooler. "Want me to carry this outside?"


Mistress Tracy waved me over to her when I went back outside. She was chatting with N. Pam was at her feet.

"Your Master and I thought it would be nice if you and Pam serve us all some drinks," she said. "You can serve us first."

Pam and I scurried off to the cooler. I opened N a beer and Pam poured Mistress Tracy a glass of white wine.

"Do you know what she got me?" I whispered.

"Yeah..." she said.

"Well!?" I asked. My tone bordered on urgent.

"Not allowed to say," she replied.

We returned to them and gave them their drinks.

"Hands up in the air," said N, setting his beer down. He pulled my dress off of me, leaving me completely naked, save for the collar. "That's better. Go serve the rest of our friends."

Pam and I quickly got everyone their drinks. She spilled a little bit of wine on Syd's shirt and was rewarded with five firm smacks to her butt.

(I asked her later if she did that on purpose. She claims she didn't, but I'm still suspicious. Every sub wonders what it would be like to be spanked by Syd.)

I poured Pam and myself a glass of wine and we both surveyed our small crowd. In addition to the friends I've mentioned, there were three more couples. One, a gay D/s couple who go by (in complete seriousness) King and Prince. Along with Prince, the other sub male of the group was David, with his Domme, Angie. And then Richard and Tonya, two amazing people who both simply like kinky, open sex.

Clothes were starting to fall off the subs, and those who remained dressed were definitely not dressed for the main public. Prince was decked out in a leather thong, and King was wearing a tight black shirt and leather pants. I knew they weren't attracted to women but god sometimes I wished they were.

Tonya was wearing a tight see-through tank top. She bounced over to me when she saw I was free to chat and gave me a hug.

"Congratulations on the book," she said. "I read most of it with Richard... it gave us some fun ideas."

"Good!" I said, happy to hear this. We chatted for awhile, watching our friends interact around us. It's always oddly surreal to have a conversation about something normal (in this case, the gardens in our backyard) while watching people engage sexually.

I heard clinking of glasses and saw N standing, getting everyone's attention.

"Welcome back, friends!" he said. "Please help yourselves to food and beverages. I'll start grilling in a couple of hours, but until then there are plenty of snacks to enjoy. As you all know, you're free to have my slave get you anything you need. Are any other slaves available for this today?"

Amy, Pam, and Prince were promptly volunteered.

"And for those that brought special gifts for Sadey, you're welcome to have her open them whenever you'd like. Syd, when will the birthday spanking happen?"

I blushed and fidgeted a bit. I'm used to being naked in front of people, but having direct attention on me always makes me incredibly nervous.

N, of course, knows this. He was watching me, enjoying my discomfort.

"How about just before we eat? You tell me when," said Syd.

"OK – Sadey's birthday spanking will be given to her by Syd at two o'clock. And it goes without saying that you're all welcome to give her some birthday spankings before then as well. Just keep in mind she's going to be getting a beating. Go easy on her ass."

Amy told me later that my face was cherry red at this point. But, my embarrassment soon gave way to nervousness when Tonya handed me her empty glass.

"Why don't you get me a refill? Ask Richard if he'd like anything, too." she said. Her smile was small and her look was firm. "I'll go get our gift for you. Meet us at the rig."

The rig is simply a metal, upside down U that was set in the ground using concrete. It's nine feet tall and, when we're having special company, N usually puts hooks in place at various intervals. For the vanilla folks who bother to inquire about it, we call it a horse holder. N finds this lie completely hilarious, since we do not have horses and even if we did, we wouldn't use the rig for animals.

No, the rig is only for the humans. N had put a few pieces of rope by it this morning in anticipation of it being put to use.

Richard requested a glass of water and I obliged. I met them at the rig with their drinks. Tonya held a long, thin box towards me.

"Happy Birthday," she said.

I opened it slowly. Inside was a black flogger.

"It's beautiful," I said softly, picking it up to feel the weight in my hand. The strands were leather and very soft. From my basic experience with floggers, I knew this one could range from sensual to painful, depending on who was using it.

"It's one of our favorites," Richard said. "I asked N if you had this one... when he said no, we ordered it for you guys immediately."

"Wow," I said. They have good taste, and I knew this flogger had to have been expensive. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Sadey," said Tonya. "Want to try it out?"

I nodded.

Richard gently tied rope around my hands, then hooked the rope through the top of the U so my arms were both reaching up towards the sky. He pulled me up further until I was just barely able to touch my heels to the ground.

I looked up and saw that most of the group had migrated to watch me be flogged. I felt goosebumps on my skin though I didn't feel cold at all. Tonya held the flogger in her hands and began guiding the tails along my stomach, then my back, letting me feel the soft touch of the leather.

The first strokes landed on my back. I gasped softly with each one before I fell into her rhythm and began to anticipate when I would feel the kiss of the flogger. She was flogging me lightly and I pushed myself into her strokes, the masochist in me so turned on and wanting more.

Richard took his turn after awhile and moved to my front. Before he began he felt my pussy and whispered into my ear what I already knew: "You're very wet."

His strokes started soft but quickly grew harder, making me moan in pain. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the sensations, wanting to absorb every feeling I was getting from this new toy. When I opened my eyes I saw that Stewart was standing behind Amy, holding her tight and fingering her while they watched.

Richard slowed down and went back to a gentle flogging before stopping completely. He released me from the U, hugged me, and whispered, "Do you mind if others use this toy today?"

"Of course not," I whispered back. "Amy should be next."

I winked at Amy as I walked back towards the house. N caught up to me.

"That was hot," he said, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah... sir..." I said hesitantly, not wanting to say what I was thinking.

"How badly do you want to cum right now?" he asked, reading my mind.

"SO badly!"

"Lay down then, make yourself cum," he said, stopping in the middle of the yard.

I looked at him to see if he was serious. He definitely was. Sighing, and hoping there weren't many bugs on the grass, I lay down at his feet and started rubbing my clit. I was so wet that I knew this wouldn't take long.

N put his booted foot on my naked chest and pressed down on me lightly. He'd never done that to me before, but for some reason it just pushed me over the edge and I came hard, crying out loudly as my whole body shook.

He gave me a few seconds to rest and then held his hand down to help me up.

"Let's go chat with Angie and David. I haven't had a chance to catch up with them, and they're the only ones not at the flogging show."

Angie and David were both fully clothed, meaning I was the only naked person sitting at the table. I tried to ignore this but I kept catching David looking at my boobs.

Angie noticed, too, and finally said to him: "David, would you like to sit here naked so that Sadey can stare at your crotch?"

David turned red. "No, Angie," he whispered.

"Good." She turned back to N and I tried to send a comforting, don't-worry-about-it look to David. But he was staring down at the table and I couldn't catch his eye.

Angie is a trained botanist, and N and her always get into long plant discussions whenever they are together. Which I find interesting for about ten minutes. Then, my brain starts to wander. I sipped my beer and thought about my kinky friends and how we all had to hide our behavior from everyone else. It's kind of frustrating.

How did anyone meet kinky people before the internet? I always knew I was into pain and humiliation and that I wanted to be controlled. Ever since I was little, there'd always been hints of my kinky self poking out into the world. I'd re-read punishment scenes in children's books over and over again, fascinated, wondering what it would be like to be punished. When I got old enough to understand sex, I daydreamed about being thrown down, tied up, controlled and used.

I'm kinky to my very core, but if it weren't for the internet I would never have known there were other people out there, like me, who craved these unspeakable things. Reading stories online helped me be OK with myself and understand that I'm not alone.

And I wonder how many people hide their feelings; their submission, or their dominance, for the sake of normalcy. How many people are stuck in relationships of equality when all they want is power and control or service and submission?

As I watched Amy get flogged on the far end of the yard and saw the spectators – Pam naked at Tracy's feet, Syd fondling Tonya while Richard did the flogging – I felt content. These are the people who I can be myself with. At this gathering, I wasn't going to make anyone feel awkward with my sexual openness or my submission. And among these people, there was simply an understanding of acceptance. We all know David doesn't want to submit to anyone but Angie, and we know that Richard and Tonya are open to touch but never to sex. Being aware of small boundaries makes us so much more free to have fun and play.

I shifted my mind back to N and Angie, still chattering on about some sort of mulch technique that works well for peach trees. Angie glanced in my direction and smiled.

"Sorry, we're just boring you to death, aren't we?" she said.

"No, no, not at all. My mind is just wandering a bit."

"Why don't you and David go get your present? I left it in the living room."

"Do you know what it is?" I whispered as we went inside.

"Yeah, I picked it out," David said. He grinned at me mischievously.

I groaned inwardly but tried not to show it. David has a huge butt fetish. I do not. I was hoping his domme had selected the gift.

He grabbed it and brushed his hand against my ass. "I wonder if Angie will let me give you a spanking," he mused as he handed me the small box.

I shivered and quickly led us back outside.

"Go on, now. Open it," Angie said when we returned.

I unwrapped the box carefully (yes – I'm one of those people who actuallysaveswrapping paper) and opened it up. Inside was a small glass butt plug, mostly clear with just a few soft, red swirls going through it. I'm not the type to be fascinated by butt plugs, but this one is actually very pretty.

"Bend over David's lap, Sadey," said Angie. "He wants to put it in."

I looked at N who was sitting back and smiling.

David scooted his chair back and patted his legs. "Come on," he said.

I bent myself over his lap, so glad that everyone else was at the rig with the new flogger. David rubbed my ass for awhile and let his fingers graze my pussy lightly, making me moan. I wiggled under his hands, knowing that seeing my ass move around on his lap would turn him on even more.

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