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Sexy, Sweet, Dark Chocolate Candy

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Love at first sight, a white man falls for a black woman.
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George is addicted to Candy, especially dark chocolate candy. Only he's not addicted to the confectionery flavor of dark chocolate. He's addicted to the human kind flavor of dark chocolate.

Having experienced back pain for years, George was a perpetual, pain pill popper. Only, it wasn't until recently, that he stopped taking pills when a friend died of heart failure and the cause of death was ruled from taking too much over-the-counter pain pills. Still, it wasn't until another one of his friends needed kidney dialysis, that he considered other options to relieve his back pain.

Not wanting to die and/or damage his kidneys but desperate for relief from his back pain, he was willing to try anything, even go to a chiropractor. His doctor wanted him to go to a physical therapist at the medical center. Yet, after seeing a roomful of old people receiving physical therapy for a variety of ailments, he didn't need to be reminded weekly that he was getting older.

Oddly enough, he had never even had a massage. He didn't like people touching him, especially men. If he was going through the trouble of getting a massage, he'd want a massage from a woman and one with a happy ending. Yet, having a massage therapist masturbate him would do little for his back pain.

Dreading his first visit to the chiropractor's office, after sleeping the wrong way, every time he leaned, turned, twisted, bent, stooped, and/or lifted his arms, George was in excruciating pain. Unable to walk, sit, sleep, and/or drive without pain, he had to do something to alleviate his pain. Tossing and turning and not sleeping well the night before his doctor's visit, he had a night of bad dreams and slept only a few hours. Nonetheless his pain, being stubborn about seeking professional help until he had to, still, he considered canceling and rescheduling his chiropractor's appointment.

Yet, after consulting with his primary healthcare provider over the phone, she reinforced that he couldn't continue popping pain pills like candy without the potential of dire health consequences. She warned him that he'd ruin his kidneys, cause internal, anal bleeding, have a premature stroke, heart attack, or even die. Scaring him into seeking professional help, she told him physical therapy or a chiropractor may ease his pain and is a better and safer alternative than drugs. Only, accident prone as a child and always in and out of emergency rooms, George had a fear of doctors.

"After getting your back sorted out, it would help if you joined a gym and lost fifty-pounds," advised his doctor while patting his stomach. "Exercise and losing weight will help ease your pain more than any medication can. After a while, when taking too much over-the-counter pain pills, addicted, you become immune to the medicine and need to take more. That's when you may get into trouble with interaction with other drugs that you need to take and overdosing," she said.

Thinking that the pills were safe because they were over-the-counter, he remembered what the pharmacist said when he picked up his drugs.

"Do not take more than six pills in a day. And do not take these for more than ten, consecutive days," he said raising his voice and pointing his finger at him as if he knew that he'd take more than six pills a day and take them longer than ten days.

# # #

Not the adventurous type, George had unfounded fears of anything new. He knew that when the chiropractor manipulated his body and put him in the inhuman positions of a contortionist, that he'd be in a lot of pain, even more pain than he was now. Between the heating pad, topical pain relief ointments, and long, hot showers, if he didn't try a chiropractor, he'd be back to popping even more pain pills like candy again. The last thing that he wanted to do was to ruin his kidneys or die of a heart attack over a bad back while overdosing on over-the-counter medication.

Now that he was off of the pain pills, against his better judgment, deciding to go through with the chiropractor's first visit, with him in enough pain and with the pain not subsiding but getting worse, he was willing to try anything. Even if it caused him more pain in the beginning, he was ready to take it like a man. Only, instead of being a painful ordeal, as if he was dreaming and having a sexual fantasy, his first visit to the chiropractor was an unexpected surprise and a real, sexual pleasure.

Immediately, he saw her as soon as he opened the office door to the chiropractor's office. Immediately, he was sexually attracted to her. A busty, black beauty, never had he seen a woman as pretty and with such big tits. Looking from here face to her breasts and back, he had trouble deciding on where to stare.

While waiting for the doctor to finish with a patient, George met Candy, the doctor's receptionist, an ebony beauty. With making a love connection the last thing on his mind, he never expected to find the truest love of his life at of all places, the chiropractor's office. Yet, never knowing how or when, not expecting the unexpected, this is how true love happens. A serendipitous surprise, a happenstance meeting, a look across a crowded room, or when least expecting to find love, love bites you in the ass or kicks you in the nuts.

Never believing in love at first sight, indeed, as soon as he saw her sitting there, it was love at first sight. Never had he met a woman so personable and friendly. Other than on TV, never had he seen a woman as beautiful. Other than in a movie, never had he seen a woman as sexy. Other than in his sexual fantasies, never had he seen a woman with such big tits.

As if she was specially made for just for him, now that he saw the doctor's receptionist, as if she was his dream woman come true, he no longer feared going to the chiropractor. Even more than that, no longer thinking about his back pain, he no longer thought about the temporary, additional pain that the chiropractor may inflict. His mind, his heart, and his other brain that controlled his penis were filled with the vision of such a captivating woman.

Jumping way ahead of himself, all he thought about was kissing the doctor's receptionist while feeling her everywhere through her clothes. He wondered what she looked like in her sexy bikini panties and her low-cut bra. He wondered what she looked in her short, sheer, low-cut, and sexy nightgown. He wondered what she looked like topless. He wondered what she looked like naked.

'Topless, topless, topless, I'd love to see her topless. Naked, naked, naked, I'd love to see her naked,' he thought.

While undressing her with his eyes, all he thought about was undressing her, stripping her naked, and seeing her without her clothes. All he thought about was having his wicked, sexual way with her big, naked tits and big, erect nipples. All he thought about was her stroking him while sucking him. All he thought about was cumming in her beautiful mouth. All he thought about was making love to her before fucking her hard and fast enough to give her a sexual orgasm with his prick. All he thought about was cumming in her warm, wet pussy.

# # #

'It's a miracle! I'm cured,' he thought while staring at the receptionist as if she was sitting there naked. 'Better than taking a dozen pain pills, no longer needing the painful adjustments of a chiropractor, I can't believe my pain is gone. As if she's a good witch, she cured me by just sitting there and looking at me,' he thought. 'Wow! She's so beautiful. She's so sexy.'

As if he had just won the lottery, while imagining her sitting at her desk topless with her big, naked, black breasts and her huge, erect nipples, totally exposed, he smiled warmly at the receptionist.

"Hi," he said. "I'm George. I have an 11:00 appointment."

He looked down at the receptionist and her name tag while filling his horny eyes with her humongous breasts. He smiled when he saw her name tag positioned about her big breasts read Candy. Indeed, the perfect name for her, her enormous breasts would be the best candy that he would ever touch, feel, fondle, and suck.

'Candy, I love candy, especially dark, chocolate candy,' he thought. 'Oh, yeah, I'd love to smear her sweet deliciousness all over my naked body. I'd love to lick her everywhere. As if she was my all-day sucker, I'd love for her to suck me all day.'

One of a kind, she's stunning. Naively friendly, she's so friendly. As if she was from another part of the world, a Caribbean island or a tropical paradise, she's so sexy. As if she was a Miss Universe winner, she's so beautiful. She had such big tits that he wondered what she looked like in a bikini. She had such big tits that he wondered what she looked like without the bikini. He'd love to see this beauty topless without her clothes.

As if she was in an Irish Spring soap commercial from the '70's, he imagined her running through a field of heather. With flowers in her hair and a song in her heart, he imagined her running towards him to greet him with a hug and a kiss. He imagined her big breasts bouncing like basketballs being alternately dribbled with each hand. As if she was Gunilla Knutsson, a Swedish model from the early 60's, he imagined Candy in a Noxema commercial from 1967 telling him what to do.

'Take it off. Take it all off,' he thought while tempted to strip himself naked in front of her. 'While I fondle your enormous, naked breasts and finger your huge, erect nipples, suck my cock, Candy. Blow me. I need to cum in your beautiful mouth. I'm sure that if I cum in your mouth and ejaculate a second load of cum all over your beautiful face and across your enormous, naked breasts that I'll forget all about my back pain,' he thought while imagining her sucking him.

# # #

Perhaps, feeling him staring at her, as he imagined that most men taken with her do, she looked up from her paperwork to smile at him. When she smiled, she was even more beautiful. When she smiled at him, as if she was the sun coming out on a rainy and cloudy day, his skies brightened and his mood lightened. When she smiled at him, her big, dark eyes penetrated his soul, his heart, and captivated him as if they were twin, laser beams heating his sexual passion. When she smiled at him, a miracle in the making, he was pain free.

As if she was the receptionist for a dentist instead of for a chiropractor, she had perfect teeth and they were so white. Her snow-white teeth contrasted her darker skin tone and her beautiful complexion. Imagining taking her on a Honeymoon cruise, a woman he had just met, he was already falling in love with her. He was already making plans to live with her happily ever after for the rest of his life. Even though he had just met her and only knew her for five-minutes, he imagined taking her home to meet his mother.

'Mom, this is Candy. Candy, this is my mother,' he imagined saying. 'We're having a baby,' he imagined touching her swollen stomach. 'We're getting married.'

He loved her name. With her so sweet and good enough to eat, a perfect name for such a beautiful woman. He couldn't stop saying her name in his mind while continuing to stare at her.

'Candy, Candy, Candy, I love Candy, especially dark, chocolate candy,' thought George after meeting Candy. 'Candy, Candy, Candy, I love you, Candy,' he imagined saying to her while kissing her, French kissing her, while touching and feeling her everywhere through her clothes.

In the way that Farrah Fawcett of Charlie Angels told Joe Namath in a 1973 Noxema, Super Bowl VII commercial, to let Noxema cream his face, he imagined creaming Candy's face with a cum bath. Already way ahead of himself, he imagined stripping her naked and having deep, penetrating sex with her naked body. Already way ahead of himself, while staring up at him with her big, brown eyes, he imagined her stroking his prick while sucking his dick as he felt her humongous breasts while fingering her erect nipples.

As if she was his Heavenly angel not of this earth, he imagined making sweet love to her before fucking her hard and fast. He imagined giving her multiple orgasms with his fingers, his mouth, and his cock. He imagined her cumming. He imagined her screaming his name in sexual ecstasy.

'George! Oh, George! I'm cumming. I'm cumming, George,' he imagined her saying. 'George, don't stop. Please don't stop. Hump me harder. Fuck me faster. Make me cum. I'm cumming George. I'm cumming,' he imagined her saying while they had passionate sex.

# # #

Hitting him hard, as if he had a schoolboy crush, and he was in puppy love but this was no infatuation with a sexy coed, a classmate, a cheerleader, or a college teacher. The first time instantly falling in love, never had he felt like this about a woman before. This was the real thing. Already under her spell, willing to say and do anything to make her happy, he was determined to make her his woman. As if hit by thunderbolt of lightning, he was thunderstruck by the first sight of her.

'Love at first sight. She's so beautiful. She so sexy. She has such big tits,' he thought.

With him surprised and, yet, totally taken by love, Cupid's arrow hit a bullseye to the center of his heart. Something he never believed in, love at first sight, he believed in love at first sight now. He loved Candy. Truly, he did.

Usually taking a dozen dates and numerous, longwinded telephone calls back and forth, this was different. He drove home counting traffic lights, green for she loves me and red for she loves me not. Fortunately for him, as if God was intervening, the first time it ever happened, he hit every green light without having to stop at a red light.

"She loves me. She loves me not...", he said counting the days to his next chiropractor appointment and to the day after he invited Candy out to dinner.

# # #

He's always liked sweets, especially candy, and more specifically dark chocolate. Unable to help himself, when it came to dark chocolate, because dark chocolate has less sugar, less carbohydrates, and less calories, he always ate more than he should. Dark chocolate is so richly creamy and much tastier than white chocolate. Dark chocolate is much better for him than milk chocolate. Lactose intolerant, milk chocolate upsets his stomach but dark chocolate, especially when it's 85% dark chocolate, doesn't make him sick.

As if it was serendipitous kismet to meet a captivating, ebony princess named Candy, who was sweeter than any candy that he had ever eaten, was something so very erotically titillating and sexually thrilling. Drop dead gorgeous, she was so beautiful. With her having a one in a million shapely body, she was so sexy. Having never dated a black woman before, while hoping she'd say yes, he couldn't wait to ask her out on a date.

Getting way ahead of himself again, he imagined marrying her. He imagined having two, interracial children, a boy named Cassius and a girl named Isabella. He imagined trading in his Mustang GT for a minivan. He imagined buying a dog, a Doberman Pincher named Devil. He imagined buying a house in the country. He imagined having the perfect life living in marital bliss with Candy.

'Candy, candy, candy, I'm in love with Candy,' he thought.

Again, getting way ahead of himself, he couldn't wait to hold her while staring into her big, dark, beautiful, brown eyes and kiss her while touching and feeling her everywhere through her clothes. Having just met the woman and already going overboard with his lifelong marital plans and his sexually, inappropriate thoughts, he couldn't wait to strip her naked. He couldn't wait to see, touch, and feel her enormous breasts and suck her big, black nipples. He couldn't wait to touch, feel, slap, and tap her shapely, black ass.

Something that he'd love to do, yet something that he had never done with a black woman before, he couldn't wait to see her naked, black pussy. While wondering if her pussy was shaved, trimmed, or bushy, he couldn't wait to finger her pussy while licking her pussy. He couldn't wait to eat her black cunt while reaching up to feel her huge tits and finger her erect nipples. He couldn't wait to make love to her before fucking her.

'Only, I'm out of her league,' he thought. 'Why would someone who looks like her want to have sex with someone who looks like me?'

Nonetheless, whenever she looked away, he stared at while imagining having sex with her. It was fun to sexually fantasy that she'd sexually want him as much as he sexually wanted her. It was sexually exciting to imagining her without her clothes. If he had one wish, he'd love to see her naked.

"Oh, Candy," he imagined saying as she stroked him and he fondled her enormous breasts while pulling, turning, and twisting her big, black nipples. "Oh, Candy," he imagined saying as she sucked his cock and he moved a gentle hand to the back of her pretty head. "Oh, Candy," he imagined saying as he ejaculated a load of cum in her mouth and a second load of cum all over her pretty face and across her huge, naked breasts.

# # #

He couldn't wait to return home from the chiropractor. He couldn't wait to masturbate himself over her while imagining giving Candy sexual pleasure. He couldn't wait to imagine giving her multiple, sexual orgasms with his fingers, his tongue, and his cock. In the way that he was sexually fantasizing making love to her now, he couldn't wait to sexually fantasize making love to her at home.

While imagining her stroking his prick, he couldn't wait to fuck her hard and fast. While stroking himself harder and faster, he couldn't wait for her to blow him. While cumming, he couldn't wait to cum in her mouth and watch her swallow him. As if he was a dog leaving his mark, he'd love to mark her naked body everywhere with his cum.

'Candy, Candy,' he thought while imagining stroking his prick to a nice erection. 'I love you, Candy.'

A crapshoot, the winning number on a roulette wheel, or a lottery jackpot of love instead of money, never knowing when Cupid's arrow will hit, he never believed in love at first sight until he saw Candy. She was so beautiful. She was so tall. She was so sexy. She was so busty. If he had a sexual weakness for any body part of a woman, he loved tits, especially big tits, the bigger the better, and Candy had big, shapely breasts. She had enormous knockers.

Normally, when he thinks of the name Candy, he thinks of a blonde and blue-eyed, bubbly, empty headed cheerleader or a stripper who's been around the block more than a few times. He suspected that Candy wasn't her real name because her name didn't go with her outward appearance and his perception of a beautiful, black woman. If he didn't know her name and had to guess her name, he would have guessed a beautiful black woman's name such as, Jasmine, Ruby, Shanice, or Precious. Yet, indeed, her real name was Candy.

A tall, black beauty, with big, dark and mysterious eyes, she had long, shiny, blue-black hair, and huge breasts. Clearly injected by some white blood along the way, she was light skinned and didn't have the curly hair nor the wide nose of a typical, African black woman. She had beautiful, straight, soft hair, hair that he imagined he'd love to touch and smell while making love to her.

Normally, to straighten their hair, many black women process their hair with chemicals. Many black women don't like anyone touching their hair. Candy wasn't the typical black woman. The way that she talked, walked, and carried herself, she was as white as he was. If he didn't see her but only heard her speak, he'd never suspect that she was black. He'd think that she was white.

# # #

He first saw her sitting behind her desk at the doctor's office. Sitting kitty-corner while filing, her long, shapely legs hung out the side of her desk. A reaction and an instant connection that's never happened to him before, he couldn't take his eyes off of her pretty face, her big breasts, and her long, shapely legs.

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