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Sexy, Sweet, Dark Chocolate Candy


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When he asked the doctor if she could stay during the realignment of his back, he shrugged and nodded his okay. She smiled and nodded her mutual agreement to stay and keep him company. Then, the first time for everything, he did something that he had never done with a stranger before.

As if she was already his girlfriend, wishing that he could reach out and finger her pussy though her panties, instead, he reached out for her hand. She surprised him when she accepted his hand and took his hand in her hand. As if they were young lovers in love, while giving him her moral support, they held hands the entire time that the doctor worked on his back.

Making his touches more sexual than friendly by rubbing her palm with his fingers, he played with her fingers as if he was fingering her big, black nipples or fingering her pussy through her panties. Holding her black hand while playing with her manicured fingertips took his mind off of the painful moves that the doctor was doing to his back. Holding her soft, warm hand was as soothingly as it was comforting.

Holding her hand made him want to touch and feel her everywhere. If her hand felt this sexually exciting, he couldn't imagine what it would feel like to hold her naked breasts and/or to finger her pussy. He couldn't imagine how sexually exciting it would feel to touch and feel her everywhere while kissing her, French kissing her. He couldn't imagine what it would feel like for her to hold my erect, naked prick. Hoping she'd say yes to him asking her on a date, he wished that she was his woman.

# # #

When he returned to the reception room to make his next appointment, again, something that he'd seldom do with a stranger, before she sat at her desk, he gave her a hug. He thanked her for keeping him company. Sticking his nose in her long, lush, straight, black hair, he inhaled her perfume in as if he was leaving her to go overseas on active duty. When she didn't pull away from him by taking a step back, seemingly, enjoying his hug, he pressed his growing erection against her tummy in the way that she squished her giant breasts against his chest.

"Thank you for easing my nervousness by talking to me and keeping me company," he said.

'Thank you for exposing your white panties and all that I could see of your nearly, naked black pussy,' he so wanted to say but he didn't. 'Thank you for mindlessly feeling your breasts and fingering your nipples through your blouse and bra as I watched,' he so wanted to say but didn't dare say that either. 'Thank you for showing me the side of your low-cut brassiere and your long line of sexy cleavage,' he wished he could say.

While holding her and hugging her, not wanting to let her go, never wanting to let her go, he so wanted to kiss her. He so wanted to part her red, full, lips with his tongue and French kiss her. He so wanted to touch and feel her everywhere.

Only, even though he wanted to kiss her, touch her, and feel her everywhere through her clothes, having just met the woman, that would be too aggressively forward of him to do. Not wanting to ruin things by rushing things, even though he wished he could stick his tongue in her mouth while feeling her big breasts, he didn't dare kiss her nor grope her. Instead, biding his time, he was still summoning the courage to ask her out on a date.

Instead, he thanked her for allowing him to hold her hand. Yet, while holding her and hugging her, he was tempted to allow his horny hands to fall behind her and cup her sweet, round, black ass. Then, when she broke off their hug, pushing the envelope, brazen on his part, while hoping she'd say yes, now or never, he asked for her number.

"I'd like to see you again," he said looking at her with love in his eyes. He paused when she didn't answer him but continued when she smiled up at him. "May I have your number?"

Not thinking she'd give him her number; he was so nervous. Yet, when she wrote her number on a slip of paper and handed it to him, he was so happy. He couldn't believe that she gave him her phone number. He couldn't believe she wanted to see him again.

"May I take you to dinner for being so nice," he asked?

She looked up from her paperwork and smiled up at him again.

"I'd like that," she said.

# # #

When she leaned forward to make his next appointment, she gave him and unintentional or a deliberate down-blouse view of her long line of sexy cleavage. As if he had never seen bra clad breasts before, he stared at the top of her low-cut bra and the tops of her meaty breasts. He was so enamored of all that he was seeing of her, even with only a partial glimpse of her big breasts, that he couldn't think straight enough to set a new appointment date to see the doctor.

Distracted, in the way that she accidentally or deliberately exposed her panties to him, he remembered her feeling her breasts while fingering her nipples. He imagined her allowing him to feel her big, naked breasts while sucking her big nipples. He imagined her allowing him to strip her naked. He imagined them having sex.

With her staying with him, talking to him, and taking his mind off of impatiently waiting to see the doctor, for the first time, he didn't feel impatient waiting for the doctor. For the first time, while holding her hand, taking his mind off of what the doctor was doing to his back, he didn't even feel the pain. For sure, instead of holding her hand, he would have preferred holding her big, naked breast and/or cupping her panty clad pussy. Instead of her holding his hand, he would have preferred her holding his erect, naked prick and stroking his big dick.

Sexually excited while imagining feeling her bra clad breasts and her naked breasts while fingering her erect nipples, no matter what contortions the doctor put him in to alleviate his pain, he never felt the pain. He only felt the anticipated sexual excitement of being with her. As long as she was with him, he was pain free.

Who needs a chiropractor? No longer thinking about his bad back, as long as he could hold her hand and imagine seeing, touching, feeling, fondling, and sucking Candy's humongous breasts, he'd forever be pain free. With him remembering this for the rest of his life, this was the best doctor's visit that he ever had. Meeting Candy, her giving him her phone number, and agreeing to see him again, was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

# # #

He couldn't wait to call her. He couldn't wait to make a date with her. He couldn't wait to see her again. He couldn't wait to hopefully kiss her goodnight and, pray to God, that she'd allow him to feel her big breasts.

That night, he called her. Ready to impress her with a fancy dinner and a fine bottle of French wine in an expensive restaurant, oddly enough, she wanted none of that. Instead she had a favorite restaurant already in mind that was closer to her apartment.

"Hi, Candy. Do you remember me? This is George. I'm the guy from the chiropractor's office from today," he said while nervous as all Hell.

It was one thing seeing her in person and talking to her at the office but it was something else talking to her over the phone. Unable to see her reaction to his words, as if he was blind, talking to her on the phone was like talking in the dark. Instead of feeling comfortable, he had long, uncomfortable pauses while thinking of what next to say.

"I know who you are," she said with a giggle. "Hi, George."

Fearing that she had changed her mind about going out with him, he was nervous with sexual anticipation. Already making the reservation, he wanted to wine and dine her. He wanted everyone to see the beautiful woman that he had on his arm.

"I know of a great restaurant in the city. It's French," and expensive he wanted to say but didn't.

As if someone had let the air out of her with a pin, she made a heavy sigh in the phone.

'Oh, oh,' he thought. 'She changed her mind about going out with me.'

She paused what seemed like ten minutes but only was a few seconds.

"If it's okay, I'd rather not stray too far from home," she said. "I never drink while driving even if I'm a passenger," she said with a pause. "I've learned to keep my wits about me at all times. Besides, French food doesn't agree with me."

George thought that perhaps, she had been sexually assaulted. He wondered if she had been harassed by the police because she's black. Sensitive to her issues because of her race, he allowed her to pick the restaurant.

"Okay," he said giving up his desire to impress her. "Do you have a restaurant in mind that's closer to your house?"

She laughed.

"Actually, I do. I prefer simple food. Growing up poor, my parents didn't have much money. Sometimes, we ate breakfast for dinner," she said with a laugh.

He laughed.

"Breakfast for dinner? That can't be healthy," he said.

She laughed.

"Actually, breakfast foods are healthier and better for you than rich and heavy foods," she said. "I know this place that's within walking distance of my apartment. I don't like being out at night," she said. "It's a twenty-four-hour dinner and a favorite with truckers. They have the best food and serve breakfast around the clock," she said.

After a dinner of waffles and sausages, a cheap date that's within walking distance to her apartment, indeed, she had ulterior, sexual motives for wanting to be close to home. She invited him to her apartment. Yet, he was still confused by her late-night excuses. Maybe it's as simple that she's afraid of the dark.

"Why don't you like being out at night?"

She laughed.

"A black woman walking around in a white neighborhood with a white man at night isn't smart. Instead of being out on a date, they'd think that I'm your hooker and you're my John," she said with a dirty laugh. "The police would feel free to harass us."

He laughed, too, at the thought of her being thought of as a hooker. Yet, with them having different experiences, maybe she knew something that he didn't know. Maybe she was giving him a reality check of what it would be like to date a black woman.

"Because of my color and my big breasts, I'm a favorite target of police. I've lost count how many times I've been stopped and searched for illegal drugs and/or weapons," she said with sadness. "It's just an excuse for them to sexually molest me and feel my breasts."

# # #

A real eyeopener to how different it was to date a woman of color; she had a black Jesus on her wall and a black Madonna statue. Obviously, she was religious but this was his first time seeing black, religious statues. She had a small chair with black, baby dolls and even a black Barbie doll in the corner of the room. In the way that he still had his Spiderman and Superman dolls, she had Michael Jackson dolls dressed in outfits from his Thriller video.

Getting along surprising well, they talked about nothing and laughed over everything for more than an hour while drinking wine. As if he had known her for years, she was so easy to be around. Finally, truth or dare time, he summoned the courage to kiss her. Ready to test the water to see how really attracted they were, he leaned into her while looking into her eyes.

It was a simple and innocent kiss until she surprised him with her sexual forwardness and parted his lips with her tongue. Sexually exciting him with her sexual aggressiveness, she made his prick pulsate and throb with her kiss. Not only did she return his kiss with her kiss but she French kissed him. As soon as he felt her tongue in his mouth, he had an erection.

With her taking the sexual lead and clearly wanting to be in sexual control, he felt her hand feel his hard, erect prick through his pants. She was the first women who ever sexually touched him first. She fingered the head of his cock through his pants while squeezing his prick. She was feeling his erect cock through his pants in the way that he wanted to feel her big tits through her blouse. Tempted to do so and daring himself to make his move, he was ready to feel her breasts while kissing her.

Yet, with her continuing to feeling his prick while kissing him, as if she gave him the green light, he was tempted to unzip himself. He was tempted to remove his stiff prick from his pants. In the way that he'd love to see her naked tits, he wanted her to see his naked prick.

He wondered if she'd look at his exposed cock, stare at it, or look away. He wondered how she'd react to him being so sexually forward. Yet, what he'd never do with a white woman, he wanted and was ready to do with a black woman and with her.

Only, shocking him again, seemingly, with them on the same page, she was thinking the same thing. Surprising him again, he felt her fingers reach of his zipper. She unzipped him in the way that he wanted to unzip himself. She unzipped him in the way that he wanted to unbutton her blouse. Then, as soon as he felt her hand reach inside his pants, he reached for her breasts. He felt and squeezed her enormous breasts through her blouse and bra while she removed his prick from his underwear and his pants.

She stared up at him with her dark, brown eyes while holding his erect prick in her hand. Then, as if they were already lovers, while staring down at his hard dick, she fingered the head of his cock with her manicured fingers. While he felt her breasts through her blouse, she slowly stroked him. She masturbated him in the way that he wanted to masturbate her.

Not stopping him, he unbuttoned her blouse, one slow button at a time. He stopped to see what each unbuttoned revealed before unbuttoning the next button. Yet, before he had the chance to remove her bra, she leaned down and took him in her mouth. Candy was blowing him. She was sucking his cock. With this only their first date, he couldn't believe she already had his prick in her mouth.

'Oh, my God,' he thought. 'Candy is blowing me. She sucking my prick.'

While she was blowing him, he reached behind her to unhook her bra. Struggling to unhook her bra, she had five clasps. He never felt and/or tried to unhook a five, clasp bra. Yet, her breasts were so big that she clearly needed that kind of support to keep them from falling out of her bra.

"Let me," she said.

She removed her blouse and then, she reached behind herself and removed her bra. She was topless. In the way that his cock was exposed, her breasts were now exposed, too. Sexually teasing him, she cupped her massive breasts in her hands while sliding slow fingers across her erect nipples. As if telling him what she wanted him to do, she turned, twisted, and pulled her nipples while staring up at him. Then, as soon as she took him in her mouth again and continued blowing him, he followed her lead.

He felt and fondled her big tits while turning, twisting, and pulling her erect nipples. The more that he felt and fondled her naked breasts, the faster and harder that she stroked his cock. The more that he fingered her big, erect nipples, the deeper she swallowed his prick. Giving him an incredible blowjob, the best blowjob he ever had in his life, it didn't take him long to cum in her mouth.

"Candy. Oh, my God, Candy. I'm going to cum. I'm cumming, Candy. I'm cumming," he said.

She allowed him to cum in her mouth but as soon as he did, she leaned up to kiss him. Sticking her tongue in his mouth, she French kissed him. Only, shocking him, she returned the sexual favor of him cumming in her mouth by depositing his cum in his mouth. She snowballed his cum in his mouth. Never has any woman done that to him. Never had he swallowed a mouthful of his own cum.

# # #

Then, in the way that he took her by her hand at the chiropractor's office, she took him by his hand and led him into her bedroom. They stripped off their clothes and as soon as they were naked, she pushed him back on the bed. Not even bothering with a condom, she mounted him. Obviously, she didn't seem to care if he made her pregnant. Clearly, she wanted to be pregnant with his child.

A whirlwind romance, they were engaged and married within six months. Not only was he happy but also his back was pain free. Within a year, they had a baby boy that he named Cassius. Next, a harsh albeit an adult reality to take, he traded his beloved Mustang GT and bought a minivan.

Two years later, they had a baby girl that they named Isabella. The only change to his plans that he had imagine three years before, was he wanted a Doberman Pinscher but she wanted a Pit bull. They moved to the country, bought a house and lived happily ever after.


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Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 4 years ago
Promising title, then

quite the letdown. You excelled at setting up George's incredible back pain and reason for wanting to get chiropractic help, as well as going off excessive OTC meds. After that, however, the wheels came off.

George making Candy's breasts the center of his attention LONG before he even knows her is such a turn-off, and he's already doing all the misogynist things like seeing her nipples and very revolting one-liners that would have any reasonable female running for the hills right away. This is just about 5-6 paragraphs, too.

Make it more natural. It doesn't have to be such a slow burn that we seem them "unite' after 3 chapters, but at least treat her like a lady and have him be a gentleman. Then you might have a real barn-burner later that's set up for her to go multiple directions--after being respectfully charmed and intrigued of course.

Seyazou-NubilleSeyazou-Nubillealmost 4 years ago

Love the story! Now you have me reading more of your stories.

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 4 years ago

I liked how you got into his mind and all the naughty thoughts he was having about this woman before he decided to finally ask her out..

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