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Shannon and Mark's Story


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Those words made me blush. I didn't know what to say.

"Okay, maybe I snuck in a few glances at your body..." He let out a little laugh. "But can you blame me?"

How was he such a gentleman and a typical guy at the same time making me feel like the prettiest girl? "Pervert!" I joked and stepped closer and boldly kissed him on the lips.

He smiled and kissed back gently.

"I'm sorry. I really shouldn't be kissing a married man." I said as I kissed him some more, which was slowly turning into a make out session.

He laughed as he ran his hands down my hips and pulled me in closer. "Well...lets just say this whole wedding was just a practice run for when I get married to girl I'm really meant to be with."

"You mean...?" My face lit up. "You're not...?"

He shook his head. "You and Jason?" He asked.

I shook my head and smiled, "not any more." We kissed softly and just hugged. Was this really happening?

His hands rubbed my arms and lightly grazed the side of my breasts through my dress. I'd accuse him of being a horny pervert if I didn't like it so much.

I blushed and held in a little laugh.

"What?" He asked playfully as he kissed my neck.

"Shall we go back to your place and finish that drawing of me...?" I asked with a hint of insecurity.

"No." He said plainly.

"Oh. Yeah, I shouldn't have assumed, I mean we're not together or anything." I said not quite sure what to think.

He kissed me almost as if to stop my negative train of thought.

"No, I meant I don't want to finish that drawing." He said as he kissed his way up my neck until he was right next to my ear and whispered, "I want to start a new drawing of you. And a new one tomorrow, and a new one the day after that, and the day after that, and every day after that."

I completely melted. I really was his muse. "Hmmm" I said teasingly, "only if you let me draw you too." I joked.

His adorable smile crept up his face. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The end.

Author's Note: The two drawings included are from a figure drawing class I took a few years ago. I did draw both of the sketches and yes, they are technically two different girls, and may not match perfectly how you imagined Shannon to look. But hopefully you it helped paint a picture for that scene and what the characters were seeing and feeling at that moment. I hope you enjoyed their story and look forward to hearing from you!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Very Touching

Very touching story this turned into. At first the backstory journal to catch everyone up was, well useful, but once Shannon started into how she felt and then the drawing scenes--wow! So intimate in a caring way. Fabulous.

Ultimately, I feel that Jason is a dick, an asshole whose perverted kinks take priority over honor and respect, two pillars of love. I've read more of your work and have seen where Jason has gone. ***I would like to see mother Melanie take Jason out to a funeral home and torture him, show him some real kinks...before she puts him live, tied up onto the funeral oven bed and sends him to hell!

Yup. Shannon was sweet. Jason and Ashley were self absorbed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
2 (good) pics is all??

SO many opportunities for these excellent sketches.... like one every 5 or 6 paragraphs.... so easy to ILLUSTRATE your interesting story!!!

JjonestJjonestover 5 years agoAuthor
Illustrations finally posted!

The illustrations are now included in the story. I apologize for the wait. Thank you all for your patience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I wish your illustrations showed up

Great story. Messy is way more real than not messy. Good character development. Figure out how to get the illustrations to show up.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmalmost 7 years ago
You lied to us

Where are the illustrations? I didn't see any. That's an author lying to us.

ProfDavrosProfDavrosalmost 7 years ago
Realistic messy love

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode in the confused love lives of this mixed up pair of couples. So human to be attracted to more than one person, to act on attention when feeling unvalued. So magic to read of the real power of primitive sex while our minds are contradicting and focused on what's "right".

The courage displayed by all the players to be honest before a critical point was crossed more than some would do.

Your writing has a depth and reality that makes the sex so vicerally enjoyable, and makes me wish I'd had friends and lovers so much fun.

JjonestJjonestover 7 years agoAuthor
I'll send you the images

Unfortunately literotica never posted the images I submitted. I'm more than happy to send them to any who asks for them. Just email me at and I'll send the sketches. Thanks for your understanding.

geoffgpgeoffgpover 7 years ago

sketches are gone???

DaddieskittenDaddieskittenover 7 years ago
Oh my stars

Oh my ..

This story was simply beautiful

The stick figure scene made me laugh uncontrollably xD and its 2 o' clock in the morning

And the ending had me shed a tear bravo man bravoo

You made me feel 3 emotions in one lol

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