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Shayla and Andy

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My conclusion of JPB's dual story of Shayla and Andy.
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In May of 2019 Just Plain Bob posted two stories that presented different perspectives of the same story entitled "Shayla" (5/26/19) and "Andy" (5/27/19). Both versions presented the same basic story line with the only difference being it was as viewed by the title character and included events specific to that character. JPB has graciously consented to allow me to continue the story using his characters in my version of a Part 2 to both posts. Since this is a continuation you should read both of JPB's posted stories first for background information. As I did not want to post two separate endings which simply repeated each other, be forewarned, this story switches between Shayla's story to Andy's story half way through. I've included JPB's ending of the appropriate story at the beginning of each section. Also, I've switched to the story being told by an outside observer.

My conclusion to JPB's dual story of Shayla and Andy.


(End of JPB's Shayla)

I had a great time in Cancun. Skin and scuba diving, para-sailing and laying on the sunny beach during the day, dancing and drinking in the evening and being fucked by that monster cock at night. I was going to miss it, but Max wasn't a keeper and Andy was.

When we got back to town I let Max know it was over between us and I don't think it even bothered him. He would just move on to the next girl who was curious. As I drove home from the airport I planned out how I was going to handle Andy. I knew it was going to take a week or so to bring him around, but I knew my Andy. He was mine and he knew it. As I unlocked the door to the apartment I knew one thing; Andy was going to get laid tonight even if I had to rape him to get it done. I opened the door and went into the apartment.


'Well', Shayla chuckled to herself, 'at least my key still worked.' It was a joke, dammit. She found out all too quickly how unfunny it was.

As she entered the apartment the sound was the first thing that alerted her to the fact that something was seriously wrong. It echoed. It echoed as if the apartment was totally empty. Next was the antiseptic smell, it reminded her of the day she and Andy had first entered the apartment when they were looking to rent. She pulled her suitcases into the front room and turned to toss her keys and purse on the side table, but they just fell to the floor. There was no side table there. As a matter of fact from what she could see the apartment was literally empty. As in not even a single chair to sit on.

Shayla began to think that 'maybe' she had pushed her luck a bit too far. Apparently, she had misjudged Andy's love and how far she could expect him to allow her to play. She immediately went from room to room checking everything and finding that there was nothing, and I mean nothing at all left in the apartment. All her clothes - gone, all the pictures of their wedding, honeymoon and life together - gone. The furniture she took weeks to find to create their home - gone. Everything was gone.

Suddenly it dawned on her that she had indeed pushed Andy too far, and she began to feel like she was going to throw up. She rushed to the downstairs bathroom only to see Andy's ring atop a note on the toilet. She stopped frozen, afraid to pick it up. "What have I done?" Shayla asked herself, and immediately the little voice in her head answered, "Easy, you've destroyed your marriage, you fool! And for what? Temporary enjoyment from a big cocked Lothario."

Shayla slowly walked to the toilet, picked up Andy's ring and read the note. 'You might as well flush this down the toilet the same way you flushed our marriage.' she clutched his ring and threw-up the luncheon meal she'd had on the flight home.

'OMG, Andy had left me.' Shayla thought and almost passed out. She did fall to the floor in disbelief and must have sat there stunned for at least ten minutes before her mind began to function. 'No', she reasoned. 'He'll be back. He loves me. He'd never leave me like this, alone. He wouldn't go off to be with someone else.' That's when she finally realized that that was exactly what she had done to him for the last six months. The moment she had decided to go after Max to see what fucking a bigger cock felt like, she had abandoned Andy and their marriage. Not only had she left him to go off to fuck someone else simply because he had a 'big cock', but she had rubbed his nose in it in the worst way possible with the week long trip to Cancun. She wondered how could she have been so cruel? Now the tears really began to fall.

As she thought about it she told myself that 'Andy wasn't gone, he'd just done this to get my attention. I'll call his boss, Brady, and find out where he is so I could start kissing ass for a while.' Shayla dialed Brady's number and when he answered it wasn't very pleasant.

"Well, Hello slut. Finally get back from fucking your 'big dicked' asshole, Max, in Cancun, bitch?" Brady asked. No mincing words with Brady.

"Oh, so he told you." was all Shayla could think to say. 'How did he know Max's name? I hadn't told Andy that and surely no one knew of my affair.' Shayla thought to herself. At least she'd finally admitted to herself that it was an affair.

"Oh, Yes, he told us. You know, I've never seen a man so devastated and emasculated in all my life. He kept saying how he was lucky to have had you for the last three years as you were way 'out of his league'. As if a cheating, lying slut could possibly be out of anyones league - below it, yes - above it, never! I hope you enjoyed your 'Big Dick' because it cost me my best worker and you your husband." Brady paused. "What do you want, Shayla?" he asked.

"I need to find him, Brady. I need to get him back. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. Where has he gone?" she asked.

"Don't know and wouldn't tell you even if I did know, bitch." he replied. "Andy's much better off without you dragging him down. Just what did you expect to come home to? Kisses and hugs for the public humiliation you showed everyone?"

It was obvious she would get no help from Brady but she had to know how he knew Max's name, so she just asked.

"Brady, how did you find out I was with Max?"

"Wasn't hard, I just called your work and found out who took vacation time off the same week you'd be gone. Seems my call was answered by Donna Sue Heart, who regretfully clued you in to Max's 'big cock'. She wasn't really too happy when she'd been dumped by Max six months ago and you got a trip to Cancun out of it when he'd never taken her anywhere. She also told me that your affair is common knowledge at work and all the staff know you've been fucking Max for at least the last four months. Appears the only reason she didn't tell Andy was because she was too ashamed at her own involvement in helping you start your affair." Brady answered.

This revelation shocked Shayla as she thought she'd been so careful in hiding her adulterous affair. Apparently the only person who didn't know she was cheating with Max was her husband, Andy, and that was because he loved and trusted her so much. What had she done?

Brady continued, "In addition, Shayla, if I was you, I wouldn't be surprised if when you return to work you and Max find that management takes a dim view of one of their 'married' employees 'publicly cuckolding' her husband, especially with another employee and on company time and property. Even though Max isn't married, getting involved with a married co-worker really was not a very smart move on his part. Not only is it against company rules, but it may even be more seriously egregious in this case since Andy was supposed to repair your supervisor's sports car last week, but couldn't do it as he was too busy packing up to leave." Then Brady hung up the phone thinking to himself 'Stupid cunt.'

'Oh shit', Shayla thought, 'What kind of crap are we going to face at work?'

She had no more than hung up from calling Brady, when her phone rang. Hoping it might be Andy, she checked caller ID only to find it was only from Max. "Hi, Max. What do you want? I already told you our time together is over."

"Just checking to be sure you're OK, sweet cheeks. Saw an accident on the interstate coming in from the airport and thought I recognized one of the cars involved. Boy was it a mess." he said.

"Well it wasn't me, but I do have a bit of a problem. It seems that I underestimated the degree to which our holiday may have hurt Andy and my marriage." Shayla sadly related.

"He hasn't hurt you has he. I'll beat the shit out of him if you want." Max jokingly said.

"No, he isn't the physical type. He's just left me and cleaned everything, and I mean everything, out of our apartment. He only left his wedding ring and a note that said I should flush it down the toilet as I flushed our marriage." Shayla said as her tears started running down her cheeks. Slowly she was beginning to realize the deep level of pain Andy must have felt when she took her little 'vacation' from their marriage.

"I thought you said you two had an 'open marriage' and he was okay with us being together. Even with your 'open marriage' arrangement, I warned you not to mention the trip to Cancun, but you said he was okay with us going on this week long holiday. I don't like coming between a husband and wife." Max was becoming irritated. He didn't view himself as a home wrecker or an adulterer and really didn't like the fact that this time apparently he was both. "I told you that in the beginning! So, I take it you're telling me now that you don't have an 'open marriage' and Andy was completely blindsided when you told him of the trip to Cancun?"

"I know, I know." an irritated Shayla replied. "I just fudged a little with the truth 'cause I really wanted to try you out and didn't realize how bad the consequence would be." she answered. "Besides, Andy has always given me everything I ever wanted since we married and so I figured he'd give me this, too."

By this time Max was really mad. "Don't give me that shit, Shayla! Of course you knew what the consequences would be! I may be assertive and take what I want from my women, but I've never been a home wrecker before! You're just like my slutty mother! Her cheating killed my father! He couldn't take it and committed suicide. You two are just alike and are only concerned with what you want and screw everyone else's feelings! Now, I feel like shit for what we had been doing behind Andy's back for months, and especially for what we did to Andy this last week. Good bye Shayla! Don't ever call me again." and as he hung up he was on the verge of tears himself. Not a very manly image for a supposed Alpha male, but Max really wasn't the macho, physical type either. He claim to fame was just that he had a 'big dick'.

Max said to himself, "Open marriage my ass! Never again. Never again with a married woman. They're all liars!" And, in his anger, he threw his cell phone across his bedroom where it smashed into the wall and fell to the floor in pieces. "I'll never forgive myself for causing Andy the same pain that my father must have suffered. Damn, how will I ever be able to apologize to Andy."

Shayla thought, 'Boy this day was turning into a real shitty mess and I didn't even get a chance to warn Max about the potential fallout we may expect at work.' She was pretty sure that Andy hadn't said anything to their boss, but by the way Brady sounded she was sure he had. Now, Max was pissed at her too, so she couldn't expect to stay with him while she looked for a new place to stay and searched for Andy.

Not long after that Shayla's phone rang again, but this time it rang with Andy's ring tone and she eagerly answered. "Hello, Andy? I'm So ..."

"No ma'am , this is Mercy General Hospital Admitting calling." a female voice stated.

"Oh sorry, it's just that that was the same ring tone as my husbands, so I thought it was him. What can I do for you?" Shayla asked becoming a little concerned for Andy. This was, after all, the hospital calling her on his phone.

"Well, not to unduly alarm you, but we're trying to identify a patient who was involved in this afternoons accident on the interstate. This phone was found at the scene, but we don't know which patient it belongs to or even if it belongs to a patient. It could have been tossed from a passing vehicle and just happened to be on the road where the accident occurred. You say this was your husbands ring tone?" the woman asked. This story was not exactly true as the hospital and the police already knew that it was Andy they had in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), but the police had asked that the hospital not release that information until they could determine exactly where Andy had gotten the excessively large amount of cash he was apparently leaving town with.

"Oh my God! My Andy's in the hospital!" Shayla screamed immediately jumping to the conclusion that Andy had tried to commit suicide. This was partly due to Max's earlier tirade about his father's suicide and partly due to the fact that her own guilt over her cheating was finally catching up with her.

"No, no. I'm sorry madam, but right now we don't know who we have in ICU. Could you contact your husband to determine where and how he is, and call us back?" she asked.

"If you have his cell phone, then I have no other way to contact him right now." Shayla answered.

After a short pause, the admitting clerk asked, "Well, could you come down to the hospital to see if you can identify anyone, please?"

"Yes, I'll be there as soon as I can." a shook up Shayla answered.

Shayla hung up and carried her luggage, which now contained all her worldly possessions, back to her car and she left for the hospital. On the drive there she rationalized to herself that Andy had probably placed all their possessions in storage and she could get them out later and return them to their apartment. Andy was not a vindictive or cruel person and wouldn't just throw everything of theirs away. Then that little voice in her head taunted her with 'But, you did!'

As Shayla was driving to the hospital she was trying to figure out why the EMT's couldn't identify the victims of the accident. Surely they had identification on them, if nothing else they must have driver's licenses.

Turning onto the interstate exchange she slowed down with the rest of traffic, and as she passed the accident scene she saw what she could only assume was the remains of a small compact car. It was crushed and twisted out of all recognition and had been split into two parts and burned severely when the gas tank apparently exploded. You couldn't even tell what color the car had been, so Shayla couldn't positively identify it as Andy's car, but couldn't rule it out either. The fire of the semi that had been involved in the collision was still being put out by the fire department as she drove by.

'Oh my God', Shayla thought. 'Andy's probably been burnt severely and that's why they don't have his wallet or other papers to identify his body. He may even be dead.' And she started crying even harder finally ashamed of her adultery and how she'd treated her husband. When she got to the hospital it took some time to find a parking place and make her way to the emergency entrance.

"How may I help you?" the admitting nurse asked as Shayla walked up to her desk.

"I'm here to see if my husband, Andy Sanderson, was involved in the interstate accident today." Shayla said with tears slowly starting again.

The nurse checked her computer and after a short time the reply came back that no information on Mr. Sanderson was to be released and she was directed to immediately contact hospital security should anyone be interested in him. She glanced at Shayla and said, "I'm sorry, but I've been directed to contact hospital security immediately."

"No, you misunderstand. When I got home from Cancun today, I was called from the admissions office on my husband's phone and they asked me to come down to see if I could identify any of the patients involved in the accident." Shayla said hoping beyond hope that this meant Andy wasn't involved in the accident.

The nurse looked at her kind of funny, started to say something, paused, and then said, "Oh, I know who YOU are. Well, wait here and I'll see if I can get someone to help you." Then she turned away, picked up her phone and called hospital security as the computer message had directed.

Shortly after that two city police officers came into the emergency room admitting office. One visited with the nurse and the other went to speak with Shayla.

"So who is she Sarah?" Officer Terry Holden asked his friend, Nurse Sarah McDuffy.

"That's Shayla Sanderson, Andy's wife." Sarah whispered with disgust. "She just got back from a week long tryst in Cancun with her co-worker Maxwell Taylor."

"How do you know this?" Officer Holden asked. "We're looking into Andy's background as he had a lot of cash on him when we found him severely injured lying on the side of the road. Apparently, he had been ejected from his car just before it's gas tank exploded blowing the car into two separate pieces."

Sarah replied, "My roommate, Donna Sue Heart, works at the same company and was dating Max right before he dumped her for Shayla six months ago. I also heard from my brother-in-law Brady, who is Andy's boss, that Andy was going to dump Shayla and leave town today. My guess is he was on the way out of town when that drunk semi driver ran into him on the interstate."

"I think that explains why Andy had all that cash with him in a money belt around his waist. Probably saved him from being cut in two by the seat belt when his car separated." as Terry left Sarah to rejoin his partner, he wrote down what Sarah had just told him.

While Officer Holden was talking with Sarah, his partner, Officer Roger Conners, went to speak with Shayla to find out what information she could give him regarding her husband Andy and where he had obtained the large amount of cash he had with him.

"Mrs. Sanderson, I'm Officer Roger Conners, may I ask where you've been the last few hours? We've been trying to reach you, but got no answer." He asked Shayla rather rudely.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I just got back from a weeks vacation in Cancun." Shayla answered just as rudely.

Now Officer Conners may have lacked tact, but he was not stupid. He immediately realized that Shayla was cheating on her husband as he knew Andy had been here all week because he had worked on his ex-wife's car early Monday. "And just who were you with in Cancun, MRS. SANDERSON?" he pointedly asked. "We know your husband was here ALONE all this week." Roger Conners hated cheaters, especially cheating wives as he had recently divorced one himself.

Before a shocked Shayla could respond, Officer Holden approached and asked Roger to move out of hearing range to discuss what he'd learned from Sarah. As they talked they decided not to mention the cash Andy had on him, and would just deal with notifying her of his condition. Officer Holden left to take the cash and have it locked in the hospital administrator's safe, while Officer Conners returned to speak to Shayla.

Shayla was now getting really pissed off at her treatment from this 'public servant' and was about to lay into him when he said, "Never mind, I'll find out what we need from MAX when we interview him later today. Can you give me his home address or will I need to contact your employer to get that?" You could almost feel the disgust in his words.

Shayla was stunned he knew about Max and thought 'Does everyone know?' and she started to cry from her shame.

Seeing her distress Roger said, "Never mind." Roger continued in a more formal tone, "I'm sorry to inform you that Andrew Sanderson, your HUSBAND, was involved in a serious accident on the interstate earlier today." God he hated cheaters and had no sympathy for their feelings. "He is currently being held in custody for an undisclosed reason unrelated to the accident and you will be able to see him when and if he recovers. His injuries are extreme and he is being kept in an induced coma and is quarantined for the time being. I'm sure the doctors will tell you more later. Don't leave town, we may need more information from you and MAX as the investigation proceeds." he turned in disgust and left Shayla standing there in the emergency room admitting office with only Nurse Sarah for company.


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